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Why Some People Hate TLOU2?


You literally are just coming up with excuses because you refuse to actually discuss. If you have all these reasons, go about explaining them. Don’t give some half assed reply of “well I could explain but I won’t so nyeh”.

That's not really what I'm saying. I told you why it's not a good use of anyone's time. The important part isn't that I think someone else is "wrong"... the important part is we can just agree to disagree. Not everything has to be win/lose.


When’s the last time you’ve written anything worth reading, forum posts included? But you’re here acting as if you’re an authority on good writing against a now award winning game. I’m gagging. Read the room.

LOL. Perfect logic.
Internet posters can't write as good as paid professional writers.
Therefore, the game MUST be good and if you didn't like the writing then you MUST be wrong. Professionals wrote it!

I am fascinated by these people who think they can make a locigal argument that the game' s writing is good.

Didn't like it?
Well, your writing is shit so haha.
Thus, the writing in the game is good.
LOL. Perfect logic.
Internet posters can't write as good as paid professional writers.
Therefore, the game MUST be good and if you didn't like the writing then you MUST be wrong. Professionals wrote it!

I am fascinated by these people who think they can make a locigal argument that the game' s writing is good.

Didn't like it?
Well, your writing is shit so haha.
Thus, the writing in the game is good.
But you've got to consider the dunning-kruger effect as well. Stuff like red letter media and your movie sucks has led to a plethora of Internet users who believe they know more about writing than people who do it professionally. It's not the best way to invalidate all arguments, of course but I was kind of laughing when someone else in this thread was talking about the writing problems in this game but was using an MCU film as a positive example against it. I just think there's definitely a problem with too many people online who think they know more than they do.


Wow, yeah, they could have added infected dogs, that like attack like dogs and hunt by smell cos that would be sooooo much better than what we actually got.

🙃 😬

And the best response you have now is to act like a child. Look, we don't need to agree. You clearly share a different opinion of the game than I do. The things I highlighted may not be important to you but they definitely stood out to me. I pointed out things that would have addressed some of my concerns about the sequel. I still played it and enjoyed it as a "game" overall; but the events in the game did nothing for me. AT ALL.
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TLOU2 doing great for most review bombed game ever
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LOL. Perfect logic.
Internet posters can't write as good as paid professional writers.
Therefore, the game MUST be good and if you didn't like the writing then you MUST be wrong. Professionals wrote it!

I am fascinated by these people who think they can make a locigal argument that the game' s writing is good.

Didn't like it?
Well, your writing is shit so haha.
Thus, the writing in the game is good.

Well, I don't understand psychology and don't understand what goes into "designing" a game so I can't share my opinion on what I would have preferred to see in The Last of Us: Part 2. 😅
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No matter how many TLOU2 threads there are, I'm impressed with how the hardcore haters and hardcore stans are practically bat-signaled, lmao.

There are people hating TLOU2 like it ruined their family and marriage, and there are people loving TLOU2 like it cured cancer and they're willing to lay on a mine for it.

I don't think anyone here actively hates it so much is bewildered at the lengths the stans will go to defend it as if was this flawless gem without any mis-step. It's simply not in many peoples eyes but somehow that magically qualifies at 'Hate' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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LOL. Perfect logic.
Internet posters can't write as good as paid professional writers.
Therefore, the game MUST be good and if you didn't like the writing then you MUST be wrong. Professionals wrote it!

I am fascinated by these people who think they can make a locigal argument that the game' s writing is good.

Didn't like it?
Well, your writing is shit so haha.
Thus, the writing in the game is good.
Great way to be deliberately obtuse.

I’ll bite anyway. If you’re going to hide behind the concept of good or bad writing, I’m going to hold your ass to the fire and ask what makes you the beacon of narrative structure and thematic portrayals in media? Most of you can’t even string together a proper idea without adhering to several different fallacies at once. This is an award winning game by veteran creators, which by no means protects it from criticism, but it begs the question as to why should we listen to a bunch of babbling fanboys talk about good writing? I’d listen to Druckman before I listened to the people here or Twitter.

So yes, fallacious forum user, credentials matter once the convo shifts from simply not liking a thing due to taste into trying to intellectualize some shit you have no history or skill set in. Get bent.


