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Why wont Fable work on my HDTV?


Ok, so I fed into the hype and picked up my copy of Fable tonight, and much to my frustration the game wont boot up in progressive scan on my HDTV. Anyone else having similar problems? For now I guess I'll have to play in crap-tastic un-480p mode :(


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Eh? That's strange. It's working fine in 480p mode for me, but I'm sure that isn't what you wanted to hear. You say it is simply showing a black screen at boot with 480p enabled?

Did you try disabling the other modes as well? For some reason, 007-EoN had major issues with 1080i or 720p were enabled in the dashboard, so you had to disable those two options in order to use regular 480p mode. I can't imagine that kind of glitch slipping through in Fable, though...

What kind of TV do you have?


Yep, tried booting without 720 & 1080 on and the whole works - the screen isn't black just all interlaced. I have a Samsung HDTV... can't think of the model number off the top of my head. I am going to try it on my other HD set later tonight and report back.


Possibly the game is 720p enabled and its the best resolution available for the Xbox. The fact is, few TV set support native 720p if the xbox tries to feed you tv with 720p and it can't take/convert the signal, you get the black/screwed image.
Mareg said:
Possibly the game is 720p enabled and its the best resolution available for the Xbox. The fact is, few TV set support native 720p if the xbox tries to feed you tv with 720p and it can't take/convert the signal, you get the black/screwed image.

Its not 720p enabled.
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