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Wii U Community Thread

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Hm. According to my numbers, Nintendo had $3.541 billion in Cash and deposits as of the end of their last fiscal year (March 31st). Perhaps I am reading the numbers incorrectly (occasionally I do this, but it is usually when Japanese numbers are in units of ten thousand, which doesn't seem to be the case here). Could you share your source for that number?

I remembered wrong, it's $10.5 billion in the bank. Here's a quote:

Here's the exact quote taken from a feature in the latest issue of the UK's Nintendo Gamer magazine: "Buried in reams of financial data is the revelation that Nintendo have 812.8 billion Yen (£6.7/$10.5 billion) in the bank - enough for it to take a 20 billion Yen loss (£163/$257 million) every year until 2052. Then there's almost 469 billion Yen (£3.8/$6.0 billion) held in premises, equipment and investments. When that runs out - we're in the year 2075 by this point - they've got some of the most valuable intellectual property in gaming to sell off before the company goes out of business."

If there's one thing Nintendo's E3 conference made clear (and it probably is the only thing Nintendo's E3 conference made clear), it's that Nintendo has given up on its strategy of announcing every single game at E3.

So you're expecting a Nintendo Direct for Wii U akin to the Monster Hunter 4 megaton conference last year? ;)


Nintendo Power’s most wanted games – June 2012
(prior to E3)

Wii U

1. Batman: Arkham City
2. Assassin’s Creed III
3. Tekken
4. Darksiders II
5. LEGO City Stories

Hmm.... Batman @ #1?
An old port?
I dont understand...


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.

Also, am I the only one who thinks Pikmin won't be available in 2012, let alone at launch? How are they going to fill January-June 2013? They'd have to start announcing games *gasp* NOT at E3, and Nintendo doesn't have a very rich history of doing that.

NSMB U and Nintendoland will be there at launch, I think Pikmin and P-100 will be spread across the first half of 2013.
It could be nothing. Nintendo historically leaves the Jan-Jun. period pretty barren while they load up during the Holiday season. Besides, they've already announced 9 Nintendo published games for Wii U, plenty to spread out until E3 rolls around again.


My pickups (assuming Nintendoland is pack-in):

Zombi U

Lego City Undercover
Hmm.... Batman @ #1?
An old port?
I dont understand...

Maybe not everybody owns the game on other platforms. There has been a lot of buzz about it being a really good game.

I remembered wrong, it's $10.5 billion in the bank. Here's a quote:

This is from a report preceding this year's annual breakout. As of two and a half months ago, this is what Nintendo had, if I'm reading it right:

Cash and deposits (USD) $3,541
Accounts receivable-trade (USD) $776
Accounts payable-trade (USD) $112

Cash and deposits (Euro) $1,996
Accounts receivable-trade (Euro) $661

Ah, wait, here's something a bit more straightforward: in 120426e (page 6), cash went from 812 trillion yen last year to 462 trillion yen this year. That's from $10.29 billion to $5.85 billion in one year*. Total assets of the company went from $20.68 billion to $17.3 billion.

This is far from a disaster scenario, but I certainly have since retracted my earlier suggestion that Nintendo could easily survive several PS3-level financial catastrophes in a row.

* and, yes, a lot of that is due to the vast alteration in exchange rate


Watched a real nice Mario video. Charming graphics, but nothing too sophisticated (IMO Sonic Generations looks nicer, but still it is very charming). Having said that, it would be awesome if you could play two, separate, independent games on two gamepads. Shame that won't be supported at launch.
Funny, I wish failure on the next Xbox for Microsoft's treatment of both consumers and developers and their focus on media bullshit over games.

As for Sony, I can't wish upon them what they have already done to themselves. Seeing them stumble around makes me sad. You use to be the champ Sony!

Their brand was near-worthless in the sixth generation: the Gamecube had low market share and less mind share. The DS and Wii revitalized their brand.

Your gaming tastes just may be changing. I am getting older too, but I am still a mechanics and exploration kind of guy, so Mario (mechanics) and Zelda (exploration) still scratch those itches, especially in a climate where there are few alternatives due to there being so much focus on audiovisuals and cinematic experiences.

In many ways the industry needs Nintendo to stay the course and be different, its not like I have to like everything they do. Maybe I changed too much with my gaming taste.

