No, because Hei isn't the protagonist of the second season. And all of the bad things are so much worse.
Hmm. Can't argue with you there.
No, because Hei isn't the protagonist of the second season. And all of the bad things are so much worse.
Well, not with that attitude you're not. Where's your fighting spirit?
He, uh, kills a ton of people, and also behaves identically to a sociopath with how he manipulates people for his own gain. I mean yeah they try to play it off as him being a "bastard with a heart of gold," but that's kind of hard to believe when he's so convincing a bastard.
While it was somewhat amusing to engage in a bit of that towards the end of the last thread
No, because Hei isn't the protagonist of the second season. And all of the bad things are so much worse.
He, uh, kills a ton of people, and also behaves identically to a sociopath with how he manipulates people for his own gain. I mean yeah they try to play it off as him being a "bastard with a heart of gold," but that's kind of hard to believe when he's so convincing a bastard.
Yeah, he kills people, but not just for his own pleasure, generally they tried to kill him first.
Maybe, but the more important point is that he acts like a douche to everybody except when he's dishonestly trying to manipulate people. I mean the first arc in the show is abouthow Hei is a lying magnificent bastard who can't be trusted.
Maybe, but the more important point is that he acts like a douche to everybody except when he's dishonestly trying to manipulate people. I mean the first arc in the show is abouthow Hei is a lying magnificent bastard who can't be trusted.
While it was somewhat amusing to engage in a bit of that towards the end of the last thread I see no point in engaging in such an activity other a longer time-scale, unless my goal was simply to fill up a the thread with noise (of which there is already too much of for some people) and get to the next OT.
Is that really misanthropy, though? He doesn't particularly show hatred towards humanity as a whole.
Right, and it's not like he has some kind of moment of self-doubt about his action or the consequences on them. He doesn't reflect on them in that manner.
Mouretsu Space HNNNG 09
Goddamn I love this show.
Mouretsuis best.Usagi
Sooooo fucking cute wearing the pirate hat.
Also more of Chiaki being tsundere and blushing.
Good shit.
Plotwise,I can't wait to see more of this.the Bentenmaru makes contact with one of the ships in the fleet, and it turns out to be members of Princess Serenity's home. They give her vital information useful to find the golden ghost ship they were searching for. I wonder how much storage that chip has?
And wow that's an expensive box!
Yeah, he kills people, but not just for his own pleasure, generally they tried to kill him first.
Now you can jump straight into episode 10, complete withpirate chiaki!
10 is quite awesome also.Mouretsu Space HNNNG 09
Goddamn I love this show.
Mouretsuis best.Usagi
Sooooo fucking cute wearing the pirate hat.
Also more of Chiaki being tsundere and blushing.
Good shit.
Plotwise,I can't wait to see more of this.the Bentenmaru makes contact with one of the ships in the fleet, and it turns out to be members of Princess Serenity's home. They give her vital information useful to find the golden ghost ship they were searching for. I wonder how much storage that chip has?
And wow that's an expensive box!
Also, I just remembered thatthe very first person we see him kill, is someone who was willing to cooperate with him, and was completely at his mercy. So yeah.
This is a very high priority after seeing those pictures.
Definitely my show of the season. I had a feeling this one would be fun from the start and it didn't disappoint. I just hope it gets a DVD/BR release because I will fucking buy it day 1.
While it was somewhat amusing to engage in a bit of that towards the end of the last thread I see no point in engaging in such an activity other a longer time-scale, unless my goal was simply to fill up a the thread with noise (of which there is already too much of for some people) and get to the next OT.
Stop poking holes in my theory!
Sentai has licensed it for home release in the USA. Do they do blu rays, or just DVD?
Sentai licensed it? Then it will likely be a DVD release and it will be sub only. But that's ok. I JUST WANT THE SHOW. I will double dip if a BR gets released later. I dont think Sentai has that kind of money though.
is there a date for the release?Well, Sentai is releasing a BD of Grave of the Fireflies, so I guess they do have the capability...
I wish I could like Space Pirates as much as you guys do, but I can't keep myself from watching it critically and being disappointed.
Additional digital outlets and TV broadcast will follow starting in February with DVD and Blu-Ray to follow.
Well, Sentai is releasing a BD of Grave of the Fireflies, so I guess they do have the capability...
How far did you get? It does get better after episode 5.
Cajun, from the official press release:
HxHr 22
is there a date for the release?
