I've rolled it out across my business and my staff find it easier to use if its done right, no two ways about it they do.
Windows 8's problem is the "knowledgeable" IT guys thinking they know better than the people they are serving by insisting people use a product that noobs find complex and scary because that is how it has always been done.
The problem is not people. The problem is legacy apps. It's always the same in every business. Maybe if your company is 10 people its easier to transition apps to new platforms and upgrade them, but in a big company, legacy is all that matters.
For fucks, sake we are using a win2k around for user validation. I kid you not.
We are using x.25 , yes the same one that was removed from all america in the 90s. Its still in use in this business, a freaking telecom.
Legacy is IT's worst enemy.