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Wii U Community Thread

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They should just make it a WiiU eshop game, you dont need huge publishers for that, this is the great thing about the WiiU all those games that couldnt come to Wii due to publishers not backing, now they can put them as DD on WiiU and it wont cost them that much money.

Makes me wonder the pricing plan though XD I mean look at the eShop version of NSMB2, I hope Nintendo priceline ain't too crazy on the Wii U. I mean good for them that they don't wanna piss off retailers, but hopefully DD only games are reasonable priced.


Because of the short time spent developing the game and the low budget (you know, artist's stuff costs a huge amount of money) i tend to think you're absolutely right on this one.

But there is still time 'till the game comes out.

Indeed this is to expect, no idea why the media tries to paint it as hardcore, i think some people lack the overall aspects, anything above casual or mainstream is treated as hardcore, some non-gaming sites even reported that X360/PS3 gaming is "hardcore" compared to indies.

Hardcore is usually just below pro, it really don't like the relativity of terms.
Now that the Wii U will be a complete online console, do you think that developers will take advantage of that and not test games as much as they perhaps needed to with the Wii/GameCube etc? Should we now expect games with more glitches than normal on release?

In a way this might be a good thing; this gen maybe it was another hindrance for Wii games development with studios having to put more time and resource into testing Wii games knowing there's no chance in releasing a patch of much substance.

Just thinking about ZU and could see is as a prime candidate. It seems they are cutting it pretty close getting this game ready for launch.


So I visited Gamescom for the first time this year - it was very spontaneous; I could bite myself in the ass for forgetting my 3DS. Seriously, I could have completed all puzzles by the amount of people with 3DS systems! Whatever, here goes nothing.

Say hi to Sackboy first


I'll be honest: it was my first time at Gamescom, and I found it to be really boring :lol
The coolest thing were the cosplayers in my opinion. They put crazy effort into their costumes and some of them looked really cool!

(Dat skin tight Midna costume)

I don't know why I didn't enjoy Gamescom that much overall. I think I'm more of a E3 guy (I've never been to E3 before). I mean why should I get in line for games like Sleeping Dogs or any other game that is about to be released.. well, whatever.



First of all: thank you Ubisoft! They did a great job overall with their stuff, and deserved those crazy ass lines of people waiting to play all their titles. Seriously: the Wii U stuff was overcrowded (especially ZombiU and Rayman Legends).

Here is the crazy ZombiU line: you had to wait at least 90 Minutes at a certain point; but since they didn't interrupt players, it took longer. I waited 2 hours for it and played nothing else that day because of waiting so long with no handheld and no chair (sat on the ground though). The line was growing and growing, pretty sick how many of them were interested in the game.

I would have loved to play Rayman, but that line was too long for me!


So I played ZombiU with a friend of mine while one other (who wasn't so sure about the Wii U at all) played the singleplayer part.
I stepped into the room, felt this crazy feeling you get if you know you are about to about to experience a device you've waited so long for. I mean most people know me here from the WUSTs and seriously I was so fucking happy to see the thing in my hands.

Then I saw that sexy black Gamepad. "Fuck!", I thought. The screen looks really good for its size and overall I imagined the thing to be way bigger, but suprisingly it was small and light (!). So many features and that thing is so freaking light - that was probably the most shocking thing.

The Ubisoft woman asked who of us two can shoot very good and my friend said that I'm a pretty good FPS player, so she handed me the pro controller. This one felt weird at first - well of course it does, it's a new controller; but I got used to it in a few minutes and I think that almost everybody who plays now and then will have no problem at all to get used to it. But what I really didn't like about the controller was its quality: it really felt cheap to me. I mean, seriously: it felt really cheap. Like those cheap ass PC controllers I used to pay 10 bucks for. This was really disappointing since I assumed that the controller would have some weight and a better feeling - and it looked good on those promo renders. Well at least I had no problem killing Zombies with it (the Ubisoft lady later told me that I was one of the better players that day).

So, ZombiU: it looks good. The only negative thing have been the textures. They looked a bit muddy to me, don't know why. Maybe because they are from the MP? But whatever: the effects themselves looked really good to me. Everything else was really good looking. It also had a few glitches which you won't see in the final version. The woman told me that this wasn't the final version of the game and that they are working hard to make it work better.

