Man suddenly feels like MangaGAF here.
But Onodera is boring.
Why am I arguing about this I don't even like Nisekoi that much.
No commentaries, I presume?Another Aniplex US annoucement:
Nekomonogatari White is coming out as a Blu-ray set on June 24! Same preorder start date as Neko Black.
Don't believe so, no.No commentaries, I presume? Black said:■BAKEMONOGATARI Digest Video
■MONOGATARI Series 2nd Season Trailer
■Textless Opening and Ending
■Deluxe Booklet
■Pinup Postcard Set
■Packaging Illustrated by AKIO WATANABE (chatacter designer)
So yep, no commentaries.Neko White said:■"Omnibus 1" Video (approx 25min)
■Textless Opening and Ending
■On Air Version Textless Ending
■PV & CM Collections
■Deluxe Booklet
■Pinup Postcard Set
■Packaging Illustrated by AKIO WATANABE (chatacter designer)
Chitoge is like the only tolerable tsundere ever. Of course she's better than little miss boring Onodera.
Article for both Nekomonogatari annoucements:
Don't believe so, no.
Chitoge is like the only tolerable tsundere ever. Of course she's better than little miss boring Onodera.
Article for both Nekomonogatari annoucements:
Don't believe so, no.
And a delicious one at that!<---- The pinnacle of how to make a good Tsundere
Chitoge is like the only tolerable tsundere ever. Of course she's better than little miss boring Onodera.
Article for both Nekomonogatari annoucements:
Don't believe so, no.
edit: okay, specs are:
So yep, no commentaries.
sounds like the appropriate reaction.She actuallyYeahconfesses her feelings to him at one point but he immediately falls asleep as she does it.
Apologies, I misread how ANN listed the prices. The $50 and $60 are after normal Right Stuf discounts; MSRP is actually $65 and $75.I'm a little surprised that getting both only costs about 110 dollars minus whatever discounts RightStuf throws on it.
The best
Switch Firehawk with Kayos and you have the top 3 in a row.
Yesterday I got two valentines:
1) From the campus pity people who were givin' 'em out to make sure I wasn't a Ralphie.
2) From Dominos Pizzas.
Well as most people spotted, I started with Corvo's because it was perfect and it went from there. As they went on though it became harder and harder to think of something pithy so rather than try and force tonnes of cards for everyone, I quit while I was ahead.
Yesterday I caved in so hard and bought:
-Baccano series blu-ray (apparently out of print right now, but not horribly priced at other places besides Amazon). Though the downside of not buying in Amazon is that it probably won't ship till like late next week.
- Black Lagoon whole series+ Roberta's Blood Trail blu-ray (because I love this series)
- Cowboy Bebop the Movie on blu-ray [as i wait for actual series to come out]
- Redline on blu-ray (already one of the best animated movies, and no longer HD on youtube. Plus really cheap)
Waiting for certain films to lower in price/appear on blu ray (Spirited Away, Porco Rosso, Princess Mononoke, Sword of the Stranger, Vampire Hunter D, Wolf's Brigade). I don't think the last two will get blu-ray editions :'(
Also waiting for other series to lower price, like Fate Zero and Steins Gate (it'd cost me close to 160 to own the whole series plus the movie also it's not sold as a boxset).
Ad-lib it !
Hori-san to Miyamura-kun OVA 01
This was really really really really good.
Should be a full series.
I should also read the manga for this posthaste.
Article for both Nekomonogatari annoucements:
Don't believe so, no.
edit: okay, specs are:
So yep, no commentaries.
There are plenty of tolerable tsunderes outside of the burning tirefire of the romcom genre or even anime.
One thing about france that i hate is that despite our love of anime ,Article for both Nekomonogatari annoucements:
Don't believe so, no.
edit: okay, specs are:
So yep, no commentaries.
Apologies, I misread how ANN listed the prices. The $50 and $60 are after normal Right Stuf discounts; MSRP is actually $65 and $75.
omg they made an ova?!?!?
Oh, lol, I did the same as well.
Yep, looks like a set of 2 OVAs.
Is it of Hori-san or of Horimiya?
This would have made for a good Christmas Avatar for me,haha.
The ichigo 100% syndrome.
This is an important confluence of my interests.
Nisekoi 1
This is sort of the worst thing ever! Onodera >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shitoge
When i watched ichigo 100% i was a fool and i was naive i went in with a limited knowledge of anime at the time and expectations that it would be a nice story ...I havent heard from that show in forever it seems.
That reminds me, AnimeSols did their crowdfunding for the second box set and it passed. I didn't even know they had done it.Oniisama e 7
Well that ending bit was grimmer than I expected, wonder if it will parallel to what will happen to Saint-Juste. But on another note Nanako and Tomoko are finally best friends again, suck on that Mariko.
Arararagi's upper body incredible. Nice booklet.
Yep, looks like a set of 2 OVAs.
I guess Emi from Hataraku Maou counts as well, but that's about it.
If we're talking out of anime, well sure. I know a person with Borderline Personality disorder that I'm really good friends with.
Whats a valentine?
GaoGaiGar - 24
I found myself skipping through the first half of the episode as it was mostly just a clever way to implement a clip show while putting in some foreshadowing.
Did I ever mention how much Mikoto looks like Noriko from Gunbuster? I dunno they just look so similar. By the time I'm finished this show I may end up coming up with plot theories connecting both franchises because of this lol.
It's about time this purple-haired kid got some exposition. I mean, the kid is freakin invincible to Zonder attacks, and he freaking attacked Pizza using psychic.
So....Mic's special ability is to become a rock n roll robot. Aww yeah.
I have rather mixed feelings about this.
Motto! Ojamajo Doremi - The Secret of the Frog Stone
This film was too short in my opinion, 26 minutes was too short for it, there were plot points coming up left right and centre but they didn't have enough time to sink in. For exampleAlso Doremi's Dad and GrandfatherAiko's fear of Doremi's grandfather being related to the death of her grandmother came completely out of nowhere.was only touched very briefly, it could've been expanded further if there was more time.having tensions with each other
The story itself is interesting enough, about two star-crossed lovers that were going to meet each other butThis leads the Ojamajo to investigate the mountain and find out the secrets behind the story.through unfortunate circumstances died before they met each other again. With the woman commiting suicide and then having a magic frog crying at her side, hence the Frog Stone mentioned in the title.
It alludes to the relationship between the story and the Witch World quite a bit, with theand the Frog Stone itself being of apowers getting weakened on a night with a smiling moon (That being the signal for human travel to Witch World).Magic Frog like Majo Rika
What the problem was when they finally reached the Frog Stone and Zenjuro appeared in the cave.I felt like the whole scene was incredibly creepy with the whole "I'll be Mayuri for you" was quite uncomfortable to watch. It could have easily been solved with Doremi's grandfather just revealing it was him in the first place instead of that happening.
I just didn't feel the movie very much at all. I do wonder how it could be related to the plot later on in the series.I'm not sure what exactly it could be related to anything though.
The grandfather thing is important, at least.