The running theme of this console is being incremental, not really a dig at going bankrupt but a balancing act of the best performance $300 (minus the price of a high tech controller) can buy. That's probably their briefing anyway.
It's not an attempt at making a X360, and bottlenecking stuff is really not in Nintendo's tradition. If they were to bottleneck then I bet they could go for 4 GB of RAM instead considering how cheap as DDR3 is now for even us. (I bought 8 GB last year for 70 euro tops).
The rule of thumb seems to be at making it at least 2x or better (I'd actually say 2.5/3x; 2x is worst case scenario) as the GPU seems to be 2.5x the Gflops of X360 (3 times the PS3 RSX Gflops), the RAM amount is 3x X360/PS3 (if it's 1.5 GB, if they unlock more memory it'll be even higher), framebuffer is also 3.2x larger than the X360 one; and the CPU real performance is inconclusive so far, flunking on RAM would be bad.No; they're designed and certified to go at that speed and thus it's not the RAM that's being overclocked but the system itself because the DDR3 speeds in question are not standard for the motherboard and cpu.
Doesn't really apply to a console as they control multiplier and fsb. They can go for whatever RAM they want although 2.5 GHz is unlikely, those types get hot (and come with heat dissipation measures)
X360 is using 4 RAM chips right now (
other side is blank) with 8 chips you could surely more than double the bandwidth of a 7 year old platform using DDR3.
32 MB of eDRAM is too small for a twist when it's being used as a framebuffer. The more you have the better it'll be.
I did the math a few pages back. It's not the only factor, as that might not max the bandwidth, you you really don't want to stress the framebuffer into doing a lot of extra stuff in between two things that are constant (driving two screens that is) so you're left with the leftover RAM and even most devs won't mess much with that, preffering to add extra effects and passages than streaming textures.
1280x720p with 2xMSAA would sit at 12.3 MB and the controller's 853x480 with 2xMSAA would cost 5.5 MB 17.8 MB leaving a whooping 14.2 MB for something else.
4xMSAA? then it's 17.6 MB plus 7.8 MB's, 25.4 MB leaving 6.6 MB. There isn't a budget for texture streaming in there.
Of could you could do lot's of gymnastics with it (like tiling) but even if you had the whole 32 MB bank for texture streaming it's not that big (there's bigger textures than that, specially if you go over 2048x2048) and if the RAM is slow you'd be stuck with them on the framebuffer taking cycles before the RAM can finish streaming them.
Not that useful.