As for those offended by my comments you guys need to relax, I get it trust me, we can all see it in different ways. I'm allowed to be unhappy about Nintendo. We have many years ahead if we are ever able to show our faces on the gaming side again we have to grow thicker skins once again. You guys really have to step back and ask yourselves why you defend this company so readily. No need to feel insulted at the idea of being a fanboy or sheep. I have not seen a dogpile like this since IdeaMan's teasing of WiiU info.

You don't like what I said but most of you felt it at one point or another during this year waiting for info. Defense thread after defense thread. WiiU does need some serious positive news soon or you can join my party to storm NOA's gates.

Anyway, I was speaking generally about myself, my feelings as a fan and as a long time 'sheep' in jest mostly. I've owned nothing else but what Nintendo decided to bring to the table aside from my PC so I should be allowed to vent my displeasure. Its nothing personal to anyone here, so lets do like Miyamoto says and have fun :3

p.s. I'm still burning a copy of NintendoLand nothing you can do to stop me >:D


This is a valid point. Do you know exactly how much of the losses are due to this and what precisely Nintendo is doing to combat it?

It's been mentioned in each quarterly thread (even before the losses started), and I recall they were positive in at least one quarter if you took out the exchange losses. It's in Nintendo's financials, but I don't have the breakdown handy. Nintendo's profits have been a "that's cool. Know they'll be around for a while." thing for me as opposed to something actively tracked. The actual loss vs. loss from currency exchange should be in the quarterly reports, though.

As far as what Nintendo's doing to combat it, they mentioned it some in their recent E3 Q&A. Trying to do some business in foreign currency, when possible, to avoid the conversions altogether. (They said it's working better with $ than Euros, though.) They also try to assume a certain Yen/$/Euro ratio when making projections, and the losses come from missing those conversions expectations, I think. Therefore trying to anticipate the change in currency is another tactic with limited utility, as they can't really change it during the year.

Hah, sony switched to NP&D like three years ago. Microsoft's gaming stuff has always been in a division not limited to the Xbox business.

Again, it's not my main point of attention, but I read on it as it goes on. Something changed with Sony and/or Microsoft where they stopped reporting gaming division-specific profit/loss and only reported operating income, which isn't comparable to Nintendo's profit/loss. It's why Psychotext stopped updating the list, since the comparison was effectively useless. I think Stumpokapow's had some good explanations of some of it, and it might even be linked to in Psychotext's last update for the listing. IIRC, the Microsoft side used to be mainly Xbox + some relatively smaller stuff like Zune, but it's changed in the last few years to include a lot more stuff. Sony's is now buried deep under network services, I think.

If you really want to be pedantic (be like me, hooray!), you could say that the chart has pretty much been useless from the start.

For Nintendo, it's useful. For Sony, it was useful before they tried to start hiding the massive losses this gen. It was useful long enough to see that they'd lost all their PS1/PS2 profits, at least. Now, there's just the occasional mention of profit/loss specific to gaming without actual numbers. Microsoft's has always been mixed with other stuff, I think, but it's gotten where the other stuff is too much to ignore (at least, that's my understanding).

It was an interesting chart, and it does broadly paint the differences in position for Sony gaming, Microsoft gaming, and Nintendo, but as far as being 100% clear picture, it was never that, no.


I would love, though magic, if all three next-gen consoles sold as well as the Wii. A huge healthy market can only mean lots of healthy developers making lots of games.


I want expensive consoles though, I'm selfish...I want really good hardware that can make a valid attempt at a 10 year lifespan. All the poor plebs can purchase after a price cut or two 2 or 3 years in.


Speaking of which, let's do a little WUST user poll. Of the launch/launch window games that are ANNOUNCED, what is everyone planning on picking up?

New Super Mario Bros. U
Lego City: Undercover
Project P-100
Aliens: Colonial Marines if that new zapper is a reality
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Zombi U

I'll probably rent Batman
In many ways the industry needs Nintendo to stay the course and be different, its not like I have to like everything they do. Maybe I changed too much with my gaming taste.

As for those offended by my comments you guys need to relax, I get it trust me, we can all see it in different ways. I'm allowed to be unhappy about Nintendo. We have many years ahead if we are ever able to show our faces on the gaming side again we have to grow thicker skins once again. You guys really have to step back and ask yourselves why you defend this company so readily. No need to feel insulted at the idea of being a fanboy or sheep. I have not seen a dogpile like this since IdeaMan's teasing of WiiU info.

