Couldn't the same be said for Forza 6 after Forza 5, with its graphical downgrade and microtransaction nonsense that plagued that release?
very nice. is it the highest selling Ps3 exclusive?
indeed. do we have any sales records for gt6 btw?
Sell more than Forza 6? Wishful thinking
Ratchet & Clank mainline games sell like 3-4 million.
Wasn't that during the PS2 era? I think the first R&C on PS3 did over a million (how far I don't know) but I dont think they sold 3-4 million each
I really don't see MS announcing a slim Xbox One this year.Halo MCC + price cut moved alot of consoles last holiday. Halo 5 and + slim version + 299$ pricetag will move alot of consoles. It will probably be enough to win november and december in USA, by a small margin.
Halo MCC + price cut moved alot of consoles last holiday. Halo 5 and + slim version + 299$ pricetag will move alot of consoles. It will probably be enough to win november and december in USA, by a small margin.
That sounds like an incredible leap to get to a slim model and $299. Is there anything to even back up the notion of a slim model beyond wishful thinking?
The Ratchet & Clank franchise as a whole sold 27 as of September 2014.
So, no definitely not only the PS2 games, otherwise the sales for the whole series would be significantly lower.
Rumours been around for a while, and my guess is: the time is right.
Totally agree with you. Many GAFers concentrate too much on raw numbers, that don't tell you ish without putting them in a context.
I looked up the numbers for you (old but that is irrelevant) S-Klasse vs. 7er vs. A8:
No smart investor would ever base an investment decision on these numbers and buy Mercedes stock because they "move more units". He would ask "how much are they making per car" too. Soooo this holiday season won't define anything.
Logic of many here: BWM and Audi should get out of the luxury car business. Mercedes is outselling them.
This is my biggest gripe with NPD threads and weekly sale charts... "The Order sold 50K this week, that's really good!!", basically just comparing it to what other games sell or if the number sounds like it's high. Okay, so what, let's say The Order sold 1 million units in its first month...okay sweet, but the game was in development for upwards of 4-5 how PROFITABLE was it? Who cares if it outsold whatever game it was against, that is completely irrelevant to the game doing well. (Not trying to single out The Order, just an example)
And the thing is, none of us know how much these games cost to make, let alone market, depreciate, ect, unless we are told, which rarely ever happens until years after the fact.
Halo MCC + price cut moved alot of consoles last holiday. Halo 5 and + slim version + 299$ pricetag will move alot of consoles. It will probably be enough to win november and december in USA, by a small margin.
In my opinion, E3 is the perfect time. Re-introduce the console. Lower price point, Halo 5 bundle, and most importantly change the way they approach selling the thing. Get some new, competent marketing, be more transparent and open about policies, show that there's some more change going on beyond Phil "the games" Spencer just tweeting what people want to hear.
I think they will rebrand the Xbox One, but they just dropped the price and MS aren't going to do it again at E3 if for no other reason than no-one does it E3.
How will they rebrand the XBO? Just call it the Win10 Box?
How will they rebrand the XBO? Just call it the Win10 Box?
How will they rebrand the XBO? Just call it the Win10 Box?
I am still trying to find it, but I'm pretty certain I read that ACIT didn't crack 2 million. That's still very strong for such a long-running series, but I think games in the franchise sold better in its earlier days, which may explain why they're reimagining it now.
Ultimately, any game that manages to sell multiple millions of copies is a strong game. Forza and Ratchet both accomplish that.
I actually think Xbox One-Two sounds awesome but would confuse people
I actually think Xbox One-Two sounds awesome but would confuse people
This is my biggest gripe with NPD threads and weekly sale charts... "The Order sold 50K this week, that's really good!!", basically just comparing it to what other games sell or if the number sounds like it's high. Okay, so what, let's say The Order sold 1 million units in its first month...okay sweet, but the game was in development for upwards of 4-5 how PROFITABLE was it? Who cares if it outsold whatever game it was against, that is completely irrelevant to the game doing well. (Not trying to single out The Order, just an example)
And the thing is, none of us know how much these games cost to make, let alone market, depreciate, ect, unless we are told, which rarely ever happens until years after the fact.
I really don't see MS announcing a slim Xbox One this year.
On topic, part of the problem imo is M.S. making the X1 a holiday system and the other 10 months don't really count. This premise is even assumed in the OP, I don't believe focusing on just November and December is a viable strategy for building momentum and one's user base. Sony's strategy of releasing games All year is the better Strategy imo.