Episode 8.
that's DVD, not BD.It released 5 days ago, March 6th
Episode 8.
Edit: I suppose half my problem is that the show doesn't seem to have a major overarching plot yet. It doesn't really have any direction and just kind of seems to meander... in space.
Well that's it. Cajun's my rock now.
Ironically it currently has a goal, and it holds intrigue.
I'm this close to buying Pirates, but I'll probably go for the $400 Japanese set if I do. (Which is surprisingly cheap for a 26 episode show.)It depends on the popularity. Sentai did release EF a Tale of Memories and Angel Beats on BR so who knows how Pirates will end up? I will buy the best version regardless.
See now if Aniplex had released a 400$ boxset of Mouretsu Pirates I WOULD buy that.
It just really depends on the show.
I'm this close to buying Pirates, but I'll probably go for the $400 Japanese set if I do. (Which is surprisingly cheap for a 26 episode show.)
They have mini-dramas w/accompanying new character vocals, soundtracks, petit-Nendoroids, footage from the pre-airing event, and presumably more to be announced when they start giving more details about the later discs.
Plus the usual reasons of not wanting to wait an extra year, and worrying about the possible problems N.A. versions have a habit of suffering from (missing/altered music, Japanese credits removed, missing ending animation, lossy audio, etc. etc.) that always make me nervous about waiting until after the Japanese releases are sold out to find out about...
I'm looking through the store full-set bonuses and the only thing really interesting to me there is Gamers' artbox, but I don't think I'll jump from Amazon's discounted $407 to Gamers' SRP of $582 for a box.
Besides the artbox at Gamers, there's an A2 size bath poster at Animate, a B2 tapestry at Tora no Ana, a mousepad at SofMap, and another B2 tapestry at CharaAni. Pretty sure those mostly all sell for SRP like Gamers, though.
So many high-quality titles.
Ah sorry, it's not a set really, just 7 BD singles.Kagami, can you PM me a link to this boxset where I might be able to order it?
I wish the show was about her instead.
I see that you're starting to appreciate why Shin Mazinger Z has also been called The Baron Ashura show! It's like the director, Imagawa, realised that Ashura is a far more interesting character than Kouji.
That's not really very impressive though, considering that nothing happens in blood+ for fifty episodes.
So basically, it's your average Ultimate Girls episode.Speaking of which....
Ultimate Girls 8
Naked crotchless lolis, yuri, and a buddha monster.
Vivienne is the best character in this thing.
Silk, boring? Well, kind of, but I think she's more frustrating than boring. She's so useless most of the time that even when she beats enemies it's often by accident... argh. The other two girls are far better characters for sure.I like Vivienne too.
Silk is kind of boring and loligirl is...scary.
Well the whole show is scary in general. But AWESOME.
Don't you think?
There are autocratic countries in the world today, though. Yes, democracy has been on the rise over time, but is its absolute victory inevitable? That'd be nice, but you never know, perhaps not...Rinne no Lagrange 09:
Well, anime high schools are notoriously lax in their standards for what can be designated a club.
This was very plainly an episode to. It's been pretty plain from the beginning of the series thathumanize the KISS underlings, but this just further cements that. Hopefully the next step afterthey weren't serious villainsishumanization, and it looks like we'll at leastcharacterization.get a backstory out of each of the underlings because of the flashback with the red-haired one
On a note not necessarily related to just this series, am I the only one that finds it difficult to accept civilizations whose technology is so advanced that they're capable of space travel yet are still monarchies? I'm probably just looking at this through the lens of an American that has had "DEMOCRACY IS THE ONLY GOOD FORM OF GOVERNMENT" pounded into his head his whole life, but the amount of reason necessary to achieve such feats of science just feels so enormously at odds with the irrationality of rule by heredity. I love the mix of imperialism and space in science fiction as much as anyone, but when I begin to think about it too much, it can take me out of the story. Probably more so in Lagrange considering that?humans, De Metrians, and Le Garitans all originated on the same planet. How does Earth, the least-advanced of these peoples, end up with the least-tyrannical form of government
I don't know if it's the final form of government, but it is the best one known to humans, yes.Your assumption that democracy is the final or even best form of government is flawed from the outset.
