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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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this senseg stuff sounds interesting, but I can already see the headlines about the controller causing finger cancer.
From The Dust said:
there was a Sega game called "Time Traveler"? :lol
youtube it! it's a must see. Especially the local news report. can't post link right now.
Fernando Rocker said:
I'm going to be extremely dissapointed when Nintendo don't announce Steamworks of Battle.net as their online system...


Well yeah... they're teaming up with MS and making it run on GFWL! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
You are already dead.


Lenardo said:
network wise

hesitate to say it but a killer linkup- besides Steamworks would be.....


imagine the reaction to that..
and oh the reaction if they announced for the "release" of cafe that starcraft II would be a release "port" & that all the original games(wacraft 1-3, diablo- would be avail as downloadable content.

or heck even for a bigger blow your mind would be diablo 3 on it@ release...

this is not a rumor, just idle speculation on my part since everyone seems to be all for steamworks, it occured to me that battle.net could have as big or bigger impact that steamworks

Meh. If you ask me, the friend system in Battlenet isn't much better than Nintendo's system.
AceBandage said:
Well yeah... they're teaming up with MS and making it run on GFWL! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
You are already dead.

Nah... they are going to announce that instead of using Gamespy servers again, they are going to use IGN servers...



AceBandage said:
Well yeah... they're teaming up with MS and making it run on GFWL! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
You are already dead.
If it used GFWL not even Smash Bros would get me to connect the console to the internet. Well, I'd still visit the shop and virtual console but I'm never using GFWL again.
BMF said:
It will be seen in some consumer product (think something like Microsoft Surface) before it's available on a Nintendo game console.
Why do you think so? The Wii's motion sensors weren't in a consumer product before the Wii (though there were some very limited products that had similar tech - I had a mouse that used a gyroscope). And with 3DS the screen wasn't in consumer products when Nintendo announced the 3DS. Nintendo has never been afraid of surprising the public with something brand new.
Dreamwriter said:
Why do you think so? The Wii's motion sensors weren't in a consumer product before the Wii (though there were some very limited products that had similar tech - I had a mouse that used a gyroscope). And with 3DS the screen wasn't in consumer products when Nintendo announced the 3DS. Nintendo has never been afraid of surprising the public with something brand new.
Gyroscopes as you said in the mouse. Using a ir ccd to triangulate was interesting use of the tech, but none of the parts were particularly new. As far as the 3DS goes, wasn't that screen used in a camera that someone pointed out the moment that first time that glassless 3D was revealed in march 2010?


BMF said:
Gyroscopes as you said in the mouse. Using a ir ccd to triangulate was interesting use of the tech, but none of the parts were particularly new. As far as the 3DS goes, wasn't that screen used in a camera that someone pointed out the moment that first time that glassless 3D was revealed in march 2010?
Yeah, it's been in Japanese cameras. Just like how the NGP's rear touchscreen has been used on a phone before.
shadyspace said:
There might be examples prior to Nintendo trotting out a technology but they certainly make fringe tech mainstream.

While true, they also usually only do it when it's cost effective to do so.
And I don't think Haptic touchscreens are all that cheap at the moment.


I really like the idea of "Feel" and haptics, but I suspect that if such a feature is included, it may in fact be billed as secondary to streaming. I suspect of all the rumored features, streaming is in and the most prominent due to the way Iwata teased the new system during his investor call: he said the new console will change the WAY consoles are played around the HOME.

In other words, streaming would change the way consoles are played around the home. No longer tethered to the TV, you can play with the TV off, via your controller, in the living room or the kitchen or your bedroom or the bathroom or on the patio in the backyard. So his tease about changing the WAY we play seems in line with streaming being the "main" feature.

But then, he also said people would need to experience the console for themselves at E3. Streaming is not something one would need to see firsthand to truly understand, but a touchscreen that can create the sensation of smooth surfaces, ridged textures, grain-like sand, silky fur, rough bark, prickly grass, etc? That's something you need to try for yourself.

Most pivotally for games, though, is the touchscreen lets you feel virtual buttons, which will allow for intuitive "blind" inputs ALONGSIDE the physical buttons already confirmed by Iwata to be part of the package.

Really, haptic feedback dovetails perfectly with all the other rumors: it fills the role of the "last major feature we don't know about," and it doesn't preclude any of the features already rumored. It sounds very Nintendo-like, and I for one hope it's true. :)


Neiteio said:
Really, haptic feedback dovetails perfectly with all the other rumors: it fills the role of the "last major feature we don't know about," and it doesn't preclude any of the features already rumored. It sounds very Nintendo-like, and I for one hope it's true. :)

I agree with pretty much this whole post, and especially the quoted part. I'm not convinced by the haptic rumor, but( from what we know) it would be a nice fit for the basic concept of this console if they can get it in there cheaply enough.
Neiteio said:
I really like the idea of "Feel" and haptics, but I suspect that if such a feature is included, it may in fact be billed as secondary to streaming. I suspect of all the rumored features, streaming is in and the most prominent due to the way Iwata teased the new system during his investor call: he said the new console will change the WAY consoles are played around the HOME.