The thing that I don't get about this is why it's being called a strategy this early in the gen. The console isn't two years old yet. For all we may know, the development time of early gen games in the Xbox One's lineup could simply fit having the majority of that content release during the Holiday season.
More games get released the older a gen gets so I'm positive that this won't be a trend. MS will definitely save their biggest exclusives of the year for the Holiday season but I don't think they will save ALL of them for that time of the year from here on out. On top of this, most consumers wait until the Holiday season to buy consoles anyway.
Who cares about 900p on cut scenes? I barely noticed a difference between the jumps and TR still looks and plays great at 1080/30.Anything visual Xbox can do, PS4 can do a little more. Definitive Edition was 1080p on Xbox One only for Gameplay (cutscenes had to be 900p) and ran at 35-45fps iirc, while PS4 was all 1080p and ran at about 45-55fps.
So it's sad they are developing it for not just the weaker current gen system, but that they also have to scale it down enough that it can be ported to weaker last gen 360 (people wishfully thinking they get to ignore the scope of last gen are fooling themselves).
It's hurt potential. I know that it will be a little better on PS4, like just about everything third party that is done right, so I can't bring myself to buy this on Xbox One. That's how I feel about all third party franchises. I don't want it on the weaker system, and this situation is unfortunately forcing a popular multiplatform franchise's development onto prioritizing the weaker system and it's old man.
This would be way less of a problem if it weren't cross-gen too. That's worse than the reason I have to wait for the PS4 version.
Who cares about 900p on cut scenes? I barely noticed a difference between the jumps and TR still looks and plays great at 1080/30.
If you know it'll look a little better on PS4 and are set on buying it for that system then cool but your concerns about it's "graphical potential being diminished" are a little silly, this is much ado about nothing.
This holiday line up defines X1 as a console that is getting solid first party support.
One holiday season can't do that for anybody who has paid attention to the Xbox and 360. Eventually Microsoft just dropped support for them off a cliff for some reason.
Who cares about 900p on cut scenes? I barely noticed a difference between the jumps and TR still looks and plays great at 1080/30.
If you know it'll look a little better on PS4 and are set on buying it for that system then cool but your concerns about it's "graphical potential being diminished" are a little silly, this is much ado about nothing.
Because the customers dropped support for the sales. Game sales are front loaded, and the people who support that also support the new generation pretty quick. That's why PS3/360 games sell a fraction of current gen versions, despite there being dozens of millions more of those old systems on the market still.
Don't get the joke?Feels like it's Xbox One's holiday to lose:
One holiday season can't do that for anybody who has paid attention to the Xbox and 360. Eventually Microsoft just dropped support for them off a cliff for some reason.
Feels like it's Xbox One's holiday to lose:
One holiday season can't do that for anybody who has paid attention to the Xbox and 360. Eventually Microsoft just dropped support for them off a cliff for some reason.
let me refresh your memory:
“History has shown us that the first company to reach 10 million in console sales wins the generation battle. We are uniquely positioned to set a new benchmark for the industry.”
Despite the PS3's comeback towards the end of the last generation, the 360 was cemented as the go-to console which defined the generation up until the very end. The PS3 had become a "second console" for many, me included. I got one for cheap when TLOU came out whereas I spent most of the generation playing and spending my money on 360. Now the roles are reversed and I don't see that changing ever. Just like the PS3, the Xbox One is doomed to play catch-up up for its whole life span. No short spike in sales during holidays in NA will change that.So how does that explain Sony's comeback at the tail end of last generation? Anything can happen really. For all we know Nintendo may come out with a new system that stomps everything else like the Wii did haha
So how does that explain Sony's comeback at the tail end of last generation? Anything can happen really. For all we know Nintendo may come out with a new system that stomps everything else like the Wii did haha
Despite the PS3's comeback towards the end of the last generation, the 360 was cemented as the go-to console which defined the generation up until the very end. The PS3 had become a "second console" for many, me included. I got one for cheap when TLOU came out whereas I spent most of the generation playing and spending my money on 360. Now the roles are reversed and I don't see that changing ever. Just like the PS3, the Xbox One is doomed to play catch-up up for its whole life span. No short spike in sales during holidays in NA will change that.
Because PS3 sold more WW since it was released. The "comeback" only means that it sold even more during the last years because the pricedrop, the games, policy change, PS+...
It was behind since the beginning because it was released one year (or more) later
This gen is far from this scenario