Yeah, it really is a great series. I thought that a few of the episodes later on were somewhat weak, I think, if I'm remembering right (I only watched it once, but it does leave an impression...), but it made up for that and more with its fantastic final episode. That episode was tragic, happy (sort of), sad, touching... just great work. The Beethoven music fit perfectly too, at the end.Gunslinger Girl (END)
This was a pleasant surprise. The premise is handled with delicate care and each episode kept me glued. The Agency is never portrayed as being badass and neither are it's handlers/assassins. Instead, we are shown the harsh realities that come with their jobs. Each situation restrains itself from being swamped with too much drama. Just about every episode is presented with just the right amount of brevity. Now that I've finished the series, I can really appreciate the character design for the assassins. That dead-look they have in their eyes compared to the other characters in the series couldn't be more spot-on in terms of describing to the viewer what they've gone through. Granted, I'm still an anime newbie but I'd put this on my personal top 10. It's really good in my opinion.
I haven't watched season two, as I said above I just couldn't do it after hearing it wasn't as good as the first one. I didn't want to change my good memories about the show...And it left me wanting more.
I heard season two doesn't live up to season one.
From what I'm reading around the nets, it may seem you were right to not get around to watching season two.
I really want to watch season two but crap, people are giving me horror stories of how botches the tone/atmosphere set by the first season.
I've always thought the "hnng" thing was a bit annoying, probably because I'm not really a fan of that gif it comes from (I don't know, it's not awful, just kind of stupid), so sure. It's nothing too horrible, but "cute" probably is the better term.I coined it, but I'm starting to think that maybe we can just return to the word "cute".
Has 4 different voice sequences to select from (no random option).
1) Wake up! Its morning!
Auu, Ill have to try harder!
Oh! Good morning! Im happy you woke up.
Wh-what? A reward for keeping my promise to wake you up?
Well, um Id love to go out together somewhere!
2) Good morning! Its time for our morning training!
T-Today for sure Im going to get past* you!
So hurry out of bed and lets get started.
Hauuu No, dont go back to sleep
Although his sleeping face looks so content tee-hee
(*The verb used here for get past also has a slang meaning of rub one out/hand job, so this line also sounds like, T-Today for sure Im going to get you off!)
3) Good morning. Its about time to wake up.
Fauu hes not getting up
Oh, Maho just mailed me.
Lets see Kiss him while hes defenseless
Uuuu Ive already been finding it hard to look him
in the face lately my heart flutters so much for some reason.
Now with Maho saying things like that, I really
cant look at him
4) Mmm *sigh*
Fueh!? *shriek*!! I-Im sorry!
I grabbed and squeezed without even realizing it
Its so strong and warm
It just feels so good I couldnt help it
What? Mine felt good, too?
I hope we can hold hands tomorrow, too!
It's a relatively weak season, and everyone will agree on that. In fact, most people here will think less of it than you, since Nisemonogatari is not well-liked. Still, there are some good shows. I'd encourage you to keep watching Ano Natsu - it's a much better show than Ano Hana, as the narrative has a stronger focus and the direction is generally solid and sensitive, refraining from over-the-top melodrama. The other two new shows I quite like are Daily Lives, which you're already watching, and Natsume S4, which has had a couple weaker episodes but mostly has been at or near the high quality level of the original season. Besides that, there's Milky Holmes S2, which I've only seen an episode of so far (since I need to watch the first season) but seems like a fun wacky comedy, and Poyopoyo which is a nice weekly 3 minute bundle of cute cats. The continuing shows Gintama and Chihayafuru are also well worth watching.
On the first point, that's for sure. A bunch of people on animeGAF seem to basically hate anything popular, pretty much, or at least many things popular in certain popular anime sites/blogs...Something to know about AnimeGAF is that there are often shows which are widely praised in the larger anime community but strongly disliked in here. Ano Hana would be an example. As far as Nise goes, you not only have the contingent of Shaft haters but you also have the contingent of people such as myself who enjoyed Bake and see Nise as a notable drop in quality in every way.
In newly announced anime news:
- Some Fate spinoff manga is getting animated, but it's not Fate/Zero so who cares?
Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Iliya is one of the most optimistic things I know of in the whole franchise. It's got some serious elements, but for the most part it's a much happier world than the other versions... and yes, I agree that that's great.It sounds like Fate/Magical Girl. Yes, please. I love non-serious Naruverse stuff.
Japan was awesome. Germany and China were terrible though.
I would also argue that these are POSITIVES.
Remember this is anime here. HNNG sells.
also, that outfit is perfect for the style and character design.
