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Wii U Community Thread

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Outside of the DOF Pikmin 3 looks like a current generation game through and through, and not an overly impressive one. But only on a technical level. Art, colours and vibrancy look gorgeous, and coupled with the solid framerate and DOF it looks really lovely in motion.

As I've said though, I do feel its Wii origins show through, particularly in geometry complexity. I'm definitely keen to see how the build is coming along. Galaxy's first reveal was missing a lot of textures and effects that came later.

P-100 is the most impressive looking game so far, I feel.

Yep that's actually more of a graphical showcase than the art style would lead many to believe imo. There's a lot of nice lighting effects, DOF and large amounts of action all running very smoothly indeed.

I'm probably looking forward to this the most from the launch (window) titles.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Outside of the DOF Pikmin 3 looks like a current generation game through and through, and not an overly impressive one. But only on a technical level. Art, colours and vibrancy look gorgeous, and coupled with the solid framerate and DOF it looks really lovely in motion.

As I've said though, I do feel its Wii origins show through, particularly in geometry complexity. I'm definitely keen to see how the build is coming along. Galaxy's first reveal was missing a lot of textures and effects that came later.

P-100 is the most impressive looking game so far, I feel.

TBH, I don't think the demo is going to be completely representative of what the game will look like. To me, it seems as though they have focused on getting their assets and previous work upressed to 720p with a few eye candy goodies to make a decent demo but it is still a work in progress. Its obviously still very Wii centric, they are probably still in the process of optimizing it for the Wii-U

I mean its not releasing till 2013 and games like Zombi-U and Battman already looking noticeably better in a short period after E3. While I still dont think we will be getting displacement mapping or 1080p any time soon. I do think its safe to say there will be improvements when the purple and white pikmin weren't even in the demo. Let alone the fact that they are just hiding behind bushes rather than having to craft them

IMO, I think most of the games we have seen at E3 will at least have some DOF and AA be it software or on the EDRAM before they are released. What im holding out for on Pikmin 3 is some better textures, I could get over the regular ol mapping if the textures were better.


Outside of the DOF Pikmin 3 looks like a current generation game through and through, and not an overly impressive one.

Welcome to 'next-gen' dude. It looks an awful lot like this gen. Get used to it.

BTW, is Rayman a Co-op only game? Im getting a little confused about how you're supposed to play without having a guy controlling Murphy


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Welcome to 'next-gen' dude. It looks an awful lot like this gen. Get used to it.

I have a high end PC. I regularly look at games that do laps around current generation console efforts. Next generation will reflect that.


I have a high end PC. I regularly look at games that do laps around current generation console efforts. Next generation will reflect that.

Then you already have a system a few times as powerful as any next gen console.

Of course I still expect to see something similar to the best looking current PC games at 720p 30fps on next gen consoles.


Neo Member
Is it true that Deadpool The Game is gonna come to Wii U?

I just saw the announcement trailer and it looks good.
I like Deadpool's irony (a la Duke Nukem).
Then you already have a system a few times as powerful as any next gen console.

Of course I still expect to see something similar to the best looking current PC games at 720p 30fps on next gen consoles.

The thing is developers have been held back by current gen consoles when making PC games, so even if you have a high end PC you haven't seen them used to their full potential. Also who would have expected stuff like God of War 3 and The Last of Us from 2005 hardware?

Which ones even look as good?

Doesn't Gran Turismo 5 run at 60?


P-100 has such a great look; it reminds me of myself when I was younger and built my own little cities with my toys on a carpet with roads and grasslands on it.

Sleeper hit that probably won't sell because of dat Platinum Games curse :(
Welcome to 'next-gen' dude. It looks an awful lot like this gen. Get used to it.

BTW, is Rayman a Co-op only game? Im getting a little confused about how you're supposed to play without having a guy controlling Murphy

That's my exact fear, that the game will suck for the single player experience, something they haven't shown at all yet.


The thing is developers have been held back by current gen consoles when making PC games, so even if you have a high end PC you haven't seen them used to their full potential. Also who would have expected stuff like God of War 3 and The Last of Us from 2005 hardware?

Doesn't Gran Turismo 5 run at 60?

