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Why do I now feel the uncontrolable urge to play Halo?

I dont understand it, I've never been interested in this game.

I got an Xbox not too long ago to play Ninja Gaiden, Otogi and Shenmue 2.

But now...

Is the story in Halo good? how good? Cause this ilovebees thing makes it look like something out of this world.

Can't believe it's still 50$ canadian though.


Its a great game, really fun, especially for a console FPS. CO-Op makes it even better. Compared to other PC FPS though, Id say its average. IMO, Deus Ex, NOLF series, FarCry, System Shock 2 are all much better games. On console though, the only thing thats even remotly close on Single-Player terms is GoldenEye.

Story is decent, I wasnt blown away by it but it isnt horrible. For the most part its the action and some of the early levels that are the best part of it. Towards the end though it really drags. The flood are a really stupid mindless enemy and some of the end levels are really really boring and repetative.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
You find the Halo ring world, covenant attacks your ship. You take Cortana, bail outta ship in life pod. Ship crash lands. You rescure marines. Save the captain of the ship. Find out covenant know something about Halo that will make it a cool weapon. You try to find the control room of Halo. You find it. Cortana finds something very strange. Without explaining, she sends you off to find captain again. You go to swamp. Find dead people. Meet flood. Run. Request pickup. Get warped into this librabry. Help the caretaker find something to activate Halo weapon to wipe out flood. You find it. Return to control room. Insert activation. cortana stops you, telling the weapon kills flood by killing its food source(you). You get out, fight some flood and covenant shootin each other as well as some of the caretakers robot flying thingys. You blow up some electric thingys(forget why), and then head off to your ship that crash landed so you can blow it up and destroy halo by causing a engine reaction or something. ship is about to blow, so you run. request pickup. your pickup comes, but is shot down and dies. then you have to keep going to get to empty pickup. then you escape. everyone dies. you live. you take helmet off.

the end.

Halo's story(in brief)!!!



Dr.Guru of Peru said:
You find the Halo ring world, covenant attacks your ship. You take Cortana, bail outta ship in life pod. Ship crash lands. You rescure marines. Save the captain of the ship. Find out covenant know something about Halo that will make it a cool weapon. You try to find the control room of Halo. You find it. Cortana finds something very strange. Without explaining, she sends you off to find captain again. You go to swamp. Find dead people. Meet flood. Run. Request pickup. Get warped into this librabry. Help the caretaker find something to activate Halo weapon to wipe out flood. You find it. Return to control room. Insert activation. cortana stops you, telling the weapon kills flood by killing its food source(you). You get out, fight some flood and covenant shootin each other as well as some of the caretakers robot flying thingys. You blow up some electric thingys(forget why), and then head off to your ship that crash landed so you can blow it up and destroy halo by causing a engine reaction or something. ship is about to blow, so you run. request pickup. your pickup comes, but is shot down and dies. then you have to keep going to get to empty pickup. then you escape. everyone dies. you live. you take helmet off.

the end.

Halo's story(in brief)!!!


Not quite. ;)

First Strike (the book) r0x!
Because nothing is more satisfying than emptying an entire clip into a charging elite. And then emptying another clip into its corpse.


AeroGod said:
I must agree. The Shield/Life concept was awesome and really enhanced the gameplay.

Yeah the Shield/Life and the AI of the game on higher difficulties are what made it for me, oh and the combat having some variety. You had weaponry, melee actually being highly useful, and grenades.

I think what really made Halo fun was the Co-Op mode. I don't think it would have been anywhere near as popular without it.


An entire Needler clip yes. I love those Needler explosions, so satisfying :D


(this was with a trainer and unlimited ammo though)
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