I don't think anyone here actively hates it so much is bewildered at the lengths the stans will go to defend it as if was this flawless without any mis-step. It's simply not in many peoples eyes but somehow that magically qualifies at 'Hate' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh no, I totally agree. But there have definitely been a few "potentially less than 10 posts" accounts that I'm referring to. I mean, I myself have said the game was fine, but I loved the first more and I've had people kneejerk to me as if I hated it. Those stans are ruthless, lmao.


Oh no, I totally agree. But there have definitely been a few "potentially less than 10 posts" accounts that I'm referring to. I mean, I myself have said the game was fine, but I loved the first more and I've had people kneejerk to me as if I hated it. Those stans are ruthless, lmao.

Ruthless? I don't know about that. It's either *handwaves* or 'Haters' from what I can tell. There's just too much to the game that unravels if you really think about it that just doesn't hold up to much in the way of scrutiny. But instead of having the sense to acknowledge its shortcomings, Stans are like 'No way Jose, not on my Watch ...Neil Druckmann can do no wrong, and I will fight to the last to defend his honour in this life or the next' I mean who does that? Over a video game of all things? I love games (I wouldn't be here otherwise) but it's an ever-evolving medium and this idea that something is somehow decidedly sacrosanct feels like the preserve of fanatics versus people who have an actual genuine interest in the medium as a whole.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Yes, TLOU2 fans, you in particular in this thread, are always crying about their supposed “haters”.

why should I care if naughty dog gets laughed at on twitter?
”Oh someone isn’t kissing ND ass, oh no”

You're still here complaining about fans. lol.


Its a great game from a gameplay perspective, however its not the 2000s anymore gameplay / graphics arent the only important thing for example the massive lack PoCs and LGBT Womens shouldnt be ignored . Its still a enjoyable game but not even close to be considering progressive.
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Ruthless? I don't know about that. It's either *handwaves* or 'Haters' from what I can tell. There's just too much to the game that unravels if you really think about it that just doesn't hold up to much in the way of scrutiny. But instead of having the sense to acknowledge its shortcomings, Stans are like 'No way Jose, not on my Watch ...Neil Druckmann can do no wrong, and I will fight to the last to defend his honour in this life or the next' I mean who does that? Over a video game of all things? I love games (I wouldn't be here otherwise) but it's an ever-evolving medium and this idea that something is somehow decidedly sacrosanct feels like the preserve of fanatics versus people who have an actual genuine interest in the medium as a whole.
It hasn't been ruthless, I was exaggerating, and joking. I wholeheartedly agree.
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I don't know what this means the characters are clearly still important because the entire narrative is because of them. Importance has nothing to do with screen time or how long you survived for. Darth Vader was important in the original Star wars even though he's in the film for 6 minutes. Ned Stark is an important game of thrones character and we all know what happens with him.

What's to not understand? They treated characters I liked like shit. You're fine with it -- I'm not. Enjoy your game. It's not for me. It's a legitimate criticism, and if you have a problem with that, then it's on YOUR end, not mine. Story and narratives are SUBJECTIVE. (Wanna really bake your noodle? There's a reason I didn't really watch GoT after Season 2. Nar-ra-tive.)
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Not one of the journoz covered the story of how Neil and ND used a company in India to copyright strike innocent people's channels FOR JUST TALKING ABOUT THE GAME. Neil went after peoples livelihoods without blinking... In the end they would've probably made a better game without him. There were many more people ready to buy the game that clearly chose not to


i havent played 2 so i cant hate it

but i did play 1, twice. once on ps3 to and then on ps4 and i didnt like it either time.

i dont really like naughty dogs characters and all those "feels" moments that most people experienced did nothing for me. apparently tlou 1 intro is super emotional? i didnt really feel anything and it was pretty predictable

and the story themselves arent really much to me (same with uncharted) so i whats left for me is pretty average gameplay and a whatever kinda story?

i did love everything they did pre uncharted. they were one of my favourite devs.
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
You don't seem to have a problem with anyone saying the game has bad writing.

Do you say to them, "Many people like this game. They enjoy the writing and the story"? You don't. I'm just discussing the story. People are free to hate it.

I feel like theres missing a bit "but..." in your post.


Great way to be deliberately obtuse.

