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Why the fuck is Dick Cheney being allowed to talk about Iraq? Why is this POS in news

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I am fuming at the idea of allowing this motherfucker of all the people in the US to talk about Iraq. Rarely has there been someone so high up in the White House so utterly, completely, thunderously WRONG about every single thing about Iraq prior and during the invasion of 2003. Now this cuntlord is being allowed to talk more about how OBAMA RUINED EVERYTHING by fleeing from Iraq (note: W agreed to leaving Iraq, not Obama) and how he is pissing on the graves of servicemen that died in Iraq. Shut. THE FUCK UP Cheney. It's you who is responsible for the deaths of US servicemen in Iraq, all for your Haliburton profits and big oil backpats. Let's go down the memory lane of what the famed Arabist and Iraq Historian Extraordinaire par excellance Dick Al Cheney Bin Fucker had to say about the invasion:
“Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.”

“We learned more and more that there was a relationship between Iraq and al-Qaida that stretched back through most of the decade of the ’90s.”

“[Hussein] also had an established relationship with al Qaeda, providing training to al Qaeda members in the areas of poisons, gases, making conventional bombs.”

“There’s overwhelming evidence there was a connection between Al Qaeda and the Iraqi government.”

“My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators. I think it will go relatively quickly, weeks rather than months.”

“I think they’re in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency.”
This guy has been writing Op-Eds in newspapers, and is rightly being criticized by people who do not have memory of a 5 year old child.
We Read Cheney’s Jaw-Dropping Editorial on Obama and Iraq So You Don’t Have To
Dick Cheney Rewrites History And Blames Iraq Violence On Obama In Disgusting Op-Ed

There's many, many more. Just google Dick Cheney. Even MEGYN KELLY of all the people grilled his ass on Iraq today!
On her show, "The Kelly File," Kelly read that quote to Cheney and said, "But time and time again, history has proven that you got it wrong as well, sir."

"Now, with almost 1 trillion dollars spent there, with 4,500 American lives lost there, what do you say to those who say you were so wrong about so much at the expense of so many?" Kelly said.

Cheney, who seemed taken aback, defended the Bush administration's actions in Iraq.

"Well, I just fundamentally disagree, Reagan — uh, Megyn," Cheney said. "You've got to go back and look at the track record. We inherited a situation where there was no doubt in anybody's mind about the extent of Saddam's involvement in weapons of mass destruction. We had a situation where, after 9/11, we were concerned about a follow-up attack. It would involve not just airline tickets and box cutters as the weapons but rather something far deadlier, perhaps even a nuclear weapon."

Kelly opened her segment by pointing to a particularly harsh response to Cheney's op-ed from The Washington Post's Paul Waldman, who wrote there has not been a "single person" who has been "more wrong and shamelessly dishonest" on Iraq than Cheney.

"The suggestion, then, is that you caused this mess, Mr. Vice President," Kelly said. "What say you?"

"Well, obviously I disagree," Cheney said.
Even Fox News thinks you are a slimebag, Mr Vice President. So why is this piece of shit being given air time to talk more ignorance and lead America to further demise?
Well with Megyn Kelly going in on him, this little press tour seems to be cementing general consensus that the Iraq War was an unqualified mistake and entirely Cheney/Bush's idea, so I guess we should thank him for reminding us.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
In the pantheon of slimey shitfucks that plague TV news, he is definitely up there near the top but certainly isn't alone in being a reprehensible human being that gets far too much attention.


No matter what you think of someone, every person should have the right to express his beliefs and opinions.
In the pantheon of slimey shitfucks that plague TV news, he is definitely up there near the top but certainly isn't alone in being a reprehensible human being that gets far too much attention.
He is the face of Bush administration's bloodthirsty march to Iraq and the person that can be held singularly responsible.
No matter what you think of someone, every person should have the right to express his beliefs and opinions.

And we're more than welcome to call him, and those people that give him the platform to do so a bunch of fucking idiots. No one is attacking his right to say it, we're attacking him for being a colossal asshole and a pillar that supported the shit going on there RIGHT FUCKING NOW.


It is pretty sad that the people who were responsible for invading another country on a lie that they created have gone unpunished. To think of the death and suffering that resulted from it and they are not only free but doing well and in this case trying to rewrite history.

Also weird how that is ancient history to most people. I will never get over it.


No matter what you think of someone, every person should have the right to express his beliefs and opinions.

Every person does have the right to express their opinion, Cheney included. That doesn't mean news outlets should give viewpoints stemmed in ignorance and lies a microphone and no pushback while they attempt to misinform the public.

