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Why I Left The Rebel Media

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Source: https://donotlink.it/0ZOY

For those that haven't heard of it, Rebel Media is a Canadian-based right-wing propaganda factory alt-right website created by Ezra Levant, a man who has been hit with various libel lawsuits in the past and is currently busy suing Twitter users like CanadianCynic for exposing his unethical practices. Following the Charlottesville Nazi rally, there's been a significant fallout for The Rebel due to, among other factors, contributor Faith Goldy's infamous livestream as a participant in the rally and denouncing the "violent left" mere seconds before the driver who murdered Heather Heyer plowed into a group of protesters and subsequent inaccurate coverage of the event on the site that failed to mention the three victims of the event, leading to several companies pulling ads from the toxic website, several contributors like Gavin "I founded the far-right Proud Boys group you might have heard about earlier this year" McInnes bailing, the cancellation of their cruise and, reportedly, a denouncement from the Conservative Party of Canada that has yet to be released (Side-note: Several CPC MPs, including current leader Andrew Scheer, have appeared on The Rebel and have significant ties to the right-wing propaganda machine). This video will likely not be the final nail in the coffin for Rebel but it's one of the biggest thus far until Andrew Scheer gives a presumably weak denouncement of a site he had no issue with going onto before when it was spouting anti-immigrant rhetoric and Islamophobia.

Don't read the comments if old. Or new for that matter since they're full of antisemitism.


who is "I"?

Gavin "I founded the far-right Proud Boys group you might have heard about earlier this year" McInnes? He's one of Rebel's most prominent contributors that once made a video called "Ten Things I Hate about Jews" that i'm not going to link to for obvious reasons.


I always found the org weird. Maybe I just have a rosie tinted view of Canada, not counting the first nations treatment


Canadaland's newest episode is about this. And Brown makes the point that while the business itself is clearly imploding, they're still extremely popular and there's a big-ass audience for their brand of specifically-Canadian alt-right bullshit.

So we'll see what happens. Maybe McInnes and Southern can found a new network that, without Ezra in charge, can really get down to business talking about the Jewish Question.


Gavin "I founded the far-right Proud Boys group you might have heard about earlier this year" McInnes? He's one of Rebel's most prominent contributors that once made a video called "Ten Things I Hate about Jews" that i'm not going to link to for obvious reasons.

I think he/she meant who's the "I" in the tread title. That would be Caolan Robertson.

In a new video, Ezra is claiming he got scammed/blackmailed by that kid. I love the irony...


Subete no aware
I wonder how Levant feels about the anti-Semitism directed his way since he basically fostered it for a long time.


Rats on a sinking ship. They'll find somewhere else to spout their hatred despite trying to save face when the spotlight is on
Gavin "I founded the far-right Proud Boys group you might have heard about earlier this year" McInnes? He's one of Rebel's most prominent contributors that once made a video called "Ten Things I Hate about Jews" that i'm not going to link to for obvious reasons.
He also helped found Vice and then was kicked out for being a giant tool.


This was left of that shitty attempt to bring Fox news like coverage into Canada some years back onto TV. Now with this circling the drain hopefully it will help make sure Canada doesn't sink so badly as the US has, though extremism has risen here as well in recent times sadly enough.


Not a mod, just a bot.
It sounds like this is a no-name YouTube far right personality getting mad about some sort of weird procedural corruption issue related to the inner workings of Rebel Media. If this was a video of a far-right personality denouncing his former politics or something, fine, but if it's just palace intrigue, then we don't want to enable anyone involved -- especially since the purpose of this video is explicitly to beg for right-wing welfare online.
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