Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Huh, this is interesting: a Black Rock Shooter-themed personality quiz, with the end results telling you what color of macaron you are. Of course it's all in Japanese so I have no idea what I'm doing, but I wound up with a gray one. I'd love to know what it's actually asking so I could try for an accurate result.


Huh, this is interesting: a Black Rock Shooter-themed personality quiz, with the end results telling you what color of macaron you are. Of course it's all in Japanese so I have no idea what I'm doing, but I wound up with a gray one. I'd love to know what it's actually asking so I could try for an accurate result.


I'm a Double Rainbow?


PV for One Off, featuring motorcycles from Honda.

More details:
outside of junichi sato doing this i aint getting any :firehawk vibes from th pv.

Huh, this is interesting: a Black Rock Shooter-themed personality quiz, with the end results telling you what color of macaron you are. Of course it's all in Japanese so I have no idea what I'm doing, but I wound up with a gray one. I'd love to know what it's actually asking so I could try for an accurate result.


Guilty Crown 16-21

Boy that was an unhealthy amount of stupid in a very short span of time. I don't think you could come up with a more derivative mishmash of plot points and 'twists' if you tried. It's almost endearing. Almost.

I suppose I should give credit where it's due and say that the action is for the most part adequately flashy and stuff but I still want to see each and every one of these characters die horrible horrible deaths. It's a real damned shame that such an amazing soundtrack is wasted on this show.

Anyway, bring on the finale! Fuck yeah! I do ever wonder how it's all gonna play out.


The Light of El Cantare
Motorcycles are a rare sight in anime lately.
Need more of it.
Have you guys seen Rideback?

The things in Rideback are more like segways.
I didn't expect the show to be so depressing

lol, I got the brown macaroon. I am truly hated by Kagari.


Black Rock Shooter Ep7

The streams have finally been crossed, Previously the Other World sequences took up about 1/3 of each episode at most, but this time over half of the episode of Other World. :D


BRS 07

Ha ha ha, oh man.

The story of "little bird" is the worst kids book ever.

So Mato hated sorrow/envy etc. So BRS, her Avatar so to speak ran around slaying those shades that embodied those emotions(Eg. Yomi). In killing the shades, the person would forget the pain and memories associated with it.

Turns out this is Mato's own way of dealing with her personal suffering and sorrow. So while this may have seemed the right thing to do, it was akin to cutting off an entire limb at the smallest sign of infection instead of letting the person deal with the situation naturally?

"Strength" is a shade/avatar that switched places with her person. BRS looks about to die after this Mato's epiphany. Yomi starts to remember Mato, in effect reviving her shade to help her.

Kinda cool in a convoluted way.
Convoluted indeed. However, I'm excited to see where it goes from here. If nothing else, the fights will be great, since that's what this show does well.

Oh, and how many episodes is this running for? Just 8?


Convoluted indeed. However, I'm excited to see where it goes from here. If nothing else, the fights will be great, since that's what this show does well.

Oh, and how many episodes is this running for? Just 8?

"Just" 8. Lol. I think 8 is about right, any more and we might all lose our brains. What little we have left anyway.


only thing i go hhnng/cajin for is Poison these days. its just the same breedertasic bullcrap yall into that was fun way back when but the reality is i like pretty things too- but i dont wanna feel icky about it.
I think someone has completely misunderstood the meaning of that. It's not a euphemism for procreation.


Btw, for those curious, they have credits specifically for the "2D" Other World parts in Ep7:

Animation Director - Mai Yoneyama
Key Animation - Megumi Kouno, Mai Yoneyama
2nd Key Animation - Ryouji Masuyama

They're grouped with the Sanzigen staff, and I'm pretty sure it was still composited at Sanzigen, and had no in-betweeners.


after watching episode 17 of wakfu, im convinced that flash can give the illusion of movie budget for a tv show when done this well (and it was the best animation ive ever seen for a serialised animation)
just waiting to see if anyone else has the talent to do it

BRS animation was just...interesting


Huh, this is interesting: a Black Rock Shooter-themed personality quiz, with the end results telling you what color of macaron you are. Of course it's all in Japanese so I have no idea what I'm doing, but I wound up with a gray one. I'd love to know what it's actually asking so I could try for an accurate result.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this...

1. Your friend suffers heartbreak, what will you do?
a. Listen to her and give advice
b. Cry together
c. Be a listener and listen to everything she has to say
d. Ignore it because it will be troublesome

2. Your best friend seems to be getting along well with the transfer student. Do you...
a. Get along with the transfer student too.
b. Be jealous
c. Take your best friend back from that exchange student
d. No worries, just go on as always

3. Basketball game during PE. Your position is...
a. You have confidence in your athletic skills. Attacker.
b. You don't stand out much so you put only a little effort into it.
c. You hate sports. Stand where the pass will not come around to you.
d. For some reason, you don't participate.

