Insane is probably dead or undergoing several changes as THQ try and dig themselves out of a financial grave.
Thief 4 is a bit deceptive. It exists, but isn't as far in development as we might think it is. It's still got some ways to go. E3 2013 is a good guess I think
Prey 2 is kinda dead. Bethesda weren't happy with the game's quality and put it on the back burner. It might exist, it might not.
Beyond Good & Evil 2 doesn't exist beyond prototypes and wishful thinking.
BioShock Infinite is 2K being weird. I'm still convinced that game has been somewhat trapped in development hell and isn't coming together as nice as they'd like.
THQ isn't the same company anymore, atleast not the same philosophy. All AAA titles have retained their staff and will be focused greately on quality, can't wait for COH2.
It's indeed great news that THQ was failing, that forced the old boss out of the company, I wish that will sooner or later happen to Zynga.
No, but what big budget title has actually been PC exclusive this generation? Even if they make it for PC and port to consoles they have to limit the PC version because otherwise you would never be able to port it efficiently. So yes consoles have been holding what PC games could be for years now. The one game that was considered big budget and made just for PC was Crysis and it looks spectacular. And that was done back in 2007 only 2 years after the 360 came out.
You lack information. Most of what you said is completely inaccurate.
I would have to post a wall of text to explain everything. But let's make a quick summary
First Sentence: ?
Answers: What is Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, Company of Heroes (2 expansions), Generals 2 (early 2013) Rome 2: Total War (early 2013)
WiiU alone doesn't make a fine line between generations ... and first year there will be just ports and up-rez from last gen.
Starcraft 2 cost 100 million $, i would call that "big budget".
Second Sentence: you don't understand what work and how porting is and works.
Everything else: automatically invalid because it's based on previous statements.
I haven't seen such mixmashed up distorted false information in a long time. I stop a moment and just ask my self how on earth can they come up with these kinds of theories.
AAA multiplatform Games are getting developed simulatenously, the fact that PC version were getting released later is exactly the issue of PC being layers from the hardware unlike consoles, way more effort is required for polishing and optimizing because it wouldn't run at acceptable frame rates, this includes all the cooperation with GPU vendors who have to work together for making sure drivers work for the game.
Carmack said that developing for consoles was a big mistake, future projects will be developed from ground-up for PC hardware and deployed on consoles. It's much easier just disabling the options you don't need than doing it the el-consolo way Wait until you see Doom 4.