I’ll bite anyway. If you’re going to hide behind the concept of good or bad writing, I’m going to hold your ass to the fire and ask what makes you the beacon of narrative structure and thematic portrayals in media? Most of you can’t even string together a proper idea without adhering to several different fallacies at once. This is an award winning game by veteran creators, which by no means protects it from criticism, but it begs the question as to why should we listen to a bunch of babbling fanboys talk about good writing? I’d listen to Druckman before I listened to the people here or Twitter.

So yes, fallacious forum user, credentials matter once the convo shifts from simply not liking a thing due to taste into trying to intellectualize some shit you have no history or skill set in. Get bent.

Hahaha. I love it.

The only reason people don't like it is because they don't understand it.

Oh no! I have no history or skill set! How dare I think the writing in the game is shit!

Its hilarious how people actually think this is a winning move. "Well the developers are smarter than you plebs so why should I listen to you."

Yet here you are engaging with us.

Its the absolute worst kind of white knighting "oh yeah well what have you done".

Doesnt matter. The writing is still shit.

"Bu bu but you don't even have the skills to intellectualize blah blah blah."

OK. Still shit.

"Well I'm going to hold your ass to the fire you pleb. Why are you beacon of blah blah narrative ya da ya da"

Hm. Let me think. Nope. The writing is still shit.

Just my opinion of course. You are free to like it. Good for you.

Sorry I didn't get a degree in fart sniffing so I'm not on your level but I still think the writing is shit.


Neo Member
When’s the last time you’ve written anything worth reading, forum posts included? But <---(What the fuck is this?) you’re here acting as if you’re an authority on good writing against a now award winning game. I’m gagging. Read the room.

B Bold We all know you are. Every post blindly defending that "now award winning writer" would confirm what we all suspected.

It's funny you mention reading, because you need to re-read your posts when you type that aggressively. Starting sentences with a conjunction, while complaining about the writing of others, is embarrassing as fuck. I've owned you twice now, which is enough proof of my writing abilities. ND should hire me next.


Look, your argument would hold more water if inter-factional conflict wasn't a major plot point in the first game. At the outset we are introduced to the Fireflies fighting a guerilla war against the authorities in the QZ. We see how this can devolve into anarchy in Pittsburgh, and we see a variety of smaller societies in Bill's town, Ishmael's sewer group, and David's cannibal clan. Based on this it seems reasonable to postulate that the smaller groups will inevitably collapse due to predation by infected and rival hunters/bandits, and that only the larger better organized ones will survive and thrive in much the way Jackson grows with the restoration of electric power.

The key thing is that the infected don't reproduce, they simply convert a percentage of humans they come into contact with. Their numbers and invasiveness will inevitably decline over time as the opportunity for is infection reduces and the survivors adapt to the new ecology. The balance of power is not going to remain in stasis, especially when the behavior of the infected never rises beyond basic animalism.

Then there's the issue in your scenario of how new infected are supposed to evolve over the course of 5 years more drastically than over the 20 year interval between outbreak day and the start of Ellie and Joel's journey. Also, how exactly are they going to evolve if not towards being more human and intelligent? Are they going to self socialize? Learn to communicate? Prey selectively on humans? Start to use tools and weapons? How far are you going to go before they become different looking versions of the human enemies making your variety argument moot?

You aren't thinking this through.


I read your post and still don't like the game.

Try again.

Dr. Claus

You don't have a point.

But what you did was prove mine. Haters can't accept that people like this game, so they accuse the judges of rigging the competition. Haters are resorting to posting videos from months ago because they want to show everyone just how bad the game is, when its nothing more than someone else's opinion.

Haters just don't criticize the game. They criticize and tell everyone who disagrees with them that they're defending bad writing and being nothing more than a fanboy.

So yes, if you're no longer just criticizing the game, you're criticizing others for liking it.

If you are going to lie, at least do so believably.

I have gone on record that I am glad people can like or that even love the game and will always defend that position. I have also gone on record that if you love a game, movie, show, or music release, you don’t need to try to find validation through award shows that have always been corrupt and done to self fellate those within the industry.