4. Your hear complaints about you from your classmate
a. You get angry.
b. Talk it over until you're both satisfied.
c. No worries, smile and get it over with.
d. Apologize

5. Camp tomorrow. You...
a. Worry about what to bring.
b. You prepare only just before you're about to leave.
c. You worry if your best friend has prepared yet.
d. You're already prepared.


The Light of El Cantare
Black Rock Shooter 07:

This week, BRS fights Volvagia. Hope she has the Megaton Hammer mapped to one of the C buttons.

I can't believe that I'm actually praising something in this show, but
2D otherworld was fantastic. The inadequacies of CG laid bare for all to see.
It's kind of sad to see glimpses of what the show could have been if Ordet hadn't been so insistent on reinventing the wheel.

And the twist of
Strength and Yuu switching places
was actually........kind of good? Don't do this to me, show. Don't make things worse by suddenly deciding not to be shit right at the end.

lol at
Mato and Yomi switching the roles they had in the OVA's disappearance plot


I can't believe I'm actually doing this...

1. Your friend suffers heartbreak, what will you do?
a. Listen to her and give advice
b. Cry together
c. Be a listener and listen to everything she has to say
d. Ignore it because it will be troublesome

2. Your best friend seems to be getting along well with the transfer student. Do you...
a. Get along with the transfer student too.
b. Be jealous
c. Take your best friend back from that exchange student
d. No worries, just go on as always

3. Basketball game during PE. Your position is...
a. You have confidence in your athletic skills. Attacker.
b. You don't stand out much so you put only a little effort into it.
c. You hate sports. Stand where the pass will not come around to you.
d. For some reason, you don't participate.

4. Your hear complaints about you from your classmate
a. You get angry.
b. Talk it over until you're both satisfied.
c. No worries, smile and get it over with.
d. Apologize

5. Camp tomorrow. You...
a. Worry about what to bring.
b. You prepare only just before you're about to leave.
c. You worry if your best friend has prepared yet.
d. You're already prepared.

Apparently the only position in basketball is "attacker"


this is the type of thing i was talking about
would love to see a take on this style with Japanese flair, probably shounen animu
(thermae romae doesnt count)


On a scale of Eiken to Code Geass, where does Guilty Crown lie?
Is it a entertaining bad? Or is it just plainly awful?

It's... neither.

I mean, I could throw in the hnngazawa angle like I always do but she's not in it enough, it's like a tentative trainwreck where the conductor is sensible and hits the brakes, so it ends up being an uninteresting by the numbers show most of the time.



I still can't get over how just how fucked up that children's book is. Anyways, the 2D other world stuff was amazing and the show would have been much better if all the other world scenes were like that. I had a feeling that
Yuu and Strength had switched places.

also i'm a brown macaron and i have nfi what that means


The Light of El Cantare
Mouretsu Pirates 09:

I'm really hoping that the
golden ghost ship
doesn't turn into a MacGuffin. Even if the pacing is still on the slow side, this is a show that probably works better as story arcs. At least the
battle with the Serenity forces is over
. The action scenes lose their edge when the technobabble drowns out the tactics, and we were kind of heading in that direction. I'm still not liking the presence of
the loli oujosama
, but she doesn't appear to be the cliched bossy overbearing type so it's more tolerable.

Chiaki's curtsy
was the absolute best thing in the episode.

Mouretsu Pirates 10:

IS THE GREATEST. Why couldn't it be like this every episode?

Well, one thing's certain now, and that would be that
something is rotten in the state of Serenity
, not the least of which appears to be
that Serenity nobility have some kind of dark genetic secret
. Based on the PV,
we'll finally get some answers as to the nature of this intra-kingdom conflict

Edit: with this, I'm finally caught up with all of the currently-airing anime that I'm following. I'm strongly considering attempting an extended marathon of Gintama, Lupin III, Futari wa Pretty Cure, and the parts of Sailor Moon I've yet to watch (late R onward). What would be the best way to tackle this gargantuan task? One series at a time, rotating each episode, or rotating each x number of episodes?


They added Bodacious Pirates to WifeCollection!
Well just Marika for now but she's the best skirtpirate anyway.


Happy to see she has all buttons active.
For some reason some shows have the Kiss and/or Photograph buttons greyed out. I kind of understand Photograph probably involves licensing deals because of pasting illustrations onto distributable photos, but I dunno why Kiss is disabled for some shows. (You have no idea how disappointed I was when I learned you can't kiss Kyuubey.)


Black Rock Shooter TV 7



Man they really went all-out in this episode. This was easily the best episode from a visual standpoint. It's too bad the story is so absolutely ridiculous.

Also, I can only assume that The Little Bird was written by Franz Bonaparta. It's the only way it makes sense.


it's been years since i've read the monster manga, maybe now'd be a good time to start watching the anime to refresh my memory.

Kill Me Baby 11

the "funniest" thing in the entire episode is a stupid play on words. ugh.
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