Is there any confirmation of these Assassin Creed 1080p rumors?
I just don't get this, or how the two are connected. What does Vita's performance have anything to do with the Wii U's. This is one of those times when I scratch my head and go how are these people being paid to make decisions.
I just don't see what a Sony handheld has to do with a Nintendo console.
Publishers, insanity rains supreme.
I can make some up if you'd like.
Start one about Wii U having an underclocked Radeon 4350. That'll get the ball rollin'.
I can make some up if you'd like.
Rösti;40210676 said:Hopefully there's no need for any rumor fabrication, the First Quarter Earnings Release ought to be published quite soon. I think the meeting is at 10:00 am, JST, that's in four hours. And as usual, the Q&A holds most promise of new information.
Is anything worthy in development for Vita though?The Vita projects to Wii U rumour sounds like something that Japanese publishers would contemplate.
Rösti;40210676 said:Hopefully there's no need for any rumor fabrication, the First Quarter Earnings Release ought to be published quite soon. I think the meeting is at 10:00 am, JST, that's in four hours. And as usual, the Q&A holds most promise of new information.
I see. Anyway, there'll be news soon.The investor briefing is always the day after (JST) the earnings release, by 16-17 hours or so.
Earnings release is early tomorrow morning EDT; briefing is tomorrow night EDT.
The investor briefing is always the day after (JST) the earnings release, by 16-17 hours or so.
Earnings release is early tomorrow morning EDT; briefing is tomorrow night EDT.
Don't know. We don't much about upcoming or unannounced Vita projects do we?Is anything worthy in development for Vita though?
Don't know. We don't much about upcoming or unannounced Vita projects do we?
I guess they're projects which are well under way...
Is anything worthy in development for Vita though?
That part of Nintendo's god damn requirements sucks arse. I just do my stuff in my home office and I'm 100% positive I could sell a couple of million Wii U's on my titles alone if they'd just let me.....please......Mr Iwata.Daaayym. I might need an office now.
oh god I'm melting into the ground!
It does make it even more awesome. I worked on that part the most.
That part of Nintendo's god damn requirements sucks arse. I just do my stuff in my home office and I'm 100% positive I could sell a couple of million Wii U's on my titles alone if they'd just let me.....please......Mr Iwata.
That was scary as fuck.
BTW: Anyone started a thread yet about Wii U being on par with Vita or should I?
Please don't do it, I'm tired of hearing trolls make something like that a big thing when we know it's not true.
That is already multiplat with PS3.Final Fantasy X HD!
We had a few bugs in Sniper Elite during development where the bone indices got screwed. The characters ended up looking like something from The Wall.
No kidding. I'm still having nightmares from the last time I reverse-engineered a skeleton asset format. And that was almost a year ago.
Is anything worthy in development for Vita though?
Yes... let me think... hmmm... hmmm... hmmm... Dam it.
Well there's dragon crown. I'd be stoked if that eventually got a wii u release. And didn't kaz say something like there were 200 vita games in development or something like that?
A couple of tidbits.
- 3DS XL/NSMB is being considered a 3DS "re-launch" for America
- After the new design gets its time in the sun, Nintendo will feel comfortable talking about the future of the Wii U.
- Some rather impressive non-port titles are coming in the next 365 days. Some spin-offs and ports, too. But there are original titles there.
- Vita dying a slow sales death is convincing some publishers to stay off Wii U (due to an expectation of being able to port between) and getting some publishers to consider moving Vita titles to Wii U.
- Nintendo retail reps are talking to stores to give Wii U a big retail presence - big demo units, prominent placement, and training workers to explain why the controller is like an iPad with buttons.
What is the orange thing, anyways?
Wait...where did this news/tidbits come from?
Sure, it has 60 games out already (counting virtual releases and all) and more than 50 announced to be coming, if you add upcoming mini-games/android ports and the like 200 should have been true at that point. Not so sure that's still the case.Well there's dragon crown. I'd be stoked if that eventually got a wii u release. And didn't kaz say something like there were 200 vita games in development or something like that?
Is 3DS on the rocks again? I don't think so; and if it is, it's due to software draught surely. NSMB2 should fix that alone, but if you release a different model at the same time you'll boost the install base.Anyway, Nintendo seemed to push Wii U plans off last year to focus on the 3DS when it was struggling everywhere, and now they seem to be doing the same thing again. Wonder what they'll do if the XL doesn't boost sales in the US and revive if from almost death in the UK.
Hehe don't worry, I'd never do such a stupid thing. Although there is some benefit to making the threads and then never posting in them so the trolls can just be kept to one area![]()
Well there's dragon crown. I'd be stoked if that eventually got a wii u release. And didn't kaz say something like there were 200 vita games in development or something like that?
