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Why Halo 2 is the most anticipated video game ever in mainstream gaming


Lets look at the facts.

It was number 1 most anticipated game of 2004 on the Spike TV Video Game awards beating out popular PS2 games.

Its been number 1 for the last 2 years in EGM for top 10 games I am waiting for.

Its number 1 on console preorders at amazon.com, ebgames.com, and gamestop.com

In the EGM top 10 games of all time on MTV Halo 2 was the number 1 reason 2004 will rock, with games like GT4, MGS3, etc, etc, all coming in behind it, and Halo as the number 2 best game of all time only being beat by the ENTIRE Zelda franchise.

On CNN it was reported to be the most anticipated game of all time. ON actual TV they said this.

On MTVS "10 coolest gadgets of 2004" Halo 2 was actually mentioned as one of the things you "must own in 2004", infact, it was even the only game that was mentioned.

So far no game, not even GTA SA, has managed all of this hype in the mainstream. If all of these things arent an indication that Halo 2 will be one of the biggest selling games of all time then I dont know what is.

Deku Tree

I think some of this hype is disguised advertizing e.g. the mentions on TV.

And I still think that GTA:SA will at the end of the day sell alot more than Halo 2.


I think you're on to something.

I agree that Halo 2 does have more hype and anticipation behind it than GTA: San Andreas. This isn't the same thing as predicting that it will outsell GTA:SA...

But if they were on platforms with equal userbases, or if Halo 2 was available for PS2, I do think it would probably outsell GTA: SA.


Deku Tree said:
I think some of this hype is disguised advertizing e.g. the mentions on TV.

And I still think that GTA:SA will at the end of the day sell alot more than Halo 2.

Nah Microsoft had nothing to do with those mentions on TV. IF you saw the programs you would know why. ANd yea, Im sure MS is paying CNN to talk about Halo 2.


Deku Tree said:
I think some of this hype is disguised advertizing e.g. the mentions on TV.

And I still think that GTA:SA will at the end of the day sell alot more than Halo 2.

A lot more?

Lets look at the numbers for Vice City and Halo

Halo - 4 Million in NA
Vice City - 6.8 Million in NA

Yea thats a lot more. Halo 2 will far eclipse the sales of Halo 1, while GTA SA will remain around the same range, maybe a bit higher than Vice City.


Deku Tree said:
I think some of this hype is disguised advertizing e.g. the mentions on TV.

And I still think that GTA:SA will at the end of the day sell alot more than Halo 2.[

To be fair, the question is not which game will sell the msot but which game is the most anticipated. for comparison, GTA3 was almost at the bottom of anticipitation and at the high scale of sales.

As for anticipation, Halo2 has to beat games like Vice City, OOT, SMB3, Pokemon Yellow or Rubis.


Queen of Denmark
Super Mario Bros. 3 was pretty big back in the day. Hell, it got an entire movie made around it (well, sort of ;)). I'm also not convinced that GTA will so willingly concede its top spot.

There is an impressively big buzz around the game, though. If it's not the most anticipated game launch in US history, it's certainly in the top five.


People seem to think Vice City is such a huge seller when in actuallity I believe Metal Gear Solid 2 has around the same sales along with GT3.


Lukas said:
Lets look at the facts.

It was number 1 most anticipated game of 2004 on the Spike TV Video Game awards beating out popular PS2 games.

Its been number 1 for the last 2 years in EGM for top 10 games I am waiting for.

Its number 1 on console preorders at amazon.com, ebgames.com, and gamestop.com

In the EGM top 10 games of all time on MTV Halo 2 was the number 1 reason 2004 will rock, with games like GT4, MGS3, etc, etc, all coming in behind it, and Halo as the number 2 best game of all time only being beat by the ENTIRE Zelda franchise.

On CNN it was reported to be the most anticipated game of all time. ON actual TV they said this.

On MTVS "10 coolest gadgets of 2004" Halo 2 was actually mentioned as one of the things you "must own in 2004", infact, it was even the only game that was mentioned.

So far no game, not even GTA SA, has managed all of this hype in the mainstream. If all of these things arent an indication that Halo 2 will be one of the biggest selling games of all time then I dont know what is.

what because Microsoft pay to put halo 2 on some list its going do better then GTA:SA... ?

please sit down.
Lukas said:
A lot more?

Lets look at the numbers for Vice City and Halo

Halo - 4 Million in NA
Vice City - 6.8 Million in NA

Yea thats a lot more. Halo 2 will far eclipse the sales of Halo 1, while GTA SA will remain around the same range, maybe a bit higher than Vice City.

