I believe the second Nintendo Direct had a channel with English subtitles, or has sleep deprivation started taking its toll?
Lol at everyone bombarding ShockingAlberto with questions. Leave the poor dude alone, I say.
I am posting in this thread more because things I have heard about game-wise have gotten me from "I guess I'll get it someday" to "Huh, I kind of really want this now."
Lol at everyone bombarding ShockingAlberto with questions. Leave the poor dude alone, I say.
If you come to a village of starving people and tell them you heard about some food coming, but won't tell them what kind, when, etc., a lot of questions is to be expected. Not to trivialize starvation, or to slam ShockingAlberto - graces to him for sharing the hype.Lol at everyone bombarding ShockingAlberto with questions. Leave the poor dude alone, I say.
Thank you so much for this.
Also I haven't been here for a couple of days but, did I miss anything important?
Z&W didn't sell that bad, I mean it did around 400k if I'm not mistaken; more than 100k in each continent. It's not a smashing success but I grow tired of the "it has to break 1 million" mentality.Ghost Trick and Z&W sold horribly. I'm surprised you didn't throw in Spyborgs. Capcom could pretty much stealth release DMC and LP and expect more sales than the games you mentioned.
I don't see how tessellation would allow 1080p.
Sorry, only saw these answers now, it was full three pages after my post so I missed it. I reckon it'll probably be missed now but I ought to answer anyway.I've seen tessellation save on bandwidth but I've never seen it free up enough frames to give double the resolution.
"Tessellation level: 1 – Polygons: 48,600 – FPS: 1000 –"
"Tessellation level: 15 – Polygons: 1,664,550 – FPS: 216"
Ironically, the test used a HD 4850 (similar architecture to what Wii U uses).
this is nintendo
if it's not E3 or Nintendo Direct, you've missed nothing but speculation.
Has there ever been a global Nintendo Direct?
Cacpcom is most likely going to support the wii u with the kind of games nintendo fans would normally like. Games like phoenix wright, Ghost trick, Zack and wiki and etc. are most likey to come to the wii u or new games like them IMO. i dont see nintendo fans reacting very well to dmc and lost planet ports
This is killing me.
I'll ask one more question you may or may not answer- you've been very pessimistic in the past about 3rd party support once PS4/720 hits- has that opinion changed based on what you know, or not.
- Hate 'em. Fuck E3 2011 for being almost entirely CG trailers.Let me make my question more specific, so I can know whether I should be excited that you are excited:
-Do you get annoyed by trailers that don't show gameplay?
-Do you prefer games that are focused on gameplay over cinematics?
-Do you still enjoy classic forms of gaming, such as MM9/10 and NSMBWii?
-Are you a fan of Platinum Games?
I'll stop there to fall short of doing a full ShockingAlberto interview, hahaha. Most people separate games between "casual" and "hardcore", but I separate them between "games" (NSMBWii, Monster Hunter Tri), "interactive cinema" (God of War), and "crap" (most third party Wii software). A lot of people on NeoGAF get excited about the "interactive cinema" category. So I'm hoping you're excited about something closer to the "games" category.
Damn. You got me excited, haha. I didn't play Asura's Wrath, but I think I know where you are coming from - I liked FFXIII, even though it doesn't fit my usual tastes. You even got the secret answer to the Platinum Games question "right". I felt very burned by Mad World. I bought the game on a bond of trust, and I almost skipped Bayonetta because of the result. If it weren't for my wife surprising me with Bayonetta for my birthday, I might have stayed bitter.- Hate 'em. Fuck E3 2011 for being almost entirely CG trailers.
- Gameplay, but that said, I just played and loved Asura's Wrath, so...
- Yeah, I really enjoyed NSMBWii. I'm more excited for the Wii U game than I am Last of Us, for whatever that matters. Not that I think they'll be comparable or the latter will be a bad game, but excitement does what it wants.
- Love Kamiya, not crazy about the Mad World team but they still do interesting and fresh stuff.
What? they're eager to take mismanagement to another level? (seeing Square-Enix did a "next gen" tech demo too)There's a funny thing going on in the industry right now where some developers and publishers are extremely eager to move on to next-gen to play with more graphics and bigger budgets and launching new IPs and some developers are just sort of going "Whoa, fuck, what, no."