Multiplayer itself is fun! My friend used the Gamepad to direct zombies into my direction and killed me almost two times. What a scumbag :lol Asymmetrical gameplay rocks, people. The game had a bit too much auto-aim for my tastes, but since I used a controller I never held before this wasn't too distracting.

We finished our zombie CTF session after 15 minutes with a smile (I won) and before I left the room I took the Gamepad again and pressed every button and turned it upside down and did everything with it I could in the last few seconds :lol
This controller feels good. It looks sexy and I can see myself having a lot of fun with it.

So, we left the booth and waited for my other friend who played the SP demo.

He joined us with a smile and said that he wants to buy a Wii U. This was the best moment for me since he is a casual player who likes games like Halo or FIFA. And he said that the asymmetrical stuff together with the whole zombie stuff was really incredible to him and that he had a blast with it. :)


So that's it! I hope you enjoyed reading this bad written text :lol I will get the black Wii U. I don't know if ZombiU is going to be my first game, but it already feels better than Red Steel to me.

Thanks cologne, you beauty!

And man.. dat Gamepad. I love it.
I know.I have it on 360. I know how the game looks. Its the whole thing with the WiiU devs/and others in the industry...Everone says the WiiU one looks stunning or something yet we havent see anything.

Edit: Also anyone wanting to see some p100 footage heres one that came out during E3 that I missed. I think its like 15 min long or something. A very good watch :)


Trine 2 Wii U trailer

Was it posted yet? Don't know how it compares to the other versions, but it does look stunning.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Navigating a 3D plain with a d-pad? What is this FF7? Having to point your wii remote at the screen to bring up a scan visor and shoot a missile, which was slow and clunky and took away formula the fast paced action. It was like playing "Wheres Waldo". Weaker puzzles compared to the Prime series. The enemies were only challenging in the end and the game didn't feel rewarding until the end.

Movement in Other M was not analog. It was a digital, 2D game that had 8-way movement. Samus runs on an invisible spline path, which incidentally is how they made angled and curved corridors play so smooth and fast.

The problem I think, is that people are conditioned to either expect a side view 2D game, or a 3D game where the character is running about with analog movement. So many fought against the controls in Other M, instead of going with it.

As for the missile and visor system, the entire thing was part of a risk-reward mechanic. Having to pause and bring up the visor to lock a missile on was a way to end a fight in one hit, at the right moment, but was a huge risk to stop and shoot.

I have to come down on the side of feeling the game was actually well designed, and had a lot of interesting mechanic concepts like that. If someone just wanted Prime, or 2D metroid, then sure; it's fair to not like the way Other M tastes. But for the most part, it was actually a very well designed and built game that got dumped on far more than it deserved.

The one thing I can agree with as an objectively bad idea where the visor hunts. Those seemed an ill-conceived way to tie samus' point of view into critical story moments. But they made a mistake by not giving players more cues on what to zero in on, if they were gonna do that at all. Would have been better to remove them.

But considering visor hunts are like 1% of the game, I didn't care in the end.
Nibel said:
But what I really didn't like about the controller was its quality: it really felt cheap to me. I mean, seriously: it felt really cheap. Like those cheap ass PC controllers I used to pay 10 bucks for. This was really disappointing since I assumed that the controller would have some weight and a better feeling - and it looked good on those promo renders.

Oh come on, Nintendo. What do guys think the chances are of the quality of this thing changing before launch? This seriously disappoints me.
I'm also curious about this "Nintendo-only" sub-species of gamers. Do you play games purely for "fun"?

LOL!! As opposed to playing them for???

Just a thought.. did you ever wonder if there are some people for whom games like Uncharted or CoD are just, not even a game at all? For me personally, if the game is some kind of male hero fantasy where hes kicking in doors and saving the day... i cant play that. The tone is too ridiculous for me, what with all the one liners and the nonstop macho BS. I know this will be worth a huge laugh for many here on gaf but i think you should be aware that there are people who just arent at all interested in male hero fantasy games where one guy takes on the world and solves crimes and saves the day with a gun. I personally consider GTA ridiculous. Yet, look how beloved it is. I know im in the extreme minority and thats totally ok with me, in fact i like it.

I only get interested in games that are abstract or creative. I have no need to "save the world" or "be the hero". Even in zelda games im more in it to see what the art teams came up with environment-wise or musically. How they pair the music with the environments is pretty much a huge draw for a person with my taste in games. For someone like me, Uncharted is very very weak. I get almost no thrill out of it. Same goes for even Darksiders which youd think a person like me would get into. For what im personally looking for in a game, its very very weak.