Of course that's why I'm expecting similar graphics to currently released high end PC games (at 720p) on next gen consoles despite the fact they'll be a lot less powerful than current high end PC's. I mean eventually (several years down the line) I'd expect to see the occasional stand out game that looks even better, like the games you've mentioned. I'm just talking about my expectations for the first few years of PS4/XBox3. I also expect to see far better than the likes of Pikmin 3 on WiiU years down the line as well.

Also its not easy comparing two totally different kinds of games. I'll rephrase my question, which games on PS3/360 that are the same style as Pikmin 3 run at 60fps and look as good? Its a genuine question, because I don't play those kind of games often.
High end PC's are also a lot more powerful than any next gen console. The fact that PC hardware is less utilised is the reason why I'm expecting similar graphics on next gen consoles despite the lower power. Eventually we'll see even better, like the games you've mentioned which took several years to come out. But I also expect to see far better than the likes of Pikmin 3 on WiiU years down the line.

But that's the thing. Developers haven't been making games with high end PCs in mind so we don't actually know what high end PCs are capable of. We're just seeing current gen games with better effects, resolution, and framerate due to PC not being able to support the kind of budget you would need to take advantage of it by itself.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Then you already have a system a few times as powerful as any next gen console.

Of course I still expect to see something similar to the best looking current PC games at 720p 30fps on next gen consoles.

I know, and there's still much room to make use of the hardware I have in my PC. Games can look tremendously better that what we have today, held back by hardware limitations.

And yeah. Given I suspect 90% of next generation games will continue to output at 720p and 30fps, that leaves a lot of headroom for nice looking games.


Many people, including myself, were disappointed with Nintendo not showing off more first party games. At least ones that show that the WiiU is a step up from current gen. What were their reasons? And was it actually a smart move in the long run? Nintendo wasn't the only ones who had games that were no shows... and I'm wondering if any of these were meant to be shown off for the WiiU:

Insane (trilogy)
survival horror game
Guillermo del Toro
Why no show? THQ money issues?

Thief 4

Eidos Montreal
Why no show? Development hell?

Prey 2
Open world+
Human Head
Why now show? Too ambitious, Contract disputes with Bethesda?

Beyond Good & Evil 2

Michel Ancel
Why no show? Beyond Good & Evil 2 is now being developed for next-gen consoles
WiiU ??

BioShock Infinite
Why no show? Taking development time away from the game for a demo isn’t always worth it?

And this is important for making judgements about games we have seen for the WiiU during E3. As far as I know, it takes time to make a demo. Which means, we are not seeing the how far the game is at the moment the demo is revealed. As a matter of fact, we have no idea in what the state a game is based on the demo. Because we don't know when it was put together.

based on this article:


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Insane is probably dead or undergoing several changes as THQ try and dig themselves out of a financial grave.

Thief 4 is a bit deceptive. It exists, but isn't as far in development as we might think it is. It's still got some ways to go. E3 2013 is a good guess I think

Prey 2 is kinda dead. Bethesda weren't happy with the game's quality and put it on the back burner. It might exist, it might not.

Beyond Good & Evil 2 doesn't exist beyond prototypes and wishful thinking.

BioShock Infinite is 2K being weird. I'm still convinced that game has been somewhat trapped in development hell and isn't coming together as nice as they'd like.
All of those have good reasons for not showing up at E3 besides a Wii U version although I wouldn't rule it out. Prey 2 was apparently on the chopping block and may have gone to a new studio. Beyond Good and Evil 2 likely hasn't even entered development yet. Bioshock Infinite is the most likely choice, but I believe Levin said his team was stretched then and may not have wanted to go through the E3 process taking away dev time.

Edit: Beaten I guess

Thief 4 is a bit deceptive. It exists, but isn't as far in development as we might think it is. It's still got some ways to go. E3 2013 is a good guess I think

Well the lead creative director left the team, so i wonder what's going on over there.
Many people, including myself, were disappointed with Nintendo not showing off more first party games. At least ones that show that the WiiU is a step up from current gen. What were their reasons? And was it actually a smart move in the long run? Nintendo wasn't the only ones who had games that were no shows... and I'm wondering if any of these were meant to be shown off for the WiiU:

It would have nullified 90% of the trolling it's had I think. ZU ComCon footage has helped take some of the edge off it for now, but good move for the long run? I can't see the benefit of showing more impressive graphics off closer to/in launch window opposed to e3 2012. Had they been able to and did show impressive step in graphics at e3, then I feel that would have been the most beneficial to get hype rolling.

