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Winter 2014 Anime |OT| I've got to find a dandy guy who killed my dad in the space

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Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
killing kaiki ? she is evil ... and if i'm trolled by Nisio he better have some serious explanation for it.

Did you miss minori or akatsuki ? Shiroe doesn't need to claim anything it's already there.

yeah but bro needs to notice, akatsuki wants the D so hard.


(Monogatari S2 Spoilers)

killing kaiki ? she is evil ... and if i'm trolled by Nisio he better have some serious explanation for it.

We don't know for sure that
he's dead; It could just be a flesh wound. Aloha-gaki could swoop in and save his ass, or Gaen, or whoever.

We're definitely being trolled though, in one way or another.


Ojamajo Doremi Naisho 9

When Kirby told me this episode was fantastic, I thought it would be super emotional like that :firehawk Onpu episode. Nope. Just incredibly hilarious and entertaining. They really pulled out all the stops with the facial expressions in this episode. Episode had more varied facial expressions that entire shows do. And Momoko was quite possibly at her best yet. That being said, as a New York baseball fan, she has yet to tell us her allegiance to the Mets or the Yankees. This is important information that will highly affect how I look at her going forward.

And I fucking died at Randy Johnson pitching for Dela's team. That was too hilarious.


chuu2 is a financially successful show that has a second season airing imminently. another is another.

one day

one day everything kyoani touches won't turn into solid gold.

jeez it's been two years ago since nichijou. how time flies.
Cause I guess I'm too good to do a I have at the very least a mild interest in this show and will probably watch the first episode list, here have an image:


The correct style of X means no.
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - 15-26
I'm so glad that many people in this thread pushed this series as much as they did because I'm very grateful for having been able to see it. An absolute sci-fi masterpiece with ambition that is a rarity in any medium nowadays. It's even amazingly consistent in keeping to the interior mechanical animation as well as creating a wide array of beautiful backdrops and alien locales. That attention to detail even spread over to how it handled the show's many characters, and it was great to see both sides fleshed out; some even made sympathetic in their own ways. Domel's arc was so damn exciting and well orchestrated that I couldn't stop watching from episode 18 and on today. Over the past few days, I've just been glued to my seat and it was hard to pry myself away every so often. An incredibly satisfying experience. Hopefully, more get to watch it in the near future.

Uchuu Senkan YA-MA-TO~


killing kaiki ? she is evil ... and if i'm trolled by Nisio he better have some serious explanation for it.

Did you miss minori or akatsuki ? Shiroe doesn't need to claim anything it's already there.

Well. . . .Looking at the next set of novels, there's an arc where shes stuck in a classroom with Araragi


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I thought you hated Space Dandy.
I didn't like the pre-air and I think people's expectations are unreasonably high. The direct approach to a Western audience is a pretty big deal though and I think people should try it. I think it's weird for people to write off shows in general before they air, particularly on something that's fairly approachable like Space Dandy.
So Christine Love's next game is... uh...

...hell, I'll play it
2015...I hope I make it.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
This season is so bad, if it wasn't for Space Dandy there wouldn't be any "100% want to watch" show.
Will check the odd Nobunaga thing, otherwise I have no idea, nothing seems interesting, most likely there will be one or two shows I'll end up catching up because they will be decent, but still.

Good thing there's still, Log Horizon, Kill la KIll, Yowamushi Pedal, Samurai Flamenco, Gunpla and Hunter x Hunter airing.

Really? I think its a great season considering the fact all Winter seasons suck. Silver Spoon was one of the best shows of 2013 so the 2nd season should be great too.

Space Dandy looks like one of the less interesting shows this season, to me anyway. I'll still check out a few episodes
yeah but bro needs to notice, akatsuki wants the D so hard.
Well shiroe has a lot on his mind. i call this the "blind spot" effect or the "ouside the spotlight" effect.
He could probably turn this into a three-way affair.
Could ? Could ? lol
(Monogatari S2 Spoilers)

We don't know for sure that
he's dead; It could just be a flesh wound. Aloha-gaki could swoop in and save his ass, or Gaen, or whoever.