That being said, a person like me still has a ton of interest in older games that i missed, or replaying games i havent played in awhile. Between all this and the fact that i have shit i have to do in real life etc etc there really isnt time or purpose for me to develop a massive back log of uncharted clones and CoD nonsense. Those types of games i look straight through. Im not saying they are "bad". I am making you aware that some people dont even count those as games. They scratch an itch that i dont have.

So yeah i found it incredibly easy to not own anything but NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, and a Wii, as well as old arcade games and a shitload of Starcraft 2 etc etc. Even just sticking to those i still end up with a massive backlog. Believe it or not, some people really dont care, need, or want anything else. For those that love xbox360 etc etc, great, i hope its fun for you. But im not one of those people. At all.


Oh come on, Nintendo. What do guys think the chances are of the quality of this thing changing before launch? This seriously disappoints me.

I can't really describe it: It felt like the Wii Pro Controller - but it didn't feel right because of the design. It was too light, too "plastic-ish", too "toy-ish" - unlike the 360 controller for example. Yes, I could play good with it, but I can't see myself spending dozens of hours with that thing.

That really annoyed me :lol
It looked so good on pictures. Oh well.


I can't really describe it: It felt like the Wii Pro Controller - but it didn't feel right because of the design. It was too light, too "plastic-ish", too "toy-ish" - unlike the 360 controller for example. Yes, I could play good with it, but I can't see myself spending dozens of hours with that thing.

That really annoyed me :lol
It looked so good on pictures. Oh well.

I heard from some people it didn't feel heavy, but the Classic Controller also felt very light but it was a good controller so hopefully.
1) Well, the dynamically spreading fire in Uncharted 3's French mansion was mighty impressive as well.

2) It's not running the game game world on the touch screen. The only time it does is when you're stationary while scanning or using a scoped weapon which obscures a big part of the screen. I think it looks really really good technically but let's not oversell it :)

3) Thrown together pretty quickly? About 3 years is what you call pretty quickly and "thrown together"? (I'll grant you that they turned out around pretty quickly from its Killer Freaks origins into the Zombie setting) Also, how do you know it is a low budget game? Action+Explosions don't mean the game has a higher budget, it's not a movie.

Oh and the Mario/NintendoLand price drop in early 2013 ...
like that? :)

you know Nintendo's own major games hardly ever drop in price, right?

Uncharted 3 is one of, if not the best looking PS3 game, if a Wii U launch game has effects that look better than it on day one then im really excited for the future of the console.

I meant the turn around from 'Killer Freaks' to 'Zombi U' on the time statement, considering it was still 'Killer Freaks' at E3 2011, i think they have done an amazing job of turning it into a different game in only a year.

My comment on the cost was that i have read several times on this site that it had a pretty small budget compared to other FPS's of this generation (could well be untrue).

I live in the UK, games often drop from £35 online on launch day to £17.99 inside the first couple of months, you are right tho first party Nintendo games tend to hold their price the best altho Zelda: Skyward Sword was £17.99 online in January.
I can't really describe it: It felt like the Wii Pro Controller - but it didn't feel right because of the design. It was too light, too "plastic-ish", too "toy-ish" - unlike the 360 controller for example. Yes, I could play good with it, but I can't see myself spending dozens of hours with that thing.

That really annoyed me :lol
It looked so good on pictures. Oh well.
It didn't feel any lighter than a dual shock 3...
No idea why people called ZombiU graphics better because from these shots it really looks like crap to be honest.

I wasn't commenting on the 'graphics', i was simply stating that if ZombiU's lighting, shadow, fire, smoke, particle and depth of field effects were used on the average PS3 / 360 FPS then the framerate would drop into the teens most probably.

Displaying all of that on a native 720p image while also running the tablet controller is a very impressive feat imo.

It's a first generation launch game, go back and looks at a 'peak' PS2 game by the name of Black and then compare it to PS3 launch game Resistance, there really isn't a massive jump.

PS3 was 10 x the power of PS2 so i don't know why people are expecting massive leaps on Wii U (which is rumoured to be 2.5 times the power of a 360 at max) over huge triple A franchises on PS3 / 360.

Developers, esp third party developers need a game or two to get used to the consoles architecture, how to fine tune engines to get the most out of the system.