I don't know, they've still got time to do it and I'm not in marketing, so maybe general public wise, hype building would be better nearer to launch date.

I just think it would have stopped the negative trolling, that they themselves complained about, so what would that situation have been worth to them? I guess they might add it to their "we learned from" list.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Well the lead creative director left the team, so i wonder what's going on over there.

Yeah, that's concerning. The project is probably still in an early state.

II just think it would have stopped the negative trolling, that they themselves complained about, so what would that situation have been worth to them? I guess they might add it to their "we learned from" list.

You know not everybody who was disappointed with Nintendo's E3 showing was 'negative trolling', right?

EDIT: You are probably right in that a big graphical show piece would have likely negated much of the negative reception. I think having more than current generation third party ports and something more unique from Nintendo themselves would have done a good job too.


But that's the thing. Developers haven't been making games with high end PCs in mind so we don't actually know what high end PCs are capable of. We're just seeing current gen games with better effects, resolution, and framerate due to PC not being able to support the kind of budget you would need to take advantage of it by itself.

Not every game has been designed for consoles and ported to PC. But like I said the power of PC's are never utilised as well as consoles. Which is why I expect a system that's going to be less than half the power of a mid to high end PC (PS4) to produce games similar to the best currently on PC (all be it at 720p) in its first year or so and even better a few years down the line.
Not every game has been designed for consoles and ported to PC.

No, but what big budget title has actually been PC exclusive this generation? Even if they make it for PC and port to consoles they have to limit the PC version because otherwise you would never be able to port it efficiently. So yes consoles have been holding what PC games could be for years now. The one game that was considered big budget and made just for PC was Crysis and it looks spectacular. And that was done back in 2007 only 2 years after the 360 came out.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I can see a lot of relationships ending over Rayman's asymmetric gameplay.

Or relationships made stronger!

Seriously, though, I can't wait--that touchscreen co-op looks absolutely perfect for my 5-year old who is looking to get into video games.


P-100 is the most impressive looking game so far, I feel.

P-100 has such a great look; it reminds me of myself when I was younger and built my own little cities with my toys on a carpet with roads and grasslands on it.

Sleeper hit that probably won't sell because of dat Platinum Games curse :(

Yes, yes. But will it be available day 1? My spidey sense says December or more likely, March.

I might get this instead of NSMBU at launch.
Yeah, that's concerning. The project is probably still in an early state.

You know not everybody who was disappointed with Nintendo's E3 showing was 'negative trolling', right?

EDIT: You are probably right in that a big graphical show piece would have likely negated much of the negative reception. I think having more than current generation third party ports and something more unique from Nintendo themselves would have done a good job too.

But of course. I was disappointed too. There's been untold amounts of bullshit been hurled around from average Joes and the press alike, which I see as trolling.

I'm not too sure what his viewer base size is like, but there are too many pricks like this in the gaming press these days. Check this utter c**t out, opinions paraded as facts:


Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
No, but what big budget title has actually been PC exclusive this generation? Even if they make it for PC and port to consoles they have to limit the PC version because otherwise you would never be able to port it efficiently. So yes consoles have been holding what PC games could be for years now. The one game that was considered big budget and made just for PC was Crysis and it looks spectacular. And that was done back in 2007 only 2 years after the 360 came out.

I hope pc games never go back to this. Game ran like shit for years even on high end pc's. If anything i think having to port to consoles has lead to some games being a lot more optimized imo.
Does Pikmin 3 officially run in 60 frames or not? Has anyone with an eye for framerates seen it in person? I have that kind of eye, sadly I'm no where near a public showing of it. :'(
But of course. I was disappointed too. There's been untold amounts of bullshit been hurled around from average Joes and the press alike, which I see as trolling.

