I like what Microsoft has done in regards to gaming on Windows 8, well, 90% of it. Most of the complaints about GFWL have been rectified. You're able to sign in on Windows 8 and your Xbox at the same time, you are not forced to download a patch (if one is available) in order to remain signed into LIVE, there are no instances of required system restarts (from what I have seen anyway), downloads are fairly quick.
With that said, I believe it could use some sort of overlay or something in which you could interact with your LIVE friends. Why don't I appear online? Why can't I chat with them? Why can't I see what they're doing at a glance? Granted, I could start up the "Games" app and scroll through, but that isn't a perfect solution. I know GFWL gets a lot of shit, however, I am of the opinion that some features should have been salvaged for Windows 8. Also, please, lets have something other than casual games.
One thing that bothers me about Xbox, GFWL and Xbox Live (W8) is the lack of a detailed view of how a download is progressing. Why must I watch a bar go across the screen without knowing what the actual speed is? If it's possible to see in Windows 8, I'd love to know how.
*One more thing. Basically all of the games being made with touch controls in mind is quite annoying. I bought Toy Soldiers and had a horrid time playing it. You're forced to scroll around the map by clicking and hold LMB, instead of simply moving the mouse to the edge of the screen or using WASD. Sure, in this instance it had "Touch Edition" in the title, but would it really have been so had to optimize it even just a little for mouse + keyboard?