We're definitely being trolled though, in one way or another.
Yeah we're trolled i can see it :
kaiki saved by oshino meme and coming back for the finale
Well. . . .Looking at the next set of novels, there's an arc where shes stuck in a classroom with Araragi
Not a problem , she is not chaotic evil , just neutral evil.. Besides arargi already has talked to her ( in private ) before.
So Christine Love's next game is... uh...


...hell, I'll play it
Ah AH she's not fooling me this time. it's a dramatic love story. only question is : whose character will be the yandere.
so why does space dandy have an "x" over it?

Cause X means no.


Digimon Xros Wars 33


This is somehow getting less interesting than the initial boring episodes.

Hell at this point, I'm more looking forward to What Will Nene Dress Up As!


Get ready for my new light novel, The Main Girl is Always Terrible, so My Love Interest Will Be the Side Girl But I'll Pretend to Go After the Main Girl as a Ruse!!'.

brb buying 12 copies

Isn't this basically Nisekoi?

Except for, you know, the main girl being awesome and the side girl being a wet sack of potatoes

Somebody arrest this man for gross waifu heresy.

My dislike of Ougi comes completely from the fact that she creeps me the Hell out.

But her creepiness is what's great about her! She's so wonderfully unnatural and wrong. It's vaguely entrancing. And as we find out more about her, she has slowly become one of those characters it's a lot of fun to hate.


Aaaaaaanyway. Here are all the shows I’m planning to check out in this coming season, helpfully sorted into tiers. No particular order within the tiers.

I’m counting a total of 21 new shows plus 8 continuing shows, which comes to a total of Way Too Many Shows. Gonna have to try to be brutal about dropping stuff again. And fail miserably.

BACKLOG TIER (this tier has not shrunk at all since the start of last season. In fact, it has grown. brb praying that I actually find time to watch non-current shows this season.)
Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! ←watching now (for certain values of “now”)
Fresh Precure! (the Precure journey continues)
Heartcatch Precure! (some glorious day I will get this far…I hope?)
Suite Precure♪ (someday I will get this far, and nobody will care)
Smile Precure! (someday I will get this far, and I will become addicted to the OP)
DokiDoki! Precure (by the time I get this far, it will almost certainly MOST DEFINITELY be over)
Happiness Charge Precure! (a show that doesn’t start until February in backlog tier? yes, because it will sure as hell be backlog by the time I get to it)
Hidamari Sketch ←If I can’t find time for Precure, I can’t find time for yuno
Hidamari Sketch x 365 (yunoyunoyunoyuno)
Hidamari Sketch x Hoshimittsu (yunooooo)
Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb (yuno)
K-ON!! (I should probably actually break up the Precure with some of this stuff…if I was even WATCHING any Precure)
End of Evangelion (I might as well just take this off the goddamn list at this point)

Yowamushi Pedal (I expect to see Imaizumi become a full-fledged mahou shoujo otaku before this season is out. No, I’m not serious, but wouldn’t it be amazing?)
Hunter x Hunter (“real” does not even begin to describe what shit is about to get)
Nagi no Asu Kara (wait what is that key image? Timeskip? No Manaka? I am terrified and confused)
Samurai Flamenco (bring on the mindfucks)
Kill la Kill (gotta find out who killed my…wait that already happened)
Golden Time (or, The Go Away Ghost Banri Show)

Silver Spoon S2 (farming is cool)


Sekai Seifuku ZZZ (hawt loli takes over the world? where do I sign my contract of subservience?)
Chuuni Ren (After the massive disappointment that was Kyoukai no Kanata, it’s good to see KyoAni going back to a tried-and-tested property I know I’m going to enjoy. And potentially fixing the weaker points of the first season, too! Can’t complain.)
Mikakunin de Shinkoukei (In Doga Kobo we trust.)
Sakura Trick (I don’t care if people say the source material is weak, I want me some sweet yuri goodness and I want it bad. This looks like it will deliver.)
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha (There seems to be a lot of positive feeling towards this show, and it’s making me feel pretty hyped. It looks like a show with a similar feel to Gingitsune, but with more cute girls, no Satoru, and the added bonus of the main character having the ability to shapeshift. I love the sound of this.)