I'm not too sure what his viewer base size is like, but there are too many pricks like this in the gaming press these days. Check this utter c**t out, opinions paraded as facts:


I can't believe you just got me to give that guy another view. Ugh...
I hope pc games never go back to this. Game ran like shit for years even on high end pc's. If anything i think having to port to consoles has lead to some games being a lot more optimized imo.

Never said I wanted to go back to it, only that's the reason next gen console games will likely look a lot better than what PC games do right now. And the PC versions of those games will look absolutely stunning.


Quite, can't tell if that's any better than e3 (haven't watched that particular battle from e3 footage yet) but it looks amazing either way

Yeah definitely looks better, the environments look like they have better textures from E3, and you can tell the boss looks better graphically.

I can't believe you just got me to give that guy another view. Ugh...

At first I was like why?, what's wrong with this guy?, after watching the video I understand what you mean.

If the PS4/720 are 6-8x more powerful than the PS3/360 that makes it 2-4x more powerful than the Wii U which is not that bad, the PS3/360 where like 20x more powerful than the Wii, now that's huge.


And a 32 MB eDRAM bank doesn't really change that, it's too small; would require lots of caching when you have HD textures taking several times more than that amount.There's always bottlenecks, even Nintendo platforms that were regarded as balanced had them, for instance GC lacked in RAM amount; but they went for less RAM precisely because of all things they'd rather have top grade RAM in their system as that reduced bottlenecks big time.

They did the same with 3DS recently. They seem to have a fetish to go with RAM with a twist.

RAM amount IS the biggest bottleneck.


Does Pikmin 3 officially run in 60 frames or not? Has anyone with an eye for framerates seen it in person? I have that kind of eye, sadly I'm no where near a public showing of it. :'(

I'm pretty sure those pixel-counters confirmed the games runs at 60fps.
Actually, there's a table with the resolutions and frames for each games. I'll try to get it.

edit: I found it looking at that Comic Con Wii U thread lol

Scribblenauts Unlimited 	1080p	   60 fps	FSAA
New Super Mario Bros. U		 720p 	   60 fps	AA
Nintendo Land			 720p	   60 fps
Ninja Gaiden 3 			 720p 	   60 fps 		v-sync
Batman 				 720p 	   30 fps 		v-sync
Project P-100			 720p	   60 fps	
Rayman Legends			 720p	   60 fps
Mass Effect 3			 720p	   60 fps
Pikmin 3 			 720p 	   60 fps
Zombi U 			 720p 	   30 fps
Lego City: Undercover		 720p	   
Trine 2: Director's Cut 	 720p			FXAA

those are from E3 tho


So it looks like a couple things have been slightly improved, including lighting (the fish/bug things seems to have a light glow) and textures. The boss's textures have been improved if you go back and compare to the E3 build.

These are the same improvements that Zombie U more or less has and in the same time frame. What gives? Is it just a coincidence?
The ground textures actually improved. They look current gen now instead of wii looking. BG will be happy :)
The ground textures actually improved. They look current gen now instead of wii looking. BG will be happy :)

Whats even more awesome is if some of these titles aren't coming out until early next year, that gives them plenty of time to improve them even more. I mean it's only been a little over a month since e3 and we are already seeing some improvements. :D


If the PS4/720 are 6-8x more powerful than the PS3/360 that makes it 2-4x more powerful than the Wii U which is not that bad, the PS3/360 where like 20x more powerful than the Wii, now that's huge.

Yeah, exactly.

Though, last we heard PS4 was going to be ~10x more powerful than the PS3, according to bg & a few others, or so I thought.

If Wii U only ends up ~2-3x more powerful than current gen HD (which I am expecting) than the Ps4 would still only be about 3-4x more powerful than Wii U which still supports your point. No where near the difference of Wii vs PS360. But 3-4x the power can still be a lot of power for some games.

I think next gen will both overwhelm and underwhelm at the same time; those expecting a huge quantum jump as we have been accustomed to are going to be underwhelmed...

..but those expecting it to simply be the best of high end PC games today and "that's it" are going to be surprised that the games will look noticeably better. Let's not kid ourselves about that. There is going to be a notable difference from PS3 -> PS4. UE4 is going to be ~ what we should expect from those systems.