In other words, streaming would change the way consoles are played around the home. No longer tethered to the TV, you can play with the TV off, via your controller, in the living room or the kitchen or your bedroom or the bathroom or on the patio in the backyard. So his tease about changing the WAY we play seems in line with streaming being the "main" feature.

But then, he also said people would need to experience the console for themselves at E3. Streaming is not something one would need to see firsthand to truly understand, but a touchscreen that can create the sensation of smooth surfaces, ridged textures, grain-like sand, silky fur, rough bark, prickly grass, etc? That's something you need to try for yourself.

Most pivotally for games, though, is the touchscreen lets you feel virtual buttons, which will allow for intuitive "blind" inputs ALONGSIDE the physical buttons already confirmed by Iwata to be part of the package.

Really, haptic feedback dovetails perfectly with all the other rumors: it fills the role of the "last major feature we don't know about," and it doesn't preclude any of the features already rumored. It sounds very Nintendo-like, and I for one hope it's true. :)

As an added bonus, each controller will cost as much as the console itself!

Come on.

It's not going to be Steam or Battle.net or anything like that.

At best Nintendo may pair with someone like XFire to use their services or something like that. At best.


ShockingAlberto said:

Come on.

It's not going to be Steam or Battle.net or anything like that.

At best Nintendo may pair with someone like XFire to use their services or something like that. At best.

This thread is not for reasonable discussion, what are you doing?


I'm having a hard time imagining uses for this haptic feedback feature. I don't think having "blind" buttons is particularly interesting but I suppose it does allow for steel diver type controls to be projected onto the 6" screen with haptic feedback. So in that way it could allow for some novel control schemes with different buttons or methods of input through haptic representations.

But its hard to see this as a big feature, for example how would a mario game use this? how would zelda? How would pikmin? Aside from what people have said like feeling water or sand. Besides how often does a game require you to stick your finger into a surface of any kind?

I suppose if we look at TP on the Wii the game forces Link to fish in the very beginning making you use the motion controls. So Zelda for the cafe could do the same, forcing you to fish with your finger?

Help me out here, I'm trying to imagine genuinely interesting uses for this tech. But also wouldn't the haptic feedback become a major power draw? In most portables or tablets the screen is a battery killer and if this thing is already 6" and touch enabled I imagine haptics would give us 3ds like battery life. Hopefully the billions Nintendo have spent in R&D means they have hammered out the tech real well. But I am on the record as not believing haptics will be a part of the system features except for perhaps rumble and touch sensitive rumble like a lot of smart phones.
ShockingAlberto said:

Come on.

It's not going to be Steam or Battle.net or anything like that.

At best Nintendo may pair with someone like XFire to use their services or something like that. At best.
stop being reasonable and descend into the delusions and madness of this thread.
ShockingAlberto said:

Come on.

It's not going to be Steam or Battle.net or anything like that.

At best Nintendo may pair with someone like XFire to use their services or something like that. At best.

But... but... one of Gabe Newell's favorite games is Super Mario 64!


artwalknoon said:
But its hard to see this as a big feature, for example how would a mario game use this? how would zelda? How would pikmin? Aside from what people have said like feeling water or sand. Besides how often does a game require you to stick your finger into a surface of any kind?

See, I don't actually think it would be a major feature. The major feature would be having a screen on the controller. The haptics would make the screen more useful for games because the the screen would be tactile, and it's also just kind of neat, sort of like rumble.

You have to admit it would be kind of cool if you're playing zelda, and the touch screen item menu looks like a wooden cabinet with different tools on it, and when you touch the cabinet, it actually feels like wood, and the whole thing has a texture. It's just kind of a neat thing, and it helps you know exactly where your finger is on the menu, so you use it more accurately.

Obviously, if it's too expensive, or too power intensive, it won't be there. But, there is no downside to it beyond those practical concerns, and honestly, I don't know enough about it to say for sure how much it would cost, so I can't really dismiss it out of hand. I know a lot of companies have been working on this kind of tech for a long time, and maybe nintendo are going to be the first ones to make a major product using it. Then again, maybe not.


The accelerometer tech in the Wiimote is really cheap, while this haptic feedback stuff sounds outrageously expensive. Doesn't sound very Nintendo-like to me.


ShockingAlberto said:

Come on.

It's not going to be Steam or Battle.net or anything like that.

At best Nintendo may pair with someone like XFire to use their services or something like that. At best.

