Corvo. Right now Jojo is still in little baby diapers. It has not even begun to get manly.
Burning your house down and using your belt to impale the bastard vampire who ruined your life is pretty manly.
Corvo. Right now Jojo is still in little baby diapers. It has not even begun to get manly.
Tomino don't need to justify shit.But how does Tomino justify his terrible dialogue this time around?
You're gonna like this show, friend.JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 3
This was the manliest episode of anime I've seen since Master Asia and Domon fought each other. Like I think my balls dropped again just watching this episode. The hairs on my chest hairs have chest hairs now.
Tomino don't need to justify shit.
War in the Pocket 2
I'm not gonna lie: I actually think GMs ARE cooler than Zakus.
Burning your house down and using your belt to impale the bastard vampire who ruined your life is pretty manly.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 3
This was the manliest episode of anime I've seen since Master Asia and Domon fought each other. Like I think my balls dropped again just watching this episode. The hairs on my chest hairs have chest hairs now.
Child's play in the world of Jojo.
CG Future. Embrace it!movie of the year
Dusk Maiden 2
This show is hitting all the right notes for me. Yuuko is best ghost.
Burning your house down and using your belt to impale the bastard vampire who ruined your life is pretty manly.
The Pilot's Love Song 8
So this is directly connected with the film, maybe I should watch that. Good episode, the show is still going well despite some's fears about thebusiness. These trainee pilots sure are accurate with those rifles though.Nina Viento
Wait, why would someone dub Gintama? That's such a horrible idea. Unless it's Sugita speaking english.
Hmm? Isn't the movie version just a condensed way of viewing the OVA? I didn't think it was really necessary.
So the anime ending was an original ending?
Louise isn't like other Kugilolis, she's the kind to set your loins ablaze with those leeeeeeeeeeegs.
S2 is the best doe.
Wait, why would someone dub Gintama? That's such a horrible idea. Unless it's Sugita speaking english.
Now watch Utena
Burning your house down and using your belt to impale the bastard vampire who ruined your life is pretty manly.
As much crap as Zetsuen No Tempest gets, I wouldn't mind watching it again if only for the cheesy romance that happens later on.
Simply the bestLMAO Urobuchi gonna look like kitty lover if compared to Tomino.
Pretty sure the old guy making anime so he can draw 5 year old blown out by gun.
I watched it for Oshima's music. No regrets. lolOutside of that string of episodes where they are standing around a tree and talking, I mostly enjoyed the show and thought it was dumb fun. It's not as bad as it's made to be here.
I have no clue. That said, the final season ends pretty definitively anyway.IIRC didn't the author "supervise" the script for the final season of ZnT anyway before he was too far gone? I never watched the 4th season because I quit after the first episode of the 3rd, that bullshit @ the end of the second one kinda killed the series for me.
Simply the best
Bakemonogatari 9
OP ranking: Monkey > Snail > Crab > Snake
Im pretty sure music is added late in the process since it has to flow with the animation/situation.
She does have a way of making bad tolerable and good masterful.
If this death talk about Gundam is true, then imagine if Gen Urobuchi wrote a Gundam show!
It's too bad she's destined to lose hard.
The manliest Phantom Blood character hasn't even arrived yet
If this death talk about Gundam is true, then imagine if Gen Urobuchi wrote a Gundam show!
Clannad After Story 10
Tomoya learning to be a responsible person. Go go Tomoya. Rare to see a show progress past high school, so it's cool that this show does.
Tomoya and Nagisa still don't really feel like a couple to me. There's affection, obviously, but they don't really feel romantically or physically close at all. Even with Nagisa making him dinner and stuff, it feels more like a brotherly relationship than a boyfriendly one.
That's more due to Nagisa being ultimate moe in terms of how she acts. Basically like a little girl.
That's what I like about After Story. It goes above and beyond your standard "main character confesses love" ending and expands on it, making the love story all the more beautiful.
It gets pretty emotional. I will not lie when I say I cried.
I tear up easily so I shouldn't be a gauge lol.
LMAO Urobuchi gonna look like kitty lover if compared to Tomino.
Pretty sure the old guy making anime so he can draw 5 year old blown out by gun.
I think their only hope is Best Director. I bet in reality it gets shut out of all the major awards, except for maybe Bullock winning again just for shiggles.Just give them the Oscar already.
True anime of the year 2013!I'll have your hide if this isn't what it's cracked up to be.
Ending a harem on a non-ending after stringing people along for however many volumes seems like a recipe for disaster. lolShe's popular enough as well as getting enough screen time in the manga to at least eek out a draw imo, besides so many manga going with the "no choice made" ending lately...
From the New World
Had to pause on episode 8
at the 2 year time skip, their society only allows same sex couples or some shit as that database implied? Man, it's a bit confusing seeing those 2 guys going at it with each other like this, feels weird
Sadon Desu
The story revolves around Koume who enters a private high school. She hears from her friend Sasuga that if she enters the tea ceremony club, she can eat snacks. They bring along their classmates Mikaeru and Momiji to join the club with her. The president of the club is 11th grader Ayame.
So I'm looking at the Spring 2014 chart, and I get to the entry for Gainax's new thing:
Jesus Christ, Gainax, this is essentially just the plot of K-ON! minus the music.
So I'm looking at the Spring 2014 chart, and I get to the entry for Gainax's new thing:
Jesus Christ, Gainax, this is essentially just the plot of K-ON! minus the music.
So I'm looking at the Spring 2014 chart, and I get to the entry for Gainax's new thing:
Jesus Christ, Gainax, this is essentially just the plot of K-ON! minus the music.