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Wii Fit U | OT | Don't Forget to Breathe!


found 2 toys r us's nearby that have the meter...claimed one for store pick up...went in again and the item is now unavailable...got the last (or only) 1 I guess! off to pick it up shortly.
Toys R Us was the only place I could find one around here too. They had three (minus the one I grabbed) in stock.

Does anyone know how many days worth of data can the meter keep between syncs with the game? I know the idea behind the game is to use it daily, but I doubt I'm gonna do that; I'm planning to use it to compliment my actual gym routine.

EDIT: Found the answer on an earlier page, copying and pasting for those new to the party too...

METs/Altitude will store approximately 7 days worth before deleting the oldest data, and steps/calories will store approximately 28 days worth.
Just thought I would add, I got my Fit Meter on launch at Toys R Us and they actually had them out. I went back to that same Toys R Us with a co-worker on Monday to kill some time during lunch and they had 1 left. When I picked up mine they had I would guess 12 - 15 of them and based on how they acted I was the first person to buy one. So it seems to have sold decently enough I'd say.


El Capitan Todd
I should take mine next week.
meanwhile, me and my wife alternatively use the software with the balance board, while the other takes care of the baby. I wonder who's burning more fat or calories...HAHHA


Compaison shot of my new Fit Meter and my well loved and abused FitBit One (sorry for the blur, the camera wanted to focus on the brighter light of the FitBit:


Now I'm carrying both of these things daily....until I exercise. I won't be wearing my Fit Meter because I just don't think it's of a high enough quality to last through sweat or rain. :(


El Capitan Todd
Compaison shot of my new Fit Meter and my well loved and abused FitBit One:


Now I'm carrying both of these things daily....until I exercise. I won't be wearing my Fit Meter because I just don't think it's of a high enough quality to last through sweat or rain. :(

it should, if it is similar to the Pokemon one.


it should, if it is similar to the Pokemon one.

My workouts can get a bit...extreme. Belly crawls, mud, hoisting sandbags, stuff like that. My FitBit survived being submerged in muddy water and kept in my soaked, mud covered pants during a 6+ mile military obstalce course built on a Black Diamond ski course in the Virginia mountains. When I took it out of my pocked it was just caked in mug, sand, and grime. Washed it off and it was no worse for wear!

I don't think the Fit Meter is gonna stand up, lol. I'm definitely not the user it's aimed towards. :)


my wife won't touch WiiFitU...why?

she doesn't want her Mii to get fat.

ok it's been almost a week, i've used wiifitu several times, got the meter monday, been tracking data for a day,

started at 188.1lbs
weigh in this morning is 186.0

no changes in eating habits just doing the routines.
8 minutes of yoga routine in the morning(breathing(i actually got zero points for that today, it stopped reading for some reason) warrior post, sun salutation and palm tree) and ~30-45 minutes after work.

work routine i do not have programmed in due to my wanting to unlock everything.

last night i did

warrior pose
sun salutation
torso twist-beginner-3 rep- unlocked advanced
pushup/sideplank - 6 rep - unlocked umm 10?
situps - 10 rep- unlocked 20
beginning dance
ski jump - unlocked umm extra did this 3x
wall climb did this 6 times (i HAD to beat my daughter's time in normal 2:37)
advanced wall climb 2x (just to get to the top)
advanced obstacle course- beginner- finished with 0 time left
core luge 4ish times- this is the ab killer, at the end if i leaned back my ab muscles just quivered from use...the good news is my time is down to umm i think sub 1:30ish for the beginner course..
secret to the start...hump the balance board...by that i mean shift your weight from front to the back as fast as possible -repeating until the mii lies down, then lean back i can get from the start to the lie down part in just over 5 seconds. then with the leanback going to yellow, i hit ~93 down the hill provided i don't hit a side.


My workouts can get a bit...extreme. Belly crawls, mud, hoisting sandbags, stuff like that. My FitBit survived being submerged in muddy water and kept in my soaked, mud covered pants during a 6+ mile military obstalce course built on a Black Diamond ski course in the Virginia mountains. When I took it out of my pocked it was just caked in mug, sand, and grime. Washed it off and it was no worse for wear!

I don't think the Fit Meter is gonna stand up, lol. I'm definitely not the user it's aimed towards. :)

ziplock bag. make sure you put your fit meter in a ziplock sandwich baggie & seal it, it adds negligible weight and,,,is water/dirt proof.


Can't find a Fit Meter anywhere. Frys was my big hope yesterday and they send me an email this morning saying they are out of stock and I am SOL.

Nintendo dropped the ball on this. If I can't find a fit meter to sync up with, I sure won't be ponying up $50 for the game at retail.


ziplock bag. make sure you put your fit meter in a ziplock sandwich baggie & seal it, it adds negligible weight and,,,is water/dirt proof.

