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Windows 8 / RT |OT|


Capacitive stylus? Why even bother? I thought Lenovo might at least beat Dell on price, but now it's basically a worse Venue Pro 8 at the same price.

Some of the Windows tablets this year are quite compelling. However, the thing about Windows devices is, that they are never really the ones to get right now. Always flawed with the hope they'll get it right next year. Last year some of the Atom tablets were a decent effort, but they were lacking a faster CPU. So everyone was hoping that Bay Trail would get it right. Now Bay Trail is here and they are faster, but they can't compete with cheaper Android devices in terms of display. It appears next year will finally be the time we'll see really great Windows tablets with fast processors and high-dpi displays for a reasonable price (though still way more than Android).

If you look at he hype devices like the Nexus phones or tablets get, it's always clear that they are the ones you want to buy. No one's holding out hoping the next one will fix any serious flaws.


Huh, I thought the 7AM time was already public :p

So, who's making the OP? You can't simply rename this one since it's in the Community section :)


never heard about the cat, apparently
Aye, should've clarified. For people that installed the 8.1 Preview on RT devices.

Will it still be in the store and it will just do a clean install instead of upgrading?
it will be in the store, same as 8. And I assume it will just do a clean install. Although did RT users even get the preview?


Why the hell do I get a too many apps running in the background message for metro apps on my desktop and laptop? I should be able to run as many apps as I want if it's on an X86 machine or at least have an option to do so.
Why the hell do I get a too many apps running in the background message for metro apps on my desktop and laptop? I should be able to run as many apps as I want if it's on an X86 machine or at least have an option to do so.

Even if you starting running too many apps, the Metro apps are automatically managed in memory as needed. That should never come up as far as I'm aware.


Even if you starting running too many apps, the Metro apps are automatically managed in memory as needed. That should never come up as far as I'm aware.

No you can only have a certain number of apps running in the background. There is a list of authorized apps in the settings.
Looks [imeh[/i]. I expected more... metro design, with vertical scrolling etc. With just one feed column there will be a lot of empty space on higher resolution screens.

Facebook wants their app to look the same on all platforms. That's why Microsoft was forced to drop the Metro UI of the Windows Phone app.
But doesn't iOS7 Facebook app look different than all the other versions?

Not that different. They put the menu buttons on the bottom and made it a bit flatter.

But the old Windows Phone app was completely different and Metro.


Then they released a big update and dropped it all.



The Translator
I thought it was 7am Eastern Time?

That would be noon in the UK and 1 for ze Germans.

edit: brought my Surface RT to work to do the update as early as possible. I am so sad.


Is there any info on how long will the 8.1 preview version still be activate? I'm thinking on buying SSD in the near future and wouldn't want to reinstall the system twice (now and after buying a new hard drive).


The Translator
Clean install.


All of your files and settings (apart from network settings and VPN's from what I could tell) should still be there and the apps, start screen etc. will be restored. In app settings are gone though, of course.

edit: should mention that all desktop programs will be gone entirely.

You need 8.1 for the app.


So it won't work on the preview.


any way to move the tabs in IE back to the top? makes browsing annoying as fuck, since the tab overview when opening tabs covers half the screen. been bugging the shit out of me since the preview.


I thought it was 7am Eastern Time?

That would be noon in the UK and 1 for ze Germans.

edit: brought my Surface RT to work to do the update as early as possible. I am so sad.


One more question. People said we have to install everything again. Means steam games too?


Junior Member
So for us that haven't installed the previews or anything of the sort, it'll just be a regular update and no wipe needed, right?
Been looking forward to this hitting, not long to go.

edit: derp didn't see the above post. Guess I'm safe then.
Wait, so every single program I've installed will be completely gone from my system if I update? Like, I have to go and re-download all of them again? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Edit: OH NO FUCKING WAY. Why the fuck would I do this to myself, I've completely fucked up. I'm forced to stick with this damn preview now because I'm a moron. FUCK.

Someone please tell me there's some roundabout way of keeping my programs because I seriously can't afford to lose all of them.


The Translator
It's unlikely that there will be a workaround.

From what I remember there was one going to the preview, but I strongly suspect that going from the preview to the full version there won't be. That was the reason why I didn't install the preview on my main computer and just on the Surface RT, since there was nothing to lose there anyway (there are no desktop programs).

Hope I'm wrong though.


Same. You'll see it available in the Store at the same time. But when you do the upgrade you'll have to reinstall everything (your settings/files will carry over fine)

Thanks, sounds seamless.

I knew about the clean install when I installed the preview, but wasn't sure how getting the bits would differ (if at all).
It's unlikely that there will be a workaround.

From what I remember there was one going to the preview, but I strongly suspect that going from the preview to the full version there won't be. That was the reason why I didn't install the preview on my main computer and just on the Surface RT, since there was nothing to lose there anyway (there are no desktop programs).

Hope I'm wrong though.

I guess there IS a workaround. Thank. God.
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