Or relationships made stronger!

Seriously, though, I can't wait--that touchscreen co-op looks absolutely perfect for my 5-year old who is looking to get into video games.

Gaming with the kids is great. I miss those days. My youngest is now 14. A lot of his gaming interests have diverged from Dad's. We still enjoy a lot of the same games but COD is his time sink right now (I would say mine is Diablo III, but it keeps pissing me off.) That's why I love Nintendo. Their games are literally for all ages, and since I introduced my kids to gaming through Nintendo they have a healthy respect for the history that Nintendo brings to the table. Mario, Metroid, Pokemon, Zelda and every other Nintendo franchise will always have a place in our family's home.


Yeah, exactly.

Though, last we heard PS4 was going to be ~10x more powerful than the PS3, according to bg & a few others, or so I thought.

If Wii U only ends up ~2-3x more powerful than current gen HD (which I am expecting) than the Ps4 would still only be about 3-4x more powerful than Wii U which still supports your point. No where near the difference of Wii vs PS360. But 3-4x the power can still be a lot of power for some games.

I think next gen will both overwhelm and underwhelm at the same time; those expecting a huge quantum jump as we have been accustomed to are going to be underwhelmed...

..but those expecting it to simply be the best of high end PC games today and "that's it" are going to be surprised that the games will look noticeably better. Let's not kid ourselves about that. There is going to be a notable difference from PS3 -> PS4. UE4 is going to be ~ what we should expect from those systems.

Exactly, a lot of people are expecting a leap like this gen, this one guy thinks it might be PS1 to PS2 difference no way that will happen, the highest everyone is saying is it will be 10x, not that big but still good.
I like that the Wii U games look very polished. I haven't seen a single bad texture (aside from Pikmin 3, but it started as a Wii game) for example.

I think that current games don't look bad by any means, but they lack (also because of their style/genre) some cinematic showcases like Star Wars 1313.

If you ask me, something like the Zelda demo..



...doesn't need to hide from games like Star Wars 1313. The latter has some more things going on, anyway.


Insane is probably dead or undergoing several changes as THQ try and dig themselves out of a financial grave.

Thief 4 is a bit deceptive. It exists, but isn't as far in development as we might think it is. It's still got some ways to go. E3 2013 is a good guess I think

Prey 2 is kinda dead. Bethesda weren't happy with the game's quality and put it on the back burner. It might exist, it might not.

Beyond Good & Evil 2 doesn't exist beyond prototypes and wishful thinking.

BioShock Infinite is 2K being weird. I'm still convinced that game has been somewhat trapped in development hell and isn't coming together as nice as they'd like.

THQ isn't the same company anymore, atleast not the same philosophy. All AAA titles have retained their staff and will be focused greately on quality, can't wait for COH2.

It's indeed great news that THQ was failing, that forced the old boss out of the company, I wish that will sooner or later happen to Zynga.

No, but what big budget title has actually been PC exclusive this generation? Even if they make it for PC and port to consoles they have to limit the PC version because otherwise you would never be able to port it efficiently. So yes consoles have been holding what PC games could be for years now. The one game that was considered big budget and made just for PC was Crysis and it looks spectacular. And that was done back in 2007 only 2 years after the 360 came out.

You lack information. Most of what you said is completely inaccurate.
I would have to post a wall of text to explain everything. But let's make a quick summary

First Sentence: ?
Answers: What is Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, Company of Heroes (2 expansions), Generals 2 (early 2013) Rome 2: Total War (early 2013)
WiiU alone doesn't make a fine line between generations ... and first year there will be just ports and up-rez from last gen.

Starcraft 2 cost 100 million $, i would call that "big budget".

Second Sentence: you don't understand what work and how porting is and works.

Everything else: automatically invalid because it's based on previous statements.

I haven't seen such mixmashed up distorted false information in a long time. I stop a moment and just ask my self how on earth can they come up with these kinds of theories.

AAA multiplatform Games are getting developed simulatenously, the fact that PC version were getting released later is exactly the issue of PC being layers from the hardware unlike consoles, way more effort is required for polishing and optimizing because it wouldn't run at acceptable frame rates, this includes all the cooperation with GPU vendors who have to work together for making sure drivers work for the game.