The second year is where you see the biggest jump in the generation imo, compare Uncharted to Uncharted 2 for instance, a massive tech leap on the exact same hardware.


in terms of WiiU Pre-Orders, I scanned up the following from Best Buy's gaming weekly notes where it states that the September PreOrder is an Industry wide thing. I cant post up the rest of the scan for job security reasons but the rest of the page is unrelated to it anyway.

Well thats what I heard, they were a bit behind schedule with AC3.

I bet this is whats causing Nintendo headaches at the moment.
Games not being ready. Its probably whats determining their launch date.

That's a worry if you ask me. Porting is not just a cut and paste job.....it's nice that AC3 is coming to Wii U but it should be the best version and not just an after thought.

Others in the industry already said the Wii U version looks the best, so I was expecting: Better frame rate and better image quality (4x MSAA).
I can't really describe it: It felt like the Wii Pro Controller - but it didn't feel right because of the design. It was too light, too "plastic-ish", too "toy-ish" - unlike the 360 controller for example. Yes, I could play good with it, but I can't see myself spending dozens of hours with that thing.

That really annoyed me :lol
It looked so good on pictures. Oh well.

Even lighter than the PS3 controller ? :O.
That's a worry if you ask me. Porting is not just a cut and paste job.....it's nice that AC3 is coming to Wii U but it should be the best version and not just an after thought.

Others in the industry already said the Wii U version looks the best, so I was expecting: Better frame rate and better image quality (4x MSAA).

They reckon there's just certain things missing like some particle effects (smoke etc) they just need to figure out how to do it on this hardware. They need to give Platinum a called, they see to have it on-lock.
I think it felt as light as the PS3 controller to me.

That's fine, i prefer the PS3 controller over the 360 one exactly because it's lighter and the analogue sticks are symmetrical.

Sounds like the pro controller will be great altho i will almost always use the tablet pad on SP games, the pro controller will be used for local MP games for me as i can't stand Wii Motes.


The weight isn't the biggest problem - the actual build quality didn't seem good to me! I mean I had the Gamepad next to it and that thing felt more expensive to me.


Still struggling to understand how the UK got the 3DS XL almost a month before America ?, maybe we get this a month before you but you guys get the Wii U a month before us :).

Maybe because we (in Europe) had the version without the charger and they needed to make a new box for the system with the adapter to sell it in USA. I dont really know. Im just guessing.


That's a worry if you ask me. Porting is not just a cut and paste job.....it's nice that AC3 is coming to Wii U but it should be the best version and not just an after thought.

Others in the industry already said the Wii U version looks the best, so I was expecting: Better frame rate and better image quality (4x MSAA).

Like MadeInBeats said they still have to figure out the hardware, since all the next gen consoles will have similar architecture if the reliable sources are correct than the Wii U is giving the PS4/720 a free pass to have great looking launch games.
The weight isn't the biggest problem - the actual build quality didn't seem good to me! I mean I had the Gamepad next to it and that thing felt more expensive to me.

The one you used lacked a battery pack, correct? I know that won't help with the cheap feeling, but I'd like it to be a little heavier than the DS3.


Nintendo direct to announce the beginning of nsmb2 worldwide ranking and the first downloadable courses and soon to be released 3ds games. Enjoy!


I'm also curious about this "Nintendo-only" sub-species of gamers. Do you play games purely for "fun"?

I never play game's for fun. What does everyone even mean by fun, I mostly never take seriously anyone talking about "oh this game is bad because it's not fun" that goes to straight to invalid argument department.

This term is not a descriptor, it's nothing, anyone can mean anythign by fun, I've also followed Id Software and their Rage very very closels mostly know about technical stuff and what was going on, and I heard Tim Willits talking about "fun game" and in that case he was talking about vehilce physics of driving, and he said they wanted it to make more "fun rather than realistic" so you can "get your buddies and drive bla bla bla" and that totally fits to the casual/mainstream dumbed down .... so when i saw these examples repeating around the industry i've come to conclusion that i take everything mentioned as FUN = dumbed down.

I maybe play SC2 mods for fun, which is just another word for wasting time checking out irrelevant stuff.

Fun, such a cliche childish word, blah keeps coming up in developers and media, makes them feel unprofessional.

Company of Heroes 2, Starcraft 2 hots , Doom 4, Rome 2, have probably zero funny content (maybe occasional terran singleplayer jokes of no relevance) - yet they are the only games i will play in the next 2 years

in Metroid Prime you don't get to laugh at all, yet is in the hall of fame and ofcourse my favourite.