Is America really that great? Huh... it's too bad we'll never see a second season.Man, if we got where the source material came from, it would be:
America > France > Sister > Germany > Britain
What, because girls normally have like 99% of the airtime in anime comedies?That is the context. The girls are upset high school boys are stealing the airtime of high school girls.
Yeah, the Saki BD box came with some cool extras -- that mahjong set, some other stuff, a Nodoka nendoroid I believe...Wow, that Saki MJ set.
YUA is really good, but bah, sure Ultimate Girls is pretty bad, but overall it's a funny bad.envelope, have you watched You're Under Arrest? I feel kind of bad for tricking you into watching Ultimate Girls and YUA is really good.
While that is somewhat questionable behavior, that is different from real-life actions, or even just feelings, about stuff... drawings and reality are different things.she is shown explicitly drueling and making perverse comments while playing porn games about little children, its the same deal as the incest where its so borderline that it might as well be put in the category.
I guess its the same deal as people who are into loli stuff, where they say that its fine because nobody is being hurt.
justification for perversion, using perversion inside perversion
we have to go deeper!
I haven't watched Rinne past ep 2 or 3, which didn't have much yuribait at all in it yet, so I can't compare the two, but in Oreimo's case, the incest is most assuredly not something comparable to your average "put just enough in for yuri fans to be able to imagine it's there, but not enough to prove anything" yuribait. It's far beyond that, and it's proven as such from the first episode. If I remember right, the defense is something along the lines of how the series doesn't actually follow through on what you expect it to from the title, concept, and beginning, but that's just not true, that's not true at all.Because you completely misunderstood the subtext in OreImo. It's no more romantic than the yuribait in Rinne.
Yeah, it's a pretty good series. Much better than you might expect from something that could have been more loli fanservice junk. It's not that at all, much to its credit. It's a very good series.Gunslinger Girl 1
Wow, that was a very good first episode. At first I sort of scoffed at its premise but it's explanation for it was written substantially well and upon further reflection, I'm thinking this show really has the potential to maturely explore its interpretation of child soldiers.
I really enjoyed this series. The way they open the story with that hauntinly beautiful OP song and we see one of Henrietta's missions. When you realize the crazy truth about how and why these children were turned into assassins right off the bat. Its some really depressing stuff, but I couldn't stop watching it. I liked it enough to buy the second season along with the OVa but sadly, I haven't gotten around to watching those. The first boxset did come with a nice cloth poster which still hangs in my room today.
What, don't some manga and anime authors do exactly that though?Actually, I could see a really funny anime come from this. Take the idea of "The Producers" and run with it.
"She hated the otaku with a passion, disgusted by their very existence. Deciding that the purpose for which she had been born was to destroy the otaku she jumps straight into the lion's den, joining the anime industry as a writer. Her goal, write anime after anime that are awful and contrived that the entire industry will collapse, causing the otaku to die off after losing the anime they subsist on for survival.
But something happened she did not intend.
Rather than destroy the industry, her work became a massive hit! The otaku ate it up and bought her shows in droves! Her plan having backfired, she must decide between trying a new tactic to destroy them, or accept defeat and make her money from the very otaku she despises!"
Nah, probably would be terrible. But then that might very well help it sell oh fuck I've lost it.
Clearly he does. He's quite consistent about such things, too... never too shy to clearly state his perversion.High School DxD 10
Issei definitely has his priorities straight when coming up with special moves.
It does seem so, yes.See, if you're going to make an insert character that really speaks on behalf of the audience, you have to know what your audience would actually want. Whoever is making this show, clearly understands this.
I'm being reminded of Trinity Seven manga. Should I watch this if I like Trinity Seven?
I get the feeling that Imagawa took a look at the character of Baron Ashura and thought 'there's some real potential here', especially when you take such a character and combine it with Imagawa's melodramatic storytelling.Ashura was amazing in Shin, I always thought he.. eh she.. uh whatever was a bit of a joke from watching the original series as a kid. But in this series... Ashura is the motherfucking man.. Imagawa really made me appreciate the character though I doubt he's had as much development and focus in any other Mazinger series....
No, there's been absolutely zero word of any follow up or sequel of any kind. Which is extremely disappointing, but there you go.Also did they ever follow up this series with anything? datcliffhanger
On the other hand, Poll on Persona 4 fav character
I though Chie is popular? Why is she the 9th place?