Those numbers are wrong.


sonycowboy said:
Those numbers are wrong.

are they? post the right ones then for North AMerica

im postitive Halo can be rounded off to 4 million and Vice City rounded off to 7 million

dont count the Xbox and PC sales for Vice City or PC sales for Halo
Lukas said:
are they? post the right ones then for North AMerica

im postitive Halo can be rounded off to 4 million and Vice City rounded off to 7 million

dont count the Xbox and PC sales for Vice City or PC sales for Halo

Nope. Round them down to 6 million and 3 million if you want to be close. Then please leave.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Vice City is 6.5 million just on PS2 between the original SKU and the double pack sales. San Andreas is going to do 6.5 million units at least over the course of it's lifetime sales. Halo 2 will definately hit at least 4 million (take the current halo sales, and look at the increase in user base). Possibly even 5 million (around Goldeneye) numbers if Microsoft doesn't cut off xbox production when XB2 comes out. But if you think it's going to outsell San Andreas, you're on crack. GTA is in it's own league as far as popularity goes.

People seem to think Vice City is such a huge seller when in actuallity I believe Metal Gear Solid 2 has around the same sales along with GT3.

Ah no. Vice City is 6.5 Million (or six million if you just count the original SKU), GT3 is about 3.5 million, and Metal Gear Solid 2 is 2 million. Even among blockbusters, GTA stands out.
Lukas said:
that while everyone thinks GTA SA is gonna be so huge, MGS3 and GT4 might actually do better

You do realise that GTA3 and GTAVC are the 2 biggest selling games this gen, right? Both have outsold MGS2 and GT3 by atleast 2 million units.


It's about 3.5 and 6 actually.

Anyway, who wants to make predictions for this X-mas season?


Oct 1,250k
Nov 900k
Dec 1050k

Total 3.2M

Halo 2
Nov 1050k
Dec 800k

Total 1.85M

Metroid Prime 2
Nov 450k
Dec 450k

Total 0.9M


Junior Member
Lukas said:
are they? post the right ones then for North AMerica

im postitive Halo can be rounded off to 4 million and Vice City rounded off to 7 million

dont count the Xbox and PC sales for Vice City or PC sales for Halo

halo = 3.4 mill

VC = 6 mill

Poeple who think Halo 2 will own SA sales-wise are stupid! Xbox's userbase is way to small for that to ever happen..

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
People seem to think Vice City is such a huge seller when in actuallity I believe Metal Gear Solid 2 has around the same sales along with GT3.
Haha, as much as I love MGS2, that game hasn't sold nearly as much as GTA3 or VC, and it had around trillion bajillion times more hype than either GTA game. GT3 has sold insane amount of copies, it's one of the best selling games of all times, but it's still behind GTA games. What I find funny is that you are using one of the best selling games of all times to prove that GTA isn't such a big seller, while in reality GTAs sold even more.


Mooreberg said:
Vice City is 6.5 million just on PS2 between the original SKU and the double pack sales. San Andreas is going to do 6.5 million units at least over the course of it's lifetime sales. Halo 2 will definately hit at least 4 million (take the current halo sales, and look at the increase in user base). Possibly even 5 million (around Goldeneye) numbers if Microsoft doesn't cut off xbox production when XB2 comes out. But if you think it's going to outsell San Andreas, you're on crack. GTA is in it's own league as far as popularity goes.

are you kidding. Halo 2 is gonna sell WAY more than Halo 1. Halo 2 will do 2 million alone in its first month.

If Vice City is 6.5 million like you say and Halo 1 is like 4 point something million on a userbase of only 9 million compared to 24 million in NA, dont you think theres a good chance that Halo 2 will outsell both Vice City and GTA SA ?


how long has it taken Halo to reach 4m in NA ?

im still not convinced it will sell more then 5M worldwide Halo 2, infact I would be shocked if it beat the first game.


DSN2K said:
how long has it taken Halo to reach 4m in NA ?

im still not convinced it will sell more then 5M worldwide Halo 2, infact I would be shocked if it beat the first game.

How long has it taken Vice City to reach 6 million on a userbase of 24 million in NA ?

Halo hitting close to 4 million on a userbase of 10 million is much more impressive


Junior Member
DSN2K said:
how long has it taken Halo to reach 4m in NA ?

im still not convinced it will sell more then 5M worldwide Halo 2, infact I would be shocked if it beat the first game.

It has taken Halo almost 3 years to sell 3.4 mill copies
Lukas said:
How long has it taken Vice City to reach 6 million on a userbase of 24 million in NA ?

Halo hitting close to 4 million on a userbase of 10 million is much more impressive

So now because the PS2 is more popular, it's less impressive?


Total sales are a nice way to measure competition across games within the same platform. However, outside of that individual platform a balance must be struck between total sales and how many units have sold relative to the number of console sales. Halo 2 will end up installing at a far higher rate than GTA: SA, while SA will likely sell more copies, due to the huge domination of PS2s hardware sales.

Halo 2's install rate for Xbox owners will end up being very high I'd imagine. Not Mario/Duck Hunt pack-in high. But high nonetheless\


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
If Vice City is 6.5 million like you say and Halo 1 is like 4 point something million on a userbase of only 9 million compared to 24 million in NA, dont you think theres a good chance that Halo 2 will outsell both Vice City and GTA SA ?

