I didn't say over cook, I like my noods just right. AKA not chewy and sticking to my molars.I don't want everything I eat to be goopy. I have teeth. Get used to things that aren't tendies.
I didn't say over cook, I like my noods just right. AKA not chewy and sticking to my molars.
Not to be all like "it wasn't real communism," but that doesn't sound like al dente to me.
Can you describe al dente from your own experience?
To me it means "not mushy." I consider ramen to be mushy (which is fine, it's supposed to be). Al dente pasta should be fully cooked through but should still have just a little bit of bite to it. It should not be so undercooked as to adhere to your teeth. I'd describe it as: as soft as possible while still requiring the use of your teeth.
Did you learn nothing at hamster cooking school?!?!?!It's chewy and disgusting.
Did you learn nothing at hamster cooking school?!?!?!
Son I am disappoint.
I used to eat my pasta really soft but after reading it was a lot healthier to eat it al dente I made the switch, it definitely requires some getting used to, but now that's how I prefer it.
I can't agree there, 100% whole grain pasta is disgusting to me. I can get by eating a lower percentage blend though. Still, much like my Italian ancestors, I prefer white pasta.It's also much healthier and imho tastier to ditch white flour completely and go with whole wheat.
I can't agree there, 100% whole grain pasta is disgusting to me. I can get by eating a lower percentage blend though. Still, much like my Italian ancestors, I prefer white pasta.
Whole wheat pasta is not a good trade unless it's organic you're ingesting more glysophates. And tastes significantly worse.
Better off getting regular pasta with the rough texture on the outside. These hold sauce and release starch to thicken the sauce.
OP obviously haven't experienced eating freshly made pasta or noodles.
The only time I've thought to myself "this pasta is overcooked and mushy" is when eating canned pasta like spaghettio's.Why do I like al dente? Let me explain: Have you ever gone to a wedding or other event where there's a buffet and there's giant tray of rigatoni that's been way overcooked and drowning in sauce? That's why...
The only time I've thought to myself "this pasta is overcooked and mushy" is when eating canned pasta like spaghettio's.
A thread saying the Italians don’t know how to cook. That’s like saying Americans don’t know how to be fat.
Ramen can be cooked al dente too. Most Japanese people I know prefer it on the harder side.fuck Al Dente, I like them squishy, but that might be the reason why I prefer Ramen
Whole wheat pasta is not a good trade unless it's organic you're ingesting more glysophates. And tastes significantly worse.
Better off getting regular pasta with the rough texture on the outside. These hold sauce and release starch to thicken the sauce.
I find fettucine noods take way longer to boil than any other type of pasta. Package says to boil for 12-14 minutes but it's pretty gross and chewy that way, so I do it for 24 minutes; they turn out perfect like what you get at olive garden.Only foreign knockoff pasta tends to be too soft when overcooked, now most of the italian pasta remains al dente even when you cook it a little too much. Of course, even the best italian pasta will taste shit if you cook it 30 minutes instead of 5/10.
Reported.It's chewy and disgusting.
Really don’t think one has anything to do with the other.Ramen can be cooked al dente too.
Most Japanese people I know prefer it on the harder side.
You ain't Italian obviouslyIt's chewy and disgusting.
The guy on reddit airing his grievance about Italy not qualifying for the Cup came to mind.You ain't Italian obviously
Porco Dio pedofilo cagato dalla madonna deflorata con un trapano da tutti gli angeli in colonna (Porco Dio porca Madonna), che la sbattono contro la croce dov'è inchiodato il porco di cristo dio cacca che sputa teste di bambinello mentre dio girarrosto e stuprapolli azzanna il culo di Gesù polpo infiocinato all'intestino da Padre Pio che annega nella diarrea sanguinolenta di San Giuseppe ricchione mentre Madre Teresa si scopa nel culo venti mazzi di cazzi di lebbrosi e si beve la sborra e condita coi succhi anali di Padre Pio vomitandola addosso a Don Matteo, che è solito infilzare San Sebastiano con la forcella della bici sodomizzandolo coi sandali di Cristo appena estratti dalla fica della Maddalena che spruzza il suo mestruo sui fedeli che, inneggiando bestemmie contro gli apostoli che si masturbano di fronte alla foto di San Crispino e, solfeggiando rutti, ficcano dita in culo a San Pietro per farlo eiaculare tramite stimolazione interna della prostata mostrandogli allo stesso tempo la fica slabbrata della troia di Santa Rita stuprata da quel coglione del papa che intanto inneggia a dio impestato fruttolo rancido defecando cotolette di maiale mangiate il venerdì santo insieme a San Pietro che incide a Mosè un pentacolo sulla cappella mentre Ratzinger si spalma su un palo col Ciao Piaggio perché lo Spirito Santo gli infila la lingua in culo fino al pancreas perché giocando a playstation ha bestemmiato troppo poco la madonna cui la passera puzza di broccolo bollito e che guarda su YouTube i filmati di San Tommaso che si brucia i peli pubici e infila lo scroto in una friggitrice accesa da San Benedetto da Norcia che balla la lap dance con un salame infilato su per il culo