Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Trapeze 11- END

I found this episode relatively weak. Using
Yuta's father
as a protagonist was a great idea, and it added another dimension to the show's depiction of mental illness. But he doesn't have much of an arc, and he just winds up seeming like a terrible person, up until his sudden and mostly unprompted ending revelation. I guess things suffered a bit from having to be compressed to include some show-ending material.

Interesting you should say that. I found the final episode of Trapeze extremely strong and it cemented my love for the series. I love how it unifies all the separate stories into one cohesive statement about mental disorders, those who suffer from them, and those who have to live with those who suffer from them. The big revelation happened after his stress built up to the snapping point, leaving him empty to receive the message that he had closed his eyes and ears to.

I really don't get what the point of the whole "canary" metaphor was here.
People with psychological disorders are like canaries showing the problems in the lives of others? It's an odd view, and to me, it sort of downplays how a disorder affects the individual.
Kind of made the whole thing fall flat.

Pizzaroll linked to the relevant info - basically the canary is the cry for help that goes ignored by people like the father who are too self-absorbed to notice anyone else. It is our collective responsibility to listen and respond to that cry. See also the party Irabu provides for his patients.

That's basically the end of my season, though I'm going to keep following Level E. It was a good experiment, and I'd be interested in doing it again during another slow season.

As a side note, I will say that I admire your stubbornness in sticking to your self-imposed schedule. If I was watching a show that I really enjoyed, I wouldn't want to wait a week for the next episode if I didn't have to.


A Good Citizen
This is never going to happen though, and trapeze appears to be designed for (by?) people with zero experience in the subject
How do you know this? It's an adaptation from a novel anyways.

Then again knowing you, you're going to say we're reading in to it too much cuz all anime is ttly stupid guyz why are you even trying


Bakumatsu 7

Pieces are really coming together. One thing I am loving about this show is how it subtle it is about building character with situation and setting. Then you find a fact out and go damn, no wonder Kanna was acting as an observant, obedient pup while playing bodyguard in the brothel,
it was because he was observing not the faux protectorate but his mother, the head prostitute.
His snapping when the fact that
she is a prostitute was thrown in his face,
though he said few words to her, really goes a long way towards establishing character. Really cool.


Guilty Crown 21


Shu was finally right about something.

And he finally decided to act as a freaking protagonist.

The finale's probably going to disappoint. I'm feeling it won't be bad nor good enough to satisfy me.

Why did shu picked emotionless girl again?


How do you know this? It's an adaptation from a novel anyways.

Then again knowing you, you're going to say we're reading in to it too much cuz all anime is ttly stupid guyz why are you even trying

I know this from spending 10 years in the mental health system and from the innumerable shitty experiences that stemmed from it.
Your attitude is non progressive and petty, and it reinforces my opinion about how people act concerning the subject.


three Irabus = id, ego, superego

I feel stupid for not realizing that, but I don't pick up on that sort of Freudian stuff very well.

Interesting you should say that. I found the final episode of Trapeze extremely strong and it cemented my love for the series. I love how it unifies all the separate stories into one cohesive statement about mental disorders, those who suffer from them, and those who have to live with those who suffer from them. The big revelation happened after his stress built up to the snapping point, leaving him empty to receive the message that he had closed his eyes and ears to.

I guess, a little like Tatami Galaxy, I'd already started to do some of that unifying on my own. And, like Tatami Galaxy, it's important to have that statement. I think the episode definitely had the right idea, I just wish it had time to be a bit more rounded.

Pizzaroll linked to the relevant info - basically the canary is the cry for help that goes ignored by people like the father who are too self-absorbed to notice anyone else. It is our collective responsibility to listen and respond to that cry. See also the party Irabu provides for his patients.

That makes sense, and it makes all the other canary imagery in the episode stronger. I guess I just misunderstood how they stated it. The way I wound up twisting it made it seem confusing and unclear, and much more selfish.

As a side note, I will say that I admire your stubbornness in sticking to your self-imposed schedule. If I was watching a show that I really enjoyed, I wouldn't want to wait a week for the next episode if I didn't have to.