Wizard Barristers (I’m willing to give Umetsu the benefit of the doubt and accept that Galileidonna ending up mediocre was the result of executive meddling. This is clearly his real baby and I’m interested to see what he can do with it. Magic and courtrooms just sounds like a winning combination in general. My only real reservation is the dearth of lolis in the character list, but at least the one girl who does look somewhat attractive is the MC.)
Space Dandy (Honestly this doesn’t look much like my kind of thing, but the pedigree is undeniable and the hype surrounding it has drawn me in. Hoping it won’t disappoint me.)
Nobunagun (Nobunaga is a gun. The main character is female. The most prominent male character is called Jack the Ripper and voiced by Suzuki Tatsuhisa. This can’t possibly be as awesome as it sounds, but I have a fair amount of hype regardless.)
Noragami (Ordinarily an adaptation of a generic-looking shounen manga like this would be pretty low on my anticipation list, but it’s elevated by the presence of Bones doing the animation, Iwasaki Taku doing the music, and Kamiya Hiroshi in the lead role.)
Nobunaga the Fool (In a word, this just looks cool. Hopefully it actually is.)
D-Frag! (I have a certain amount of faith in Brains Base, and I can’t argue with a loli-looking main heroine(?) voiced by HanaKana. Looking through the character list, one Mizukami Sakura also looks suspiciously best girl.)
Nisekoi (I enjoy the manga. I enjoy SHAFT. And because the source material is so very episodic and status quo-oriented, I can’t really see any way that the adaptation could be screwed up. They could do a completely straight adaptation and that would be fun, or they could throw out the entire chronology and just pick and choose their favourite chapters to adapt, throwing in copious quantities of original material on top, and I wouldn’t be able to fault that either. I can’t forsee any scenario where I don’t end up at least enjoying this show, unless it turns out I’m completely incapable of adjusting to hearing Onodera with HanaKana’s voice.)

Wake Up, Girls! (Though I feel familiar with “idol culture” through osmosis
and Idolmaster doujins
, I don’t think I’ve ever actually honest-to-god watched an “idol culture” show. The closest thing that comes to mind is Full Moon wo Sagashite from my very early anime-watching days. Oh, and individual characters like Cure Lemonade I guess. But yeah, it’s probably time I watched an Idol Show. Let’s give this one a shot.)
Nourin (Oh look, another idol. And farming. What.)
Hamatora (Wow, look at all those hot guys with some amazing VAs. Is DTL hyped for this? The handful of girls that exist look pretty cute too. For some reason I’m getting a vaguely similar vibe to K from this, but I sincerely hope it will be much better than that show was.)
ImoCho (The one thing that really surprises me about this show is that the source material isn’t an LN. The girls look cute, the show looks deliciously fanservice-tastic, and imoutos are totally relevant to my interests. Hopeful expectation: something vaguely similar to, but more engaging than, OniAi.)
Buddy Complex (Well hello, Valvrave successor. Not actually expecting this to deliver a similar experience to VVV, but it could still fill a similar niche. I hope the characters manage to grab my interest.)
Hoozuki no Reitetsu (To make an odd comparison, this looks like the yin to Gingitsune’s yang. Both take a look at the everyday lives of spirits from traditional Japanese mythology, but where Gingitsune looked at benevolent Shinto spirits on Earth coexisting with humans, this show is about less benevolent Buddhist spirits in hell. Honestly though, I’m not sure what to expect from it.)
Tonari no Seki-kun (I have a sort-of policy of not watching super-short anime, but I’ve heard such good things about this series I might check it out anyway.)
Pupa (And I’ve got to check this one out even though it’s just five minutes per episodes, just because…that premise. How can I possibly look away. Besides, they’ve left us hanging for so long that I already feel invested in this series now.)

