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Wii U Community Thread

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Just passing along another neat little "coincidence" with the E6760 and how Wii U's GPU could have similarities to it.

While looking up wsippel's old compiler post in April for someone, I noticed this post from Azak.


When I came across the GPGPU info on the E6760 about a week ago, I found this.


Forget the flips and flops, don't you think it'll just be cool to have a military grade piece of tech in the home? Surely any real COD fan will want this thing... maybe it'll be bomb proof as well.
I just love Zelda games. Nintendo is crazy when it comes to details like this.
"The night sky is an accurate representation of the real night sky. Stars are the correct brightness, and constellations such as Orion and Cassiopeia. The moon moves, but the stars stay still, however."

"Links hawk can be seen flying around in any areas where there's hawkgrass."

"On the way to the first dungeon, you can steal lantern oil and red potions from the bird. If you run off without paying, the bird will attack you next time and call you a thief. This is a reference to Link's Awakening."




"The night sky is an accurate representation of the real night sky. Stars are the correct brightness, and constellations such as Orion and Cassiopeia. The moon moves, but the stars stay still, however."

"Links hawk can be seen flying around in any areas where there's hawkgrass."

"On the way to the first dungeon, you can steal lantern oil and red potions from the bird. If you run off without paying, the bird will attack you next time and call you a thief. This is a reference to Link's Awakening."



Ha, thanks! Great read :D

- When you ask the fortune teller in Hyrule Castle town for your 'love' fortune, her chant is actually "Wait....loading takes a while" spelled backwards.

- Fire a bomb arrow in to the sky for an instant firework! <- I found this one on my own, blew my mind



Anyone want to point out some of the nice details I may have missed in Skyward Sword?

All this Zelda talk makes me sad that we won't see Wii U Zelda until about 5 years from now. 8[
Speaking of stars; on wind waker if you go to windset island highest point at night and pull the telescope you'll notice the stars are 3D and they actually animate; they spent resources on something like that (in that sense it's more impressive than TP).

The clouds are also in volumetric 3D on WW, clearly noticeable in the day/night cycle changes.
Anyone want to point out some of the nice details I may have missed in Skyward Sword?

All this Zelda talk makes me sad that we won't see Wii U Zelda until about 5 years from now. 8[
I found SS to be technically not that ambitious.

It was happy with it's tech, not trying to fight his way out of it like Zelda TP was. There's lot's of details in there still, but the game is a lot more fragmented and self-contained, not just because of the level design meaning it that way. It kept most details (it's the same engine after all) like how link will look at people's faces automatically and the like, the wet clothing too, and it's the first Zelda to feature cutscene models that are way more detailed than the "in-gameplay" ones. Other than that, and some details that I'm sure are in that I am unaware of, it should be the zelda game that features less impressive easter eggs.

Even the water, the devs with TP developed various kinds of water, Goron Sauna kind of vaseline misty water, Lake Hylia having less effects because of the extent (and the fact you could dive) and of course fountain water with all the effects on top.

Zelda SS? One kind of water only. Technical prowess took the backseat there, other than messing with the graphical style, overhauling the level design structure and items it could be a "mod" of the existing tech; it pretty much used what was there already, the whole time traveling thing surely being based on the twilight and light world travel elements mixed with the way midna's attacks worked (the perimeter thing). Also the trials were clearly the goddess tears quests overhauled as well.
MCV said:
Trolling is wrong and trolls themselves are horrific beings. But is there a genuine business consequence to this most despicable of pastimes?

Yes, according to Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata.

Speaking to investors, the exec claimed: “There have recently been negative campaigns on the internet in which false opinions are deliberately posted to ruin the reputation of a product. Such vicious rumours are a big problem and could be considered business interference.”

That’s not the only problem trolls pose, either. They also make it hard for the company to distinguish between genuine criticism and online noise.

“It is very difficult to tell consumers’ real complaints from those that are posted as part of a negative campaign,” he bemoaned.

“If we were to delete anything negative about our games, it could constitute a suppression of free speech and you would not able to believe in even a good reputation. Luckily, those who are engaged just to be engaged in negative campaigns are in fact just a fraction of all users



Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
This thread and Nintendo both need the same thing- new info on software.


Anyone want to point out some of the nice details I may have missed in Skyward Sword?

Seriously, I try to think of one as cool as one of the TP ones.. but in that regard SS was pretty lame. Maybe that the main theme is the reversed Ocarina song?

I hope they will FILL the next one with easter eggs and secrets.

Azure J

I was wondering if this was a new thread or something for the longest before I saw the post count and came in. Nice job mods. :lol


Noone is even talking about games in here now. Just whether Wii U has on par genitals parts as it future brother and sister

I see the flop/flipper/jigawatt discussions and begin to doze-off. Not good for when I'm trying to stay awake at work.

