CPS treating huge celebrities like common folk, progress?
I'm way more disturbed by this photo of her walking around without shoes.
Btw, holyshit is he a short guy. She towers over him, Will/Jada probably thinks hes like 11 or 12.
I have to agree, its the media and those who ate up the news who thought the picture was sexual in nature, that just shows the mindset of society which is also created by the sexualization of everything which hollywood also partakes in so its an endless cycle which the peers of both these actors parents themselves created. I mean this is the society which it has become. In the 1970s when a 30 year old guy used to call another couple's 5 year old daughter cute, it was seen universally as a compliment, Now when a 30 year old guy calls another couple's 5 years daughter cute, the parents hold thier daughter more tightly and look at the guy as if he is a pedophile
Holy Shit Why Does She Capitalize Every Word In Her Tweets
Holy Shit Why Does She Capitalize Every Word In Her Tweets
This, fuck that. In what realm is that appropriate?Would you let your 13 year old daughter "chill" in bed with a 20 year old male friend? Asking this on GAF is a bad idea, but the vast majority of people wouldn't be ok with that. Willow has been on this path for awhile, and her brief music career often advertised her as "older than she is" or "mature" as if she was somehow on another metal level compared to similar 10-11 year olds. Now she's 13 and seems like a mess. It's not surprising.
This, fuck that. In what realm is that appropriate?
I didnt say it did. ACS investigates when they get a call right?In what realm does it require an investigation from ACS?
I'm glad I didn't have Twitter when I was 13. I said some stuuuupid stuff on Kongregate Chat and RS back in the day. Wouldn't want that stickin'.jaden is the boy. willow is the girl.
but image is confusing. willow is 13, jaden is 15, tweet is from willow or was that jaden from 2 years ago? lol idk
Doesn't mean anything to you. I don't expect everyone to share my sensibilities. But at the end of the day I just wouldn't be cool with my young 13 year old daughter chillin' in bed with a 20 year old dude. Family friend or not I'd put that shit in check.
I'd think you were just a friendly person unless I saw something that specifically made me uncomfortable. Then I'd respectfully put that behavior in check. I'm trusting but I'm not naive to the horrible things that happen in the I'd just want a certain level of appropriateness maintained. There is no right or wrong regarding this. Different people have different sensibilities. If you're cool with a 13 year old girl chillin in bed with a grown man then ok. I'm not. We just sharing perspectives. Doesn't make us right or wrong. Just different.
I've been friends with PLENTY of my friends younger siblings. But somehow I was able to maintain those friendships without me and them on a bed with my shirt off, go figure....
When I was young around 15-18 and my mothers friend would bring her young kid over and they wanted to play videogames I'd just bring the console from my room downstairs into the living room. Why? Cause I only had my bed to sit on in my room when I played games and didn't feel comfortable having someone that young in my room in the bed with me. Didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea. That's just how I was raised by my parents. "Some things just look bad regardless of your intentions, keep it appropriate".
It depends on the context.Would you let your 13 year old daughter "chill" in bed with a 20 year old male friend?
Hang on. Call me slow to react (everyone: YOU'RE SLOW TO REACT), but... Will and Jada Smith's children are Willow and Jaden? That's almost as bad as Nigel Lawson calling his daughter Nigella.
That's fair enough, it's up to every parent to decide these things. I just think the media has blown this way past what it really is.
This sounds like a Libel case waiting to happen.
actors always hang out with other actors regardless of age
i mean i know these two are like buddies irl (from heroes) and he's like twice her age
idk, lets wait until we see a video of her suckng him off before making these conclusions
There is no way he is 5'5. Probably close to 5'2.using my eyes i'm going with 5' 1"
EDIT: Google says 5' 5". his brother is 5' 7"
This is something i'd call child services overI'm way more disturbed by this photo of her walking around without shoes.
Btw, holyshit is he a short guy. She towers over him, Will/Jada probably thinks hes like 11 or 12.
Is she wearing a shirt in that pic or is she covering up with a sheet?This picture.
Has gotten child services involved?, this is just stupid, very very stupid.
Makes sense. It won't do to let the daughter of a celebrity couple hang out with a cute older boy. I mean, right now a child is probably getting their wrist pressed against a burner by their alcoholic aunt, but it's cool. Kids are tough. Well done, CPS.
actors always hang out with other actors regardless of age
i mean i know these two are like buddies irl (from heroes) and he's like twice her age
idk, lets wait until we see a video of her suckng him off before making these conclusions
With anyone else I might be convinced that this is all a misunderstanding, but the Smith family is pretty out there.
idk, lets wait until we see a video of her suckng him off before making these conclusions
This is something i'd call child services over
what kinda parents would let their kid dress like this
This picture.
Has gotten child services involved?, this is just stupid, very very stupid.