A long time ago, actually. Kinect and PS Move being things released to expand the system's lifespan a little.But there's no getting around that the current systems are languishing and are hitting saturation points.
That's fine, but... What are they doing so it manages to?There is a growing number of developers that are hoping the Wii U can sell software without raising the price of development.
If most devs want to go after a business model whose starting investment for any project is higher than it already is they must want to go bankrupt.This does not apply across the board and, honestly, can change in the blink of an eye. Even if the Wii U can sell software, if Activision and EA prove that next-gen systems can sell more software, then publishers will likely try to follow that model.
That's sadly not saying much.Stuff is more in flux than people think right now, but from what I have heard, the picture of original development on the Wii U is rosier than it was for the Wii.
I reckon Monster Hunter was only on PSP because DS couldn't take it as it is.You guys know how Iwata managed to convince Capcom to put Monster Hunter on the 3DS despite the obvious success they had with the PSP? He might not get a coup quite like that again with the Wii U, but he's trying the same with third parties, regardless.
That hasn't really changed with some degree of qualifications here:
There's a funny thing going on in the industry right now where some developers and publishers are extremely eager to move on to next-gen to play with more graphics and bigger budgets and launching new IPs and some developers are just sort of going "Whoa, fuck, what, no."
But there's no getting around that the current systems are languishing and are hitting saturation points. There is a growing number of developers that are hoping the Wii U can sell software without raising the price of development. This does not apply across the board and, honestly, can change in the blink of an eye. Even if the Wii U can sell software, if Activision and EA prove that next-gen systems can sell more software, then publishers will likely try to follow that model.
Stuff is more in flux than people think right now, but from what I have heard, the picture of original development on the Wii U is rosier than it was for the Wii.
I don't even get what it means. It looks like the thing is saying "Ugggh, don't bother me now!".
No I have no idea how he managed to get it on 3DS - do tellT
You guys know how Iwata managed to convince Capcom to put Monster Hunter on the 3DS despite the obvious success they had with the PSP?
He might not get a coup quite like that again with the Wii U, but he's trying the same with third parties, regardless.
I took it as "Stop teasing me you bastard!"
I find it hard to believe any 3rd party whose business model isn't selling their tech to licensees wants to invest on a new engine.Incredibly interesting, thanks a ton for the insight. I'll try and leave you alone for now!
I suspect much of the divide is between East and West. I've said before, but I find a hard time believing Japanese 3rd parties want to invest heavily in another brand new engine.
In Iwata we trust..You guys know how Iwata managed to convince Capcom to put Monster Hunter on the 3DS despite the obvious success they had with the PSP? He might not get a coup quite like that again with the Wii U, but he's trying the same with third parties, regardless.
What? they're eager to take mismanagement to another level? (seeing Square-Enix did a "next gen" tech demo too)
I doubt their ability to do so when Versus XIII is yet to ship and FFXIV is the mess it still is (no doubt costing lots of money) and both using cater made "custom hybrid engine solutions" that came from the same basis but are seemingly not connected, they've just thrown their "ubber" tech (Crystal Tools) out of the window and started over and are, yet again, shooting for the stars.Note that Square-Enix's demo was just as much about cutting development costs as it was about new visual tech. And they very clearly said that their budgets were way too big, that with FFXIII the team became way too big to handle and organize, that in the future they won't let their teams get that big ever again.
I don't know if this has been mentioned here yet, but according to Go Nintendo, there's gonna be a Japanese Dragon Quest X Nintendo Direct on Monday at 7 AM EST. It may have info on the Wii U version (though it might be unlikely). Link:
I doubt anything about WiiU will be mentioned.
They will want to sell the Wii version first.
Anyway, Nintendo was pretty clear that WiiU related stuff would come in September.
What? they're eager to take mismanagement to another level? (seeing Square-Enix did a "next gen" tech demo too)
Of course current platforms are really saturated at this point, hence why it's like a boat on fire; some games will still sell (mostly AAA) but the lower end and middle range are being eaten alive at this point. That's not good.A long time ago, actually. Kinect and PS Move being things released to expand the system's lifespan a little.That's fine, but... What are they doing so it manages to?
