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Why hasn't a sports game ever done this?

J2 Cool

I guess a first person view is higher on the priority list but why hasnt sports games ever had a feature where you only play as one guy. Create him, customize him, etc. Create his history and start in the draft. A whole sports franchise of baseball, basketball, football, etc. You may get drafted on a bad team, in fact that will be likely. Or maybe there would be an option to choose a team. Then you can only do as much as one man can to the effect of that one man.

Basketball for instance you may be a ballhog and thus you get triple teamed and start losing unless you pass. That still may be no gurantee you win either as you have to choose the teammates you believe to be clutch and trustworthy and those who suck. You can't create the roster of supporting casts either. Your stuck with them.

Baseball meanwhile you choose a position. If it's a pitcher all you can do is pitch well and hopefully make it through Triple AAA and such and make the team. Or you may just start on the team. That can be an option. But as a pitcher you work every 5 days or so and can only really effect that game you start. Or be a fielder or a DH. You may be benched some days also which you would have no ability to effect.

Then when or if you win a champinship you feel more satisfaction from the success being that you fought the odds and contributed to a team. Or that you beat the greatest individual teams and reached the pinnacle of your sport through your effort, of just one man.

I dont think its too ambitious and certainly not as impossible as some people's ideas for games. I do think however it would have to be done well as to not be annoying to play. Being benched at the wrong times when you dont have control and dont deserve to be benched and such. Also the game's AI would have to be extremely good and the differential in opponents if they're a good or bad team very evident or else it becomes repetitive with no challenge. Just play team ball right and you win against anyone.

I guess the problems lie in nobody knowing how to go about making such a game and if people would be interested and buy it. In my opinion though I'd certainly enjoy a game that livened up the sports genre for me

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
I'm reviewing NASCAR 2005 and there's a mode just like this. Fight Night was sort of like that too.

Over in Japan the "Success" mode of Power Pro baseball has been the main selling point of the game for years, and it's much like you just described.


Haha, this is almost exactly like the idea I sent to Sega when they were doing that send in your ideas contest. Hopefully they read it.




fenekku-gitsune said:
I'm reviewing NASCAR 2005 and there's a mode just like this. Fight Night was sort of like that too.
But those are individual sports, it would be cool to play as part of a team.

J2 Cool

The Faceless Master said:
the problem with controlling only one person on a team is that the CPU sucks

Yeah, like I said, the AI would have to be really good or screw the idea completely. Probably too much work for most developers I suppose
Didn't NBA Shootout 2004 do this?

Yeah, you could create a player, and you would be put on a summer league team. If no team picked you up, you would go into the NBDL until you were called up.

Yeah, like I said, the AI would have to be really good or screw the idea completely. Probably too much work for most developers I suppose

Well, that and as you're starting off, it would suck to watch the whole game and come on only for garbage minutes at the end...
sp0rsk said:
captain tsubasa

I love all the Captin Tsubasa games on Famicom and Super Famicom however the games are lack of NPC interaction outside soccer match. I wish I can go around town and buy better soccer boots and talk to NPCs.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Before SEGA got derailed into being third party, the SEGA Sports brands were moving towards having broadband online modes where a person could join a game and play at a single position for the entire game with a whole team of other people covering the other positions. An online game could involve 10+ people, and any vacant slots could also be filled by the computer's AI.


J2 Cool said:
Yeah, like I said, the AI would have to be really good or screw the idea completely. Probably too much work for most developers I suppose

Well, I guess the problem isn't really whether the AI is good or bad... it's that no matter what their level is, you're basically along for the ride with them. They control you. Yeah, as a good player, you'll be able to have some impact, but no matter how good you are (I'm thinking Big Unit with the Diamondbacks or A-Rod with the Rangers here) if your team is shite, it's all over for you.

The other thing, as noted by a previous poster, is that I guess this is one of those situations where there's too much work involved at the beginning and the pay-off comes rather late -- gotta get drafted, get out of the minors, get a starting place in the big leagues, get a starting place with a GOOD TEAM, etc...

Still, I get where you're coming from and it does sound cool... if it were possible...
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