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Why Halo 2 is the most anticipated video game ever in mainstream gaming


jarrod said:
Both Pokemon RuSa and GT3 have outsold GTA3 and Vice City by a good margin. Neither GTA has even hit Mario 64 or FFVII sales yet, though it's amazing that their success comes mainly from the USA.

where are you getting your numbers from... and who started the 4 million halo's sold trend?


Doc Holliday said:

SMB2/USA had a subtitle?


halo 2 and gta:sa will sell alot thats a definite, but for halo i think its easier since Xbox doesnt have that many "sytem sellers" in all truth when u think of of xbox u think of halo and ninja gaiden they dont have many system selling exclusive games dont say splinter cell since its multi gta has more competition on ps2 then halo does on xbox thats all


Flatbread said:
one guy said halo 2 will sell 4 million this year. lmao

That was me. I stand by it. I have a feeling that there are a lot of skeptics out there - and here- that just don't get how huge Halo 2 is going to be.
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