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Will/Should Nintendo finally add DMs/voice chat with friends or a trophy system with the Switch 2?


The fact that Nintendo hasn’t added any sort of way to communicate with friends, let alone a voice party system, or a trophy/achievement system is insane to me. I really hope they finally do it with the Switch 2, almost TWENTY years after the competition started doing it.

I know Nintendo is not huge on online/ multiplayer, but at some point you need to keep up with the times. These days it should be a given.


DMs would be cool. I don't care about some achievement system (I think they are a bad invention and should've been kept exclusive to the Xbox 360) and voice chat... as long as you can turn that shit off, I don't particularly care either way.


Gold Member
Should, yes. Will, probably not.


Gold Member
I doubt it - Nintendo seem particularly stubborn when it comes to these kind of features. I’d personally like a trophy style system, using perhaps different colour Mario coins for individual achievements, and a gold star as an alternative to the plat.


Gold Member
I actually disabled achievements on Steam and been trying to do the same for Xbox app, I hate it when they appear out of nowhere just too distract be with a should effect and an appearance nothing alike game art direction.

Regarding communication, they always had such features until pedos started using them to contact children, so they closed the 3DS service they had in order to avoid a big public image problem, with the Switch they just decided to skip it entirely. Nintendo relies on family friendly image and they go too drastic with measured that could harm the.


Let's not forget that the Wii U had some of the best messaging/social features ever implemented in a games console. DMs with captures/drawing, video chat as standard, and Miiverse.

It's a shame they dialled it back so hard again with Switch, but they have at least in the past recognised that these features are appreciated.

Regarding communication, they always had such features until pedos started using them to contact children, so they closed the 3DS service they had in order to avoid a big public image problem, with the Switch they just decided to skip it entirely.

Yep. They probably don't want people sending salty hate messages to youngsters during bouts of Mario Kart and Smash either.
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They should, but they’re not going to. I don’t blame them though. Too many creeps on the Internet these days. And I don’t want to voice chat with y’all anyways.
Me and my friends chat on discord even when we are playing on the other consoles.
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Gold Member
No on the voice chat. None of these consoles really need it when there's discord. I'm ambivalent about achievements or trophies. The only think I'll say about them in regard to Nintendo games is that generally you don't need a digital bauble to have incentive to play all the way through Nintendo games. The games themselves are incentive enough.
It’s not happening, maybe in switch 3, where ai has advanced enough, they don’t have to worry about children being at risk.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Would love to see some sort of achievement/trophy system for Nintendo, but I doubt we will ever see it.
If trophies come in there will be no visible percentage of people who earned it. I can't imagine Nintendo wanting anyone to know how many completed the games. The commonly held view is Nintendo games are played to the end and replayed, percentages may show different.


A simple message feature for registered friends would be nice.
Achievements I could take it or leave it, they kinda lost their charm years ago.

I don't think we will get either for Switch 2.


nintendo are still a good 10 years behind inventing voice chat
Apart from the fact they already did it on the DS & wii.

As for trophies, fuck no. The eshop is already full of shit without all the PS/Xbox bouncing food games coming over for easy points.
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Gold Member
Having zero communication features unless you use a completely separate app on your phone is pretty ridiculous, so yes.


Suffers with mild autism
I hate achievements with every fiber of my being, and can't comprehend why anyone wants that horrible feature.

If a game wants to reward you for challenging tasks, that should be handled in-game somehow with its own unique system of unlocks or bonuses. Those can be a surprise and a delight, and different for every game. But adding some kind of reward to your account or profile is just annoying, completely ruins the experience for me to even think of the game breaking out of its box to pin things on my online profile in some way.
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El Muerto

Probably to achievements. But no to chat due to safety. Nintendo is a family friendly console, every kid has one, and if there's chat then predators will reach out to kids on there.

Kings Field

Achievements would be cool but I like the idea of no voice/messaging. Keeps the pedos from contacting children and with my own kids Starting to get into gaming soon, I like idea of no way at all for them to communicate with weirdos.


They should but they won't. I've given up all hope of ever having trophies in the Nintendo ecosystem. They would benefit from it the most out of all the consoles


I'd love to see a trophy/achievement system on a Nintendo console but they are in their own bubble so i doubt we'll ever see that. What i do want and hope for....is for th em to let me purchase all the classic NES SNES N64 and GBA games that are only available through Nintendo online subscription.


I’d like a handle system, messaging and trophies, yeah. Not bothered if we don’t get them though.
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