Well, that, and I've rekindled something of a love affair with Super Mario Galaxy as of late.

When we get more on games (silly me, eh, bg?) or those third parties and their interesting judgement, I'll have more to say, haha.. :)


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Lol. Just like the E3 information blow-out this thread was anticipating for months?

I don't understand why you guys choose to do this to yourselves over and over. The cycle continues.

Nintendo has regularly done a much better job at Japan events, specifically Fall events. At the very least, you can expect a Japanese 3rd party blowout of sorts, given that has already been specifically confirmed by Iwata.

I don't expect Mario Universe or anything insane, but I think there will be a lot of announcements and specifics given.


Noone is even talking about games in here now. Just whether Wii U has on par genitals parts as it future brother and sister

we've had several attempts to instigate a game-centered discussion but nobody replies and people get caught up on power-comparisons again and again :(


Nintendo has regularly done a much better job at Japan events, specifically Fall events. At the very least, you can expect a Japanese 3rd party blowout of sorts, given that has already been specifically confirmed by Iwata.

I don't expect Mario Universe or anything insane, but I think there will be a lot of announcements and specifics given.

I sure hope so.

Then again, the same was said about E3. But after nintendo has completely failed to deliver at the biggest gaming event of the year, i'm not that hopeful for exciting news at a japan-only conference except for a ton of software that will probably never see the light of day in the west anyway.

Did Iwata state that it was going to be a blow-out? Or is that just the hype-goggles once again taking hold?


Lol. Just like the E3 information blow-out this thread was anticipating for months?

I don't understand why you guys choose to do this to yourselves over and over. The cycle continues.

It`s not like we choose to do this, is that we expect that blowout to happen eventually so every new opportunity of that happening we Hype ourselves.


Nintendo has regularly done a much better job at Japan events, specifically Fall events. At the very least, you can expect a Japanese 3rd party blowout of sorts, given that has already been specifically confirmed by Iwata.

I don't expect Mario Universe or anything insane, but I think there will be a lot of announcements and specifics given.

Retro's and MonolithSoft's new IPs! ARRGHHGHUHSFAISJD :(


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I guess I can try and start a games-centered discussion.

Candidates for launch window software from Japanese 3rd parties, presumably to be announced by September?

-From Capcom, I think some sort of fighting game port will happen. Lots of candidates. I also have a feeling Dragon's Dogma is a port candidate. Game is finished so presumably there would be time, and I suspect Capcom is desperate to see more sales for the franchise. Part of me thinks Capcom and Nintendo has some sort of Monster Hunter 4 version in the pipeline, but it also would not surprise me if the series is strictly portable from now on. Maybe Basara as well as it was a Wii franchise.

-From Namco Bandai, I wonder if we'll see some sort of Tales port, given that Shocking Alberto said Nintendo is eager to see another mainline entry on Wii U. Ridge Racer, One Piece, also possibilities.

-TecmoKoei seems rather chummy with Nintendo, so something like Samurai Warriors and/or other musou games seems like a good bet. I would also bet on Dead or Alive coming sometime during the launch window.

-SE? Who knows. The biggest question is probably when will DQX arrive and what type of impact will it have. I also wonder if SE would try and port over FF13/13-2 to get some easy sales from Wii owners who missed out.

-I also would not be surprised to see Level 5 with some decent support for the system- maybe Inazuma or a Ni No Kuni port.

-Konami. Literally expecting nothing.

Sega- they did not really give the Wii much Japanese-centered support so not expecting much there.

-Atlus? Who knows.

Basically, I expect a decent amount of ports of 2012/2013 stuff, which would still be 100% better than the launch window lineup for Wii. Samurai Warriors, Tales, Inazuma, and possibly Monster Hunter seem like the best bests- franchises which had a Wii presence.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Did Iwata state that it was going to be a blow-out? Or is that just the hype-goggles once again taking hold?

Well, he explicitly stated that Japanese 3rd party efforts would be shown at a later date.

Also, traditionally at these Japanese events we've gotten more announcements for the next year than at E3.


Just passing along another neat little "coincidence" with the E6760 and how Wii U's GPU could have similarities to it.

While looking up wsippel's old compiler post in April for someone, I noticed this post from Azak.


When I came across the GPGPU info on the E6760 about a week ago, I found this.


The plot thickens...

Edit: I just looked at some AMD info for that GPU and noticed this:
128-bit memory interface with 1 GB GDDR5
Doesn't that rule it out for Wii U as we know it has more memory than that? Are memory maximums normally customised in console GPU's?

Come on Nintendo! Tell us 1st and 3rd party 2013 games! Show us a sexy as a mofo tech demo; even a maxxed out Bird Demo. That's all I need. Please, no more Nintendo Land. No more jaggy pikmin, no more nearly year old PS60 ports.....That, or just announce GTA V for Wii U and I'll be happy.