You don't like what I said but most of you felt it at one point or another during this year waiting for info. Defense thread after defense thread. WiiU does need some serious positive news soon or you can join my party to storm NOA's gates.

Anyway, I was speaking generally about myself, my feelings as a fan and as a long time 'sheep' in jest mostly. I've owned nothing else but what Nintendo decided to bring to the table aside from my PC so I should be allowed to vent my displeasure. Its nothing personal to anyone here, so lets do like Miyamoto says and have fun :3

p.s. I'm still burning a copy of NintendoLand nothing you can do to stop me >:D

I took exception to your comments where you started saying "NO YOU GUYS CAN'T COMPLAIN GOD" like a three year old.

My estimation of you has not raised since you have had your juice and calmed down.
I took exception to your comments where you started saying "NO YOU GUYS CAN'T COMPLAIN GOD" like a three year old.

My estimation of you has not raised since you have had your juice and calmed down.

oh okay, I still like you though you are Nintendo's #1 PR man around here with very good info when you want to drop hints so I kinda really care what you think of me Shocking

too bad about the sense of humor thing :shrugs:


Maybe not everybody owns the game on other platforms. There has been a lot of buzz about it being a really good game.

It was sarcasm.
A lot of people were pissed that the game was highlighted during E3,
but, the fact the last film is coming out, the fact that its a popular character,
the fact that the game did get good reviews, I can understand why they
did show it off.

And as you pointed out, not everybody bought the game.
We should hope these games do sell, so we can be assured of future titles.
oh okay, I still like you though you are Nintendo's #1 PR man around here with very good info when you want to drop hints so I kinda really care what you think of me Shocking

too bad about the sense of humor thing :shrugs:

ShockingAlberto grew out of a sense of humor many moons ago. Said it was like "pissing away a kidney stone"


Unconfirmed Member
I'm kind of tiring of the hardware innovation thing, to be honest.
Do you mean hardware innovation as with the Wii U controller or hardware innovation as with stronger processors, more RAM etc.?
I want expensive consoles though, I'm selfish...I want really good hardware that can make a valid attempt at a 10 year lifespan. All the poor plebs can purchase after a price cut or two 2 or 3 years in.
Even this generation seems too long.

Sony and Microsoft make big losses because they sell their hardware at loss, thats why they need such long lifecycles to get any profit out of it.

Financially seen, this is a dumb strategy. Aside from PS2/PS1, no system proofed it can last ~10 years and video game developers are confronted with higher and higher development costs. A lot of them didn't survive this.


Wait, Alberto is viewed as a Nintendo PR guy? Lol

And last I checked, I never found it "amusing" to talk about a company failing to introduce a new product even if it's meant sarcasticly. If you don't like the direction where the company is headed towards, vote with your wallet. Simple as that.


Even this generation seems too long.

Sony and Microsoft make big losses because they sell their hardware at loss, thats why they need such long lifecycles to get any profit out of it.

Financially seen, this is a dumb strategy. Aside from PS2/PS1, no system proofed it can last ~10 years and video game developers are confronted with higher and higher development costs. A lot of them didn't survive this.

The entire console/handheld market is border line insanity. Game budgets are ballooning, each hardware iteration costs billions...its a bloodbath. MS and Sony should be chasing tablet dollars big time. I like MS' entry into the tablet market.
Wait, Alberto is viewed as a Nintendo PR guy? Lol

And last I checked, I never found it "amusing" to talk about a company failing to introduce a new product even if it's meant sarcasticly. If you don't like the direction where the company is headed towards, vote with your wallet. Simple as that.

he has his view of me I have my view of him. fairness I say

my wallet has a sticker on it... "Owned by Nintendo Co. Ltd."

I've never seen Smiles like this. Take a nap or somethin'.

not drunk or anything... insomnia sucks though


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Hardware aint worth shit if there's nothing good to play them with. So far, all I've seen is minigames, P-100, and adding unnecessary shit to platformers for a laugh.
So Rayman Legends is a bad platformer 'cause they added the asymmetric option for the 5th player?
The entire console/handheld market is border line insanity. Game budgets are ballooning, each hardware iteration costs billions...its a bloodbath. MS and Sony should be chasing tablet dollars big time.
I'm currently compiling video game company - revenues to get a better picture of the last generation and what happened.

