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Windows 8.1 |OT| There's your start button


I hope Update 1 allows us to put a notification area on more than one monitor; I don't think it would be that hard of a fix.


Junior Member

Dem Close/minimize buttons.


Don't worry guys, just because past decisions were misguided doesn't mean the fixes also will be.

I have no problem with the changes in Update 1 and Windows 9 as long as they're largely rendered optional or non-intrusive to people who primarily rely on touch based interaction. The last thing I want to see is a Surface Mini that boots to desktop, has a start menu, and adds a title bar to every app.
I wish the Reading List was cloud/SkyDrive/web apps-based. I'd like to be able to add stuff to it from my Windows 7 work laptop during the day.


I wish the Reading List was cloud/SkyDrive/web apps-based. I'd like to be able to add stuff to it from my Windows 7 work laptop during the day.

That's why I use pocket. Device independent and you can download articles. As long as Microsoft doesn't match that, I see no reason to use Reading List.
On Windows 8 I use Latermark as pocket client. Pouch looks okay, too.


Are there any twitter apps (and web services) that synch your timeline over the internet? Right now I'm only really using twitter on one device, because the other devices don't know my position in the timeline.


Are there any twitter apps (and web services) that synch your timeline over the internet? Right now I'm only really using twitter on one device, because the other devices don't know my position in the timeline.

Tweetmarker does that and its supported by tweetro and the liquid daffodil apps(Gleek, cowlick, etc.) I think. You just need to turn it on any client that supports it, and it should sync your position across them.

I'd say the twitter apps on the metro side are severely lacking as of right now, and its surprising considering that there are better apps on the windows phone side.


Tweetmarker does that and its supported by tweetro and the liquid daffodil apps(Gleek, cowlick, etc.) I think. You just need to turn it on any client that supports it, and it should sync your position across them.

I'd say the twitter apps on the metro side are severely lacking as of right now, and its surprising considering that there are better apps on the windows phone side.

Too bad there are hardly any Windows 7/8 clients that support it. Hopefully it'll see more support in the future. For now I'll stick with my Macbook (+Twitterific) for Twitter.
Restarted my computer for the first time in a few days and now xbox music has an infinite sign in, did one of the recent updates screw it up for anyone else?

Edit: Had to reinstall the app but it seems to be working now.


With 3.3 million tablets sold, Windows 8 had a 4.3% market share on tablets in the fourth quarter of last year: http://www.tabtech.de/sonstiges/strategy-analytics-verteilung-der-tablet-betriebssysteme-im-4-quartal-2013 (site is in German)

That's just as terrible as Windows Phone. Microsoft should get over the idea that they need to have their own platforms.

You have a rather defeatist attitude huh? Just give it a few years :) To spin it in a slightly more positive light, Windows tablets had a near 60% increase in sales when compared to the fourth quarter of last year. Amazing growth!


You have a rather defeatist attitude huh? Just give it a few years :) To spin it in a slightly more positive light, Windows tablets had a near 60% increase in sales when compared to the fourth quarter of last year. Amazing growth!

Oh I'm sure Microsoft will give it more than a few years, but it will be a constant uphill battle with few apps and low market share all while wasting an insane amount of effort on products that just won't take off. It would be far easier for them to fork Android and focus all their efforts on Android and iOS.


Oh I'm sure Microsoft will give it more than a few years, but it will be a constant uphill battle with few apps and low market share all while wasting an insane amount of effort on products that just won't take off. It would be far easier for them to fork Android and focus all their efforts on Android and iOS.

I think there's probably space for three platforms. Let's see what happens in tablets this year though. Didn't MS say they wanted to focus on increasing tablet sales? They have the pockets to compete on price and I'm very tempted myself to pick up a asus t100. Full Windows, Intel, AND a tablet with a keyboard included. It seems like a deal.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Oh I'm sure Microsoft will give it more than a few years, but it will be a constant uphill battle with few apps and low market share all while wasting an insane amount of effort on products that just won't take off. It would be far easier for them to fork Android and focus all their efforts on Android and iOS.

OSX has 7% market share, Apple should just stop making Macs and put all their software on Windows.


Apple is more of a hardware company, whereas Microsoft mainly does software. Operating systems are getting harder to sell when the dominant OS is free. Microsoft doesn't have to compete with that. They can just offer all their software and services on the winning platforms.

