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Wii U Community Thread

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New guy here.

First off, I'd like to thank everyone who have made the old Speculation Threads fun to visit. There's no point in me mentioning specific people because I'm bound to forget some and I don't want anyone to feel left out.

I'm definitely looking forward to the Wii U's launch. Pikmin 3, Project P-100, ZombiU and Rayman Legends are the games I'm really looking forward to for the Wii U.

Lots of things can change in the upcoming months but I hope we can all pull though until the very end.

I agree. It's been very sad to see people go :(

This is true. Some of us can speak all day that Wii U more powerful, but it's still on Nintendo to prove it.

Well, so far they've made it pretty clear that they'd rather showcase other features. However, after having seen the reaction to E3, perhaps they'll decide to throw us a bone.

Yup. :( The Andy Griffith Show is tied with Seinfeld for best sitcom ever IMHO and the only show I love as much as MST3K. And don't forget A Face In the Crowd, amazing movie, he played a great villian in that. Here's my tribute post which I made in the Andy Griffith thread:


I don't think there's been anything substantially new. I've been out of power since Friday up until last night. A storm knocked out most of the DC metropolitan area since Friday night :/
I know people who still haven't received power, and companies are saying that the last of the people won't get power until probably next Sunday D:

Thanks, hope you get up and running soon, that sounds scary.


So, I was trying to catch up a little bit and I found a post with a video where there was a slight lag playing NSMBU

This one:

Now, they slowed down the shit out of that video to appreciate it, but is it noticeable in real life? like... "oh shit, there's lag on this thing"
I'm a little worried because if those, being tethered units had lag, I can see it being worse without wires.

Maybe it's because they're still prototype/ not final units but still, there's something fishy here.
By the way, as I claimed before, I'm not a tech guy so for those who know about latency/lag/response/wireless/bluetooth talk. Can it get worse over time? like... wasted receivers and trasmitters components making the lag more obvious or I don't have anything to worry about? :D

The lag is coming from the TV, not the Wii U or the tablet. The tablet is updating its image 7 frames ahead of the TV.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Of course gflop dont get created but I was making easy for non tech people to understand. SO when they make these statement that it running on high end pc system and can never run on a console that is not true. If the leak specs for ps470 they will be able to match any high end single gpu pc today. Not on paper but it doesnt have to....it a closed box.
Saying a console can be more efficient than a similarly-specced PC is ok. Saying that a console GPU has 2x the flops of a similar PC GPU is plain old BS - you're helping no-one.

And you don't have to quote Carmack or his cat on that - if you have elementary understanding of what Carmack was referring to you could've said it in absolutely understandable way. Like, for instance:

In contrast to desktop graphics APIs, consoles graphics APIs are very thin abstraction layers on top of their GPUs. This allows consoles to be faster in sending commands to their GPUs. The GPUs themselves are absolutely comparable, though: 1 PC GPU flop == 1 console GPU flop, and there's no way around this.

In a way it's comparable (exaggerated example follows) to you driving your car yourself, in one case, and you sitting in the passenger's seat of your car and instructing a professional driver to drive the car for you, in the other. At the end of the day it's the exact same car, and the difference is in the latency between you deciding what to do and the car obeying.


Haha. We have a lord and an ohlawd posting here. Awesome!
Another thing worth considering is that the final CPU most likely wasn't completed till around or just before the GPU was completed. So most, if not all, assessments were based on pre-final kits.

Yeah, just haven't heard from anyone yet whether there is still an issue or if the CPU is now all grunty. Not even Lherre has popped up.

This is true. Some of us can speak all day that Wii U more powerful, but it's still on Nintendo to prove it.
Exactly. I know Wii U is more powerful than current HD consoles, but I want to see how much better games will look/play when using that power. Diminishing returns, and the modest jump might actually give us something we can't really discern from top line PS60 games. I just don't know.

Don't focus so much on CPU, PS3 CPU sucked, most multiplatform games use only one core on X360 due to it; most consoles cpu's weren't that hot either, and it really doesn't matter all that much. Specially since the moment you don't need the cpu to track vertex coordinates.

Why sub-2 GHz?

Anyway SMT and Hyperthreading on P4 are pretty much the same so should be comparable. Intel claimed a "15-30% increment" on that, probably closer to 20/25% on most realworld scenarios, as suggested here:

Source: http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/97167/files/hipeac07.pdf

It might be missing since ARM has had problems with it:

Source: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1037948/arm-fan-hyperthreading

ARM being focused on embedded solutions. But at the same time strange because Power7 seems to be built around SMT.

