And all it had to do to be accepted as art is cease to actually be animated.
Though I'm sure that SHAFT will make the characters visible long enough for some gratuitous fanservice. It can serve as a deep message about how women must objectify themselves in order to be recognized by men.
I'm still watching it, mostly because I'm still hoping that they can repeat the madness that was episode 12. That and I don't feel like there's much point in dropping it after I've seen this much.
A mix of the music, main character, yahiro, voids, graphics, and action keeps me hooked. Hopefully it ends on a note to give us more in the way of a season 2.
I always assumed other people were part of the architecture/background.
So I came to wonder which of Araragi's parents the ladder in the living room represents but it would be sexist if it is the mother, like seriously just because you step on a ladder?
Wouldn't it just be really lazy if they never animated background characters?
A mix of the music, main character, yahiro, voids, graphics, and action keeps me hooked. Hopefully it ends on a note to give us more in the way of a season 2.
I was wondering because I didn't see any recent talk going on, besides the fact that a lot is happening.
I'm starting to get a sort of Lord of the Flies vibe from this. Although, that was more about the downward spiral into barbarians rather than the downward spiral into tyranny.
Myke told me about Steins;Gate, watched a bunch of eps now. The ending of episode 9, the Akiba thing, was fucking amazing. Didn't expect this show to be this fun
Yeah, I didn't watch this show until the end of the year for whatever reason. I started planning to only watch an episode or two and ended up marathoning the entire show that day. XD So good!
Planetes 15:
Things that happened in this episode:
- Maiden voyage of the S.S. Hakim/Claire
- Edel's backstory HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK MAN
- Cheng-Shin being a bro
- Yuri being deep and stuff
- Tanabe being a fucking moron
Things that didn't happen in this episode:
First impression: "Okay, so it's going to start out pretty crazy. Fine by me, I like stuff like this. HOLY CRAP THAT GIRL JUST GOT SMASHED BY A BUILDING!"
I've never really had a large background in anything magic girl related. I saw bits and pieces of some episodes of Sailor Moon, and that's about it. I was initially interested in this because it sort of reminded me of the magical girl anime from No More Heroes, plus it seemed to be getting a lot of attention.
It was a fairly slow episode, but that's what I expected considering it has to set up everything. The opening craziness was pretty nice, though, and some of the characters (like the teacher) helped keep things interesting while it plodded along. Then, the show apparently dropped acid and crazy stuff started happening. I have to say, I'm not wild about the character designs, but the imagery in the show is strong enough that I won't mind hanging around just for that. I really like
this alternate universe's
I'll be looking into this again next week, for sure.
First impression: "Okay, so it's going to start out pretty crazy. Fine by me, I like stuff like this. HOLY CRAP THAT GIRL JUST GOT SMASHED BY A BUILDING!"
I've never really had a large background in anything magic girl related. I saw bits and pieces of some episodes of Sailor Moon, and that's about it. I was initially interested in this because it sort of reminded me of the magical girl anime from No More Heroes, plus it seemed to be getting a lot of attention.
It was a fairly slow episode, but that's what I expected considering it has to set up everything. The opening craziness was pretty nice, though, and some of the characters (like the teacher) helped keep things interesting while it plodded along. Then, the show apparently dropped acid and crazy stuff started happening. I have to say, I'm not wild about the character designs, but the imagery in the show is strong enough that I won't mind hanging around just for that. I really like
this alternate universe's
I'll be looking into this again next week, for sure.
It was pretty dialed down on the Oshii-ness (sorry Oshi) as far as most things in the movie go, but it was still pretty fucking Oshii. Bible quotes & references, oh yes. And it's not that being dialed down on the Oshii-ness is a bad thing, just as being dialed up is not bad either, it's just that you can tell this was a bit restrained and made for a wider audience I guess. Still a very well made movie all around.
Also I noticed when that Ark (zomg angels egg spinoff) was
the center remnant of it looked like the
Tower of Babel from Metropolis.