I just assumed they would partner with EA since the only other people who really did online with the Wii
Neiteio said:
I really like the idea of "Feel" and haptics, but I suspect that if such a feature is included, it may in fact be billed as secondary to streaming. I suspect of all the rumored features, streaming is in and the most prominent due to the way Iwata teased the new system during his investor call: he said the new console will change the WAY consoles are played around the HOME.

In other words, streaming would change the way consoles are played around the home. No longer tethered to the TV, you can play with the TV off, via your controller, in the living room or the kitchen or your bedroom or the bathroom or on the patio in the backyard. So his tease about changing the WAY we play seems in line with streaming being the "main" feature.

But then, he also said people would need to experience the console for themselves at E3. Streaming is not something one would need to see firsthand to truly understand, but a touchscreen that can create the sensation of smooth surfaces, ridged textures, grain-like sand, silky fur, rough bark, prickly grass, etc? That's something you need to try for yourself.

Most pivotally for games, though, is the touchscreen lets you feel virtual buttons, which will allow for intuitive "blind" inputs ALONGSIDE the physical buttons already confirmed by Iwata to be part of the package.

Really, haptic feedback dovetails perfectly with all the other rumors: it fills the role of the "last major feature we don't know about," and it doesn't preclude any of the features already rumored. It sounds very Nintendo-like, and I for one hope it's true. :)
Man I wish that was true. That would be wayyy too pricey though. Pachter already predicted that with the touch screen alone it would be $100+, with that tech it would be even more.


I'm willing to believe the rumors about the haptic feedback, but is there any precedence anywhere? Like. You can "feel" the texture of wood? What? How? How does this technology work and show me an example...cuz if thats possible, when Im rich and famous Im going to build a room in my house with walls capable of haptic feedback, and BAM im in the matrix.


Kyzer said:
I'm willing to believe the rumors about the haptic feedback, but is there any precedence anywhere? Like. You can "feel" the texture of wood? What? How? How does this technology work and show me an example...cuz if thats possible, when Im rich and famous Im going to build a room in my house with walls capable of haptic feedback, and BAM im in the matrix.

I posted this a couple of pages back, it's from this site, and its about a haptic feedback technology patented by apple or maybe toshiba, for use in some future iphone... I can't really figure out wtf they are talking about, but you can have a go at deciphering it if you want. It sounds like mild electrocution or something, to stimulate nerve reactions, but it may be simpler than that.

a grid of piezoelectric actuators" for potential use in an iPhones or iPod Touch. Modifying the frequency of the actuators produces different sensations that the user can seemingly feel — which, in the case of mobile phones, could potentially replicate the experience of using a physical keyboard or device.

The electric signals produced on contact can be modified in such a way that textures like wood, metal or leather can be simulated. Because the coating covers an entire device or area, those sensations can be targeted, with different buttons, UI elements or portions of the screen producing different sensations at a time. And if the system works as well as Toshiba claims, it could greatly improve upon the old physical motors that give us our current haptic feedback fix.


Monster hunter 3 is a drag. No lock on WTF?

Why they bothered putting it on the wii is beyond me. The text is small and difficult to read. Targeting the monsters is a hit and miss affair. Levelling up + saving requires going back and forth constantly. I was so hyped for this game, I thought it would've controlled well but it plays like a broken game. If they used the zelda, twilight combat system this game would be great but as it stands, this game is only for hardcore gamers.


dwu8991 said:
Monster hunter 3 is a drag. No lock on WTF?

Why they bothered putting it on the wii is beyond me. The text is small and difficult to read. Targeting the monsters is a hit and miss affair. Levelling up + saving requires going back and forth constantly. I was so hyped for this game, I thought it would've controlled well but it plays like a broken game. If they used the zelda, twilight combat system this game would be great but as it stands, this game is only for hardcore gamers.


Also, I bet on a big scam for the "Nintendo feel" thing. We had the exact same rumor right before the Revolution was unveiled.
Neiteio said:
I really like the idea of "Feel" and haptics, but I suspect that if such a feature is included, it may in fact be billed as secondary to streaming. I suspect of all the rumored features, streaming is in and the most prominent due to the way Iwata teased the new system during his investor call: he said the new console will change the WAY consoles are played around the HOME.

In other words, streaming would change the way consoles are played around the home. No longer tethered to the TV, you can play with the TV off, via your controller, in the living room or the kitchen or your bedroom or the bathroom or on the patio in the backyard. So his tease about changing the WAY we play seems in line with streaming being the "main" feature.

But then, he also said people would need to experience the console for themselves at E3. Streaming is not something one would need to see firsthand to truly understand, but a touchscreen that can create the sensation of smooth surfaces, ridged textures, grain-like sand, silky fur, rough bark, prickly grass, etc? That's something you need to try for yourself.

