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Why the fuck is Dick Cheney being allowed to talk about Iraq? Why is this POS in news

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It's not just Cheney: ralph peters, lindsey graham, john mccain, paul wolfowitz...

all of these idiots are cut from the same cloth. And all of them keep being treated like experts.


It's not just Cheney: ralph peters, lindsey graham, john mccain, paul wolfowitz...

all of these idiots are cut from the same cloth. And all of them keep being treated like experts.

Certainly they are experts at playing up the general public's fears and selling them on reasons to invade the Middle East, though. ;)
No matter what you think of someone, every person should have the right to express his beliefs and opinions.

Man fuck that, this fucker cost us unnecessary lives by going to war with a dude who didnt have a pop gun let alone WMD's. This asshole along witb bush should be on trial for war crimes, on top of the fact u attacked a nation who had nothing to do with 9/11. Smh, we lost lives people and havent found jack shit that backed up there claims.


Because he's been wrong on nearly every foreign policy issue over the last 20 years and advocates endless interventionalism in every country imaginable? If he had his way we'd still be in Iraq at full force, still in Afghanistan, and in Syria.

Don't forget his "Bomb, bomb, bomb, Bomb, bomb Iran." comments(sung to the tune of Barbara Ann).


Doing whatever they can to blame absolutely anything and everything on Obama, as if he were the reason why everything bad in the world happened.

Barack Obama: Killing babies and kicking puppies and kitten on an hourly basis.
It's not just Cheney: ralph peters, lindsey graham, john mccain, paul wolfowitz...

all of these idiots are cut from the same cloth. And all of them keep being treated like experts.

This is true as well. I really wish all of these people were behind bars.


Doing whatever they can to blame absolutely anything and everything on Obama, as if he were the reason why everything bad in the world happened.

Barack Obama: Killing babies and kicking puppies and kitten on an hourly basis.

How is it not clear from this thread alone that it is the exact same thing as "Bush is stupid. Cheney is the devil". How is the irony lost.

"it's okay because Bush and Cheney really ARE evil"


There are always peddlers on tv for a magic product. But what Cheney peddled led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people, disruption of daily life and severe socio economic and political strife. I believe IraqBodyCount puts the number of dead close to a million. Then there is the question of baldfaced lying and throwing our country in a 1.7 trillion dollar hole.

I wasn't trying to suggest all of these people were exactly equally bad, but I can see how it may have seemed I was. I was only trying to show various examples -- both in what they peddled and how they peddled it.

I agree, Dick Cheney takes the cake. I also feel Karl Rove often gets at least somewhat overlooked because he wasn't technically elected. I do suggest you read up on Kevin Trudeau, however; the man is clearly a sociopath, and probably did lead to many people dying.
Doesn't mean people should give him a platform to attempt to misinform the public and rewrite history.

But if they don't give him a platform, they don't have the appearance of a "valid" intellectual conflict in politics, and therefore don't have news, and therefore don't have money...
I am ok with it. The longer his ugly snarly mug is on tv yapping nonsense the more the people are constantly reminded that electing Republicans will always be a huge mistake!
Because the US News media is utter garbage. In general, they're not interested in actual journalism - it's all about attracting more and more viewers so to increase advertising revenue. And the cheapest/easiest way to do that is through sensationalism mixed with a heavy dose of rumor & fear mongering.


How is it not clear from this thread alone that it is the exact same thing as "Bush is stupid. Cheney is the devil". How is the irony lost.

"it's okay because Bush and Cheney really ARE evil"

That isn't what I am saying and you know it.

How can you blame someone for something you started? Obama pulled troops out of Iraq, as per an agreement made by the Bush administration.

This goes far beyond blaming Obama for what is going on in Iraq right now when it comes to the GOP. They literally find a way to blame everything bad on him when there really is no feasible connection.

People ragged on Bush and Cheney previously, but with good reason. Obama has done things that deserve to be criticized, but what is going on with him now is far past simple criticism comedy and goes well into the realm of just utter bullshit.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
It's not just Cheney: ralph peters, lindsey graham, john mccain, paul wolfowitz...

all of these idiots are cut from the same cloth. And all of them keep being treated like experts.