I don't think a ziplock baggie is gonna protect it from being drug across rocky ground for 100 yards. I mean, it's fine quality for a $20 pedometer, but let's not give it magic attributes.


my wife won't touch WiiFitU...why?

she doesn't want her Mii to get fat.
My girlfriend has enjoyed playing Wii Fit but she doesn't want to make a profile in the game for the same reason. Or, more than that, she doesn't want her weight recorded in the game.

We played together for a while last night but we both just use my Mii and my profile.


I don't think a ziplock baggie is gonna protect it from being drug across rocky ground for 100 yards. I mean, it's fine quality for a $20 pedometer, but let's not give it magic attributes.
I can't fault you. It's good for what it is (and especially the price) but isn't really in direct competition with those higher-end fitness trackers. If you're just walking and running it is great.


My girlfriend has enjoyed playing Wii Fit but she doesn't want to make a profile in the game for the same reason. Or, more than that, she doesn't want her weight recorded in the game.

We played together for a while last night but we both just use my Mii and my profile.

Tell her to man up.


OK rocky ground bit i get, but for the rest,,,ziplock will keep it clean/protect from water/elements. and you never know nintendo makes some rugged stuff..


OK rocky ground bit i get, but for the rest,,,ziplock will keep it clean/protect from water/elements. and you never know nintendo makes some rugged stuff..

Oh yeah, definitely. If it was my only tracking device I'd definitely try and make it work, at at worst have a backup around!


did N ship like 20 of these things? there is no Advertising or anything on it (I follow most Nintendo things and didn't know about the meter until clicking into the thread), got the last meter at a random TRU, only 2 stores in the minneapolis/st paul area had it in stock...(note we have the HQ for both Best Buy and Target based here).
hopefully once the full retail version hits, there is a big storm of ads (also for Mario). come on Nintendo.


Pertaining to the altimeter, it seems to be very unreliable and that is all altimeters unless you keep resetting it.


How Altimeters Work

An altimeter does not actually measure altitude directly, but rather just atmospheric pressure. So an altimeter is actually a barometer created for a specific purpose. The altimeter uses the changes in atmospheric pressure to determine the changes in altitude. Why does pressure change with altitude? Simply put, the pressure at any given point in the atmosphere around the earth is a result of the weight of the atmosphere above it (pulled down by gravity). For this reason, the higher in the atmosphere you are, the less atmosphere you have above, and the less pressure exerted on you.

Measuring altitude with barometric pressure is not free from difficulties, however. Atmospheric pressure can also change with changes in weather patterns. On an uneventful weather day it is not too unusual for an air pressure change of 1 mbar, caused by temperature changes alone. This 1 mbar change in pressure could result in a skewed altitude reading of up to 26 feet (8 meters). But on an afternoon full of weather changes, like an approaching cold front, air pressure could change by as much as 5 mbar, or more. This could result in a skewed altitude reading of up to 130 feet (40 meters), or more.

Typically, when bad weather is approaching, the pressure will be falling. And the altimeter thinks this decrease in pressure is due to an increase in altitude, so it will read higher than you really are. And the opposite is the case when the weather conditions are improving – the altimeter will read lower than you really are.

In order to compensate for weather changes, an altimeter must be calibrated using a known altitude or a known pressure value. A known altitude can typically be taken from a specific landmark on a topographic map. But if you do not have a known altitude to use, you will need to use a known pressure value. This is typically done with a barometric pressure value. "Barometric Pressure" is the current air pressure at sea level, for a specific location. Barometric pressure is measured several times per day, and can usually be obtained from flight service stations or aviation weather reports.

With all of the changes that affect an altimeter, your elevation can easily be skewed by a few hundred feet in as little as one day’s time. You will want to calibrate your unit at least once per day, but for improved accuracy (especially in changing weather conditions), you may want to calibrate it every couple of hours at a known elevation.

Would being inside a building that is air tight skew the altimeter also?
I made a character.

My kids made characters.

My wife and 17 year old step daughter refuse to make a character. My wife said the same things.. She thinks i'll laugh if it makes her character have a belly. Insecure much!? I told her i wouldn't laugh and it's a good way for the family to do some activities together. Oh well i tried!

Really petty the stuff that prevents people from having a good time.

Either way it's a great game.. Much improved over the original.


There are local privacy controls, I believe.
It's really more that she wants to side-step the issue of weight entirely.

My wife and 17 year old step daughter refuse to make a character. My wife said the same things.. She thinks i'll laugh if it makes her character have a belly. Insecure much!? I told her i wouldn't laugh and it's a good way for the family to do some activities together. Oh well i tried!

Really petty the stuff that prevents people from having a good time.
I'm basically in a similar situation to this. My girlfriend, as well as a lot of women, is just very insecure about her weight.

As long as we can have fun playing the game together, I don't stand to gain anything by forcing the issue.


I might just cave and get a Wii Fit Meter seeing as I already have the balance board. For 25 bucks you can't really go wrong I suppose, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be the same as always: play for a week and never touch it again.