I am not criticizing others for liking the game. I am criticizing folks like you and clear for acting like incessant twats calling everyone haters, derailing threads, and always hand waving away and trying to stop any discussion or critical analysis. I love games like FFXV but I am not going to call others “haters” and soil my britches in anger like you seem to with tlou2 when others have a different opinion.
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Neil said most people who like the first game wouldn't like the second, so some level of hate is to be expected.

What's unexpected is that this has made some adults act like children. If someone hates a game, then they move on, but there are haters who just can't seem to let go.

OK. The problem here is that you can't accept that some people hate something that you personally love.

Surely this isn't your first time?

For most of us with a bit of social skills we understand that not everyone has the same opinions or tastes as us. You say sugar. I say shite.

In this case you are too invested in the idea that anyone who hates TLOU2 is delusional or a troll or a child or whatever.

You couldn't be more wrong. Sometimes it's just like that.

I get that you think if you can just debate hard enough then all the criticisms can be dismissed. They can't.

You can argue until the cows come home and I'm still gonna hate the game. Sorry. It happens. Get over it.

Playing defense this long after launch is just pathetic.

You love a shit videogame and that's OK. :)


NaughtyDog Defense Force
If you are going to lie, at least do so believably.

I have gone on record that I am glad people can like or that even love the game and will always defend that position. I have also gone on record that if you love a game, movie, show, or music release, you don’t need to try to find validation through award shows that have always been corrupt and done to self fellate those within the industry.

I am not criticizing others for liking the game. I am criticizing folks like you and clear for acting like incessant twats calling everyone haters, derailing threads, and always hand waving away and trying to stop any discussion or critical analysis. I love games like FFXV but I am not going to call others “haters” and soil my britches in anger like you seem to with tlou2 when others have a different opinion.

I'm discussing the story. If anyone says, "I don't see how anyone can defend this game" or "people are defending bad writing" then I'm free to state my opinion.


Honestly I just wish everyone would stop talking about this damn game. I liked it enough as I was playing it even though it was generally a very depressing and disturbing experience and had some eye-rolling obnoxious writing; but as soon as I was done and started to listen to people talk about it, I liked it less and less every second that passed. There is something about this game that makes everyone discussing it sound like a cunt, no matter their opinion. And now I just don't want to think about it ever again, but people keep bringing it up.


Well, I don't understand psychology and don't understand what goes into "designing" a game so I can't share my opinion on what I would have preferred to see in The Last of Us: Part 2. 😅

Yeah, these folks think that if they can talk past you loud enough and long enough then it's proof that you are "wrong" about the game and so it's provably the best ever.

You see it especially with what they did with Joel. It's not allowed to not like where ND went with that. You have to read an essay about why it's actually really the real best decision for the game and so you are wrong to not like it.

The defence of this game comes down to your either wrong to hate it or you are a bad person to hate it.

I mean who are WE to dare criticize actual writers? Us plebs have no place even talking about writing or game design.

See? We shouldnt even dare to think we are even good enough to talk shit about this game!


Didn't some clowns also do this same shit with The Last Jedi?

"The movie treats its male charaters like this and people who are sexist don't like that so if you don't like the movie then..."

Naughty Dog decided to do X and Y and Z with the game. Only someone who is a troll or a hater could dislike those decisions. So anyone who hates the game must be...

Funny as fuck to watch this lose the Players Choice award and then to see all the crying about it. How dare these Internet plebs vote for another game!


NaughtyDog Defense Force
OK. The problem here is that you can't accept that some people hate something that you personally love.

Surely this isn't your first time?

For most of us with a bit of social skills we understand that not everyone has the same opinions or tastes as us. You say sugar. I say shite.

In this case you are too invested in the idea that anyone who hates TLOU2 is delusional or a troll or a child or whatever.

You couldn't be more wrong. Sometimes it's just like that.

I get that you think if you can just debate hard enough then all the criticisms can be dismissed. They can't.

You can argue until the cows come home and I'm still gonna hate the game. Sorry. It happens. Get over it.

Playing defense this long after launch is just pathetic.

You love a shit videogame and that's OK. :)

It's a topic about the Last of Us and why people hate it. Discussion what's going back and forth from both sides. So based on your post a lone, people cannot accept the fact that people enjoy it.

Dr. Claus

That's not really what I'm saying. I told you why it's not a good use of anyone's time. The important part isn't that I think someone else is "wrong"... the important part is we can just agree to disagree. Not everything has to be win/lose.