But McCain was the son of a Navy Admiral, finished at the bottom of his military academy's class, crashed 5 training jets, and was a P.O.W. in Vietnam That makes him an expert on foreign policy.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
If we had given Syria rebels access to advanced weaponry like McCain wanted, Isis would have them now and we would be super fucked.

Nation building doesn't work. Grass is always greener unfortunately applies here.
The least we could do as a gesture of goodwill to the entire world is put these clowns to trial...

..who am I kidding. The whole thing would be a farce.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Had to endure npr talking about it without them being able to say WTF you killed thousands of blue collar Americans, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and got paid to do it.


The Republicans are falsely blaming Obama for Iraq when Bush had signed that timeline agreement to get the U.S. out anyway.

My question is, how popular was the notion that Obama received undeserved credit for ending the Iraq War, when the Bush Admin had signed the agreement to get out in the future?

Obama and 'em can't take credit then, and now disclaim the troop withdrawal by saying it was Bush's idea. Sorry if this is written weird, English is not my first language.


That's pretty surreal stuff.

If Gore had won, we wouldn't have invaded Iraq and committed over a trillion dollars to it. We wouldn't have gotten Roberts and Alito. No Citizen's United. World would be a very different place.

Eh. I don't want to sound like a conspiracy nutjob, but even as Gore as the president we would have still gone to Iraq one way or another. There is too much power behind the scenes that influence what the president does. Just look at Obama. It's not as if he is an evil person for not fulfilling a lot of his promises. It's him realizing how much shit goes on behind the scenes, and how to properly balance it and not lose all the support he has.


It's ironic no one is discussing ISIS. The very same group our government is supporting with weapons as 'rebels' in Syria.


Well with Megyn Kelly going in on him, this little press tour seems to be cementing general consensus that the Iraq War was an unqualified mistake and entirely Cheney/Bush's idea, so I guess we should thank him for reminding us.

And O'Reilly shut down Rove. Even Fox Bews isn't willing to totally put up with these guys.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Kevin Trudeau made millions off his infomercials even after spending time in jail for fraud. Mehmet Oz continues to peddle false medical information and get respect and ratings. Jenny McCarthy has a strong following through her anti-vaccination campaign. The list of successful charlatans, failures and hucksters is very long.

This is where I was going with the "who is this 'we'". There is no standard that anyone's enforcing (or even apparently interested in enforcing) when it comes to who is provided publicity and even over what subject or who they may have hurt along the way... unless you happen to be a reporter for CBS, then god help you.

Don't get me wrong... I'm not a supporter of Cheney and I kinda wish there was a Hell just so he and his buddies could go to it, but unless the ethical calculus (one of their favorite phrases) of cable news guest selection changes, these dickheads are gonna keep coming back when the goal is to capture eyeballs. The TV doesn't care if you're watching as a true believer or a hate-watcher, as long as you're there long enough for the commercial.

I specifically mentioned D'Souza because his weird ass showed up as a guest on Bill Maher recently... and Maher went right for the conviction and D'Souza didn't flinch. He was there to pre-sell books to people who are as crazy as he is, and I imagine he succeeded. There was no real attempt at redemption on his part, and only the barest of calculated response.


"You've got to go back and look at the track record. We inherited a situation where there was no doubt in anybody's mind about the extent of Saddam's involvement in weapons of mass destruction. We had a situation where, after 9/11, we were concerned about a follow-up attack. It would involve not just airline tickets and box cutters as the weapons but rather something far deadlier, perhaps even a nuclear weapon."

Whatever helps you sleep at night you fuckbag.


I know I'm walking into the Lions Den with meat strapped all over me, but I'm genuinely curious. When you have quotes such as this from prominent Democrats in 2002 "Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power."...

Is it the opinion of you guys that Bush and Cheney were just evil masterminds that swindled Democrats? Was it bad intelligence, doctored intelligence?


I know I'm walking into the Lions Den with meat strapped all over me, but I'm genuinely curious. When you have quotes such as this from prominent Democrats in 2002 "Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power."...