As for how many MHz it would have to have to equal Xenon no idea; if SMT is absent it probably is no big deal; it's at most averaging a 20% hit on an updated design with out of order execution that Xenon lacks; I doubt they're going under 3 GHz though. (I actually did math regarding MIPS, Xenon seems to do 2 MIPS per MHz, Power7 is at 2.15, meaning it could equal it and slightly surpass xenos at 3 GHz going by that alone)
I should really keep links to stuff I see here, but I'm sure someone suggested it might be under 2GHz. I do also realise that a great non-SMT system could out perform an old Xenon, but given the issues people had, plus no real affirmation that the CPU is now nice and fast, and the fact that E3 turned me into a cynical old bastard, I am concerned until shown otherwise.

Bring it Nintendo and you can have my money - lots of it.


I thought we were discussing the effect on generational transition i.e. in the event a consumer intends to buy a new console, what effect will online services/accounts have.

We are. You're making a claim that there's a certain level of investment in XBL, but I'm saying if such an investment is there, it's not negated by buying competing hardware, as their pre-existing hardware is still functional. People can have their cake and eat it, so to speak.

Are you implying that that XBL is actually detrimental to a generational transition - even under the assumption that the account is entirely transferable to the next generation?

I'm saying that people aren't going to immediately transition, especially people buying 360s this late in the cycle, so MS will have to consider that, which may curb major changes to the service that would impede 360 owners from using it. We could hope they'd repeat what they did with original Xbox owners, but it really depends on what they plan to do with the service.

Sorry, but this doesn't really answer anything. Essentially you're saying that assuming some sort of monumental fuck up on Microsoft's part people will discard their online personas and friends list and build anew on a different platform.

Unspecified unforeseen circumstances could make Microsoft's the best or worst selling console of the 8th gen. Unforeseen circumstances could make consoles as a whole irrelevant.

It's really no basis for discussion, because I agree entirely, if Microsoft screws up, if they lose touch with consumers, then they'll lose marketshare. If any of the three screw up then they lose marketshare.

That doesn't make XBL irrelevant to the generational transition.

It's not even about fucking up, it's about a change in the wants of consumers, something that MS doesn't have any control over. The needs and desires of consumers change over time, and the value they place in something like XBL changes with it. People take things for granted all the time, and I can see XBL slipping easily into that category, that was my point.

But that's the point, although we may differ on how much of a selling point - it's a selling point that will affect consumer choices.

Exactly, the discussion we're having is on how much sway it actually has. Years of internet history proves that people transition to other services all the time, QUITE FREQUENTLY. The minuscule 20 million XBL users being compared to Facebook's userbase is not a comparison to make, especially if, say, Nintendo manages to sell 100 million Wii U consoles with a 50% service usage ratio and crushes XBL user stats, which they may achieve if they advertise their social components that appeal to the smartphone generation.

It's December 2014. Jimmy has an XBOX 360 and plays CoD etc. with his friends on XBL. He has his 100,000 or whatever gamerscore. He's spent over $100 on XBLA. He can carry all of this over to the 720.
He's going to buy a new console.
There's a $400 PS4 or X720 and a $300 Wii U. All else being relatively equal - third party support etc. - he gets doesn't get the 720 because?

See, this is where our approach on the discussion differs.

"All things being equal" isn't something you can factor in, because it's NEVER equal, first of all.

Secondly, it makes the assumption that all XBL users put a high priority on things like a gamerscore, which is a hugely bold assumption that has no empirical data to reference back to.

Third, your suggestion invalidates the option of retaining these things by being a legacy hardware owner, which many 360 owners are likely to be, especially if they're won over by one of the competition's products by factors that can't be determined.

All 3 of these factors must be addressed when approaching this subject, and so far, our only example of online user retention are Google services and Facebook, and they are where they are by either not having valid competition, being in the right place at the right time or both. Not exactly the poster children to use for irrefutable evidence when it ignores everything that came before it and doesn't meet all of the same criteria, such as not being platform-dependent, which XBL is.

I'm not sure what you mean by the last part. If anything smartphones are a prime example of service vendor-lock in. An iOS owner is more likely to purchase iOS products in the future because of carryover of Apps; likewise Android.

I was making commentary about how cell phones have made us anti-social, jokingly invalidating the concept of people placing value on something social. Hence the onomatopoeia for a rimshot.
Heh, our storm was also a derecho. We had winds up to 70mph, but not 100+mph. Holy shit.

It was something else. Here it is nine years later and I still remember it like it was yesterday. I didn't have power for about four days.

hey guys i've been in los angeles for a week. what'd i miss.

Nintendo is still doomed.

