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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Time Traveler
GDGF said:
Is this the person who basically said that she's sucking dick for info? I don't believe a thing that comes out of her mouth.
There is nothing ground-shaking about that rumor... only the Valve logo IMO.


manueldelalas said:
Reconfirmed a few days ago, no big deal.

Everybody knows the toughest battle was the Snes/Genesis one, won last minute by the Snes.

That's because most games rely on active user base to sell. It's not the case of DQ, it has never been. Pulling TP on Wii - Cafe is stupid. The hardware difference is enormous. The most you'll get is Zelda OOS type of bonus, but that is highly unlikely.

Again, the statement was made a few days ago. This is the deal: Do you want DQ X? You'll have to play it on the Wii or wait 20 years until it is remade.

SNES had decent third party support. Wii was ignored by most.
Not that this has anything to do with Dragon Quest. Just that the damn statement was so damn inconscpicuous.

That chart, while it has many likely developers, is totally false. Not that she had any real credibility, but that just throws it out the window.

Is this the person who basically said that she's sucking dick for info? I don't believe a thing that comes out of her mouth.



manueldelalas said:
There is nothing ground-shaking about that rumor... only the Valve logo IMO.

Not that hard to believe that Valve would have a dev kit, they port their all their games to consoles these days.

Her list is probably fake though.


cuevas said:
Yeah because I want to play with a M&K laying down and play PC games with an Xbox controller...oh wait, no.

Who do you think is bringing that number down? The "hardcore gamers"? Naw bro, naw.
who's bringing it down for ps3 then wise guy?


If Nintendo's next-gen console is backwards compatible with Wii, then you can still play Dragon Quest X on it. Besides, the game has been in development for like 3 years or so and for Square Enix to move it over to the Wii's successor would mean a lot of development resources would have gone to waste.

It basically sounds like the same situation with Capcom releasing Okamiden on the DS even though the 3DS just came out.


Time Traveler
Instro said:
Not that hard to believe that Valve would have a dev kit, they port their all their games to consoles these days.

Her list is probably fake though.
That's my point! if I was to make a fake list of developers, those are the obvious ones to include. As someone pointed out, no Level 5 probably seals that the list is fake (as in made up), major screw up by the dude who made it.

Still, it's obvious most, if not all, of those developers have already a Cafe kit and are probably developing games for it.


This is the girl who claims to be sleeping with someone within Nintendo, right? We're supposed to believe someone high enough within the ranks would be willing to divulge this much information through pillow talk? Yeah, right.

Edit: And the image clearly says "June 7-9, 2011." Ninja edit?


DQ composer Koichi Sugiyama spoke out at a recent Dragon Quest concert and confirmed the DQX's releasing in 2012 via twitter. This is the link that was posted on Go Nintendo's site.


Below is Nintendo Power's confirmation of DQX still coming to Wii. This was back in March 2011 by the way.

Yuji Horii: The next Dragon Quest game, Dragon Quest X, will actually be released on Wii. I feel that some users will want to play Dragon Quest on the big screen, which is why we are working toward releasing it on Wii.

All we can say is that development is going well and we’re on the last parts of the game. We can’t really share much else at this point, but by the end of this year we should be able to announce something regarding it.



Strive said:
Sounds good, if it was true. Oh, how I hate rumors.


Yeah the date on this one is wrong. Definitely fake.
Posted April 29, 2011 at 4:00 pm
Nintendo don’t know the dates of E3, apparently.

Not good.
Emily Rogers
Posted April 29, 2011 at 4:06 pm
Yeah whoever wrote this document obviously can’t write worth a shit. I went and changed it to 7-9 myself. I don’t know, I can’t imagine someone at Nintendo fucking up E3 dates, thats why I’m a bit suspicious of this document as well.

(poker face)


"Yeah whoever wrote this document obviously can’t write worth a shit. I went and changed it to 7-9 myself. I don’t know, I can’t imagine someone at Nintendo fucking up E3 dates, thats why I’m a bit suspicious of this document as well."

lol @ this

"I'm a bit suspicious of this document that I modified myself."
manueldelalas said:
There is nothing ground-shaking about that rumor... only the Valve logo IMO.

Cafe is a new system to port Steamworks to, I'd be shocked if they weren't sent a dev kit.

The document is fake but the real list of premier licensees is probably very similar.


Zeliard said:
"Yeah whoever wrote this document obviously can’t write worth a shit. I went and changed it to 7-9 myself. I don’t know, I can’t imagine someone at Nintendo fucking up E3 dates, thats why I’m a bit suspicious of this document as well."

lol @ this

"I'm a bit suspicious of this document that I modified myself."

lol yeah, but what would be funnier is if all her guessing and lies turn out to be true come E3, even if its just by pure luck. Also most of her "rumors" are a nintendo fanboy's dream so hopefully she's right.


Don't know if this has been mentioned yet...

...but has anyone considered that the built in controller tablet will replace the pointer controls of the Wiimote? Couldn't we play a future Metroid where we move with the analog stick and use the tablet(stylus?) to aim, tapping to shoot? It just occurred to me now that this might be extremely effective for accurate shots.(sorta like using a mouse?) I mean, how else do we top fps contols after using the Wiimote pointer???
Also, you could actually draw on the tablet to create platforms on tv for Mario, almost adding a puzzle element...well probably best on Kirby. Just a thought.

Anyways, I called it!!! :)


i'm still in denial that there's any possibility that there isn't some sort of one-handed pointer option available out-of-the-box (current theory is still that there's a remote-like breakaway bit on the controller).

using the touch pad to aim in a shooting game is going to be far worse than the pointer was.


Ahh I'll never forget the epic threads arguing with a few select Wii fanboys who were convinced Sadness was a reason to get excited for Wii and swore to me that the game was real because they licensed that engine

those were some of the best threads ever

qq more

Amir0x said:
Ahh I'll never forget the epic threads arguing with a few select Wii fanboys who were convinced Sadness was a reason to get excited for Wii and swore to me that the game was real because they licensed that engine

those were some of the best threads ever
No, it's still happening! I just know...uh...I contacted them and they made...2 MORE MINECARTS!!!!!


butter_stick said:
red steel bullshot

At least those Red Steel screens were just mega-bullshots. (i.e. the game looked like that, in a low resolution with a LOT more aliasing and no texture filtering, etc etc)

Sadness didn't even exist. Ever.


Well we all know that Ubisoft will be their front and centre when Nintendo reveals this thing.

They will never miss a product launch as they know that's when consumers are at their weakest..

New tech and a small selection of games..


Valve did say that was interested in making a Wii game but said it back in 2007 and again in 2008.

Ubisoft better have something better to offer than a half-baked FPS game and another Raving Rabbids mini game collection.

Eteric Rice

MatthewB92 said:
Even if that's fake, the thought of a Valve game on a Nintendo platform just sends me into uber orgasm.

Uber Charged!

You know what would be funny?

Portal 2 comes to Cafe. You shoot the portal at the wall, and a portal opens up on the touch screen.

And you see your face in the portal. :O


Eteric Rice said:
You know what would be funny?

Portal 2 comes to Cafe. You shoot the portal at the wall, and a portal opens up on the touch screen.

And you see your face in the portal. :O

Shooting the Portal with dual-analog will still suck! :p
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