Here are some examples, I haven't compiled Activion Blizzard and Ubisoft yet and I think they're the only ones who earned money. ;)

Looking at this, noone can deny that video game companies made big losses between 2007 - 2011 , when last generation started to get hollywood-like. Bigger, Better, Faster.

But I don't think that this is a healthy ecosystem.

		Electronic Arts

FY3 1995	$59.324.000
FY3 1996	$46.677.000
FY3 1997	$51.327.000
FY3 1998	$72.562.000
FY3 1999	$72.872.000
FY3 2000	$116.751.000
FY3 2001	- $11.082.000
FY3 2002	$101.509.000
FY3 2003	$317.000.000
FY3 2004	$577.000.000
FY3 2005	$504.000.000
FY3 2006	$236.000.000
FY3 2007	$72.000.000
FY3 2008	- $454.000.000
FY3 2009	- $
FY3 2010	- $677.000.000
FY3 2011	- $276.000.000
FY3 2012	$76.000.000

		- $203.060.000


FY12 1992	$4.046.000
FY12 1993	- $16.240.000
FY12 1994	- $17.490.000
FY12 1995	$601.000
FY12 1996	$1.897.000
FY12 1997	$8.948.000
FY12 1998	$14.618.000
FY12 1999	$31.326.000
FY12 2000	$18.189.000
FY12 2001	$36.013.000
FY12 2002	$12.994.000
FY3 2003	$2.543.000
FY3 2004	$34.072.000
FY3 2005	$61.397.000
FY3 2006	$32.106.000
FY3 2007	$68.038.000
FY3 2008	- $35.337.000
FY3 2009	- $431.112.000
FY3 2010	- $9.017.000
FY3 2011	- $136.098.000
FY3 2012	

		- $318.506.000

		Disney Interactive

FY10 2005	
FY10 2006	
FY10 2007	
FY10 2008	- $258.000.000
FY10 2009	- $295.000.000
FY10 2010	- $234.000.000
FY10 2011	- $308.000.000
FY10 2012	

		- $
*Disney Interactive was formarly known as Buena Vista Games.
I couldn't find any reports for Buena Vista yet, because this company doesn't exist anymore.


FY10 1995	- $603.000
FY10 1996	$1.682.000
FY10 1997	- $2.768.000
FY10 1998	$7.181.000
FY10 1999	$15.871.000
FY10 2000	$4.555.000
FY10 2001	- $6.918.000
FY10 2002	$59.667.000
FY10 2003	$88.672.000
FY10 2004	$62.119.000
FY10 2005	$35.314.000
FY10 2006	- $184.889.000
FY10 2007	- $138.406.000
FY10 2008	$97.097.000
FY10 2009	- $140.454.000
FY3 2010	- $28.802.000
FY3 2011	$48.458.000
FY3 2012	- $108.816.000
		- $191.040.000

I like MS' entry into the tablet market.
Me too. Looks really nice. (the bigger version)

But I feel this won't be a mainstream-hit like the iPad.


Wait, Alberto is viewed as a Nintendo PR guy? Lol

And last I checked, I never found it "amusing" to talk about a company failing to introduce a new product even if it's meant sarcasticly. If you don't like the direction where the company is headed towards, vote with your wallet. Simple as that.

You can't vote with your wallet if there's a bunch of sheep around!
In many ways the industry needs Nintendo to stay the course and be different, its not like I have to like everything they do. Maybe I changed too much with my gaming taste.

I think that every console maker needs to be unique. Sixth gen, all three just got way too similar. Now, the similarity is considered normal to the point where if any console slightly varies from the expected standard, then developers rage. It's so weird from the previous status quo, and I'm starting to build some conjecture on how it might have led to some of this generation's big problems.

I want expensive consoles though, I'm selfish...I want really good hardware that can make a valid attempt at a 10 year lifespan. All the poor plebs can purchase after a price cut or two 2 or 3 years in.

Hardware gets more complex and prone to failure as we move forward. One of the two expensive systems this generation couldn't make a valid attempt at a 10 year lifespan -- it had to be redesigned partway through to account for a hardware issue that was indirectly related to its computational ability.

I think I'd like to pay less per system unless console makers agree to a blanket ten year warranty plan.

not drunk or anything... insomnia sucks though

The past week, there were two or three days where I found myself laying in my bed from 1am to 5am, waiting for the actual sleeping part to happen.

