My understanding is that Code Geass would have been good if Sunrise hadn't hijacked the plot so they could squeeze a sequel out of it, like the complaints about Tiger and Bunny. I haven't seen it myself either though.
I wanna punch that girl and her purple dead soulless eyes in her face.
A little too much K-On in the art style for my tastes, but it is visually excellent, as per usual from the studio. You're not making a stupid moe comedy for once, make this one count!
Its like watching a show that saw what everyone else did to be successful, then tried to imitate it. Only the imitation is poorly done, several dramatic scenes come off as forced, or simply empty. Major moments meant to be cathartic ring hollow.
Plot lines and tangents are created and abandoned with little or no resolution. I can list off 2 impressive and memorable scenes, both of which are found in the first 4 episodes, before the show went to hell. Unsurprisingly, both involve this song.
In the opening scenes of that Hyouka PV, I just realized that you can begin to see around the corner as the camera moves in. They are working some serious voodoo with the CG, I am impressed.
Haha, its environmental work is the only thing I'm creaming undergarments for. Everything else looks like nothing I'd be interested in, unfortunately. Status quo for Kyoani & I.
It's well animated and the lighting is very good. Also it's KyoAni so it'll actually have more than 10 frames of animation a minute
Of course if the show turns out to be a snoozefest none of that will mean jack shit, but well, that's something we don't need to worry about for a few more weeks.
Those purple eyes are downright cancerous though. Girl needs to see a specialist or something.
I'm conflicted about Death and Rebirth. On the one hand, I'm glad I bought it because Death is very much worth watching. On the other, I don't feel comfortable suggesting someone pay money for a glorified recap episode.
I think it comes down to how much you like the original series. If you just can't get enough Eva, then I'd definitely pick it up.
Yes! It isn't exactly what I wanted out of a void user battle, but it was damn close. It would have been nice if we got a bit more back story for the Daath kid before this happened, but ah well.
This is quite the adequate endgame. Feels like the final dungeon in a sci-fi JRPG like Xenosaga or something. Really good pacing and reliance on certain tactics to make the trek more enjoyable for the audience like ally separation.
i haven't seen cg yet but i'd easily put it closer to eiken. i kinda want to troll you into watching it after you brought up eiken but i dont have THE HEART to do it
The story of "little bird" is the worst kids book ever.
So Mato hated sorrow/envy etc. So BRS, her Avatar so to speak ran around slaying those shades that embodied those emotions(Eg. Yomi). In killing the shades, the person would forget the pain and memories associated with it.
Turns out this is Mato's own way of dealing with her personal suffering and sorrow. So while this may have seemed the right thing to do, it was akin to cutting off an entire limb at the smallest sign of infection instead of letting the person deal with the situation naturally?
"Strength" is a shade/avatar that switched places with her person. BRS looks about to die after this Mato's epiphany. Yomi starts to remember Mato, in effect reviving her shade to help her.
Something happened and something will probably be revealed or something, but all I remember were Karuta's scenes and more of Kage's S&M classifications.
This is seriously box cover material. Still for all, I don't think it's anywhere near as good if you watch it now versus when it was airing week by week. Holy shit, that might have been my favorite anime watching experience of the past decade just for some of the online fandom/viewership moments.
Yes! It isn't exactly what I wanted out of a void user battle, but it was damn close. It would have been nice if we got a bit more back story for the Daath kid before this happened, but ah well.
This is quite the adequate endgame. Feels like the final dungeon in a sci-fi JRPG like Xenosaga or something. Really good pacing and reliance on certain tactics to make the trek more enjoyable for the audience like ally separation.
Master Asia scored a gundam sized horse for his gundam. Mostly a worthless clip episode though. It's right at the halfway point so maybe it'll be a balance point for the halves since everything is effectively reset.
Shin Mazinger Z 15
The truth about Lorelei was rather tragic. Stroheim's request to her was silly though. Didn't really care for this little arc all told as it seemed to be more or less an over the top way to
introduce Kenzo and reveal Shiro and Kouji's mother. If it plants a seed of resentment between Shiro and Kouji though I'll have to retract the sentiment of it being something I care for.
Heartcatch Precure 3
The blue haired girl is the next Precure? Didn't see that coming.
Sailor Moon R 3
Uh, the stuff with Jupiter was a bit more serious than expected.
Sailor Moon R 4
Y'know, I hope a good grudge between Mamoru and Eiru is formed. Couldn't get enough of him vs Zoisite in the first series.
Mamoru and the Moonlight Knight in the same place at the same time? Now that I didn't expect.
Sailor Moon R 5
The sleeping bag gag and the rest of the lunch sequence was hilarious. Really liked how easily An ditched her disguise too. Can't quite put my finger on why but it just felt right.
What the hell at everything after the break? I came for silliness and instead recieved intensity and awesome.
only thing i go hhnng/cajin for is Poison these days. its just the same breedertasic bullcrap yall into that was fun way back when but the reality is i like pretty things too- but i dont wanna feel icky about it.
The Junichi Sato-directed anime will be released as an original video animation (OVA) in 2012. Other staff include:
Original Character Design: Kouhaku Kuroboshi (Kino's Journey)
Chief Director: Shigeru Kimiya (Gift ~eternal rainbow~, Hand Maid Mai)
Composition, Script: Masashi Suzuki (Kanokon: The Girl Who Cried Fox, Koe de Oshigoto!)
Character Design: Atsuko Watanabe (GA: Geijutsuka Art Design Class, Ōkamikakushi)
Animation Production: TYO Animations (Tamayura, Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku)
Special Support: Honda
The OVA will feature the second-year high school student Haruno Shiozaki and her growth as a person after a fateful meeting in her parents' country boardinghouse.
only thing i go hhnng/cajin for is Poison these days. its just the same breedertasic bullcrap yall into that was fun way back when but the reality is i like pretty things too- but i dont wanna feel icky about it.