What on earth is fun, a fun guy jumping inside a game, a fun face inside game, i dont understand fun, what is this, who started with this, 4chan ?

Random google search: by the way i haven't watched it maybe he has some valid points no idea.


Movement in Other M was not analog. It was a digital, 2D game that had 8-way movement. Samus runs on an invisible spline path, which incidentally is how they made angled and curved corridors play so smooth and fast.

The problem I think, is that people are conditioned to either expect a side view 2D game, or a 3D game where the character is running about with analog movement. So many fought against the controls in Other M, instead of going with it.

As for the missile and visor system, the entire thing was part of a risk-reward mechanic. Having to pause and bring up the visor to lock a missile on was a way to end a fight in one hit, at the right moment, but was a huge risk to stop and shoot.

I have to come down on the side of feeling the game was actually well designed, and had a lot of interesting mechanic concepts like that. If someone just wanted Prime, or 2D metroid, then sure; it's fair to not like the way Other M tastes. But for the most part, it was actually a very well designed and built game that got dumped on far more than it deserved.

The one thing I can agree with as an objectively bad idea where the visor hunts. Those seemed an ill-conceived way to tie samus' point of view into critical story moments. But they made a mistake by not giving players more cues on what to zero in on, if they were gonna do that at all. Would have been better to remove them.

But considering visor hunts are like 1% of the game, I didn't care in the end.

100% agree!

many people probably expected a 3D version of Super Metroid and thus ended up severely disappointed.

I would be very excited if they announced a game with the same mechanics again - they only need to get their shit together in the narrative department and make the game open and not so directed and in-your-face linear.

LOL!! As opposed to playing them for???

Just a thought.. did you ever wonder if there are some people for whom games like Uncharted or CoD are just, not even a game at all? For me personally, if the game is some kind of male hero fantasy where hes kicking in doors and saving the day... i cant play that. The tone is too ridiculous for me, what with all the one liners and the nonstop macho BS. I know this will be worth a huge laugh for many here on gaf but i think you should be aware that there are people who just arent at all interested in male hero fantasy games where one guy takes on the world and solves crimes and saves the day with a gun. I personally consider GTA ridiculous. Yet, look how beloved it is. I know im in the extreme minority and thats totally ok with me, in fact i like it.

I only get interested in games that are abstract or creative. I have no need to "save the world" or "be the hero". Even in zelda games im more in it to see what the art teams came up with environment-wise or musically. How they pair the music with the environments is pretty much a huge draw for a person with my taste in games. For someone like me, Uncharted is very very weak. I get almost no thrill out of it. Same goes for even Darksiders which youd think a person like me would get into. For what im personally looking for in a game, its very very weak.

That being said, a person like me still has a ton of interest in older games that i missed, or replaying games i havent played in awhile. Between all this and the fact that i have shit i have to do in real life etc etc there really isnt time or purpose for me to develop a massive back log of uncharted clones and CoD nonsense. Those types of games i look straight through. Im not saying they are "bad". I am making you aware that some people dont even count those as games. They scratch an itch that i dont have.

So yeah i found it incredibly easy to not own anything but NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, and a Wii, as well as old arcade games and a shitload of Starcraft 2 etc etc. Even just sticking to those i still end up with a massive backlog. Believe it or not, some people really dont care, need, or want anything else. For those that love xbox360 etc etc, great, i hope its fun for you. But im not one of those people. At all.

yes that "for fun" question was poorly worded, sorry. what I meant was something along the lines of alternatively playing a game from an analytical/academic viewpoint. checking out the advancements in narrative design and emergent gameplay scenarios and online interactions and stuff like that. very little (notice that I didn't say "nothing!") of that happened in the Wii or DS-library, sadly.

you seemed to have zeroed in on the "eff you, CoD & rest of the male-hero shooter world!" sentiment which was not at all what I was trying to get at with my question.

a lot more happened in the world outside of Nintendo platforms than GTA, Gears, Uncharted and Call of Duty.

Huh? What's that and what's supposedly measuring?

ignore it, it's a nonsense graph that even has wrong data.

I live in the UK, games often drop from £35 online on launch day to £17.99 inside the first couple of months, you are right tho first party Nintendo games tend to hold their price the best altho Zelda: Skyward Sword was £17.99 online in January.