Because it's not about tech specs, it's about software.If most devs want to go after a business model whose starting investment for any project is higher than it already is they must want to go bankrupt.
Just because you have success stories doesn't mean everybody should attempt that. But I realize that's a error this industry makes a point in repeating.That's sadly not saying much.
It has a modern architecture and for a year they'd be mad not to go on a current gen port frenzy for everything the Nintendo sheltered gamer probably wants. And in some cases add that extra polish that when lacking hurt some games.I reckon Monster Hunter was only on PSP because DS couldn't take it as it is.
That changed with the 3DS, so they went for it, no point in going for the second most sold handheld anymore and PS Vita was clearly gonna sit at that place; although I'm sure they also played their cards right (seeing there's a second circle pad addon now)
Did anyone read the forecast of 10.5M wii and Wii U's expected to be sold from holiday-April 2013? If Wii only sold under 1M last year, does that mean Nintendo is expecting to sell 9 million Wii U's in its first year? (November 2012-November 2013)
710k last quarter, multiply by 4, that's approx. 2.84 Wii's expected to sell this fiscal year. That sounds about right. 10.5-3 That leaves us with about 7.5M Wii U's expected to be sold before April 2013. That's.....ambitious?I would expect they figure to sell another 2-3 million wii so maybe 6 million Wii U
710k last quarter, multiply by 4, that's approx. 2.84 Wii's expected to sell this fiscal year. That sounds about right. 10.5-3 That leaves us with about 7.5M Wii U's expected to be sold before April 2013. That's.....ambitious?
Me mathematics is not too much pretty goodIt doesn't work like that
they'll sell more during Xmas season for example, perhaps as much as 2-3 million then alone
I am expecting 5.5-6.5M Wii U for their projections, and the rest Wii.
Me mathematics is not too much pretty good![]()
There's no easy answer.Why are smaller games struggling to sell now even when there are droughts of much bigger triple A games ?, you would think with an install base of almost 250 million consoles (Wii and PS360 combined) games would be selling more now than at any other time in the consoles history.
You guys know how Iwata managed to convince Capcom to put Monster Hunter on the 3DS despite the obvious success they had with the PSP? He might not get a coup quite like that again with the Wii U, but he's trying the same with third parties, regardless.
There's no easy answer.
True. But unless the Wii goes sub $100 I don't see it selling like gangbusters like previous its okay ... the method you used is not a bad way to estimate things but its good to keep in mind that most of Nintendo's yearly sales, especially lately, have been during the Xmas season.
But Yakuza wasn't one of the series SEGA was going to continue to make, and there isn't really another third-party non-multiplatform series that was close to big on PS3. Guess you could mean Tales, even though Wii got Tales of Graces. However, Tales needs to go where Final Fantasy is, so that'd have to come first (if they can finish another before the end of next-gen).
From my point of view, lacking differentiation and advertising. I never saw one ad for Darksiders and I'm playing it now, 3 years later due to GAF and Darksiders 2 on Wii U news.Why are smaller games struggling to sell now even when there are droughts of much bigger triple A games ?, you would think with an install base of almost 250 million consoles (Wii and PS360 combined) games would be selling more now than at any other time in the consoles history.
I was trying to think of a better way to ask this, but it's Kingdom Hearts 3, isn't it, Alberto?
I was trying to think of a better way to ask this, but it's Kingdom Hearts 3, isn't it, Alberto?
Ha that came to my mind as well.
I was trying to think of a better way to ask this, but it's Kingdom Hearts 3, isn't it, Alberto?
Very true.From my point of view, lacking differentiation and advertising. I never saw one ad for Darksiders and I'm playing it now, 3 years later due to GAF and Darksiders 2 on Wii U news.
Too many AA games try to mimic AAA games with less resources, resulting in bland looking games that are just cookie cutters of AAA games but less entertaining or they are cookie cutter games with a twist/gimmick that aren't very gripping. Lots of "Me Too" developers trying to hop on the CoD and Halo train.
True. But unless the Wii goes sub $100 I don't see it selling like gangbusters like previous Christmases.
I am posting in this thread more because things I have heard about game-wise have gotten me from "I guess I'll get it someday" to "Huh, I kind of really want this now."
This trailer is full of win. Love the art style. Still playing the first one nd cant wait to get it for the Wii U.