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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Yamato 2199 - 05 & 06

Good to see Akira being a pilot now. For a enemy base the lack of security is odd, though I guess that mantle did most of the work to begin with. The success of the operation felt very much cause on luck alone. Using the wave motion gun would've been much easier, fuck Pluto anyway.
Finally a glimpse of the aliens! ...and they're blue humans basically. Well, at least there's some space elves. The leader seems wonderfully smug and proud.

Link Man

Raildex is miles better than Index and the more people that know this the better. You agree that Kuroko is the best correct?

~wan wan

Of course she's the best! Especially with the Japanese voice.

Though Saten
when she had big eyebrows
was a good contender.
Yuri Kuma Arashi 1
It's a show about the meaning of friendship and coping with death.....................

Nah, I have absolutely no idea what is going on.
Yuki Yuna Is A Hero (series review)

Yuki Yuna was quite the experience. It billed itself as your standard slice of life anime, but it was pretty obvious that there was more beneath that fluffy exterior. But before I elaborate, i'd like to talk about the slice of life aspect of the anime first.

It was good. Really good. Cute girl's doing fluffy club stuff is nothing new, but it was done really well here. The atmosphere is warm and friendly, everyone is rather close, and you really get the sense that they're all very passionate about what they do. That love and passion makes it easier to get attached to these characters, and that especially comes into play in the later episodes. Suffice it to say, this anime could have been a very good SoL anime.

The characters themselves are fairly competent and likable. Chief among them is Mimori Togo, a character that stands out in a big way. She's paraplegic, but the anime never frames her disability as the worst thing ever. She always manages to keep up and have fun with the rest of the gang, and it honestly didn't really like a cheap gimmick to garner sympathy. It genuinely feels like they made an attempt to show that paraplegic individuals can live rich and fulfilling lives. I'm not saying she's the perfect pinnacle representation of a disabled person, but her character never truly depressed me... or at least, when it came to slice of life stuff.

The fight sequences. My god. If you were expecting some cheap mahou shoujo shit then prepare to disappointed in the best way possible; the fight sequences are straight up one of the best parts of the anime. Action packed and memorable, every single fight was an absolute treat to watch unfold. The incredible OST definitely lends itself well to them (created by the wonderful people who worked on Nier!), and as the story escalates and the stakes rises, the fights take on a surprising amount of intensity. I was honestly on the the edge of my seat for the latter half of the show. For those who watched episode
, you know exactly what i'm talking about.

As for the story... it does some interesting things, but it also falters along the way. On the one hand, it does a pretty great job of examining nearly every facet of being a hero.
It goes over responsibility that comes with being a hero, the joy of saving the day, the grief that one might experience over time, the massive risk associated with sticking your neck on the line, and what it really takes to be a hero (hint: It isn't friendship). There are also some pretty great narrative beats that happen along the way. Unfortunately, 12 episodes was just too little of a time for the anime to fully accomplish what it set out to do. By the time the anime shifts into high gear, it's basically almost over. The ending is widely considered divisive by many (and for good reason), and while I enjoyed on a basic level, I couldn't help but feel disappointed by it. Overall, I just wish that there was a 13th episode.

Fortunately, the ending doesn't mar what was otherwise a great experience. Yuki Yuna Is A Hero is definitely worth checking if you're even remotely interested in the a Magical Girl genre. If you're looking for a heartwarming slice of anime with some drama interspersed with some excellent fight sequences, then you should definitely give Yuki Yuna a go.
It's exactly my thoughts , great writting . Togo still the best and the ending while flawed doesn't make the whole anime any less an experience.

Yuri Kuma Arashi (aka LESBIAN BEAR STORM) - 01

Stellar first episode! Did an excellent job on building the story while keeping it incredibly entertaining.Who would've thought that a conflict between humans and bears would be this awesome? The characters and their voices, the backgrounds, colors, and most of all the music were so on point. This show is everything that I've always wanted. It's like I'm being slapped in the face with a bouquet of lilies. I LOVE IT!

