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Winter 2014 Anime |OT| I've got to find a dandy guy who killed my dad in the space

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I must not understand them either then. The basic concepts seemed all there to me, with some stuff that I wish was in MMO's.

Not even close, hell the basic structure of Sword Art Online makes no sense, MMORPGS do not have 100 level towers, they were stuck in at best a dungeon, and that is just the tip of the iceburg. It really hits home when you watch Log Horizon just how badly Sword Art Online understood its own source material.


Tragic victim of fan death
Not even close, hell the basic structure of Sword Art Online makes no sense, MMORPGS do not have 100 level towers, they were stuck in at best a dungeon, and that is just the tip of the iceburg. It really hits home when you watch Log Horizon just how badly Sword Art Online understood its own source material.

Not sure what gives you the right to limit a game design choice from a genre but okay.


Not even close, hell the basic structure of Sword Art Online makes no sense, MMORPGS do not have 100 level towers, they were stuck in at best a dungeon, and that is just the tip of the iceburg. It really hits home when you watch Log Horizon just how badly Sword Art Online understood its own source material.

"Persona 3 online"

co-incidentally that game dungeon sucks dick


Not even close, hell the basic structure of Sword Art Online makes no sense, MMORPGS do not have 100 level towers, they were stuck in at best a dungeon, and that is just the tip of the iceburg. It really hits home when you watch Log Horizon just how badly Sword Art Online understood its own source material.

Well I don't really consider that a basic structure of MMO's. What I think of is simply lots of players, player based parties and guilds, guild infighting, quests, raids.


Episode 1 of SAO had some good scenic shots and that interesting cut of animation at the end. Episode 2 was when the badness really made itself apparent though.

Every episode of SAO has some good scenic shots and an interesting cut of animation at least. The only question is whether you can tolerate the badness that's all around the show. :p


How exactly would it be limiting?

It basic terms because Sword Art Online is an MMO Fragment, it would be a quest inside an MMO and would probably be unfurled in a few hours, at lest a few days, not two bloody soul sucking years. As much as the second half is sucking I will state that Alfheim Online bears a passing resemblance to actual MMOs.


Not even close, hell the basic structure of Sword Art Online makes no sense, MMORPGS do not have 100 level towers, they were stuck in at best a dungeon, and that is just the tip of the iceburg. It really hits home when you watch Log Horizon just how badly Sword Art Online understood its own source material.

I think you misunderstand. SAO is not a 100 level tower. While they call them "floors", each floor in the game is essential a huge chunk of open world. It has fields, towns, cities, dungeons, etc. What SAO is, is essentially a layered MMORPG world. In MMOs today, additional areas are added to the game as time goes by, and the hope is that player progress will not outpace the development of content by too much. In SAO, the content created is presented as so expansive that it would take players a very long time to progress through the content. Of course the added issue of permdeath adds to that significantly.


A melee only MMO would be incredibly shitty.

Given I never play melee characters, yeah.

I liked the idea of players owning businesses within the game world. At best games tend to have separate player housing rather than players owning buildings in the main parts of cities to run their own shops of whatever sort.

I also kind of like the idea of a guild as city watch.


The complaints about it not being a 'proper' MMO is a bit of a reach. Not sure why that matters, the real sign was all the BEATER/hero complex/asoona stuff in episode 2.



I think you misunderstand. SAO is not a 100 level tower. While they call them "floors", each floor in the game is essential a huge chunk of open world. It has fields, towns, cities, dungeons, etc. What SAO is, is essentially a layered MMORPG world. In MMOs today, additional areas are added to the game as time goes by, and the hope is that player progress will not outpace the development of content by too much. In SAO, the content created is presented as so expansive that it would take players a very long time to progress through the content. Of course the added issue of permdeath adds to that significantly.

SAO remained static for all that time and this starts to get into the Beta Tester nonsense that I don't think they could have screwed up more if they tried. Also if you are wondering why this is a big deal with me, it is because of friends bitching about this shit to me and Log Horizon.


SAO remained static for all that time and this starts to get into the Beta Tester nonsense that I don't think they could have screwed up more if they tried.

I don't see the issue. What's the complaint here? I don't see how a game remaining static matters if the content has not been experienced by the players yet.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It basic terms because Sword Art Online is an MMO Fragment, it would be a quest inside an MMO and would probably be unfurled in a few hours, at lest a few days, not two bloody soul sucking years. As much as the second half is sucking I will state that Alfheim Online bears a passing resemblance to actual MMOs.


I have no idea what you're talking about.

Imagine if every zone in World of Warcraft could only be reached from a single previous zone via a portal, and they were arranged so that each zone lead to a harder zone.


"Tower" of Warcraft.

Shit, it's not a significant design "choice" in any sense of the word. It's just semantics. Take RO, for instance. You could easily turn the world into a "tower" by switching out the portals for staircases.


Certainly all the mechanics are explained very poorly and kind of just brought up whenever a plot point demands it, but I don't think they're the actual problem with SAO.


Setec Astronomer
Ojamajo Doremi Dokka~n! 42

This episode was so hard to watch. It's bad enough to wrestle with these decisions, but in Hazuki's family it's just painful.
Not even close, hell the basic structure of Sword Art Online makes no sense, MMORPGS do not have 100 level towers, they were stuck in at best a dungeon, and that is just the tip of the iceburg. It really hits home when you watch Log Horizon just how badly Sword Art Online understood its own source material.