Apple may not have a huge part of the PC market, but they have a huge profit share. Microsoft is not Apple. They can't succeed with high-margin tablets.


What is with peoples obsession about having shutdown buttons at your fingertips at any given moment? Maybe they should stick a huge SHTUDOWN button on the desktop as well - always visible.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Apple is more of a hardware company, whereas Microsoft mainly does software. Operating systems are getting harder to sell when the dominant OS is free. Microsoft doesn't have to compete with that. They can just offer all their software and services on the winning platforms.

Apple may not have a huge part of the PC market, but they have a huge profit share. Microsoft is not Apple. They can't succeed with high-margin tablets.

So when is Apple going to give up and just release everything on Android? What was their market share last quarter? 12%? Just give up already!


What is with peoples obsession about having shutdown buttons at your fingertips at any given moment? Maybe they should stick a huge SHTUDOWN button on the desktop as well - always visible.

I haven't touched my power button in years, keyboard buttons ftw.


So when is Apple going to give up and just release everything on Android? What was their market share last quarter? 12%? Just give up already!

I know you jest, but it would be more accurate to compare them against a single manufacturer like Samsung.


So when is Apple going to give up and just release everything on Android? What was their market share last quarter? 12%? Just give up already!

Apple also has the biggest profit share in mobile. That's quite different from struggling products that don't (or barely) make any money.
Microsoft simply doesn't have to forcefully push their own platforms to profitability (or relevance in the market). Mobile computing is on Android and iOS now. Time to jump onboard and make money there. It's like Windows is the Linux to Android's Windows and iOS's OS X. It's a niche market a handful of nerds swear on and no one else gives a shit.


Thurrott agrees:
But the reality is that Windows is destined to be a second-class citizen, alongside iOS and well behind Android. And that's going to be true no matter what changes Microsoft makes to Windows, since the system is ill-equipped for these new types of devices and Android has an insurmountable lead in apps.
I've always thought if they let go of trying to be like apple and allow Win32 apps to run on RT and release updates to Visual Studio to let them compile to a universal binary that has both RT and x86 executables that RT usage would probably explode. Both by independent developers hacking stuff together and big developers. If all Adobe had to do was click compile to port Photoshop to RT don't you think they'd do it?
I've always thought if they let go of trying to be like apple and allow Win32 apps to run on RT and release updates to Visual Studio to let them compile to a universal binary that has both RT and x86 executables that RT usage would probably explode. Both by independent developers hacking stuff together and big developers. If all Adobe had to do was click compile to port Photoshop to RT don't you think they'd do it?

I'm not the biggest fan of Paul Thurrot, but I think he's right when it comes to Win32. What was the last big Win32 app?


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Apple also has the biggest profit share in mobile. That's quite different from struggling products that don't (or barely) make any money.
Microsoft simply doesn't have to forcefully push their own platforms to profitability (or relevance in the market). Mobile computing is on Android and iOS now. Time to jump onboard and make money there. It's like Windows is the Linux to Android's Windows and iOS's OS X. It's a niche market a handful of nerds swear on and no one else gives a shit.

First of all, I'm mostly joking but I completely disagree with you. Yes, Apple is making lots of money right now but that wasn't always the case, they almost folded completely. Just because Windows phones and tablets have a low marketshare now doesn't mean Microsoft should just throw their hands up and give in to Google. In my opinion we're only just now starting to see Windows tablets that can compete against the likes of the iPad. I just bought a Dell Venue Pro 8 for $300 bucks and it rocks. It's only a matter of time before Windows tablets start to outsell iPads. It might not be this year or the next but it will happen.
I'm not the biggest fan of Paul Thurrot, but I think he's right when it comes to Win32. What was the last big Win32 app?

Irrelevant question. People prefer x86 to RT clearly. If there was a hypothetical Surface which ran x86 but was priced at RT levels it would probably be way more successful. Since that doesn't seem like it's going to happen yet (due to power consumption with x86), alternate way to get to that type of result would be to open up RT to win32 and make it REALLY easy for developers to move their desktop apps over to RT.


Irrelevant question. People prefer x86 to RT clearly. If there was a hypothetical Surface which ran x86 but was priced at RT levels it would probably be way more successful. Since that doesn't seem like it's going to happen yet (due to power consumption with x86), alternate way to get to that type of result would be to open up RT to win32 and make it REALLY easy for developers to move their desktop apps over to RT.

