Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Bakumatsu 8

All that odd bro aside, that was a very good ep. For as long as the duel between
Akidzuki & Kanna
was, I wish it was animated a bit better, but it was choreographed well enough, with interesting use of environment and perfectly timed displays of brute force. Akidzuki
breaking Kanna (Above)
was such an odd, but awesome way to show character, and comprehension on Akidzuki's part. The guy is a glass cannon. All Akidzuki did was
grab his gun, literally,
and the guy broke down, before he caught himself.
That pic up there,
he wasn't putting up a resistance at all! That scene was so odd, I'm still processing it, lol. I mean, what? Like that?


They added Bodacious Pirates to WifeCollection!
Well just Marika for now but she's the best skirtpirate anyway.
Happy to see she has all buttons active.
For some reason some shows have the Kiss and/or Photograph buttons greyed out. I kind of understand Photograph probably involves licensing deals because of pasting illustrations onto distributable photos, but I dunno why Kiss is disabled for some shows. (You have no idea how disappointed I was when I learned you can't kiss Kyuubey.)
space pirate captain chiaki says you're wrong as hell


Black Rock Shooter - 07

It's hard to take in the action scenes when the drama and plot is so off the rails insane.

It's quite amazing in it's own way.


"I was born in a fairy tale country. So many people were dead. I was walking through that place, holding hands with my other half."

I can't believe how well this works.


In the opening scenes of that Hyouka PV, I just realized that you can begin to see around the corner as the camera moves in. They are working some serious voodoo with the CG, I am impressed.

I don't see how that's voodoo, it'd be pretty bad CGI if it couldn't handle 3D spaces.


Subete no aware
Amagami SS 11 teasing those Hibiki fans.


I guess this arc pays off in terms of weird Engrish
Morishima SEXY Jessica
and Haruka wackiness, but this whole season was fairly pointless. I just wonder what happens if this sells well... do they do another random sequel series another year in the future? :p
if its just a mashup of the episodes, thats extremely disappointing
It's likely the first two movies are going to be funding the third movie. :\ Can't wait to see how much money Aniplex USA will try to get out of American anime fans for the recap movies. :D


Bakumatsu 9

I admit, I thought Gintama right away when the Shinsengumi started getting named.

Another great ep. Akidzuki's stoicism is tiring, but not without substantiation: Failures, framed then jailed, and the root of it all; this search of his. The flashbacks in this ep did a good job of showing that he was someone else before all of it, and that was pretty cool. A needed character-centric ep.


They added Bodacious Pirates to WifeCollection!
Well just Marika for now but she's the best skirtpirate anyway.


Happy to see she has all buttons active.
For some reason some shows have the Kiss and/or Photograph buttons greyed out. I kind of understand Photograph probably involves licensing deals because of pasting illustrations onto distributable photos, but I dunno why Kiss is disabled for some shows. (You have no idea how disappointed I was when I learned you can't kiss Kyuubey.)

Only 10k yen for Paranoia Agent BDs! No subs though. Still, that's cheap for JP prices.

Pirates is such a great show. My roommates love it too.

Also thats a great Paranoia agent set. Not too expensive either.


Damn you Nintendo. Give us SHAFT. Also, looking at the video (stills) itself, it's way better than Thanatos Rising.

Kid Icarus 3D Anime
Available on Nintendo Video on: Mar 16, 2012
Genre: Animation
Studio: Studio 4C

Medusa’s Revenge

Learn the tale of Medusa (Goddess of the Underworld) and Palutena's rivalry, which stretches from far into Pit's past right up to the present day.

Also, this means that the Paulenta Dinner one is by SHAFT.


Amagami SS 11 teasing those Hibiki fans.


I guess this arc pays off in terms of weird Engrish
Morishima SEXY Jessica
and Haruka wackiness, but this whole season was fairly pointless. I just wonder what happens if this sells well... do they do another random sequel series another year in the future? :p

I never got why they even created a sequel in the first place. Didn't they already have those time-skip endings for the first season?

It honestly feels like forced milking. I still mildly enjoy it though.

oh and HNNNNGH, why did Hibiki never get her own arc :( This world has no justice

Studio 4C will do a great job. I have great faith in that studio to deliver.

They haven't been very active recently though. Last I heard of them was that russian First Squad movie that was just ok.


They haven't been very active recently though. Last I heard of them was that russian First Squad movie that was ok.

Errr, you mean you didn't know that they worked on all the animation in Catherine, are working on the Thundercats series airing on Cartoon Network, and are producing three Berserk movies, one of which opened last month in Japan? They also worked on two DLC game episodes (with full animation) for Asura's Wrath.


