It's kinda shady that the only reason the feds could gain access to his property to dig up tiger remains was because of the supposed $3,000 money transfer for the hit...despite the person who was paid the money admitting on tape that he never even went to Florida and sounded like he was being coached through the whole thing.
It's like the feds helped them create a fake hit attempt just so they could go in and (literally) dig up more dirt on the guy.
The documentary makes the feds and police look like idiots, and/or crooked. I mean look what that bitch Carol Baskin did right after her husband disappeared. Yet somehow that is ignored?
Joe is an narcissistic sociopath, and big time dumb, but I don't think he payed anyone to kill Baskin. Everything the "hitman" said was extremely insincere. Lowe wanted to steal the park and Joe played right into his plans.
I feel like the Fed investigators put so much money into the case they HAD to get a conviction, or else answer some really tough questions about whether they still deserved to be employed. The American justice system is corrupt as fuck and they can put anyone away that they want.
I had no idea it was legal for authorities to threaten people into testifying like they did.
"Oh you worked at the park? I sure hope you didn't miss a dot on an "i" or we will lock you up. Better testify against joe just to be sure."
Uneducated people with priors would basically fall over themselves to say whatever the Feds wanted them to.