Also Wii U does not use three Broadway cores for the CPU. To keep the console's heat down they instead implemented three small mouse wheels, but with Nintendo being Nintendo they were too cheap to supply the small mice to run in them.

I should really keep links to stuff I see here, but I'm sure someone suggested it might be under 2GHz. I do also realise that a great non-SMT system could out perform an old Xenon, but given the issues people had, plus no real affirmation that the CPU is now nice and fast, and the fact that E3 turned me into a cynical old bastard, I am concerned until shown otherwise.

I think that was hypothesizing based on Espresso's comment about the clock being closer to Broadway than Xenon.


Also Wii U does not use three Broadway cores for the CPU. To keep the console's heat down they instead implemented three small mouse wheels, but with Nintendo being Nintendo they were too cheap to supply the small mice to run in them.

any word if the system will come with a power brick?
/\/\ funny thing about these tech demos. Go back and watch the FF7 techdemo for ps3. I remember at the time I thought no way they will be able to produce games like that on ps3. It looks sooo dated now...

WE have the specs for the ps4. Its has a 1.86 tflop GPU. The highest end pc card out there is Radeon HD 7970 at 3.79 tflops.

In a close box john carmack said you can double the performance of a gpu compare to PC. So you have the best gpu out against the PS4 at 3.72 tflops[2x 1.86 glfops]. This is from the API software overhead that you do not get on a console.

This is where he was commenting on it. He was given 2 choices of dc-xbox or ps2 to xbox.

He said it will be bigger than dc-xbox.

When it comes to talking about the nextbox and WiiU leaks/specs etc, all the best rules apply to the Xbox, then with the WiiU, you can barely begrudge yourself to admit it'll play a Pacman arcade port on the eShop lol.

As for all this 'we've already seen what the next gen CAN do', that doesn't include all 5 seconds of 1313 running off the $2000+ PC hardware and UE4 & Square's tech demos... does it? Let's see Samaritan in game graphics before we get ahead of ourselves.

To say your personal evaluations so far of the next consoles is massively bias would probably be the understatement of the century.
For the sake of ease I've moved some things in your post around since they seem to pertain to a similar point.
We are. You're making a claim that there's a certain level of investment in XBL, but I'm saying if such an investment is there, it's not negated by buying competing hardware, as their pre-existing hardware is still functional. People can have their cake and eat it, so to speak.

I'm saying that people aren't going to immediately transition, especially people buying 360s this late in the cycle, so MS will have to consider that, which may curb major changes to the service that would impede 360 owners from using it. We could hope they'd repeat what they did with original Xbox owners, but it really depends on what they plan to do with the service.

Third, your suggestion invalidates the option of retaining these things by being a legacy hardware owner, which many 360 owners are likely to be, especially if they're won over by one of the competition's products by factors that can't be determined.
I don't disagree that legacy hardware can continue to fulfill the entertainment needs of a consumer. But I would say that really applies to all new generation consoles.

I don't see why the PS4 or the Wii U will have any better luck pulling the XBL-COD gamer away from the 360 than a 720 would. Tablet controller? IMO, no.

The impetus to abandon an old platform generally comes from, afaict, games no longer being available on the legacy platforms. Or games being significantly worse on legacy platforms. Although, what your mileage may vary on what constitutes signficant.
It's not even about fucking up, it's about a change in the wants of consumers, something that MS doesn't have any control over. The needs and desires of consumers change over time, and the value they place in something like XBL changes with it. People take things for granted all the time, and I can see XBL slipping easily into that category, that was my point.

Exactly, the discussion we're having is on how much sway it actually has. Years of internet history proves that people transition to other services all the time, QUITE FREQUENTLY. The minuscule 20 million XBL users being compared to Facebook's userbase is not a comparison to make, especially if, say, Nintendo manages to sell 100 million Wii U consoles with a 50% service usage ratio and crushes XBL user stats, which they may achieve if they advertise their social components that appeal to the smartphone generation.
20 million paying subscribers (40 million total) in the grand scale is small. 20 (40) million in the context of the home console installed bases, particularly in the context of the online multiplayer demographic, is relatively large.
Secondly, it makes the assumption that all XBL users put a high priority on things like a gamerscore, which is a hugely bold assumption that has no empirical data to reference back to.
Just an NB I don't actually think Achievements/Trophies are a big deal (they're not to me) but I just lumped them in anyway as part and parcel.
See, this is where our approach on the discussion differs.

"All things being equal" isn't something you can factor in, because it's NEVER equal, first of all.
I was mainly referring to third-party support and online service featuresets.

I put etc. in because I agree there are more unconventional USPs to each platform like the UPad, Gaikai, and the IEB roadmap about Fortaleza glasses and Windows 8Box.

