What's going to be the new thread name?
There's only one logical follow up to this one, isn't it?
Houston we have a problem?
There's only one logical follow up to this one, isn't it?
Windows Phone |OT5| We skipped one just because
Feelin' Blue is still the best one.
WP |OT4| Black and Blue: Symptoms of an Abusive Relationship.
I fear you guys don't really get the new OT.
But you will understand, when you see it.Soon.
You're just gonna post "I have some amazing things planned for this OT. Please understand" for another 3 months?
Quite the opposite! It's going to be up in the next 10 minutes.
My Nokia Lumia 920 is busted... dropped it and now it has green and purple lines everywhere.
Is the Nokia Lumia 1520 a good option? I want a better, faster, stronger version of the same phone, basically. There are a lot of things I hate about Windows Phone (internet explorer app, lack of good apps in general) but a lot that I like (the slick tile system, achievements).
Is there any reason that a Nokia Lumia 1520 that I buy from ebay will not work in Canada?
This is the old OT. (Not sure why it's not locked)