Actually they have.

The 100 floors of SAO are just big /huge field maps with several dongeons ( 1 of said dongeon contain the floor master necessary to go on the next floor ).
Each map is populated by Npcs and delimited in several zones ( town , forest , montain , caves and so on ).
There is nothing limiting by this structure. MOst MMo do the same on a horizontal plane , Sao just did it on a vertical plane.

I love log horizon much more than Sao but the "beat 100 floors to escape" is hardly the problem with the original premise.


I do not have time to get into a long argument about at all but the design of the world is tied into the beta tester stupidity (Durr, if beta testers can't access the area then they can't actually do their jobs) and the fact there is only one goal in SAO, to get out of the game, that is it.


One Piece Film: Z

Top 3 One Piece films without a doubt. Whether I think its better than Baron or Strong World will be saved for another time.

I definitely think its better than Strong World simply because the villain is so much more compelling. Strong World's biggest weakness is that for all the eye candy and cool costumes, the villain and his plan was dogshit. I'm really glad Oda seems conscious of that fact, because Z seems like a really strong reply to that criticism.

I do not have time to get into a long argument about at all but the design of the world is tied into the beta tester stupidity (Durr, if beta testers can't access the area then they can't actually do their jobs) and the fact there is only one goal in SAO, to get out of the game, that is it.

But now you're confusing the game design with the dramatic plot. The goal of the dramatic plot is to get out of the game, because they're trapped in it. If it wasn't a death game trap, then getting to the stop and beating the final boss would just clear the critical path in the MMO, while the game continues. Just like... every other MMO!


Space Dandy and the second half of Kill-la-kill. Nothing else matters.

(I will be watching six other shows, but I don't expect them to be great.)

You forgot the second half of DATABASE DATABASE Log Horizon, you charlatan.

Man, I've got 9 entries on my AOTY year list filled out, but I can not for the life of me think of a tenth. I will not admit defeat!
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 was incredible. Fantastic show with absolutely gorgeous art. Would love some of those space shots as desktop wallpapers.

Great world and ship designs, great characters, and a great ending. Loved it.
I do not have time to get into a long argument about at all but the design of the world is tied into the beta tester stupidity (Durr, if beta testers can't access the area then they can't actually do their jobs) and the fact there is only one goal in SAO, to get out of the game, that is it.

They are tied into each other.

i disagree 100%

Let me tell you why:

The beta tester thing is entirely separate from the design of the game . the beta tester "problem" in sao was only used as a plot device to motivate some players. From episode 2 the viewer learn that the most of the information from the beta is innacurate.

The design of the world is just a regular mmo world made vertical. there is nothing wrong with it ...by comparaison log horizon elder tale is NOT an mmo so they don't have the same issues.

Regardless of the goal of the game in Sao , it doesn't change the fact that it's a game. The goal remain a goal and only a tiny part of the players were actually working toward completing this goal. The beta testers you speak of have no bearing on the goal of the game.


Every episode of SAO has some good scenic shots and an interesting cut of animation at least. The only question is whether you can tolerate the badness that's all around the show. :p
Oh, I don't doubt there's some great bits of animation + scenic shots throughout the show but


Dropped SAO at episode 3.

Get on my level.
dropped it at 2. scrubs ( ≖‿≖)


Tragic victim of fan death

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Imagine if every zone in World of Warcraft could only be reached from a single previous zone via a portal, and they were arranged so that each zone lead to a harder zone.


"Tower" of Warcraft.

Shit, it's not a significant design "choice" in any sense of the word. It's just semantics. Take RO, for instance. You could easily turn the world into a "tower" by switching out the portals for staircases.

Pretty much this. I feel like Shard's dislike for SAO is seeping into other areas.


You forgot the second half of DATABASE DATABASE Log Horizon, you charlatan.

Man, I've got 9 entries on my AOTY year list filled out, but I can not for the life of me think of a tenth. I will not admit defeat!

Have you heard the good news about Rozen Maiden?


I'm the boar.

Gundam Build fighters is so awesome, for a gundam nerd like me. marked hard for Gundam wing till it got jobbed out. Hoping for a shinign/Burning gundam apperance.

Reji is a coordinator im guessing , lol
Yuushibu - 04

Fino cuteness and foolishness is really the driving factor of this show ..but for some reason our main protagonist had preverted thoughts during this episode.

I guess Lam is a demon too ? at least that's what i'm inclined to believe after this episode !


Full Metal Panic! 10

What the hell was Sousuke trying to pull there at the end? Yeah he has crucial information you could get out, but there's a civilian and your boss involved, dude. And why the hell did you decide to hide out at the school anyway?

Chidori annoys me sometimes with her attitude. Like, I get she's a civilian and doesn't really deserve to get caught up in all this business, but she doesn't really have any appreciation for the seriousness of all of this. Funny how she called bullshit on Tessa being Sousuke's boss though. I was thinking the same thing about such a young girl being a commander.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Voted in the AoTY thread though I need to get through Battleship Yamamoto since I think it can be a contender to AoT which is at the top of my list right now.

Dropped SAO at episode 3.

Get on my level.

Good man, I had to stop around 14 or 15.

I never started SAO.

Stay free.

Stay pure Hito.

I watched all 25 episodes of SAO week after week, and then I watched the 100 minute Extra Edition yesterday. NO REGRETS!

RIP Duckroll.
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