I see what you mean.
I'm not factoring these things into the hypotheticals because the effect is unknown or the features aren't even confirmed. Ergo, in itself, I think XBL "persona" carryover/critical mass provides a strong incentive to retain the same platform holder.

Whereas you're saying that because these things are an unknown and may have a greater effect than XBL, then the latter may be irrelevant. And I don't particularly disagree.
All 3 of these factors must be addressed when approaching this subject, and so far, our only example of online user retention are Google services and Facebook, and they are where they are by either not having valid competition, being in the right place at the right time or both. Not exactly the poster children to use for irrefutable evidence when it ignores everything that came before it and doesn't meet all of the same criteria, such as not being platform-dependent, which XBL is.
I can see where you're coming from. I guess time will tell whether XBL (and/or PSN) ends up being more like MySpace or Facebook.


So I just got an e-mail from Nintendo inviting me to a Wii U event in Chicago.

I accepted. I have 3 guest passes, so depending on what my friends say, I may come back here offering goodies.


to save on costs, it comes with an actual brick instead.
Wii U is just a box of Lego bricks and Doritos, they're splurging on the chips.
I don't see why the PS4 or the Wii U will have any better luck pulling the XBL-COD gamer away from the 360 than a 720 would. Tablet controller? IMO, no.

The impetus to abandon an old platform generally comes from, afaict, games no longer being available on the legacy platforms. Or games being significantly worse on legacy platforms. Although, what your mileage may vary on what constitutes signficant.
I think that's the main thing as far as getting the system in the home in the first place, if Nintendo or third party exclusives can pull that off, who knows.  But getting the system there is the biggest barrier I think, past that it's a bit easier, like will they prefer to buy stuff for their old toy or shiny new toy?
20 million paying subscribers (40 million total) in the grand scale is small. 20 (40) million in the context of the home console installed bases, particularly in the context of the online multiplayer demographic, is relatively large.
I'm not sure it's a huge deal cause there are so many ways to reconnect these days.  For most of the people I'd want to bring over I could tweet or send messages out through whatever other social sites and build my list back up pretty quickly.

That said, yeah I guess it'd be a big deal for others that are really invested into it and would never change, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's a small minority.


Particles! I'm drowning in them!

Particles are the new god rays.

I find this so funny about these new tech demos. They're practically overflowing with particles that are flying off of everything everywhere. It's like they just use them because they can and it makes things look flashy.

These cinematic tech demos mean nothing to me for some reason. None of that resembles any gameplay scenario we'll encounter.

The UE4 demon lord dude will have the camera moved from stylish angles to somewhere above his head and a few feet back and suddenly it looks like Darksiders with a more gritty-realistic/less-comic-booky artstyle ... oh and reflecting surface lights that nobody will notice during hectic gameplay.

Agni's Philosophy looks like a random Final Fantasy cutscene fight and a game using it will have the screen cluttered with battle menus, numbers and character will appear off to the side somewhere and the screen will be so full of effects and lights and dragons and lesbians on motorcycles that all those particles become just noise.

The Zelda HD Experience will have less smooth animations also with fixed camera behind Link's back but will very likely end up having the most impact simply it will be the first HD Zelda with all those bells and whistles in the mix for the first time.


to save on costs, it comes with an actual brick instead.

no, it comes with this:


PS4/X8OX say bye bye :D


Isn't that sort of against the rules? If it wasn't surely someone else would have posted updated details by now?

You don't have to be as specific, just say whether its better, worse, or just different. Ideaman and Iherre have all been hinting at WiiU's power in a very vague manner, if you have the info then you can use the same approach to share it as well.
You don't have to be as specific, just say whether its better, worse, or just different. Ideaman and Iherre have all been hinting at WiiU's power in a very vague manner, if you have the info then you can use the same approach to share it as well.

*Get's Times crossword dictionary out of draw* .. .. Ready..


My sauces tell me that early adopters will be known as Nintendoomers and will share in the rapture by receiving a free picture of Reggie in a tutu.


Unconfirmed Member
This is translated from "Chinese", so it may not be entirely accurate for the most interesting part. Anyhow, Taiwan corporation Hua Nan Securities Investment reported today that Coxon Group (translated to Valley Song for some reason) will manufacture the Wii U chassis. Also, this is marked as something for Q3 (for Lingsen/InvenSense, it was mentioned a while ago in a report that Wii U will launch in Q3 calendar year).

Anyway, here's the relevant part (in Engrish):

Foxconn Valley Song new music l Q3 results
Video game maker Nintendo will be launched in the third quarter revision of the handheld game console 3DS the LL screen size is enlarged by 90%, so more consumers can experience 3D video effects, motivating supply chain in Taiwan, such as chassis assembly plant Foxconn (2354), chassis factory new To l, Valley Song, ranking the third quarter performance.