I don't
feel bad for Sumika getting eaten (or going missing), as she wasn't as interesting as the 3 other main leads. Gimme that Ginko x Kureha x Lulu goodness baby!

lily coming out of Kureha's chest gave me some serious Star Jewel vibes
. And for those who know are familiar with that OVA and saw my review on it, this is a good thing. :D

I confidently nominate this as my #1 vote for AOTY 2015. Nothing else will even dare come close. Who would've thought that purity would save anime? I DID. Praise be the Garden, sanctuary of our purity!

Damn i want to get back to work ASAP in order to see this.


Why the flying FUCK is the next episode of Log Horizon S2 this Saturday?

It should have been three flipping days ago.

I demand retribution.
Yamato 2199 - 07

While not much happened, it was a good episode to flesh out the crews backgrounds.
It seems Akira and Yuki are going to fall for Kodai. My money is on our Ishvalan Mars lady.
And really Yuki, you can't remember anything from your past but last year? She looks like the Iscandar who crashed on Mars and apparently another sister of Iscandar arrived a year earlier than this last one...wait a minute that card.
Cardfight!! Vanguard G Episode 3 (engDUB)
They really make the GIRS system pretty stunning. No more imagining what its like to be on Cray even.

Majin Bone Episode 40

Happy New Years!. People down in Australia are lucky to have new years in the middle of summer. Though this year here in VA it was warmish.

Gregory and Victor were great, though it seemed odd that they could get that much stronger only by working out.
Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01

That was .... surprisingly good! People tend to be focusing on the inherent absurdity of the concept and the flashes of "Yuri Kuma" that makes the show live up to its name but there were definitely moments going through the first episode that gave off a distinctly Madoka-esque vibe. Something about the way the background art was presented in that vaguely storybook or picturesque style accompanied with the majority piano based score just lends that feeling throughout the first ep. Tonally it doesn't seem to be attempting to be as serious as Madoka (that trial scene lol) but I think the setting as a whole flirts a pretty interesting line between the silly and the almost brutal overall presentation of the world.

It's taking a fundamentally stupid concept and treating the overall development of events within the framework of that concept with respect. Contrast that with something like Twintails in which everyone from the main characters to the villains are actively reminding the viewer that this is really dumb, in Yuri Kuma the characters betray nothing about the inherent absurdity of the world they live in. They're deadly serious about this world's overall effect on their lives. It's actually attempting to develop drama within this setting. I'll keep watching for sure but I came away from this pleasantly surprised. Nice start for the season!

Rolling Girls PV 3

Featuring crazy cartoon faces:
and fabulous backgrounds:

Oh wow, this and Death Parade came out of total left field for me. Winter's looking better than I expected.
Yona of the Dawn Episode 13

Crying for Hak.

I love every time Yun calls himself the handsome binshounen.

Villagers continue to be annoying makes me wish this arc would hurry and advance to the next location though.
You reminded me TUSR I forgot my impressons!

Strike Witches - Operation Victory Arrow 01

Ursula Hartmann is the better sister and I simply cannot accept the concept that Erica even remotely competes with her. Erica is lazy, gross and a totally worthless witch with a b. Thank god for Ursula's smarts, Blackhorn's blushing and Minna being smart and mature and all round perfect to make this episode great. I would say perfect but Erica was in the episode.

~wan wan wan wan
Yamato 2199 - 08

That was quite intense. Gamilas leader Desler is growing on me. Neat detail that the crew saw the earth as it was 8 years ago.
They used the device and jumped successfully. Only to wind up in a mouse trap set by Desler. The gas and the dwarf star was a cool setup, good job riding that one out Okita.
I hope they get the time to do that project Niimi worked on, to see some explorations of planet would be welcomed.


Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01

That was .... surprisingly good! People tend to be focusing on the inherent absurdity of the concept and the flashes of "Yuri Kuma" that makes the show live up to its name but there were definitely moments going through the first episode that gave off a distinctly Madoka-esque vibe. Something about the way the background art was presented in that vaguely storybook or picturesque style accompanied with the majority piano based score just lends that feeling throughout the first ep. Tonally it doesn't seem to be attempting to be as serious as Madoka (that trial scene lol) but I think the setting as a whole flirts a pretty interesting line between the silly and the almost brutal overall presentation of the world.

It's taking a fundamentally stupid concept and treating the overall development of events within the framework of that concept with respect. Contrast that with something like Twintails in which everyone from the main characters to the villains are actively reminding the viewer that this is really dumb, in Yuri Kuma the characters betray nothing about the inherent absurdity of the world they live in. They're deadly serious about this world's overall effect on their lives. It's actually attempting to develop drama within this setting. I'll keep watching for sure but I came away from this pleasantly surprised. Nice start for the season!

Oh wow, this and Death Parade came out of total left field for me. Winter's looking better than I expected.

Interesting that you would compare the show with Madoka, since Shaft and director Shinbo very notably based their work heavily on Ikuhara's influence to begin with. Utena was rife with these sorts of settings, styles, and artwork, and Madoka Magica was a later iteration of Shinbo's interpretation of that style. the famous Shaft head tilt was started by Ikuhara too. I give a lot of credit to Shaft for taking Ikuhara's ideas and making them work well for them through the years, but I think its also pertinent to explain the origins of it as well for people who might not have known. There is a very good reason why Ikuhara is so well regarded.


You reminded me TUSR I forgot my impressons!

Strike Witches - Operation Victory Arrow 01

Ursula Hartmann is the better sister and I simply cannot accept the concept that Erica even remotely competes with her. Erica is lazy, gross and a totally worthless witch with a b. Thank god for Ursula's smarts, Blackhorn's blushing and Minna being smart and mature and all round perfect to make this episode great. I would say perfect but Erica was in the episode.

~wan wan wan wan

I downgraded Erica on my rankings for how she acted this ep.


You reminded me TUSR I forgot my impressons!

Strike Witches - Operation Victory Arrow 01

Ursula Hartmann is the better sister and I simply cannot accept the concept that Erica even remotely competes with her. Erica is lazy, gross and a totally worthless witch with a b. Thank god for Ursula's smarts, Blackhorn's blushing and Minna being smart and mature and all round perfect to make this episode great. I would say perfect but Erica was in the episode.

~wan wan wan wan

The fuck is this?
Interesting that you would compare the show with Madoka, since Shaft and director Shinbo very notably based their work heavily on Ikuhara's influence to begin with. Utena was rife with these sorts of settings, styles, and artwork, and Madoka Magica was a later iteration of Shinbo's interpretation of that style. the famous Shaft head tilt was started by Ikuhara too. I give a lot of credit to Shaft for taking Ikuhara's ideas and making them work well for them through the years, but I think its also pertinent to explain the origins of it as well for people who might not have known. There is a very good reason why Ikuhara is so well regarded.


This is my first exposure to Ikuhara's work so I never realized Madoka drew such heavy inspiration from his work. Utena's something that comes up pretty often in these threads but I've neglected seeing it myself, looks like I'm going to have to correct that in the near future. Thanks for the clarification.


Hartmann's a bitch in the OVA. Just shitting on everyone and everything!

Erica spent the entire OVA whiny and crying about Ursula's inventions and attempts to help them.

Fair enough. I havent watched this OVA but I always liked Erika. Ursula is kind of meh. Apparently shes better in this. Still though I dont think I can agree.
But anyway none of them are Sanya so it doesnt matter :)


This is my first exposure to Ikuhara's work so I never realized Madoka drew such heavy inspiration from his work. Utena's something that comes up pretty often in these threads but I've neglected seeing it myself, looks like I'm going to have to correct that in the near future. Thanks for the clarification.