And when you have proven yourself to be a complete dishonest fool in your judgement no outlet should be asking that person to be on in the first place. People should rightfully be outraged.
Yeah but we also dont invite people wrong about everything to talk more on things they are wrong about everything.

Yeah, I find it funny that the same douchenozzles that pushed for the invasion in the first place are being re-interviewed in light of the new crisis in Iraq.

Who the fuck should listen to anything any of these morons have to say? Why are they even still in Congress? They should have been tar and feathered in the middle of the capitol mall and driven out of town on a rail over a decade ago.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Yeah but we also dont invite people wrong about everything to talk more on things they are wrong about everything.

Who is "we"? Dinesh D'Souza still does press tours, and he's got one foot in the slammer.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
How is there not a single person from the Bush administration behind bars for the fuckery they have committed? People are put in prison for tax evasions and marijuana use, and here these assholes can carry on without a single fuck given?


is now taking requests
Yeah but we also dont invite people wrong about everything to talk more on things they are wrong about everything.

In a better world perhaps. I discover every day as i read newspapers online that this is exactly the opposite of what "we" always do..:)

Deku Tree

Cheney is on TV because it generates controversy, and controversy creates higher ratings, so that news outlets make more money. That's all.
No matter what you think of someone, every person should have the right to express his beliefs and opinions.

Agreed. However it's amazing that the media is sitting around and letting him spew bullshit with no pushback. Props to Megyn Kelly for doing her job.

These fuckers lied to instigate a war, and had no plan to handle the aftermath. And now they have the audacity to blame the failure on the next president? Let's not forget the Bush administration also set up the deal which ultimately led Iraq to tell us to GTFO.

It's a damn shame Obama is so professional and up tight. If any moment called for him to outright slam and shame someone, it's Dick fucking Cheney.
When a Republican gets on TV in full-on Cowboy getup talking like that, they're essentially telling anyone that isn't of their ilk to fuck off.
Who is "we"? Dinesh D'Souza still does press tours, and he's got one foot in the slammer.
Dinesh is a carnival barker, and I believe he just got handed down a prison sentence for being a slimeball with campaign donations. He is a small time crook compared to Cheney's mafia. Thing with cheney is that he can be traced to be the person along with the help of rumsfeld, condi, wolfowitz and bremmer to be directly responsible for the war.


Agreed. However it's amazing that the media is sitting around and letting him spew bullshit with no pushback. Props to Megyn Kelly for doing her job.

These fuckers lied to instigate a war, and had no plan to handle the aftermath. And now they have the audacity to blame the failure on the next president? Let's not forget the Bush administration also set up the deal which ultimately led Iraq to tell us to GTFO.

It's a damn shame Obama is so professional and up tight. If any moment called for him to outright slam and shame someone, it's Dick fucking Cheney.

If he addressed every republican lie, misinformation or critique of his work he would being doing that for the rest of his presidency. It's a never ending onslaught from a group that want to nit pick every decision he makes, but offers up no alternative solution. "Some people just like to see the world burn."
FINALLY ? while bush was bombing IRAQ?Afghanistan his companies were winning reconstruction bids.

Yup. Believe it or not, I worked with people that thought Cheney was the smartest motherfucker in the world, knowing full well that his pockets were being lined by it. One of them was even the wife of someone deployed over there. I say "finally" because not all people looked at him as the war profiteer that he is. Now, more are.

white and rich.

The quick, easy, and unfortunately accurate answer.
And we're more than welcome to call him, and those people that give him the platform to do so a bunch of fucking idiots. No one is attacking his right to say it, we're attacking him for being a colossal asshole and a pillar that supported the shit going on there RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

This. so much this


Cheney is kind of a shitbag. I'm glad that more people are finally starting to see that.

Kind of? He is a shitbag. I was wrong on a lot of things in my teenage years but knowing that Cheney/Bush were shitbags for getting us into Iraq back in 2003 was one of things I was right about.


Who is "we"? Dinesh D'Souza still does press tours, and he's got one foot in the slammer.

Kevin Trudeau made millions off his infomercials even after spending time in jail for fraud. Mehmet Oz continues to peddle false medical information and get respect and ratings. Jenny McCarthy has a strong following through her anti-vaccination campaign. The list of successful charlatans, failures and hucksters is very long.
Dick Chaney said:
I think that the proposition of going to Baghdad is also fallacious. I think if we were going to remove Saddam Hussein we would have to go all the way to Baghdad, we would have to commit a lot of force because I do not believe he would wait in the Presidential Palace for us to arrive. I think we'd have to hunt him down. And once we'd done that and we'd gotten rid of Saddam Hussein and his government then we'd have had to put another government in its place.