Halo is at 3.3 million and I already said Halo 2 is easily going to top that. I don't see it selling any less than 4 million. Considering it's not outside the realm of possibility for SA to sell nearly 7 million units (Vice City outsold GTA3 by 800,000) I don't see Halo 2 touching it. But like I said, I think it could hit Goldeneye numbers of around 5.2 million lifetime sales.

If GTA SA sells at least as well as Vice City, than the franchise has accomplished something that has never been done before. I don't think there's any other console franchise in the 3D era that's had three games sell that much consecutively.
Lukas said:
How long has it taken Vice City to reach 6 million on a userbase of 24 million in NA ?

Halo hitting close to 4 million on a userbase of 10 million is much more impressive

This isn't about what's more impressive. If SA sells 7 million units on a 28 million userbase and HALO sells 5 million on a 11 million userbase. Which one sold more? That's the point. HALO will sell better in ratio to it's fanbase than GTA will, no one will argue that point with you.


Mooreberg said:
Halo is at 3.3 million and I already said Halo 2 is easily going to top that. I don't see it selling any less than 4 million. Considering it's not outside the realm of possibility for SA to sell nearly 7 million units (Vice City outsold GTA3 by 800,000) I don't see Halo 2 touching it. But like I said, I think it could hit Goldeneye numbers of around 5.2 million lifetime sales.

If GTA SA sells at least as well as Vice City, than the franchise has accomplished something that has never been done before. I don't think there's any other console franchise in the 3D era that's had three games sell that much consecutively.

ummm Mario? Zelda? GT? Final Fantasy?
DSN2K said:
how long has it taken Halo to reach 4m in NA ?

im still not convinced it will sell more then 5M worldwide Halo 2, infact I would be shocked if it beat the first game.


Despite the fact that I completely hate this poster for being Reirom and posting fake numbers, for which I think he should be permabanned and that I don't think much of the Xbox personally,

HALO 2 will sell over 3 million copies this holiday season in NA alone. It probably doesn't have a chance to beat out GTA: SA as their will be another ~14 million PS2 systems out there since GTA: VC was launched (Dec 1 2002 PS2 Installed base ~= 13 million, Dec 1 2004 it should be over 27 million), which is double the number of PS2's.

The same can be said for Xbox's, but given the NPD numbers, all those who are buying Xbox are still buying Halo (percentage wise), which isn't true for GTA:VC.
Lukas said:
ummm Mario? Zelda? GT? Final Fantasy?

GT's the only one of those games that's shown any sales consistancy in the 3D era. Even at it's consistancy of 3 million in the US with each release, it's not GTA level.


For a Finer World
Halo will probably sell the same as the first - I really don't see anyone else buzzing for it than the ones who love the first one. And that's A LOT, I admit.

And what makes up "mainstream"? I'd say that the Halo 2 buzz is very centered around Xbox owners - and the whole premise of a cyber soldier fighting aliens on a future Earth isn't exactly "mainstream".

I also want to add that I do not doubt for one second that Halo 2 will sell well, but many people would claim that the hype is based on Xbots desperate to have another classic on their console and the near-religous fervour the first Halo generated among the first converts who bought an Xbox.

But if CNN, the pinnable of objective journalism said it, it must be true. Now if only FOX would repeat that... :O


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Mooreberg said:
Halo is at 3.3 million and I already said Halo 2 is easily going to top that. I don't see it selling any less than 4 million. Considering it's not outside the realm of possibility for SA to sell nearly 7 million units (Vice City outsold GTA3 by 800,000) I don't see Halo 2 touching it. But like I said, I think it could hit Goldeneye numbers of around 5.2 million lifetime sales.

If GTA SA sells at least as well as Vice City, than the franchise has accomplished something that has never been done before. I don't think there's any other console franchise in the 3D era that's had three games sell that much consecutively.

Exactly. We might only have 2 PS2 Grand Theft Auto games, but the userbase has grown and I think its safe to assume that the franchise is growing because of this. I mean Vice City selling more than GTA3 kinda tells you something...there are more PS2s than there were 2 years ago, so I don't think anyone would be surprised to see San Andreas top Vice City.

Personally I just don't see Halo 2 selling that much. I just wouldn't expect such a sales jump. I mean for Halo 2 to beat out San Andreas or even Vice City, we would have to see millions of people that didn't buy the original game invest in the sequel. I'm just thinking thats going to happen...

EDIT: And before someone jumps all over me, what I meant by "selling that much" is selling more than GTA:SA or GTA:VC.
Lukas said:
im not reirom you idiot, i dont even know who that is, htis is my first account on GA

Prove it. Provide the link to the hardware numbers you posted. And remember that posters time better be before your intial posts time of 08-17-2004, 01:05 PM.
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