Thats fine. Everybody needs a jumping in point of reference. Definitely check out Utena, and Penguindrum if you havent as they both really show what the director was about. Some episodes of Sailor Moon also have his touch if you care to research those.
Madoka Magica, and Shaft in general have their own unique style that they can claim, but the foundations of that definitely like with Ikuhara's groundbreaking sense of direction and style. His art is undoubtedly pretentious at times, but undeniably memorable.
Celestial Method 02

Mio from K-On doesn't seem to like Hon... Err... Nonoka for some reason...

Nonoka also meets somebody who wants to get rid of the flying saucer. I guess Noel and the saucer got something to do with each other too? We'll see...


Yuri Kuma Arashi Ep 1


So this is the show I chose to watch after not watching an anime for like over a month.

But it was fun!

Unfortunately there wasn't a transformation scene that I found nearly as amazing as the ROCK OVER JAPAN sequence but this episode was really interesting. Visual motifs and symbolism are through the roof and I'm not sure what to think of the main story yet but there's quite a few conjectures I can already make from what's been given. Time will tell though. I already love the visual direction here too. Some of it definitely reminds me of the good side of SHAFT's work but from the first episode alone it's done with so much confidence and signature Ikuhara STYLE through the layouts, the cuts, and even a lot of the dialogue that it truly makes it its own unique thing.

Looking forward to seeing more of this.


Yuri Kuma Arashi Ep 1


So this is the show I chose to watch after not watching an anime for like over a month.

But it was fun!

Unfortunately there wasn't a transformation scene that I found nearly as amazing as the ROCK OVER JAPAN sequence but this episode was really interesting. Visual motifs and symbolism are through the roof and I'm not sure what to think of the main story yet but there's quite a few conjectures I can already make from what's been given. Time will tell though. I already love the visual direction here too. Some of it definitely reminds me of the good side of SHAFT's work but from the first episode alone it's done with so much confidence and signature Ikuhara STYLE through the layouts, the cuts, and even a lot of the dialogue that it truly makes it its own unique thing.

Looking forward to seeing more of this.

You surely picked a great show to come back with :D


Armored Trooper VOTOMS 3

So great to see just how complete Chirico is when he's in an AT. As I said on tiwtter, there's a scene where
Cocoona asks Chirico is he's actually going through with his plan to fight the Boone Family. His reply: he lowers his goggles and looks at her, his covered eyes having now having the effectof a chilling stare so unnerving she takes a step back involuntarily.
I eat that kind of thing up.


Unconfirmed Member
Strike Witches - Operation Victory Arrow

Karlsland >>>

Aren't a lot of the Witches approaching Sakamoto's age now?

The fact that witches quickly lose their power at 20 was retconned in the mangas, it is now more of a slow decline. Sakamoto lost her powers fast because of her eye and sword techniques.


sealed with a kiss
Yamato 2199 - 08

That was quite intense. Gamilas leader Desler is growing on me. Neat detail that the crew saw the earth as it was 8 years ago.
They used the device and jumped successfully. Only to wind up in a mouse trap set by Desler. The gas and the dwarf star was a cool setup, good job riding that one out Okita.
I hope they get the time to do that project Niimi worked on, to see some explorations of planet would be welcomed.

Yamato's art is so good
The fact that witches quickly lose their power at 20 was retconned in the mangas, it is now more of a slow decline. Sakamoto lost her powers fast because of her eye and sword techniques.
Ahh. That explains why Minna and some other older witches are still out there working.

~wan wan wan
Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01

Well, what I can say. Too much in media res and Ikuhara-isms.
Maybe in two episodes more the series will show a more coherent world and a strong main-thread to follow on, right now it has been pretty scatter-shot between weird terms, mysterious bear-courtrooms, characters we didn't know, hidden meaning that are that, hidden, etc.
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