What kind of government? Should it be a Sunni government or a Shi'ite government or a Kurdish government or a Ba'athist regime? Or maybe we want to bring in some of the Islamic fundamentalists? How long would we have had to stay in Baghdad to keep that government in place?

What would happen to the government once U.S. forces withdrew? How many casualties should the United States accept in that effort to try and create clarity and stability in a situation that is inherently unstable?

If Only Dick Cheney Had Listened To This Iraq War Critic...
If he addressed every republican lie, misinformation or critique of his work he would being doing that for the rest of his presidency. It's a never ending onslaught from a group that want to nit pick every decision he makes, but offers up no alternative solution. "Some people just like to see the world burn."

Not every lie, but this one. People shouldn't be allowed to forget what these pieces of shit did to the country, the economy, the US military, and thousands of innocent Iraqis.


How is there not a single person from the Bush administration behind bars for the fuckery they have committed?
Instead they're flooding the media to try to spin a way to blame it on the current administration. Everything that comes out of Republican mouths now is Obama criticisms. It's impossible to take anything they say seriously anymore.
Kevin Trudeau made millions off his infomercials even after spending time in jail for fraud. Mehmet Oz continues to peddle false medical information and get respect and ratings. Jenny McCarthy has a strong following through her anti-vaccination campaign. The list of successful charlatans, failures and hucksters is very long.
There are always peddlers on tv for a magic product. But what Cheney peddled led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people, disruption of daily life and severe socio economic and political strife. I believe IraqBodyCount puts the number of dead close to a million. Then there is the question of baldfaced lying and throwing our country in a 1.7 trillion dollar hole.




That's pretty surreal stuff.

If Gore had won, we wouldn't have invaded Iraq and committed over a trillion dollars to it. We wouldn't have gotten Roberts and Alito. No Citizen's United. World would be a very different place.
It's painful thinking about it.

And to think there is that thread talking about how the youth of today are leaning to the right. These are the types of minds that are driving the Republican Party.


Not every lie, but this one. People shouldn't be allowed to forget what these pieces of shit did to the country, the economy, the US military, and thousands of innocent Iraqis.

People don't wanna hear the truth. They don't wanna change their mind and admit they were wrong. Hell I was listening to C-Span yesterday on my way to work to hear two callers blaming Obama for the mess in Iraq and end their calls saying that Obama is a muslim and terrorist?!

At least the last caller had the decency to explain why he was convinced Obama was a muslim, even though Obama and all evidence points to him being a christian, the caller said it was Obama's name.

Do you think explaning the complicated process of signed treaties and actions of previous administrations that have impacts later is gonna make a difference to these kind of people?
Not every lie, but this one. People shouldn't be allowed to forget what these pieces of shit did to the country, the economy, the US military, and thousands of innocent Iraqis.

Not just those individuals, but the Republican worldview. They will do the same kind of shit if they ever get back in the WH. Good vs evil, American exceptionalism, the necessity to interfere in that region- it's at the core of what they believe. Most of the Republicans in office around the country believe in the rapture, and it can happen at any time now.


I'm right there with you OP. Dick Cheney makes me sick. Its the same thing Republicans did with the economy. They wrecked shit and desperately want a scape goat so they blame Obama.

What really amazes me is that it fucking works. People (mostly those who just want to) believe this shit. Same thing with all the fake scandals... I don't understand how people can be so stupid.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
McCain shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a discussion about foreign intervention either.


Business controls our government. That's why he's talking, and that's why we are going back. Can't risk losing control of pipelines if this spreads.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Republicans' whole position on the situation in Iraq is bizarre, as if the country wasn't always a complete fucking mess and exporting happiness and cinnamon rolls before ISIS rolled into town.
May I ask why, honest question?

Because he's been wrong on nearly every foreign policy issue over the last 20 years and advocates endless interventionalism in every country imaginable? If he had his way we'd still be in Iraq at full force, still in Afghanistan, and in Syria.


Tagged as I see fit
May I ask why, honest question?

Because he said the US had the war won before they up and left because Obama.

Yes, the war was won so hard, it crumbled as soon as the US left. Pure garbage. Dude wants troops to be left whereever forever.
Being the former vice president of the US and likely to be the sole instigator of the Iraq mess he is bound to get lots of attention when calamity strikes. Unfortunately! :(

I just hope more people realize how much a scumbag he is.
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