Not sure if it has any meaning but it's cool I suppose. I haven't seen Metropolis either, Lafiel just mentioned that Oshii was in a booklet or something for the movie when he rented it x amount of months that I can't remember ago + the movie sure mentioned Babel a lot + I know a little about Metropolis despite not watching it so that's how I made the connection!
First impression: "Okay, so it's going to start out pretty crazy. Fine by me, I like stuff like this. HOLY CRAP THAT GIRL JUST GOT SMASHED BY A BUILDING!"
I've never really had a large background in anything magic girl related. I saw bits and pieces of some episodes of Sailor Moon, and that's about it. I was initially interested in this because it sort of reminded me of the magical girl anime from No More Heroes, plus it seemed to be getting a lot of attention.
It was a fairly slow episode, but that's what I expected considering it has to set up everything. The opening craziness was pretty nice, though, and some of the characters (like the teacher) helped keep things interesting while it plodded along. Then, the show apparently dropped acid and crazy stuff started happening. I have to say, I'm not wild about the character designs, but the imagery in the show is strong enough that I won't mind hanging around just for that. I really like
this alternate universe's
I'll be looking into this again next week, for sure.
It's one of the best adaptations of classic literature I've seen, in how it both stays true to the spirit and many of the events of the original Dumas novel yet puts forth an original reinterpretation of the novel. Its art style is unique and imaginative - at times garish, but even its garishness fits the world it depicts. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
It's one of the best adaptations of classic literature I've seen, in how it both stays true to the spirit and many of the events of the original Dumas novel yet puts forth an original reinterpretation of the novel. Its art style is unique and imaginative - at times garish, but even its garishness fits the world it depicts. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
To those that recommended Baccano!, I'm digging it. It's holding my attention in a way that Gurren Lagann couldn't, though I still plan on going back to it eventually. I'm tabling Tatami Galaxy for now, as it's very difficult to follow while eating (which is generally when I have time to watch anime).
To those that recommended Baccano!, I'm digging it. It's holding my attention in a way that Gurren Lagann couldn't, though I still plan on going back to it eventually. I'm tabling Tatami Galaxy for now, as it's very difficult to follow while eating (which is generally when I have time to watch anime).
The school parts of the anime are nearly as awesome as the battles. This ones was particularly amazing, even the cool theme song kicked in, and that instrumental mix of sorts of it. Everyone is so into it when they do the union and special attack.
The variety of elements keeps things interesting, Amata's is still my favorite.
I dont think I even dislike any of the cast. Even the antagonists are interesting, even if our favorite Kagura was out.
I didn't know Viz had this up for streaming!
Oh no, another show with a character named Madoka! I'm going to be so confused by the end of all this...
What the heck is up with everybody in this show being able to drop their skirts in the blink of an eye?! I mean, I'm not complaining or anything, but how bizarre. On the note of clothes, Madoka, put your pant leg and your sleeve down, you're not a FFX character!
Madoka's sister has the best way of greeting family ever, hahahaha! Although, I'm hoping the
"remove your underwear"
thing has some sort of meaning outside of being used for promotional interest, because, yeah, that was weird. (finished it, and, okay, it looks like it will)
Dang, and a shower scene with side-boob? They're really pulling out all stops in this first episode.
So... Lan is kind of like Rei 2.0? Only, she dresses much cooler.
Madoka is much more accepting of someone returning the clothes she was wearing earlier by someone that wore them, seemingly, all day than I would have been. However, being asked point-blank if I would pilot a robot would definitely make me change my mind on a person.
Hahahaha, I loved Madoka's whole "
you're an alien/take me to your leader
" thing. That said, what a crazy person!
I would not be so quick to be sent off into battle against the glowy robot with the AT field that shoots laser/missiles back.
Kind of bummed they rushed the whole "
you made a promise with this mech
" and knowing how to pilot it so quickly. Then again, they'll definitely be covering the
thing, and I don't want to watch her struggle with learning. Perfect!~
I'm really liking the very summer feel of the show, and the way they handled the shadows is quite lovely. Really bummed about all the cgi for the mechs, but I'll live. I'll probably stick with this one as well.