It kind of helped that I was watching this stuff at a point in my life where I didn't have the ability to marathon a show. I like watching stuff this way (along with the reaction posts), because it gives me time to digest each episode and think about what happened. Writing these posts also developed my ability to discuss anime coherently.

When I marathon stuff, everything becomes a sort of blur, and I can only react to what happened much later, while I'm trying to sort it out from the episodes before and after. A once-a-week schedule is a bit far on the other extreme, but it works.

My thinking going in was that all these shows are TV programs that are "meant" to be seen one at a time over a long period. If the original viewers could manage to wait, I should be able to wait as well.


The Light of El Cantare
Rinne no Lagrange 10:

Astelia starts to go Arjuna on everyone BUT EATS THE DELICIOUS GREASY CORN DOG ANYWAY. "Your food is the future of you, but this festival food is delicious so fuck it. Now where's my eel soup?" Respect points +1.

So we're headed back into plot territory. I don't know what makes Madoka think that
Novumundus is going to reverse its decision on prohibiting her from piloting Midori
, but apparently there's some
psychic link
stuff going on and I suppose they won't have a choice in the matter.

It looks like it's becoming increasingly likely that
the KISS minions are going to defy Space Tiger's plans after asking themselves what Yurikano would think of the impending conflict
, but when that will actually come to pass is anyone's guess. Unless I was misreading the scene, it's actually kind of refreshing to see
aliens that actually value human life and want to avoid bloodshed even though it's not their own peoples at risk
, though the
everyone's human
thing surely has something to do with this.

Pleaaaaaaaase don't let this show have even shades of BRS with
getting another friend = NTR = teh dramas
. Is
insane jealousy
just a cultural thing in Japan or is it just a shitty device used for easy conflict?

So THIS is why Rika shouts UNIVERSE when having yaoi fantasies in BokuTomo.
Guilty Crown 21

Well that was fun. Episode was not what I expected for a penultimate one
Daath v Shu fight was pretty epic with the voids and using his friends voids to take him down. Daath pretty much cared little for those humans around him which was shocking but still. I like the creative use of the voids this half of the series a lot.

Confirming Shu x Inori was pretty cool and I enjoyed Inori's final words of Shu as well as identifying why he is such a likeable and epic protagonist. He did so much for her that it is just plain tragic she didnt get to see him one last time. Instead we get that terrible Mana.

Kenji Kido's, Daath, plus the girl for Gai's use of voids in the beginning was amazing.

Speculation of the ending, I feel will end up involving
Shu not dying since his death ultimately would lead to all his friends and etc dying. I highly think that would be a tragic plot turn. With mana being able to be revived or placed in other bodies, of sorts, I guess, I cant imagine how they can eliminate her, and lastly what would happen with Gai. I guess he would need to die. Hopefully defeat of mana would lead to Inori or something coming back and restoring Shu from Apocalypse virus. I really dont want a tragic fate for him, it would be depressing. Haruka ought to conclude the plot line with her brother scientist.

And on the preview for ep 22
Daryl is going to be used? Hopefully Tsugami or something involving Shu can save him.
Are the extras in the holiday edition (2008 release) of Neon Genesis Evangelion worth it in terms of building beyond the main plot, or is simply purchasing the platinum edition (2005 release) enough?

I have not seen any parts of NGE, but I hear that it has high ratings.


sealed with a kiss
Sailor Moon 12

Rei cheated

So many yuri feelings between Usagi and Rei in this episode, even if Rei did ntr Usagi for Ami.

Qeen Beryl is not happy with Jadeite
getting her personal servant killed
. How much energy do they really need? You'd think they'd have enough by now, since every episode they find an even better way to steal people's energy.

Usagi betrays her beloved Tuxedo Mask for the first hot guy she meets, while Ami and Rei share a romantic evening.

Usagi finally gets back at Rei for ntr-ing her.

