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Why have they not remade...


Why the hell would you ask for this?! Why??!!!!
the dark knight rises GIF


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Who needs that? It is like asking to remake A NEW HOPE.

You are what's wrong with the world.


I'd rather see more real originality regarding scifi (thriller) motion pictures that keep the grit but incorporate our current public scientific knowledge. Romantic subplot while integral could be more subtle. Imagination >> Spoonfed
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I loved and adored the remade of Robocop, Total Recall and all the Terminator flicks after 2

I want more!!!! /s

Sad Season 2 GIF by Friends

Ok Maverick was good.
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Gold Member
Why though? The OG has aged well and Arnie as the Terminator is one of those iconic roles that's going be nearly impossible to recast.
Also it would probably be remade for "modern audiences" and no one wants that.
John Cena as the terminator


Gold Member
I’ve been spending the last five minutes thinking of all the possible implementations of DEI in the Terminator duology, and the amount of possibilities I conceived in such a short time tells me I’ve been spending way too much time on the internet.


The original Terminator?

Ground-up, new actors (preferably unknowns), strong budget, S-tier director and crew.

They are

Starring the fucking rock

So it's gonna suck

Because of people like you thinking it even needs a remake, we get more and more dumpster fire remakes


Gold Member
Doesn't James Cameron own the rights to the IP? I can't remember where I read this, but I do recall reading he has to sign off on anything related to the property. The franchise has been ruined by awful sequels now anyway, let it live in our memories.


Gold Member
everything that has been remade in the last decade has been terrible with the exception of dune perhaps


Simps for Amouranth
If anything I'd remake Prometheus and Covenant and remove all traces of that ridiculous storyline of some gender neutral android making the fucking Alien species
SJRB is right. They kind of did remake T1 and T2, in the way that The Force Awakens was A New Hope's remake.

Ya know what I'd like to see? More updates to special effects for movies without remaking them completely. Terminator and Aliens are fantastic, but the stop-motion endoskeleton in T1 and the dropship flying in Aliens could do with a coat of paint. But they'd have to show restraint and only do it for the egregious stuff that takes you out of it.


Why though? The OG has aged well and Arnie as the Terminator is one of those iconic roles that's going be nearly impossible to recast.
Also it would probably be remade for "modern audiences" and no one wants that.
Well, I agree the story and acting have, indeed, aged well, and that's a huge part of what makes it such a great film. But those effects and such...whew, not so much.

But as stipulated in the OP, top-tier direction, budget and crew (writers and the whole shebang).


Gold Member
SJRB is right. They kind of did remake T1 and T2, in the way that The Force Awakens was A New Hope's remake.

Ya know what I'd like to see? More updates to special effects for movies without remaking them completely. Terminator and Aliens are fantastic, but the stop-motion endoskeleton in T1 and the dropship flying in Aliens could do with a coat of paint. But they'd have to show restraint and only do it for the egregious stuff that takes you out of it.

Those effects, good or bad, are part of the charm of these films and often represent Oscar level efforts from SFX teams with LEGENDARY talent.

If any films need reworking, it's all the shit CGI from the 90s. God damn that stuff was TERRIBLE.

Otherwise the only alterations I generally support is getting rid of an airplane in the background, a boom mike in frame, or a pair of sunglasses on an extra. But those things are also part of the charm of filmmaking.

Those effects, good or bad, are part of the charm of these films and often represent Oscar level efforts from SFX teams with LEGENDARY talent.

If any films need reworking, it's all the shit CGI from the 90s. God damn that stuff was TERRIBLE.

Otherwise the only alterations I generally support is getting rid of an airplane in the background, a boom mike in frame, or a pair of sunglasses on an extra. But those things are also part of the charm of filmmaking.
Perfectly reasonable but I DISAGREE :messenger_face_steam: :messenger_beaming:


Gold Member
Perfectly reasonable but I DISAGREE :messenger_face_steam: :messenger_beaming:
Give me this over vomit inducing CGI any day of the week....


A handful of directors know how to use CG in a natural, experience enhancing way. But most films these days use CG as a lazy crutch and it is sloppy, distracting, and ruins performances because the actors are standing around in a green room acting at ping pong balls on sticks. Then the entire third act is just a CG video game. I hate it.

Just think how badly this scene would play out if done today and without Cameron.....

Give me this over vomit inducing CGI any day of the week....


A handful of directors know how to use CG in a natural, experience enhancing way. But most films these days use CG as a lazy crutch and it is sloppy, distracting, and ruins performances because the actors are standing around in a green room acting at ping pong balls on sticks. Then the entire third act is just a CG video game. I hate it.

Just think how badly this scene would play out if done today and without Cameron.....

Uh oh...I think I'm sliding into the video game remake debate but with movies.

I'm not saying to make the originals unavailable (like Lucas did with the OG Star Wars Trilogy). I'm saying for me, as a more recent/modern audience member watching, those two examples (T1 endo and Aliens dropship) took me out of the experience a bit, whereas just about everything else held up well.

I agree, the Power Loader is dope. I wouldn't change that. Hence calling out the restraint necessary to not overdo it.
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