Please prove that homosexual sex is the main cause of HIV spread in Africa, or it was the origin of the spread of it. You're basing your argument on the American example and assuming the factors are identical in Africa.
You're responding to one example I posted. I'm not stating that "dry sex" is the main cause of heterosexual spread - I listed it as one factor, and so have multiple health organizations monitoring the spread of the disease in the continent.
There is nothing ignorant about highlighting that heterosexual Africans engage in unprotected sex (and many don't know they can spread the disease that way), which has led to higher infection rates. It isn't nonsense to state that high rape rates have led to higher HIV infection - South Africa has the highest rape rate in the world, and has the highest rate of new HIV infections. It isn't ignorant to discuss the standard practice of heterosexual men who work hundreds of miles away from home who commonly have sexual partners outside of their wives, leading to higher rates of infection.
All of those factors have led to increased HIV rates in Africa at a higher rate than homosexual sex has. Many people in Africa simply don't know how HIV is spread, and don't adjust their sexual behavior accordingly.
Unprotected sex, lack of education, misinformation, social stigma = larger factors than homosexual sex.
You're basing what happened in America - an entirely different continent - two decades ago on the African HIV problem. You're assuming that HIV began in homosexual populations in Africa and spread to heterosexuals because that seemingly occurred in America, which there is no evidence for. I'll repeat what I posted, because you didn't respond to it:
HIV is thought to evolved from SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus) from wild chimpanzees in Cameroon. No one is sure how it spread to human populations, although there are different theories. The disease originated in sub-Saharan Africa, where it continues to reek havoc at a much higher rate than any other place on earth. Blaming gay men for the spread of the disease in an entirely different continent in the late 70s/early 80s and assuming the same factors apply in Africa really ignores the greater context and the specific circumstances that apply to the situation there. Africa is not America. You can't say "Oh, gay men spread the disease two decades ago here at a higher rate than other populations - so they must be spreading it in Africa, too!"
South Africa has the most accepting climate for homosexuality in Africa - and was one of the first countries in the world, developing or not, to legalize gay marriage. It also has the highest HIV infection rate in the world - many of which are heterosexual women. So, a country in which homosexuality is less taboo still has high infection rates amongst heterosexuals.
No one is stating that those who engage in anal sex are less likely to contract the disease. There are simple biological factors at work here - the same factors that make heterosexual women more likely to contract HIV than heterosexual men. Homosexuals are not the only group in the developed world that are at higher risk for HIV - and it isn't politically incorrect to ask why any group is at higher risk, even if it involves looking at factors outside simple biology (why are straight black women 13 times more likely to get HIV than straight white women, for instance, when one is no more biologically susceptible to the disease than the other)? It's only politically incorrect to claim AIDS as a "gay disease" or "black disease."
What I take issue with is your assumption that the AIDS epidemic in African is a carbon copy of the situation in America, when there are different factors at work here. Homosexual sex in Africa does spread the disease, sure. But because HIV was first notably contracted amongst gay men in one country doesn't mean it is the case in another.
This is an absurd statement. The modern gay rights movement began in the late 60s with the Stonewall riots, and gays had increased visibility throughout the 70s - even gaining some goodwill. The HIV epidemic created a huge stigma on homosexuality that harmed the gay rights movement and offset it for two decades. No one who is educated in any way on contemporary gay rights would say HIV helped the cause.