I've been doing pretty well so far. Very slowly but sure gaining weight, which is what I wanted. Been completely avoiding the dance and aerobic games, just focusing on Muscle, Balance and Yoga.

Beating the trainer at the 40 push-up challenge felt good, especially considering how scrawny I am.


I had completely forgotten I got a used balance board with my used Wii U, so I downloaded this this morning.
To be honest I would probably have neve bought this, so since it was free I decided to give it a try. Download took me 1 hour instead of the usual 5-6 for this size, so it was a good start :lol:

I actually had fun, which is basically blowing my mind. Tried for 35 minutes, I learned that I obviously don't use a lot of my body and that I have shit balance :lol:
I have some doubt regarding the yoga exercises since you can't really be sure about your positioning and it can be harmful. I'm bad at it anyway.
Jogging is dumb, and activities requiring 2 wiimotes are annoying. I don't have 8 AA batteries and I had to abort the program. Trampoline was fun but it destroyed my legs. It hurts SO MUCH :lol:
I guess I was distracted by my score and the TV and I didn't notice my legs were hurting until it was over. Which is a good point and what I was hoping if I ever had to use Wii Fit.

I would have loved push up exercises but I haven't seen any?
Also I gained weight after my session, which seems weird to me.


I really enjoy the dance games. Wii Fit/Plus was always lacking in interesting cardio, I'm glad they got some better activities. The double Wiimote+ and Balance Board is much closer to my idealization of Wii, using your body and having good input detection is really something else. I'm glad that it's now possible.


Just thinking, you could perhaps stand in for any initial weigh in and then she could just not do any body tests afterward?
Hmm, that might actually work. Except that I will need to use some lesser weight than my own or else her Mii will be gigantic.

Good suggestion.
Jogging is dumb, and activities requiring 2 wiimotes are annoying. I don't have 8 AA batteries and I had to abort the program. Trampoline was fun but it destroyed my legs. It hurts SO MUCH :lol:

I really enjoy the dance games. Wii Fit/Plus was always lacking in interesting cardio, I'm glad they got some better activities. The double Wiimote+ and Balance Board is much closer to my idealization of Wii, using your body and having good input detection is really something else. I'm glad that it's now possible.

Can either of you tell me how many activities use 2 Wiimote+'s? I only have one, and while I'm in to get myself a balance board and pedometer, I really don't want to buy another Wiimote+.


Can either of you tell me how many activities use 2 Wiimote+'s? I only have one, and while I'm in to get myself a balance board and pedometer, and I really don't want to buy another Wiimote+.

All the dance ones, there's 6-7 I think. Outside that I haven't seen it but I just started playing yesterday.


I have some doubt regarding the yoga exercises since you can't really be sure about your positioning and it can be harmful. I'm bad at it anyway.
Jogging is dumb, and activities requiring 2 wiimotes are annoying. I don't have 8 AA batteries and I had to abort the program. Trampoline was fun but it destroyed my legs. It hurts SO MUCH :lol:

I would have loved push up exercises but I haven't seen any?
Also I gained weight after my session, which seems weird to me.

I don't think any of the Yoga stuff they have in here is going to be harmful to anyone, unless they're completely ignoring any pain they're having, then it's on them!

Order some Eneloops? I just got 10 of them on Amazon for $26. :)

There is a pushup program in the Strength Training section.


Order some Eneloops? I just got 10 of them on Amazon for $26. :)

There is a pushup program in the Strength Training section.

Ah cool thanks I will look in the Strength section.
Yeah I'll order more eneloops I guess. 4 wasn't a smart decision to begin with :lol:
I don't think any of the Yoga stuff they have in here is going to be harmful to anyone, unless they're completely ignoring any pain they're having, then it's on them!

Order some Eneloops? I just got 10 of them on Amazon for $26. :)

There is a pushup program in the Strength Training section.

There are push-ups and side planks. An added bonus is that (for me at least, I'm 6'2) the balance board is so small that it makes you do close-hand push-ups and they really work your triceps.

Edit: seriously beaten


Got one!


Also cool is that you can see other members of your community on the Fit Meter courses. Hey you guys!


(Guys, come to the London course! ;) )


Junior Member
Hey all.

Downloaded this from the eShop, ran out & grabbed a preowned balance board for $18. Still waiting for my Fit Meter to arrive from TRU.

On Day 4... loving it so far! Apparently I'm obese though :(

Joining the GAF Community when I play tomorrow.

What are you guys doing for your daily workouts? I've been doing the body tests & a half-hour with the personal trainer.


I like how the game first mentions how inaccurate BMI can be and then afterwards makes your character fat using it.


Junior Member
I'm also "obese" according to the game, but anyone who knows me would say otherwise. My belly has a little podge, but that's about it.

Same. I think I look pretty average with maybe a little extra fat padding.

I'm pretty close to being just "overweight" though. Might get there within the next week or two.


Oh, since someone mistaken my Mii for his one I decided to edit mine so he looks a bit more original.
Here is my new "me" :


Ha, that costume suit me so well :lol
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