Fortunately, Usagi and Rei are together again by the end of the episode~

best couple~
Are the extras in the holiday edition (2008 release) of Neon Genesis Evangelion worth it in terms of building beyond the main plot, or is simply purchasing the platinum edition (2005 release) enough?

I have not seen any parts of NGE, but I hear that it has high ratings.
I think the 2005 release has everything you really need. It's what I have.


Samurai Champloo 14: The show has been solid so far, but that was some seriously impressive directing/writing. Prodigious.

Seriously. Hands down, it's one of my fav scenes in anime, and one of the large reasons I'm such the Watanabe fanboy I am. The episode was directed and co-storyboarded by Shuko Murase, but his portfolio doesn't lead me to believe that he was responsible for that scene--especially. Largely due to the fact that Watanabe is also credited with the storyboards for that ep, and the synergy produced between Mugen's procession, "Million Way Drum," and the end result just reek of him. So good, and you still have another scene that's directed as tightly to go.

Episod 15, Bogus Booty, right after that is also the biggest tone shift ever, lol. Week by week it works, but in a marathon it's kind of funky. It's like you're thrown off a ledge.


Guilty Crown 21
Voids are like pokemon now! And man way to ruin a character.
Gai's just acting by his own free-will? Now we know he's going to play the sacrifice card
What about the two movies, Death and Rebirth and the End of Evangelion? Are they worth picking up?
You really only need to watch End of Evangelion. Death and Rebirth is pretty much a recap with part of End of Evangelion at the end.
Is the bluray release of Samurai Champloo any good or is it a cheap upscale?
The first release they did was supposed to be crap, but the one they now have is supposed to be much better.


maybe that $20 bet on the guilty crown ending was a really bad idea after all... ;_;

Is the bluray release of Samurai Champloo any good or is it a cheap upscale?
i've read the re-release is actually a pretty damn good upscale, especially when compared to the first one which looked worse than the dvd's.


The Light of El Cantare
Yeah, this is said to be the good release. Like Wonzo noted, Funi actually did two for the series, and Amazon still has the one that's said to be shoddy up for sale.

The first print is much more expensive, though, so it's easy to differentiate between the two. It looks like it had better packaging than the reprint (which is just a disc in a standard blu-ray case), so collectors must still want it for the shelf porn.

I have the second release and I'd call it a good upscale.


Are the extras in the holiday edition (2008 release) of Neon Genesis Evangelion worth it in terms of building beyond the main plot, or is simply purchasing the platinum edition (2005 release) enough?

I have not seen any parts of NGE, but I hear that it has high ratings.

Watch some of it before you do something crazy liking buying an anime box set based on interenet anime fan hype( to let you know most anime is high rated by anime fans).

If i did that I would end up with a whole shelf full of key animes like angel beats and I wouldn't want that.


Yeah, this is said to be the good release. Like Wonzo noted, Funi actually did two for the series, and Amazon still has the one that's said to be shoddy up for sale.

i've read the re-release is actually a pretty damn good upscale, especially when compared to the first one which looked worse than the dvd's.

The first release they did was supposed to be crap, but the one they now have is supposed to be much better.

Ah ok, thanks all!
Guilty Crown 21

I don't even know why I'm watching this anymore. I need to dig through the old topic and find my predictions for the show, I'm fairly certain most of them have come true.

The only redeeming factor of this show is good animation and a killer soundtrack(That is barely used).


Fucking Guilty Crown. I can't stop watching it. It's so bad, yet so good at the same time. It's a... guilty pleasure.

On a scale of Eiken to Code Geass, where does Guilty Crown lie?
Is it a entertaining bad? Or is it just plainly awful?

Its like watching a show that saw what everyone else did to be successful, then tried to imitate it. Only the imitation is poorly done, several dramatic scenes come off as forced, or simply empty. Major moments meant to be cathartic ring hollow.

Plot lines and tangents are created and abandoned with little or no resolution. I can list off 2 impressive and memorable scenes, both of which are found in the first 4 episodes, before the show went to hell. Unsurprisingly, both involve this song.
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