Plus, my spelling is shite.


I see the flop/flipper/jigawatt discussions and begin to doze-off. Not good for when I'm trying to stay awake at work.

But those flipperflopper numbers are what enables devs to make games. Would ACreed be the same game withough the crowds and drawdistance? Would KZ3 be the same withouth the AI, gun feedback or gfx?


I just love Zelda games. Nintendo is crazy when it comes to details like this.

*sigh* Zelda.. I really would love it if nintendo actually pushed a new generation of Wiimotes with much more advanced motion controls (and the tech should also be included in the nunchuck. Oh the possibilities.

Oh and I know that its really weird but I kinda want a Zelda with a realistic artstyle again.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Didn't Iwata say there was supposed to be a press release about Japanese launch games like 3 weeks ago?

No, he just tweeted at E3 that the Japanese lineup and price/launch details would come at a later date.


Did Iwata state that it was going to be a blow-out? Or is that just the hype-goggles once again taking hold?
He said details about Japanese support would follow later. I think several of us are hoping for a conference in the same vein as the 3DS one last year a day before TGS: Nintendo announced a vast array of new titles including the Monster Hunter titles.

I guess I can try and start a games-centered discussion.

*Highfives Shuelma for his software discussions*

Honestly, I don't expect a lot. Capcom could be an important partner. After Namco-Bandai's confirmation of Tekken TT 2 I expect Street Fighter x Tekken Wii U Edition. Dragon's Dogma is a wild card. If Capcom is really serious about turning it into a franchise I can see it happening. It's more likely we'll see a Resident Evil game on the system in 2013. Namco-Bandai will launch with Tekken TT 2 and Tank! Tank! Tank!, with a new/ported over Ridge Racer game. As for the rest, animé stuff. Square-Enix won't release much, except for DQ X. The Square side won't even consider Nintendo until it sells. Sega will just release Sonic games and I think they'll release several games for eShop. Old Sega classis like Jet Set Radio HD. Konami will release PES 2013 in 2013... and that's it. Tecmo-Koei will announce a Samurai Warriors game. Maybe a new team-up game?

As for the rest... I don't expect Level 5 making a gamble yet.
Huh? I thought we had solid confirmations that the WiiU was actually mass-less!

Nope, we've got proof of mass on the Wii-U

*sigh* Zelda.. I really would love it if nintendo actually pushed a new generation of Wiimotes with much more advanced motion controls (and the tech should also be included in the nunchuck. Oh the possibilities.

Oh and I know that its really weird but I kinda want a Zelda with a realistic artstyle again.

There's a lot of people for whom Skyward Sword's motion controls didn't work (I'm not one of them, though). I think those people are not going to look twice at another motion controlled Zelda.


There's a lot of people for whom Skyward Sword's motion controls didn't work (I'm not one of them, though). I think those people are not going to look twice at another motion controlled Zelda.

Considering that they aren't going to bring up a next generation Wiimote already shattered my hopes up. But damn it could have been amazing.


There's a lot of people for whom Skyward Sword's motion controls didn't work (I'm not one of them, though). I think those people are not going to look twice at another motion controlled Zelda.

I am one of them. Either had to keep re-calibrating, or I found my reaction-time to the very small window it gives you to attack was too slow to swing the mote in time. Fighting Ghiriam was the most trouble. I also found most of the time that waggling actually worked fine.


I am one of them. Either had to keep re-calibrating, or I found my reaction-time to the very small window it gives you to attack was too slow to swing the mote in time. Fighting Ghiriam was the most trouble. I also found most of the time that waggling actually worked fine.

Just a question though, regardless of the overall performance, what did you think about the concept of the controls?


what do u mean? I think everyone likes the idea of swinging the mote as your sword, but like I said, in practice its just kinda frustrating and doesnt work that well. Didnt stop my enjoyment of the game though


what do u mean? I think everyone likes the idea of swinging the mote as your sword, but like I said, in practice its just kinda frustrating and doesnt work that well. Didnt stop my enjoyment of the game though

Yeah i just meant what you thought of the idea rather than the execution. And you just did, thanks.
what do u mean? I think everyone likes the idea of swinging the mote as your sword, but like I said, in practice its just kinda frustrating and doesnt work that well. Didnt stop my enjoyment of the game though
You had the sensor bar on top, am I right?

Controller has to make contact every once in a while with it in order for it to not get lost (decalibrated), so if it's higher than the wiimote when you're waggling and you're not trying to aim at it chances are it'll get lost often.

Had the same problem then corrected it.

As for Ghirahim, he was designed to be like that; long and hard; left you kinda useless wether you were actually doing damage or not, right?
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