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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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This was one of many things that pissed me off with menma's ghost rules, if you're going to use the Sixth Sense ghost rules, don't piss all over it later on.
Ano Natsu has probably turned out better than it should have considering it's a re-imagining of Please Teacher! done by the director of Ano Hana.


Beats me, I just supply cajun with the cute.

It is much appreciated!

Why so serious?
CC Sakura 05


Such an adorable outfit this eps. A bit too practical and not bombastic mahou shoujo though =/

Also... one of the best themes in the animes.

http://www.shortform.com/jeffZ/my/[object Object]

CCS is just joyous to watch. Its a hnnng masterpiece.
ooh. random gif I forgot to post.

Powder > ribbons


Next off week. Cannot wait to watch some Precure.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Yo, guys.

Precure transformations suck. Bunch of sell outs.


Ano Natsu 10

The focus on all the side characters, who coincidentally are more interesting then the mains, was all well done,
Mio with that perfectly timed hug at the end was the highlight of the episode.

Best character of the season~

He was working with Okada, you can cut him some slack. :p

Ichika is pretty boring. Its all about DAT KANNA.

Lemon is cool too.


Ano Natsu 10

I'm actually somewhat disappointed that
they seem to be transitioning to a far less interesting endgame for this series now that they've (seemingly) got all the romantic tension resolved. I feel like the series could have ended here but nope, still got ALIENS to deal with. It just all seems so out of place. Was Please Teacher like this?

Ichika is still the blandest of the bland. I can't even say I dislike her or anything, she's just... there. A walking plot device if you will.

Tetsurou finally realizing that he's been screwing things up from day one was fun to see, and the confession to Kanna was simultaneously heartbreaking and satisfying. Turns out for Kanna you gain a bit of perspective when you find yourself on the other end of things. I'm far more interested in seeing how this triangle resolves itself (or not at all, that's an acceptable ending given the circumstances) than in anything having to do with boring Ichika/alien shenanigans.

Remon is still the best character.
Ano Natsu 10
Was Please Teacher like this?

The alien stuff was always present in Please Teacher, the
alien relatives
appeared much sooner. Though Ano Natsu has nothing on Please Teacher when it comes to dumb plot twists and senseless melodrama. If this was Please Teacher,
Kaito would be breaking up with Ichika and getting together with Kanna to prevent Remon from suffering from a disease that makes her fall into stasis.
And this is a pretty direct comparison considering all these characters are pretty much the same.


Ano Natsu 10

Remon's clearly the best character of the season.
I'm glad that Kanna let it all out so she can finally get over it. Mio >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kanna though so hopefully Mio's the one that ends up with Tetsurou who's really the only childhood friend (with the worst girl) in this show.

I'd be surprised and very disappointed if the sister actually forces Ichika to go back home considering how this show's been more than willing to tell the usual anime RomCom story conventions to get fucked but from what I've read about Please Teacher! they'll probably go ahead with it anyway. :(

AnoHana 8

Why didn't Menma do that five or six episodes ago? It would have saved a lot of time.
Sums up pretty much everything wrong with the show.

Bwahaha and it's only march, but yeah it's going to have to take something truly special to top it this year.
Fingers crossed for AKB0048!


Ano Natsu 10

nudists wear aprons
while cooking too.

Also, it's really depressing that only now am I realizing how much better the other characters are than Kaito and Ichika.

Like shit. Mio, Tetsuro, and Kanna are the best characters on this show. This episode was just plain good, and the further unraveling of each of their motives and acceptances in this episode were just really well done. Everything felt so natural and I just loved this. Tetsuro was really good this episode.

Dat Remon trolling.

Also yet again, fuck Kaito. I hope Ichika is forced to go home, then he's stuck alone, and dies or something from not being healed.

Team Kanna, we're going to finish this strong.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
i've seen more convincing transformations in Neutrogena ads.


Ano Natsu 10

But I wanted more
delicious Kanna suffering.
I was robbed!

I really liked the way they wrapped up all the relationships in this episode, looking forward to seeing how they close out the final two.


Ano Natsu 10

But I wanted more
delicious Kanna suffering.
I was robbed!

I really liked the way they wrapped up all the relationships in this episode, looking forward to seeing how they close out the final two.

You are a cruel person. I am happy you were robbed!


I was hoping that
when Kanna ran up to the house at the end of the episode she would find them having sex.

Would have been perfect.


Another 9


"Can we use the tape recorder in the A/V room to find out how to possibly save our lives and the lives of our classmates?"

"Sure, as long as no one finds out. The school would punish us severely if they found out we were trying to save lives."

Oh hey and
they're hiding from a faculty member that checks on the room which causes the dude to mess up the tape. Really?
Kemonozume 3

A more subdued episode. There were two things I really enjoyed: the framing of the chase scene, and using Yuka's grandfather's summer home as a metaphor for her relationship with Toshihiko.

This is basically an even more powerful version of Romeo and Juliet, since not only are there external forces conspiring to keep the two lovers apart but internal forces making them fundamentally incompatible for each other.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Ano Natsu de Matteru 10

Team Rinon!


Since the beginning, I was hoping that Kanna
and Tetsurou would get together.
Then, after his confession and the scene that followed it, I started hoping that he'd end up with Mio.
And now, after Kanna's confession, I don't know what I want anymore.

I'm Team Everyone.

Phi Brain 23

Craziest puzzle in the show so far. Reminds me a lot of Catherine and how It played out reminded me more of Gambling Emperor Zero than any other episode.

I still kind of find it weird how it seems death is given little weight in this show. I mean no one ever dies, but a normal person would be killed in an instant by 90% of these puzzles. And the fact
Gyamon tried to seriously kill Kaito
yet still remain sympathetic is kind of eh.

But other than that, I'm pretty impressed with how this show turned out. It started out as an unremarkable mix of Spiral and Gambling Emperor Zero, but really grew into its own thing. I'm definitely more excited for season 2 now.
Kemonozume 4

The direction is the weakest it's been - which is to say it's merely good instead of exceptional. The backstory that was provided was extremely interesting and sheds a great deal of light on the forces driving the characters in the present. Will history repeat itself?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Natsume Yujin-cho Shi 11
Painfully dull and unmoving. Natsume himself is too bland a character to actually carry these episodes. Who is really surprised he hides things in the closet though?
Ah My Goddess: The Adventures of the Mini-Goddess 25-30
About time they decided to add a new cast member.
I liked these episodes. They were definitely trying something new, instead of another zany adventure with a rat. I liked Marla's introduction and the whole answer postcards on a show was fun. I was really surprised they did a whole episode where no one spoke and it was just Urd in the rain, but it worked and a good break of things.


You're encouraging the trend of only releasing physical copies of anime in stupidly expensive boxsets that I will never, ever purchase.
It's too early to call it a trend of "only" releasing things that way.
We have to wait five years or so and see if a cheap version comes out later or not.
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