An Atom Surface would be pretty nice
An Atom Surface would be pretty nice

You know, maybe that's the way to go (and just killing RT entirely). What I suggested or going with lightweight x86 processors (assuming they continue to get better). The current RT/x86 split is not really working.
Irrelevant question. People prefer x86 to RT clearly. If there was a hypothetical Surface which ran x86 but was priced at RT levels it would probably be way more successful. Since that doesn't seem like it's going to happen yet (due to power consumption with x86), alternate way to get to that type of result would be to open up RT to win32 and make it REALLY easy for developers to move their desktop apps over to RT.

When there's no developer activity on Win32 anymore, who's going to port all the programs that people use? Sure, we'd have Chrome, Firefox and Opera, but what else? The latest ask.com toolbar? WinSuperUtility 2014? With a user base that small, there's not even a little bit of incentive for developers to bother with it and we'd still have the same situation we have right now. The alternative would be to run all Win32 programs by default, but what's the point if Windows RT then? I've said it before and I agree again, a cheaper Surface with an Atom would've made more sense. Even the last generation Clovertrail Atoms were on par in performance and battery life with the Tegra 3 Windows RT tablets. Same price too.
When there's no developer activity on Win32 anymore, who's going to port all the programs that people use?

It wouldn't be so much a port as a dev reopening their Visual Studio project up in and hitting compile to universal binary. MS would just have to update the various versions of Visual Studio to allow you to compile to that. It's such minimal effort for the developer I find it hard to believe that programs in active development wouldn't automatically start using that as they released the next versions of their software.

And the big apps like Photoshop, iTunes, Chrome, etc are still being worked on actively on Windows.
Yeah I really hope they enable add that Enable Universal Compiler button eventually, meanwhile Ill use the hidden --universal --32 --64 --*nix --optimize-all flags.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So, two questions.

1. I still cannot get the 8.1 update to show up in the store on my work laptop running Windows 8 Pro. Is there a way I can install it using a product key? I've done everything I can to get the 8.1 update but nothing makes it show up.

2. I'm having this weird mouse lag issue in certain programs. One example is when I'm in Outlook 2013 and my mouse will lag over the mail list, but not in the message itself. It also lags a bit when mousing over my pinned items on the start bar. Any suggestions? It seemed to just start happening. I do notice my CPU utilization jumps from 5% to around 20% when I mouse over those areas also the maximum frequency jumps way up from like 50% to over 100%. Not sure what that is.

I'd really love to get 8.1 installed. It worked fine (the update process) on my work Surface Pro running the same version of Windows.


So, two questions.

1. I still cannot get the 8.1 update to show up in the store on my work laptop running Windows 8 Pro. Is there a way I can install it using a product key? I've done everything I can to get the 8.1 update but nothing makes it show up.

You have to have all Windows updates installed before the upgrade appears.


There was a bug preventing the upgrade from showing up for certain machines (Dell and some other OEMs configured things in an unsupported/unexpected way). The bug was fixed in a January Windows Update....so make sure you have that installed and such.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
You have to have all Windows updates installed before the upgrade appears.

There was a bug preventing the upgrade from showing up for certain machines (Dell and some other OEMs configured things in an unsupported/unexpected way). The bug was fixed in a January Windows Update....so make sure you have that installed and such.

Well I went out to the web and found which update you needed to prepare your machine for Win 8 and installed that, and just a bit ago ran Win update and updated everything and still nothing.

Typically our main IT group handles all PC updates for the company but we're basically testing Win 8 so I'm just working through issues like this myself, not sure if their software has blocked some of the needed updates though (although it worked fine on my work Surface Pro). Anywhere online I can get the updates needed?


IT group....are you using a Volume Licensed version of Windows? That can be either Windows 8 Enterprise or a Volume Licensed version of Windows 8 Pro.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
IT group....are you using a Volume Licensed version of Windows? That can be either Windows 8 Enterprise or a Volume Licensed version of Windows 8 Pro.

Possibly, yes. It's Pro I believe but it could be from a volume license. The Surface would have come with Win 8 so it wouldn't be from a volume.

Can I not get 8.1 then?

Any help on the weird lag issue?
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