Yet more excuses to refuse to discuss.

I'm discussing the story. If anyone says, "I don't see how anyone can defend this game" or "people are defending bad writing" then I'm free to state my opinion.

No. You aren’t. Everyone can see your post history. The only thing you are “discussing” is how everyone who disagrees with you or criticizes the award show/game is a “hater” like a petulant child.

Didn't some clowns also do this same shit with The Last Jedi?

"The movie treats its male charaters like this and people who are sexist don't like that so if you don't like the movie then..."

Naughty Dog decided to do X and Y and Z with the game. Only someone who is a troll or a hater could dislike those decisions. So anyone who hates the game must be...

Funny as fuck to watch this lose the Players Choice award and then to see all the crying about it. How dare these Internet plebs vote for another game!

These same folks were the ones pushing for the conspiracy theory that the voter award was rigged by 4chan. They are completely bereft of any credibility.
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I really enjoyed it initially, but near the end it was just too much. Incredibly self-indulgent game which could've done with some serious editing.

Presentation wise it's fantastic, though.


Didn't some clowns also do this same shit with The Last Jedi?

Some did, yeah. But there were lots of really obviously sexist attacks toward both TLJ & TLoU2... It's not hard to find some very shitty misogynistic views around these 2 narratives. Alongside much fairer criticism, obviously.
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It's a topic about the Last of Us and why people hate it. Discussion what's going back and forth from both sides. So based on your post a lone, people cannot accept the fact that people enjoy it.

Nope. I am fine with people enjoying it.

Not fine with insufferable cunts constantly trying to "debate" people to try and "prove" that their criticisms are wrong.

From "its all just trolls and children" to "you aren't even qualified to criticise this game".

I don't care if you enjoy it.

I think it's bullshit to imply that people who do hate it are just trolls or dumb or whatever.

You're as bad at convincing people their arguments are wrong as Naughty Dog are at writing videogames.

Its kind of hilarious because Druckmann probably goes to sleep every night wishing he could land a writing gig with HBO or some Hollywood studio but for now he's stuck making games because he can't cut it. At best he might get a consulting role in a TLOU or Uncharted project.

Still, as long as he is stuck writing crap stories for crap video games he'll have his loyal band of supporters who will tolerate no criticism.


Some did, yeah. But there were lots of really obviously sexist attacks toward both TLJ & TLoU2... It's not hard to find some very shitty misogynistic views around these 2 narratives. Alongside much fairer criticism, obviously.

Those are best ignored.

Its a bit shitty to use them to smear others who also didn't like movie or game.

At least we should be grateful that there wasn't a strong desire to blame Russian Bots for the criticism of TLOU2.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
No. You aren’t. Everyone can see your post history. The only thing you are “discussing” is how everyone who disagrees with you or criticizes the award show/game is a “hater” like a petulant child.

There's a difference between hating the game and letting people know every single chance you get just how much you hate the game. But it shouldn't be that difficult to understand the difference between the two.


Having not even played the game, I have "seen" enough to know I would not like it. It really does sound awful, and no amount of great graphics or slick gameplay could save it. I really care more about story and characters, and it sounds like this game kills off anybody I care about and it is another end times scavenger game with brutality taken to a new low. Could care less about lesbians and trans, but this game seems to have made politics the focus and I don't like politics in my games. Can't help but think it gets much better review scores for all the wrong reasons. And now GOTY as well. It also doesn't help that I didn't care much for the first game and have very limited time to play games these days. So I won't take a chance to play a game I may not like when there are plenty of other games I know I will like.
So for someone like me what I would say is but most of the things people criticize the game for are things that don't bother me. Like yes some of them I would argue aren't even issues. Some of them I think the person is misunderstanding. But there are totally valid ones that just don't bother me. Like if someone told me in Star wars it's problematic for them but the droids end up on the exact planet that obiwan and Luke are on and randomly land close enough to them to end up there I'd be like yeah that's pretty convenient but I also don't really care.


After 15 or so hours playing I just felt indifferent about it as a whole. The game play is alright and controls well, but the story didn’t sink its hooks into me at all. I found the story beats in the original game a hell of a lot more compelling. 2 in comparison fluttered endlessly between boring and stupid.