Is it the opinion of you guys that Bush and Cheney were just evil masterminds that swindled Democrats? Was it bad intelligence, doctored intelligence?

That statement, based on the intelligence we had, was true. That doesn't mean Saddam was going to sell them to terrorists to attack the US or use them to attack the US directly. You seem to be putting words into that person's mouth by implication.


That statement, based on the intelligence we had, was true. That doesn't mean Saddam was going to sell them to terrorists to attack the US or use them to attack the US directly. You seem to be putting words into that person's mouth by implication.

No I'm not trying to do that, promise.

So do you mean that if intelligence stated that Saddam had WMDs or whatever else, we should have just left him alone with them? Since we didn't have intelligence that he would sell them to terrorists, then there was no justification to oust him from power?


Doesn't North Korea have nukes as well though? It's not like that country's on friendly terms with the US either.


No I'm not trying to do that, promise.

So do you mean that if intelligence stated that Saddam had WMDs or whatever else, we should have just left him alone with them? Since we didn't have intelligence that he would sell them to terrorists, then there was no justification to oust him from power?



No I'm not trying to do that, promise.

So do you mean that if intelligence stated that Saddam had WMDs or whatever else, we should have just left him alone with them? Since we didn't have intelligence that he would sell them to terrorists, then there was no justification to oust him from power?
Let us also not forget that he was shooting at our planes that were enforcing the no fly zone still in effect since the first gulf war every single day.

And I believe the British intelligence came to the same conclusion regarding the WMD threats, Cheney and Bush were not in a vacuum when it came to making the decision. Hindsight is 20/20 but I remember hearing from commanders on the ground during and after the war that Iraq was just all kinds of fucked from an intel perspective because everyone was deceiving everyone else within Iraq. They had mention that Iraq was filled with world class liars because people within the Saddam regime wanted to maintain that they had the power and capability. Now that was to their detriment because the US and British intelligence believed them.
So do you mean that if intelligence stated that Saddam had WMDs or whatever else, we should have just left him alone with them? Since we didn't have intelligence that he would sell them to terrorists, then there was no justification to oust him from power?
Yes. Why not? Israel has fucking nukes doesn't it?
Yes. Why not? Israel has fucking nukes doesn't it?

So now Israel is the same as Iraq?

How many chemical weapons has Israel launched against its own citizens? How many terrorist training camps are housed within Israel borders?

The fact that you would even throw that comment into the air shows where your mind is.


Alot of these Shit heads consume the air waves, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Jessie Jackson ect. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but we also have the right to tune them out.
So do you mean that if intelligence stated that Saddam had WMDs or whatever else, we should have just left him alone with them? Since we didn't have intelligence that he would sell them to terrorists, then there was no justification to oust him from power?

Do you not remember the multiple teams of weapons inspectors that were running all over Iraq not really finding any WMDs and destroying what little they did find?

We had weapons inspectors in Iraq who said they couldn't find much of anything . . . and we kicked them out to start a war over the WMDs that they said they could not find . . . and did not exist.

Did you forget all of that?
The amazing thing about this, it's unusual for a former VP to be so aggressive in criticizing the sitting President. Especially for a mess that the current guy inherited from the previous administration!

But more than that, Cheney doesn't appear to have any insight. It's like he doesn't see his own role in the crisis and is incapable of acknowledging his own errors. That's really scary to me.
The amazing thing about this, it's unusual for a former VP to be so aggressive in criticizing the sitting President. Especially for a mess that the current guy inherited from the previous administration!

But more than that, Cheney doesn't appear to have any insight. It's like he doesn't see his own role in the crisis and is incapable of acknowledging his own errors. That's really scary to me.

Seriously. We are all really lucky that George Bush did not die in office.
So now Israel is the same as Iraq?

How many chemical weapons has Israel launched against its own citizens? How many terrorist training camps are housed within Israel borders?

The fact that you would even throw that comment into the air shows where your mind is.
Israel doesn't need terrorist training camp because their entire military is terrorist that uses banned weapons. Anyway that detail is moot, because the only reason given during 2003 was that Iraq is building nukes and we cant have that.
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