Most pivotally for games, though, is the touchscreen lets you feel virtual buttons, which will allow for intuitive "blind" inputs ALONGSIDE the physical buttons already confirmed by Iwata to be part of the package.

Really, haptic feedback dovetails perfectly with all the other rumors: it fills the role of the "last major feature we don't know about," and it doesn't preclude any of the features already rumored. It sounds very Nintendo-like, and I for one hope it's true. :)



agrajag said:
The accelerometer tech in the Wiimote is really cheap, while this haptic feedback stuff sounds outrageously expensive. Doesn't sound very Nintendo-like to me.
It's all about when you release the tech that decides the price. This is supposedly a Post April 2012 product. Bet 3D with no glasses was pretty expensive tech a few years back.
Senseg's finger electricuting tech, the one demoed by Toshiba, is said to be low power and a matter of cents per unit in terms of manufacturing. It would be a likelier candidate than Immersion, who say their high end vibrating feedback tech couldn't yet be put in a $200 phone.
dwu8991 said:
Monster hunter 3 is a drag. No lock on WTF?

Why they bothered putting it on the wii is beyond me. The text is small and difficult to read. Targeting the monsters is a hit and miss affair. Levelling up + saving requires going back and forth constantly. I was so hyped for this game, I thought it would've controlled well but it plays like a broken game. If they used the zelda, twilight combat system this game would be great but as it stands, this game is only for hardcore gamers.


dwu8991 said:
Monster hunter 3 is a drag. No lock on WTF?

Why they bothered putting it on the wii is beyond me. The text is small and difficult to read. Targeting the monsters is a hit and miss affair. Levelling up + saving requires going back and forth constantly. I was so hyped for this game, I thought it would've controlled well but it plays like a broken game. If they used the zelda, twilight combat system this game would be great but as it stands, this game is only for hardcore gamers.
Lol what is this

qq more

dwu8991 said:
Monster hunter 3 is a drag. No lock on WTF?
Lock On would make it too easy. Although I do believe that the game could be a bit more forgiving.

Why they bothered putting it on the wii is beyond me. The text is small and difficult to read.

What does the small text have to do with the Wii? They could of have just made the text bigger.

Targeting the monsters is a hit and miss affair. Levelling up + saving requires going back and forth constantly. I was so hyped for this game, I thought it would've controlled well but it plays like a broken game.
Admittedly, I can see why you wouldn't like the controls and combat. The game is not really that accessible so the controls takes a lot to get used to, but I would hardly call it "broken", just really difficult.

If they used the zelda, twilight combat system this game would be great but as it stands, this game is only for hardcore gamers.
This thread is going a little on the looney side. It was ok to discuss the potential of a controller with a big touch screen that would act as a terminal to play your game around the house, but now we're talking about a system called Feel, with a haptic touchscreen and blind buttons and supported by Battle.net.

I wonder what's next...


Annoying Old Party Man said:
This thread is going a little on the looney side. It was ok to discuss the potential of a controller with a big touch screen that would act as a terminal to play your game around the house, but now we're talking about a system called Feel, with a haptic touchscreen and blind buttons and supported by Battle.net.

I wonder what's next...

Thats not really something recent.


Annoying Old Party Man said:
This thread is going a little on the looney side. It was ok to discuss the potential of a controller with a big touch screen that would act as a terminal to play your game around the house, but now we're talking about a system called Feel, with a haptic touchscreen and blind buttons and supported by Battle.net.

I wonder what's next...

The next psycho3ler incredible fake
I wish
Instro said:
Thats not really something recent.

Well I think 10 pages back we were debating the usability of a touchscreen controller. Never mind the difficulties in streaming games in proper resolution/framerates and all the connection hiccups that may arise, we have now shot at the sky.

It's like when people back in 2005 anticipated a virtual helmet from nintendo...
Annoying Old Party Man said:
This thread is going a little on the looney side. It was ok to discuss the potential of a controller with a big touch screen that would act as a terminal to play your game around the house, but now we're talking about a system called Feel, with a haptic touchscreen and blind buttons and supported by Battle.net.

I wonder what's next...

holodeck technology supported by skynet.
yea this thread is getting really crazy, and we still got a whole month of no news(most likely) to go.


dwu8991 said:
Monster hunter 3 is a drag. No lock on WTF?

Why they bothered putting it on the wii is beyond me. The text is small and difficult to read. Targeting the monsters is a hit and miss affair. Levelling up + saving requires going back and forth constantly. I was so hyped for this game, I thought it would've controlled well but it plays like a broken game. If they used the zelda, twilight combat system this game would be great but as it stands, this game is only for hardcore gamers.

Do you know where you are or what time it is?
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