Carmack said that developing for consoles was a big mistake, future projects will be developed from ground-up for PC hardware and deployed on consoles. It's much easier just disabling the options you don't need than doing it the el-consolo way Wait until you see Doom 4.


I like that the Wii U games look very polished. I haven't seen a single bad texture (aside from Pikmin 3, but it started as a Wii game) for example.

I think that current games don't look bad by any means, but they lack (also because of their style/genre) some cinematic showcases like Star Wars 1313.

If you ask me, something like the Zelda demo..



...doesn't need to hide from games like Star Wars 1313. The latter has some more things going on, anyway.

After watching all the Wii U game footage from Comic-Con and E3 2012
this Zelda demo looks rushed and outdated as fuck
which is really a good thing. Can't wait to see the next real Zelda and Metroid :O


Wow. I just watched all those videos. This site that I've never heard of did a better job presenting Wii U games than Nintendo did at e3. This site has a new fan.

NSMBU lighhting looks awesome. When Mario runs in that star a faint glow surrounds him. Mario's model is all shiny and colorful. Motion controls aren't forced anymore, you can use ZR to spin in the air instead of being forced to waggle in NSMBWii (the waggle doesn't bother me, but others will be happy)

Pikmin 3 looks awesome to me. Not just the HD but the framerste, lighting and controls.

P-100 didn't look impressive to me at E3 but that demo video showed how fun it could be and the GamePad is being out to good use.

I'm happy and can't wait for my Wii U.


Exactly, a lot of people are expecting a leap like this gen, this one guy thinks it might be PS1 to PS2 difference no way that will happen, the highest everyone is saying is it will be 10x, not that big but still good.

I have a question for everyone that seems to be hung up on these power multipliers. What exactly does a game on a system 10x more powerful than curent gen look like? Does that mean it can have 10x more stuff on the screen? Does it display at 10x the resolution? Are the games 10x better? Will the games run 10x faster?

I ask these questions with not a small amount of sarcasm because at the end of the day do we expect a 10x tangible difference between what we are seeing now or are we expecting better textures, better framerates and higher resolutions coupled with a few advanced effects.

I just don't think WiiU will have as big of a problem keeping up with the 720 and PS4 as a lot of others do. Maybe the resolution will drop from 1080P to 720P. Maybe the framerate will drop from 60fps to 30fps. Maybe it will be missing a few effects here and there. These are not things that cannot be overcome and most can be overcome with minimal effort.

The WiiU will do just fine, and as we've seen over the last few days, there are some really great looking games heading our way.


Seriously guys, the discussion around these fictional multipliers is getting ridiculous.

Let's assume the imaginary multiplier is ....

I can't even decide if it's performance or raw hardware spec.

So there, one multiplier is already invalid, there has to be at least 2 for this fictional comparrison to work.

Next point, if it's one of those, it has to be overall. So all of the raw spec numbers or all of the performance numbers are represented by a single overall digit.

This is the recepie to create the most inaccurate comparison.
The only way why we're talking about it is because it makes people feel better, but everyone (of those multiplier talkers) in this thread is still going to buy the wiiu sooner or later.

The biggest blunder is, that this multiplier is completely invalid until we have full details of both actors in comparison, by full, it means really full, to the slightest detail of chips inside that aren't even mentioned usually.

but even then it's a hard time calculating everything to squeeze all the stuff into an overall representation.

This will forever be inaccurate, this is too complex, software doesn't rely on all of the factors the same, so you can't do it, for sake of the as accurate as possible representation it's still a far from accurate reality.


El Capitan Todd
It's incredible how I already have a lot of games under my radar (Pikmin, Zombi, Rayman, Mario, P100 + the multy AC3 at least, and Land if bundled as Sport) but I'm not yet convinced to buy the console...I don't know if it's fault of the bad E3 conf, of the over-hype before the conf, of the negative environment sorrounding the specs, of Reggie's body or...I don't know.
I would like to have more confirmation about other third party stuff in development (too many missing titles imho up to now) and about some other 2013 Nintendo title (Star fox? Yoshi? Metroidzelda?)
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