Investment advice:

1. Valley Song (3607) is the main plastic chassis plant, from 2010 onwards the Japanese photo (Nissha) thin film capacitors
The touch module fit and protection glass detection (to data processing), to provide small-and medium-sized smart phone applications. Product Application
Including mobile phones (including touch-fit, 30%), NB and flat (15%), DC / the DSV (15%), Rides (10%), the main client package
Including Nintendo and Nokia. With Nintendo's new machine Wii U and 3DS LL began to pull in the first three quarters of goods, a higher gross profit margin of the game
The proportion of machine chassis products is expected to increase to drive profit growth
. However, short-term or high investment advice for the neutral.
2. New to l is the Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod, headphones and charger plastic shell and suppliers (about 1/3
allocation), but also supply the Nintendo handheld chassis. Stock future is relatively low, the third quarter of Apple and Nintendo
The new products will land continued to come out, new to the l stock is expected to relatively supportive.
If the bold part means they are expecting both Nintendo 3DS XL/LL and Wii U in Q3 I don't know, as said the translation makes this text very strange. If anyone knows the language and wants to translate, it would be most appreciated.

Source: http://eim.entrust.com.tw/files/fin...657/晨報.pdf?0C186472373316753323
Coxon Group's webpage: http://www.coxon.com.tw/index.htm


Isn't that sort of against the rules? If it wasn't surely someone else would have posted updated details by now?
It's not. You're free to post them. If you're not verified, we're free not to believe them. It's really that simple. It's second hand information - as long as it's stated as such, it most likely won't get you banned even if it turns out to be wrong.


Rösti;39500917 said:
This is translated from "Chinese", so it may not be entirely accurate for the most interesting part. Anyhow, Taiwan corporation Hua Nan Securities Investment reported today that Coxon Group (translated to Valley Song for some reason) will manufacture the Wii U chassis. Also, this is marked as something for Q3 (for Lingsen/InvenSense, it was mentioned a while ago in a report that Wii U will launch in Q3 calendar year).

Anyway, here's the relevant part (in Engrish):

If the bold part means they are expecting both Nintendo 3DS XL/LL and Wii U in Q3 I don't know, as said the translation makes this text very strange. If anyone knows the language and wants to translate, it would be most appreciated.

Source: http://eim.entrust.com.tw/files/fin...657/晨報.pdf?0C186472373316753323
Coxon Group's webpage: http://www.coxon.com.tw/index.htm

This isn't really relevant unless we know when Foxconn's fiscal year end is. If their fiscal year = calendar year, then it hints at something 3DS XL and Wii U during the July - September timeframe. However, if their fiscal year-end =/= calendar year (i.e. Nintendo's fiscal year end is March 31) then it could be that their Q3 encompasses the October-December timeframe. Seeing as how it mentions the release of 3DS XL in Q3, and we know that is releasing July-Aug, we can assume Q3 = July - September. But I think the Wii U part may just be about production of the system and not the fact it is going on sale in Q3.


Gold Member
Fully addressed? From what I read I got the impression they took it from "Oh shit, this thing's in trouble trying to manage our games" to "Phew, it can just make it now".
Under what circumstance is these comments?

1. "Oh shit, this thing's in trouble trying to manage our games", and I HAVE moved Sound to the DSP and IO stuff to the IO Unit ->>> "Phew, it can just make it now".
2. "Oh shit, this thing's in trouble trying to manage our games", but I'm running Sound and IO functions on the CPU ->>> "Phew, it can just make it now".



Rösti;39500917 said:
This is translated from "Chinese", so it may not be entirely accurate for the most interesting part. Anyhow, Taiwan corporation Hua Nan Securities Investment reported today that Coxon Group (translated to Valley Song for some reason) will manufacture the Wii U chassis. Also, this is marked as something for Q3 (for Lingsen/InvenSense, it was mentioned a while ago in a report that Wii U will launch in Q3 calendar year).

Anyway, here's the relevant part (in Engrish):

If the bold part means they are expecting both Nintendo 3DS XL/LL and Wii U in Q3 I don't know, as said the translation makes this text very strange. If anyone knows the language and wants to translate, it would be most appreciated.

Source: http://eim.entrust.com.tw/files/fin...657/晨報.pdf?0C186472373316753323
Coxon Group's webpage: http://www.coxon.com.tw/index.htm

It's interesting thx!
Do the one bolded part in your Quote mean that the Wii U final version will be bigger than the versions of the console that we have seen so far?
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