I think it might be the chili.

…I ain't giving it up.


Hardware gets more complex and prone to failure as we move forward. One of the two expensive systems this generation couldn't make a valid attempt at a 10 year lifespan -- it had to be redesigned partway through to account for a hardware issue that was indirectly related to its computational ability.

Oh, its just what I want, not what should happen. Its unhealthy. Consoles should actually be real cheap and offer a unique experience. Nintendo's philosophy is the safe bet.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
I think it might be the chili.

…I ain't giving it up.

Tsk tsk tsk.


aka Cabbie
Rösti;39045183 said:
Do you mean hardware innovation as with the Wii U controller or hardware innovation as with stronger processors, more RAM etc.?

don't answer those! its not good no matter which way u go @Cabbie

Lol, if it's really that bad that I can't state something like that (it's the former, btw) then I have grossly misjudged this thread and it's posters.
I don't think that's the case, however :3

I should clarify I'm not tired of the innovations in themselves. Just the fervent focus on them. I'm not saying focus on them any less, but perhaps go to greater lengths to communicate the more technical and software related features, as we've discussed already.

Not too firely-hot for a meltdown. I'd categorize it as some public soul-searching, some introspection. It's to be expected of few of us along the way..

Yep, I took it in good faith. Don't let me down by being viciously defensive, NintendoGAF. ;)
So Rayman Legends is a bad platformer 'cause they added the asymmetric option for the 5th player?

However good Rayman Legends will be(aka without the touch screen options), it'll be the same kind of good on the other platforms when it's inevitably announced. Doesn't exactly excite me about the innovation of the Wii-U GamePad.


However good Rayman Legends will be(aka without the touch screen options), it'll be the same kind of good on the other platforms when it's inevitably announced. Doesn't exactly excite me about the innovation of the Wii-U GamePad.

Will the other platforms have the rhythm stages as well though?
Rösti;39032618 said:
I have now sent an inquiry to webmaster Robert at NoA. Due to his position, I mainly provided questions about Wii U's hardware. Thanks to all those who wrote down questions though, maybe they can be used for other things. Now we just wait and see.

Did my question about Virtual Console streaming make the cut?
I think that every console maker needs to be unique. Sixth gen, all three just got way too similar. Now, the similarity is considered normal to the point where if any console slightly varies from the expected standard, then developers rage. It's so weird from the previous status quo, and I'm starting to build some conjecture on how it might have led to some of this generation's big problems.

Hardware gets more complex and prone to failure as we move forward. One of the two expensive systems this generation couldn't make a valid attempt at a 10 year lifespan -- it had to be redesigned partway through to account for a hardware issue that was indirectly related to its computational ability.

I think I'd like to pay less per system unless console makers agree to a blanket ten year warranty plan.

The past week, there were two or three days where I found myself laying in my bed from 1am to 5am, waiting for the actual sleeping part to happen.

I think it might be the chili.

…I ain't giving it up.

it will be interesting to see how this generation plays out. Allow me one more curve ball to this discussion, do you think developers would prefer one standard platform from the big 3?

These little varied differences allows them to port the same game to 3 platforms right now but would this not be the same sales results if all 3 companies had the same hardware just a brand stuck to them.

I would vote for the differences over the one console thing, just wondering if this would be an effective solution to some of the hardships in the coming generations

If the gaming industry is to grow I wonder if a standard like we had for VCR/DVD/Blu-ray
what if gaming just became all about the software standard on similar hardware that could run it?

We keep hearing its all about the games, but no one seems to consider working together for a standard
However good Rayman Legends will be(aka without the touch screen options), it'll be the same kind of good on the other platforms when it's inevitably announced. Doesn't exactly excite me about the innovation of the Wii-U GamePad.

Bizarrely, I really liked Mode 7 when it was used in an innovative manner, but it didn't particularly kill me that most SNES games did not use Mode 7 extensively. I mean, not counting that it was pretty much a Genesis, especially once the latter got its enhanced controller).


Unconfirmed Member
Did my question about Virtual Console streaming make the cut?
Unfortunately not. I had to think about what he best could answer, and something like that I doubt is documented in any white papers. However, if he responds to my e-mail I can perhaps send more questions and include it then.
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