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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Oh right, I was going to get around to this.

Usagi Drop 11 - END

My mom came by and watched this episode over my shoulder. She liked it, which was nice.

This episode was a nice little summation of everything that happened so far, and what it represented. Some of the parenting stuff came off as a little obvious, given how much had already been said to that point on the subject.

Still, it was as good an episode as ever. All the stuff with loose teeth and jump rope was very cute and easy to understand. It's easy to be nostalgic about it.

I really enjoyed this series. It's cute without being pandering, dramatic without being melodramatic, realistic without being boring. When I watch anime, I'm so used to caricature and absurdism, even in shows with grounded settings. Usagi Drop is really different. It's not perfectly representational of life, but most of the situations are things that anyone might encounter, and the characters react much more like real people than one would expect from anime. And while the overall message was obvious (parenting is awesome!), each character's particular situation is handled with a lot of nuance.

I'm very sorry I didn't watch this sooner. It might be my favorite show of my "season".

You should feel bad. If more people like you watched it, we could have taken down Madoka in the Anime of the Year voting.
Fucking lol

Another 10:

So much shit is explained in this episode it's hard to keep up with the revelations as they pile on top of each other pretty much the entire episode's length. Mei has the
Mystic Doll Eye of Death Perception
, imagine that. It wasn't obvious or anything all the way back in episode 2 when she was trolling Kouichi about it, sigh.

Shit is going to be so real next episode. The next episode PVs have been fucking with us the entire series, so it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the next episode does end up being an
Umineko-like slaughter
just as the PV seems to be implying. It would be a brilliant reverse-troll if the PV actually did actually resemble the next episode.

Since I've already had the big reveal spoiled for me, I'm not even mad that the episode ends right when
Mei is about to tell Kouichi who the Another is.

The amount of Mei zettai ryouiki fanservice in this episode was breathtaking. Literally every other shot of Mei while she was speaking focused on her upper legs area. Shaft would be proud. I approve.
Kemonozume 5

Wow, this was a fantastic episode. After the more conventionally framed episode 4, we're back to exceptionally creative cinematography and animation:




Narratively, I'm impressed how they managed to tie in the episodic story of one Kifuuken member's sexual awakening (helpfully illustrated to us by the metaphor of a budding flower) with the ongoing subplots of Toshihiko and Yuka (contrasting their relationship with the one formed here) and Kazuma's struggle to take control of the Kifuuken.

I'm also liking the pre-OP segments, which have taken the form of individual vignettes each with their own style, not directly related to the main story but still connected to its big theme.

If this quality keeps up, I imagine this will become one of my all-time favorites. It's sexy, it's educational (NSFW?), it's everything I could ask for.


They probably don't care that much. Or they do care and that's why they're doing it.

NTV is the channel with the Ghibli and Hosoda tieup. They might like the idea of these shows bringing them prestige.


Clearly you have never seen an anime sales chart.

Rights. Lets face it, you have a hundred thousand times more power in the anime industry than you do in your national elections.
They probably don't care that much. Or they do care and that's why they're doing it.

NTV is the channel with the Ghibli and Hosoda tieup. They might like the idea of these shows bringing them prestige.

Ah, well that's nice. I suppose this kind of work wouldn't get aired any other way.


I think I had a dumbfounded look on my face during the entire duration of the first episode, which is as far as I went with Brain Powerd.. music is pretty good though, I like the non Kanno OP and some pieces are just brilliant.. dat Power of the Light....

IIRC I think Kanno had no idea what the fuck Tomino was trying to do with this series and after having several complaints fall on to death ears she just went fuck it, and made some great music.

That sounds surprisingly believable.


It's too early to call it a trend of "only" releasing things that way.
We have to wait five years or so and see if a cheap version comes out later or not.

Well, that would also be the same as me never buying it, if it took that long!


Glass Fleet 15-21
And we close out the disc with
Rachel going crazier. Weird how she went from relatively perceptive (seeing through Vetti's dumb rescue ruse) to completely bonkers love-struck girl. Maybe it's the dresses.

It's what I like to call "terrible writing."


Holy crap. What a megaton. Day 1 buy.

Who is discotek media?

They're the kind of company that would liscence Lupin III TV, Taro the Dragon Boy, Puss in Boots etc.
Sailor Moon 25

Sailor Moon 26

Sailor Moon 27

Sailor Moon 28

Sailor Moon 29

Sailor Moon 30

Sailor Moon 31

Sailor Moon 32

Sailor Moon 33

Sailor Moon 34
Sailor Moon 35

One again we can see that darkside is wrong about watching Sailor Moon!


Why do you do this Jex?

I'll pay you to watch After War Gundam X instead, like some cheap anime prostitute.

All I can say to that is: 39 episodes zzz.

[Black Rock Shooter - 2]

Has anyone checked this counsellors qualifications? I get the feeling that she just wondered in off the street. Her arm band suggests that she's dealing with primary school children, not high-school children.

The melodrama in this show makes Oniiisama e... look like a realistic portrayal of teenage life. It's delicious.

I liked the bit in the hospital where patients can lock their doors. That seems like it wouldn't cause any complications.


