Nice thread title lol.
Objection! Haly lacks standing to clarify rules!
Clarification is the wrong word, this is a new specification that seeks to remove ambiguities for the renewed agreement.Objection! Haly lacks standing to clarify rules!
TBH I will probably finish Ippo eventually. I just didn't like the pressure at the time.
Sakamichi no Apollon. Produced by MAPPA (aka livehouse) Directed by Watanabe. Airing in the spring.
I can't accept you as a Team Denpa member unless Erio is in your top two.
I'm sorry.
Brilliant title.
Let the average season continue!
The contract will be enforced as it was originally written!Clarification is the wrong word, this is a new specification that seeks to remove ambiguities for the renewed agreement.
Just for you I'll put her as my 2nd ranked girl :3
But the great Ryuko will always be my #1. You can count the number of vegetarians in anime on one hand.
I'll accept my Denpa futon. No thanks to the pizza though.unless its vegetarian
Just for you I'll put her as my 2nd ranked girl :3
But the great Ryuko will always be my #1. You can count the number of vegetarians in anime on one hand.
I'll accept my Denpa futon. No thanks to the pizza though.unless its vegetarian
The contract is complete, once again.
Rules Amendment: "Here" henceforth refers to this current thread and all future seasonal anime threads on GAF for perpetuity.
I regret dropping Hajime no Ippo. I let everyone down by doing so, including myself.
New thread huh? All hail Nise.
Just for you I'll put her as my 2nd ranked girl :3
But the great Ryuko will always be my #1. You can count the number of vegetarians in anime on one hand.
I'll accept my Denpa futon. No thanks to the pizza though.unless its vegetarian
Didn't happen in this thread, that's non-binding. If he want the contract he needs to post it in here, and then Duckroll will turn him into a magical girl.
How could I say no to this
sign me up
I know that feeling.
please save me.
The contract is complete, once again.
Rules Amendment: "Here" henceforth refers to this current thread and all future seasonal anime threads on GAF for perpetuity.
Just for you I'll put her as my 2nd ranked girl :3
But the great Ryuko will always be my #1. You can count the number of vegetarians in anime on one hand.
I'll accept my Denpa futon. No thanks to the pizza though.unless its vegetarian
I think it's a little late for that.Oh no you don't, don't go soiling Nise with your grungy kawaii uguu~ K-On chipmunk faces.
I can't help but read this in darkside31377's voice.
The contract is complete, once again.
Rules Amendment: "Here" henceforth refers to this current thread and all future seasonal anime threads on GAF for perpetuity.
Can we be fellow vegeterian Anime-GAF bros.Or, or do you only like Ryuko because she's a vegetarian and you find that unique or something
Didn't happen in this thread, that's non-binding. If he want the contract he needs to post it in here, and then Duckroll will turn him into a magical girl.
I think it's a little late for that.
You know what darkside sounds like?
thus begins the age of moeWall of Shame
cajunator 1,342
Jexhius 1,330
icarus-daedelus 841
Regulus Tera 736
Branduil 549
Unknown Soldier 514
firehawk12 500
hosannainexcelsis 499
Thoraxes 484
Dresden 483
There's more intelligence and shrewdness in that expression than every face the K-On blobs make in the entire series.
inb4 the "single eye in Bleach" pic
Man, we sure have invested duckroll with a lot of crazy powers. Perhaps that wasn't a good thing.
This is why Makoto is sad in your avatar.
You are implying that K-On blobs are capable of expressing emotion on their faces at all.
My favorite power of his is when he gets really hyped up for a show, then starts walking towards a cliff every season.
Moving up in the Anime world, anime ill needs a savior such as :cajun.Oh shit I made the list...
You don't want to make commitments you know you won't fulfill!TBH I will probably finish Ippo eventually. I just didn't like the pressure at the time.
I can't help but read this in darkside31377's voice.
A fellow vegetarian animegaffer. I am crying tears of happiness!
And no pizza is not a vegetable.
I will have to correct for this.
You are implying that K-On blobs are capable of expressing emotion on their faces at all.
What's this, an inquiry?
Oh snaps so it's the Watanabe one. April can't come fast enough.Goddamnit exams start in april too
thus begins the age of moe
New anime thread? Okay.
There's more life and animation and emotion in one episode of K-on then the entirety of Bakemonogatari.
Moving up in the Anime world, anime ill needs a savior such as :cajun.
Well, vaguely. It's basically the old thread with a new title. Perhaps this time we'll reach the mythic OT3? I personally don't see it happening - we're at the half way point for most shows and I don't see this thread continuing to grow as fast it's done without it's most prolific poster.
Long time lurker,firsttime poster.
Anime-GAF, I have confession and shame I must get off my chest... I have a serious addiction to buying anime. The only problem, is I don't tend to get around to actually watching said anime. THIS IS SOMETHING I HOPE TO CHANGE! Until ME3 comes out and completely ruins me, at least.
Bodacious Space Pirates is on such a sharp upward trajectory of greatness that I have full faith we'll reach OT3 simply due to that one show.
I'm a sucker for $15 and under purchases on Amazon. : (Well at least you're actually buying anime and supporting the industry - that's a problem that more people could do with having!