Errr, you mean you didn't know that they worked on all the animation in Catherine, are working on the Thundercats series airing on Cartoon Network, and are producing three Berserk movies, one of which opened last month in Japan? They also worked on two DLC game episodes (with full animation) for Asura's Wrath.

they also did this in that weird style they do


Errr, you mean you didn't know that they worked on all the animation in Catherine, are working on the Thundercats series airing on Cartoon Network, and are producing three Berserk movies, one of which opened last month in Japan? They also worked on two DLC game episodes (with full animation) for Asura's Wrath.

Oh, I was thinking mainly in terms of anime releases/movies. I knew about Berserk, not all the game titles they've worked on. Still their output has shrunken comparatively compared to their 2005/6 days.


Oh, I was thinking mainly in terms of anime releases/movies. I knew about Berserk, not all the game titles they've worked on. Still their output has shrunken comparatively compared to their 2005/6 days.

They did Tweeny Witches and Mind Game in 2004. Nothing in 2005. Tekkon Kinkreet in 2006. I don't see how they have shrunken from that...


They did Tweeny Witches and Mind Game in 2004. Nothing in 2005. Tekkon Kinkreet in 2006. I don't see how they have shrunken from that...

Yeah, you're right. Geez, I thought Mind Game, Tekkon Kinkreet and Genius Party were all from then. Were they always this small or does their reputation just precede them? In my brain, their output was always more quality, less quantity but at least on par to Madhouse and Production I.G....
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II 7-8 - Well, the title of episode 7 doesn't lie -- what it says, happens. In these episodes, Milky Holmes, and the other characters, go through their darkest days yet. You see, Milky Holmes, through this whole season so far, have been acting like complete morons. They've totally forgotten what being detectives is because of their obsessive focus on getting food and money to feed themselves. They can't use their Toys, and barely even rememebr what they are. It's kind of hard to believe, given that they were using them as recently as the last episode of season 1, and I thought the first few episodes were pretty bad partially as a result, but while I still have some plot issues with it (about the stupid totality of their forgetfulness), I must admit -- these episodes don't explain away that stupidity, but they go a LONG way towards making up for it elsewhise. You see, Milky Holmes finally suffers for their actions. They get what's been coming to them for some time now thanks to their inaction. Henriette/Arsene finally lost it in despair over the loss of her only rivals who could match her, and the results are catastrophic.

So, in ep. 7, Arsene
declares that she is going to destroy the Holmes Academy, and then goes to war against the detective academy students there (only a few of them, most are home on break), her three ex-allies in the Phantom Thief Empire (the three male thieves), the police girls, and the useless Milky Holmes. Of these forces trying to stop her, her allies the male thieves are by far the strongest and most capable opponents; the police girls are no match as usual (they're very skilled, but don't have the superpowers the thieves and Milky Holmes do), and of course Milky Holmes is no help at all. But even the three male thieves combined, with their flashiest attacks, can't even slow down Arsene. She's too overpowered-strong.
This episode is a mixture of serious and comical. Or rather, it's serious in its comedy, perhaps? The results are serious, but the show always comes up with ways of being hilarious while the characters suffer and fail. So yeah, it's like the first season, but amped up even more! These were very, very good episodes indeed.

In the end, Holmes Detective Academy is
destroyed. Blown up, nothing left but a smoking crater
. All of the other students
get transfers to other detective academies
, but Milky Holmes are left with nothing. And that is what episode eight is about -- Milky Holmes, and the three Phantom Thief Empire guys, facing, and trying to overcome, their deep denial about what happened, and their
deep longing for Arsene/Henriette to return. They all want her back so much, but she got so depressed about the pathetic state of Milky Holmes that there's no way it'll happen unless a miracle occurs and they regain their powers... and even then, they'd still have to hunt her down too.
This episode is every bit as great, or maybe even better, than ep. 7. A lot of the humor is random and visual, so I can't really explain it (and besides, I don't want to spoil the jokes! This show relies on its humor, and I want people to watch it, not be spoiled.), but it's very funny stuff. Just like episode six, I laughed out loud regularly. The depths of their denial, their delusions, the field of flowers, the others ignoring Stone River despite his actions to get them out of it... it's full of really funny stuff.

So, now Milky Holmes want to be detectives again, so they can find Henriette. Is there any chance of them regaining their powers? We again see here flashes of powers used unconsciously, but they'll need a lot more than that to get anywhere near satisfying her again...

Overall, this show is amazing. I seriously doubted this season two episodes in, but I was completely wrong to do so -- this current arc makes up for almost all of my complaints about the first few episodes, and the ones left (about how hard it is to believe that they'd actually completely forget all that) aren't as important now that at least they're suffering for their misdeeds. If not for Space Pirates, this show would now easily be the show of the season, hands down.

Motorcycles are a rare sight in anime lately.
Need more of it.
Have you guys seen Rideback?

It starts off, good, but unfortunately, fades fast as it gets more serious -- and it does get serious. I dropped it partway through despite liking the series at first.

Rideback should have just focused on the racing.
Agreed. That part of the show was so much more interesting than the "war of rebellion against a tyrannical government or whatever" plot that it turned into was...
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