HidaSketch 7


You know, this is what I was talking about when when I said that certain SHAFT trademarks work a lot better in Hidamari Sketch compared to other shows they have made. In their other works, these kinds of pretentious visual flourishes tend to distract your attention from the actual content, but since HidaSketch is a slice-of-life show set in an art school, it actually complements the substance.
I actually wonder if you've watched all the hundreds of episodes of Naruto + the sequel series however it's spelled.

The people raving about that episode don't really understand the context at all, so of course they haven't.

Another 10

Exposition and then bad things. I can tell this is gearing up for a crazy finale.


for $18 on amazon i can't think of a better bang for buck anime purchase!

You are probably right. Its a much better deal than Arjuna.

Also, tonight has been an unmitigated disaster at work so i'm going to require some major hnnnng to get out of this funk.


I like the irony of holding up Sword of the Stranger as a counterexample to the cliched & generic characterization and plotting of Redline.

It's true that the characters in Sword of the Stranger are quite standard, archetypal even. I think the difference is that Sword of the Stranger is very well-plotted and developed, while the plotlines in Redline are meandering and several of them are just pointless.

At least Sword of the Stranger had an ending.

This is also a good point.


I haven't watched sword of the stranger but im pretty sure my enjoment of redline was greater than any experience id have with the show.


Just finished watching Kizuna Ichigeki and Ojisan no Lamp. Both were great, each in it's own way.

Should I bother watching the other two shorts from the project? They don't seem as interesting.

Wardrobe Dwellers was alright. I wasn't fond of Super Veggie Torracman.


[Ano Natsu 10]

I like to think of it as team everyone but Kanna.

They've finally brought in the plot device, I mean sister, from space. I mean, I didn't know it would necessarily be her sister, but I knew that it was coming. This happens in alien girlfriend shows - just look at Tenchi!


[Black Rock Shooter TV - 1]

Well, this doesn't seem quite as silly and dumb as you folks have been making it out to me.

I mean, these main characters seem frankly rather bland. I've seen there kind many times before, and usually with slightly better character designs. Nothing to write home about here.

There's some pretty action that takes place in an undefined location that doesn't seem to serve any purpose other than to look cool. I'm kind of bothered by how there's apparently no consequences for any of this action and destruction, but not so much that I can't enjoy the spectacle.

Anyway, at least the animation isn't too bad and the pacing is reasonable. I wouldn't mind watching mor-



I see now.

Well now, that may have been some incredibly nonsensical melodrama, but it was far more memorable than the content that preceded it. I'm actually okay with this. This is entertaining, perhaps not in the way originally intended by the director, but who cares about them anyway?

What I'm not okay with is a show actually having counsellors - how are kids supposed to deal with problems by themselves if adults keep butting in? Well, at least she dispatches terrible advice.


[Black Rock Shooter - 2]

Has anyone checked this counsellors qualifications? I get the feeling that she just wondered in off the street. Her arm band suggests that she's dealing with primary school children, not high-school children.

The melodrama in this show makes Oniiisama e... look like a realistic portrayal of teenage life. It's delicious.

I liked the bit in the hospital where patients can lock their doors. That seems like it wouldn't cause any complications.

I like the part where doctors, orderlies, or even other people of any kind don't exist in that hospital.


Ano Natsu 10

I'm actually somewhat disappointed that
they seem to be transitioning to a far less interesting endgame for this series now that they've (seemingly) got all the romantic tension resolved. I feel like the series could have ended here but nope, still got ALIENS to deal with. It just all seems so out of place. Was Please Teacher like this?
I didn't want to mention it but - Ichika has secretly been an alien all along.

Still, look how far we've come in a mere 10 episodes. This would take other romantic comedies 40 episodes, or in the case of certain shows, infinite episodes.


Regarding Black Rock Shooter, If that kind of thing happened to me and some had the gall
to scream at me like an ungrateful asshole
i would not hesitate to punch them in the face.


Natsume Yujin-cho Shi 11
Painfully dull and unmoving. Natsume himself is too bland a character to actually carry these episodes. Who is really surprised he hides things in the closet though?

I agree. This was one of the weakest episodes of the season. It didn't really have a proper structure, the flashbacks didn't really flesh out anything, and the story didn't go anywhere. For a show that relies on emotionally engaging stories this was a misfire on several levels.

I feel that, with stronger direction, it might have been more effective. However the material (boys going to look for a soda spring?) isn't exactly 'meaty'.


Subete no aware
Natsume 11


What a tease. :(


NeoGAF cat is slowly becoming my favourite mascot though. Maybe I need to rewatch Aria to get back some of that Aria-sachou love.

I guess I'm interested in seeing his past, but I really want that Reiko episode to happen eventually. I'm going to assume that the anime is going to lie dormant for a while after this season ends though.

Also, they totally dropped that weird subplot where Sensei as Natsume flirted with the glasses girl when real Natsume was trapped in the bottle ("You smell delicious"). Gotta shut down all possible heterosexual romances as quickly as possible, lest you offend the girls!

Meanwhile, AnoNatsu 10 introduced the most obvious character ever. This really is Onegai Sensei 2.0.
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