Mahou Sensou (This looks…veeeeeery generic, but not necessarily in a bad way. I’ll give it a shot and see if it’s fun.)
Witch Craft Works (JC Staff are usually fairly reliable, but the character designs all look kind of generic and unappealing, especially the main girl)
Code Geass: Akito the Exiled 2

The character development, extensive even at the start really made this part much better than the first. I guess clearing out all of that history and setup allowed them to give us more time with everyone. Yukiya in particular brought the best scenes, though some of it was slightly to fast, maybe if this was more than four or so episodes it could have been a bit better done, but it was satisfactory.
The bomb scene and how he went from wanting to kill and such to now being head over heels for Akito in not only giving up his bomb scheme but then going out and helping him and such on the battlefield. Even everyone else to made swift desire to protect and show clear concern to him in such short time even after nearly hating him at the start. That was like what, twelve hours even?

Mech scene was splendid, the crawling on the ground, then the walls, and the leap they always do as well as the camera and how it zooms up close then back out to add extra emphasis to either grabbing the sword, slashing, and even firing really made this some of the better moments in mecha stuff all year potentially. Watching it with family, they even wondered why couldnt the tv show have been done like that, would have been nice.

Hyped for part 3, and if Lelouch and Suzaku get more involvement.

Joe Molotov

BACKLOG TIER (this tier has not shrunk at all since the start of last season. In fact, it has grown. brb praying that I actually find time to watch non-current shows this season.)
Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! ←watching now (for certain values of “now”)
Fresh Precure! (the Precure journey continues)
Heartcatch Precure! (some glorious day I will get this far…I hope?)
Suite Precure♪ (someday I will get this far, and nobody will care)
Smile Precure! (someday I will get this far, and I will become addicted to the OP)
DokiDoki! Precure (by the time I get this far, it will almost certainly MOST DEFINITELY be over)
Happiness Charge Precure! (a show that doesn’t start until February in backlog tier? yes, because it will sure as hell be backlog by the time I get to it)

I believe in you, Cnet-chan, keep fighting!

4:30 AM. I'm staying up all night before New Year's Eve to watch JoJo.

If I die I'm blaming anime.

JoJo 09

So, that's the end of the first arc. I was not expecting things to turn out this way at all. Glad I don't know anything about the universe of JoJo so every surprise is real.


I'm gonna spend New Years Eve watching The Laws of the Sun. Last year on NYE I watched Yami.

I never liked New Years much.


So I'm going to watch 6 episodes of anime every day. That should knock out a lot of the backlog from last year.


Actually I was doing that at night for several months, but I got distracted by games and now my anime watching has dropped like a brick.
BACKLOG TIER (this tier has not shrunk at all since the start of last season. In fact, it has grown. brb praying that I actually find time to watch non-current shows this season.)
Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! ←watching now (for certain values of “now”)
Fresh Precure! (the Precure journey continues)
Heartcatch Precure! (some glorious day I will get this far…I hope?)
Suite Precure♪ (someday I will get this far, and nobody will care)
Smile Precure! (someday I will get this far, and I will become addicted to the OP)
DokiDoki! Precure (by the time I get this far, it will almost certainly MOST DEFINITELY be over)
Happiness Charge Precure! (a show that doesn’t start until February in backlog tier? yes, because it will sure as hell be backlog by the time I get to it)

You can do it! There's something worth looking forward to in GoGo! Hell, it's even completely subbed!


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Yamato 2199 - 24

Anime is gonna anime!
Straight up Beach Episode up in here :lol

EDIT: I'm finally getting that yuri vibe. Dat feel of yuri... mmh!

EDIT2: Guess someone is an naïve idealistic bitch...


Onodera more like Lameodera.

Hell, (manga spoilers)
I actually like the brat Imoutodera better than the wet blanket now, which is both downright surprising and deeply disturbing.

Imoutodera is 100% waifu, 100% imouto and 100% kouhai, can't beat that.


Onodera more like Lameodera.

Hell, (manga spoilers)
I actually like the brat Imoutodera better than the wet blanket now, which is both downright surprising and deeply disturbing.

It's true that Onodera is teh sucks, but Chitoge isn't much better. Tsugumilyfe.

marika > onodera > tsugumi > shitoge

You know, I think the thread title isn't representative enough of this thread's inevitable contents. Let's just change it to Winter 2014 Anime |OT| Nisekoi Waifu Wars and accept our fates.
JoJo 10

Holy hell, Joseph pulling out that tommy gun was beyond awesome.
I was just grinning like an idiot when that happened.
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