If anything it was a firm reminder that a games story and how it is told can make or break the experience. I reckon that you could take my 10 favourite single player GAMES of all time, replace their stories with TLOU2 and they would become 10 games I didn’t enjoy.

In the case of this game, the story killed my enjoyment of the entire game.


NaughtyDog Defense Force

There's a difference between liking the game and letting people know every single chance you get just how much you like the game. But it shouldn't be that difficult to understand the difference between the two.

I've been telling people just how much I love the game?

I would like to see you quote me.
Minor spoilers: aside from the drama surrounding it with the fake leaks, the disproven "Abby is trans" stuff, the "omg they went woke" camp and the "it has representation so it's GOTY by default"... it's not quite the sequel people wanted in terms of narrative and tone. TLOU was a beautiful tragedy, TLOU2 was, for the most part, a bloody revenge simulator with tons of violence that is supposed to make you feel uncomfortable, but it kinda doesn't happen because players never really agree with the protagonist throughout the game, nor they see why that character from TLOU should suddenly be a bloody psychopath. As someone who really enjoyed the first game, I personally was disappointed in the direction the second one took. As amazing it looked, it felt, it was acted and such, it's not the story I wanted and I was not satisfied with its direction as a whole.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
🙃 😬

And the best response you have now is to act like a child. Look, we don't need to agree. You clearly share a different opinion of the game than I do. The things I highlighted may not be important to you but they definitely stood out to me. I pointed out things that would have addressed some of my concerns about the sequel. I still played it and enjoyed it as a "game" overall; but the events in the game did nothing for me. AT ALL.

Its not acting like a child, it was legitimate criticism of a vapid argument. Its the epitome of superficiality and shallowness to simply reskin a thing and pretend its an innovation. Its not, its just repetition, and it doesn't stand up to any sort of scrutiny.

Sorry, but "more types of zombies" isn't inspired creative direction! Its just basic.

You challenged the idea that the game doesn'y justify the shifts in Ellie's character and outlook, so I rebutted by listing the choreographed series of events that are employed to build towards it. This stuff isn't there by accident, its there to provide rationale and motivation. This is what character writing is all about.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but this is a discussion. Your feelings have no currency until you can back them with fact and persuasive argument.

And of course. If you just wanted to say how you feel, why have you been arguing with me over this series of posts?

To me, it seems like you are demanding agreement and validation for your stance, but are disinterested in earning it through debate.


Its not acting like a child, it was legitimate criticism of a vapid argument. Its the epitome of superficiality and shallowness to simply reskin a thing and pretend its an innovation. Its not, its just repetition, and it doesn't stand up to any sort of scrutiny.

Sorry, but "more types of zombies" isn't inspired creative direction! Its just basic.

You challenged the idea that the game doesn'y justify the shifts in Ellie's character and outlook, so I rebutted by listing the choreographed series of events that are employed to build towards it. This stuff isn't there by accident, its there to provide rationale and motivation. This is what character writing is all about.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but this is a discussion. Your feelings have no currency until you can back them with fact and persuasive argument.

And of course. If you just wanted to say how you feel, why have you been arguing with me over this series of posts?

To me, it seems like you are demanding agreement and validation for your stance, but are disinterested in earning it through debate.

Lol man. You are so full of it. I made a statement and then I clarified my point further when you questioned it. Yes, it is a discussion but we're past the point of trying to understand each other and please don't put words in my mouth because I never said they should "reskin" a thing and pretend its an innovation nor did I ask for innovation here! Re-read what I stated earlier, they could have put more effort in the infected and introduced ones that would pose more of a challenge (how you translate this into a reskin/call it innovation is beyond me.) I've played the game and the things you keep trying to point out didn't translate over organically. It was all forced.

And what's with questioning me about why I have been "arguing with you" when you point out in the same post, that it is a discussion, or do you also need that pointed out to you? I guess forgive me for responding to you!
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Those are best ignored.

Its a bit shitty to use them to smear others who also didn't like movie or game.

I agree with both of these points, but it's a fine line between ignoring them and not smearing with them, and suggesting they don't exist. Everyone can be guilty of painting with a broad brush sometimes... but the concept that criticism against these two specific properties is generally tainted by some pretty sexist biased shit is pretty well supported.
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