It's a new platform released in 2012 which performs poorly. I guess publishers are cautious regarding the consoles performance because they want to be successfull from the start. Take Two is a good example. They'll wait for a bit, see if the platform succeeds and jump in if they think the platform could be profitable for them.
The Vita projects to Wii U rumour sounds like something that Japanese publishers would contemplate.
One thing's for sure, 3rd party publishers/developers can't afford to ignore the Wii U at all like they did with the Wii, especially when software development costs may be going up even further next generation.
Sure they can.
Sure they can.
It totally wouldn't surprise me that when Retro's new game is finally revealed, it looks gorgeous, but isn't the same kind of 'gorgeous' that people are expecting it to be. Like, DKCR gorgeous versus "oh my god those textures those set pieces that realism hnggg" Uncharted gorgeous.
A couple of tidbits.
- 3DS XL/NSMB is being considered a 3DS "re-launch" for America
- After the new design gets its time in the sun, Nintendo will feel comfortable talking about the future of the Wii U.
- Some rather impressive non-port titles are coming in the next 365 days. Some spin-offs and ports, too. But there are original titles there.
- Vita dying a slow sales death is convincing some publishers to stay off Wii U (due to an expectation of being able to port between) and getting some publishers to consider moving Vita titles to Wii U.
- Nintendo retail reps are talking to stores to give Wii U a big retail presence - big demo units, prominent placement, and training workers to explain why the controller is like an iPad with buttons.
Oh, and take this with a grain of salt because it's a friend of a friend thing
But the rumors about Nintendo taking a much smaller cut on DD games than other services? Seems to be true.
There's still HUGE problems (similar to Microsoft's patch policy, requires that games come from a company with employees and a physical office with acceptable security), but that part of the rumor, at least, is not bunk. We're talking somewhere in the area of 15% versus 30% and the complete removal of the sales threshold agreement.
Just like supporting 360 in jp?![]()
I think that's because their is a fanbase in Japan for the 360, if it sold just as bad on day 1 their would be no support for the 360 in Japan.
I don't expect anything to appear on Wii U that is as good looking as Uncharted 2 & 3, Nintendo will not spend that kind of money, they do not make that sort of hollywood cinematic experience and Naughty Dog are a very special developer indeed, i think only GoW 3 beats Uncharted 2 & 3 from both a graphical and a technical standpoint on PS3.
AFAIK every japanese developed game on the xbox 360 bombed in japan. Even big ones like final fantasy 11, Tales of vesperia, and star ocean when they were exclusive. I think the only reason japanese publishers release their games on the 360 is to have something for the western audience that didn't have a ps3. Also to recoup as much of the money they lost during development that they can. I think that was the reason Final Fantasy 13 saw an xbox360 release (besides moneyhatting from microsoft)
I think we will because it stands to reason, even if it's not Nintendo. Once the PS4/720 are out someone will make a game that looks fucking amazing on those consoles and Wii U will get a downport which will still look better than UC.
After reading the NSMB2 iwata asks, it struck out to me that alot of the staff involved with the game had no prior experience with mario games. Does anyone know if nintendo has gone on any extreme hiring sprees lately? (Besides the retro studios stuff)
You probably wont have to wait for a downport. The game Shin'en is currently working on mentioned they're not facing as much limitations as they would be on the PS3/360/Wii. Combine that with they're far from maxing out and current gen is but a relic.I think we will because it stands to reason, even if it's not Nintendo. Once the PS4/720 are out someone will make a game that looks fucking amazing on those consoles and Wii U will get a downport which will still look better than UC.
I believe EAD, at least, has expanded a lot over the last year or so. 200 or so new employees, iirc.
Is there any confirmation of these Assassin Creed 1080p rumors?
Yeah it sounds right, personally I hope Nintendo moneyhatted Square Enix for Final Fantasy Versus XIII/Final Fantasy XV.
There is no confirmation on this at all.
The PR person from Nintendo probably just said "1080p" in regards to the Wii U being an HD system. I wouldn't hold your breath. It does look like however that most Wii U ports will benefit from better textures, full 720p and 4x MSAA. I'll take that in a heartbeat.
XV is going to be XIV 2.0 - Square trademarked Final Fantasy XV in the US, the icon looks like XV with a line through the middle, and is being used on XIV 2.0 screenshots. And that ain't gonna be an exclusive, since they've been working on the PS3 build forever. It'd still be damn nice to see on Wii-U, though, even if it isn't an exclusive.
I'm pretty sure that was actually Final Fantasy XIV, not XV.
Square better put the main stream Final Fantasy back on Nintendo with the Wii U, we all want it and Nintendo and Square have a better relationship than Microsoft and Square which helps it even more.
And SE put Dragon Quest X as a Nintendo exclusive on the Wii and Wii U which makes it a better chance of FF back on Nintendo.