Yea only the games that don't sell too well drop quickly. In Germany, Twilight Princess held it's 69 EUR (YES, REALLY!!) price tag until they announced the Nintendo Selects series last year


Picked up my 3DS XL today from eb games and I'm currently transferring all my 3DS stuff to it so I can trade it in my OG 3DS for credit towards a Wii U. Also, they still don't have an SKU in the system. Just wanted i leave that update there.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Picked up my 3DS XL today from eb games and I'm currently transferring all my 3DS stuff to it so I can trade it in my OG 3DS for credit towards a Wii U. Also, they still don't have an SKU in the system. Just wanted i leave that update there.

They won't have one until after Nintendo releases date/price.


Nintendo direct to announce the beginning of nsmb2 worldwide ranking and the first downloadable courses and soon to be released 3ds games. Enjoy!

I wouldn't mind seeing the first batch of NSMB2 DLC being announced soon. I'd love to see what kind of exclusive levels they create for Coin Rush Mode.


The online component of ZombiU, even if that's all the more it amounts to(which I'm holding out that there are certain mp modes that will support online), still seems pretty fun. If a buddy dies while I'm playing and I can beat them back to their Zombie to loot them first, that adds a new element of holy shit factor to get back to your old body first. But imagine how pissed you'd be if you died with a few of those injection shots only to get back to it to find somebody else beat you to it.
Just wanted to talk about something here-
Do you guys think Nintendo will create any new IPs or characters? I don't know, how much new characters/games did they introduce with the Wii?
iirc, didn't Miyamoto say it was time to introduce new Nintendo characters? I hope they're still doing that, I'd love to see what else they can come up with.


More on GamePad latency sync

Specifically, the CPU 10 may cause the test image to be displayed repeatedly (intermittently) once per given time, and an image delay time may be measured and calculated not when the camera 56 picks up the first test image displayed but when the camera 56 picks up the next test image displayed. Alternatively, for example, the CPU 10 may calculate an image delay time using as a test image an image displayed after the camera 56 picks up a predetermined one of a plurality of images included in a series of dynamic images (e.g., a title screen of the game).

Furthermore, the CPU 10 may perform the process for calculating the image delay time a predetermined number of times. Concretely, the CPU 10 may perform a series of processes of steps S12 to S17 a predetermined number of times, thereby calculating a plurality of sets of image delay times. An average of the plurality of sets of image delay times may be calculated as a final image delay time. As a result, the image delay time can be calculated more accurately.

There may be more different images blinking in order to give more variables for the final and more accurate delay calculation.
Just wanted to talk about something here-
Do you guys think Nintendo will create any new IPs or characters? I don't know, how much new characters/games did they introduce with the Wii?
iirc, didn't Miyamoto say it was time to introduce new Nintendo characters? I hope they're still doing that, I'd love to see what else they can come up with.

Of course they will. And they already started. Just look at project P-100 :p
Just wanted to talk about something here-
Do you guys think Nintendo will create any new IPs or characters? I don't know, how much new characters/games did they introduce with the Wii?
iirc, didn't Miyamoto say it was time to introduce new Nintendo characters? I hope they're still doing that, I'd love to see what else they can come up with.


I don't know if we'll see it at the Fall Conference, but it's definitely being made.


Junior Member
Anybody speculating on what that Japanese support for the Wii U might actually be?

I'm expecting maybe an established franchise game or two from Capcom (MH, RE, or something, maybe even a fighter). For the most part though I'm actually expecting new IPs from a lot of those companies if they are in fact developing for Wii U. A new IP or spin-off from Square Enix maybe.


Gold Member
I never play game's for fun. What does everyone even mean by fun, I mostly never take seriously anyone talking about "oh this game is bad because it's not fun" that goes to straight to invalid argument department.


"FUN" is when you don't get bored within a few minutes of playing and start looking down on the floor or up in the ceiling instead of paying attention to the game wishing it was over.


"FUN" is when you don't get bored within a few minutes of playing and start looking down on the floor or up in the ceiling instead of paying attention to the game wishing it was over.

It's tough to consider that an argument worth having.

I've never found StarFox games to be remotely fun, yet I enjoyed Myst quite a bit. One of them is a fast paced space shooter, the other is slow paced point-and-click. If I'm looking at that objectively, from the outside, I should be able to argue that Star Fox should be more fun....

I mean, I also find it a bit tough to accept an argument where someone lumps Uncharted in with Gears and CoD as "macho male fantasy". It's male fantasy, I suppose, but not in that immature uber-testorone way that he's referring to.
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