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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Excel Saga 7

What does Iwata see in her? I mean I guess he wants her to pull the trigger. Except she would ratheruse a weapon in his case.

Jesus, Pedro's wife gave up on him fast though. Then again, we saw that at the end of episode 1.

Link Man

Nine episodes into A Certain Scientific Railgun, and this is becoming legitimately awesome. Great action, and I love how they really explore the possibilities of the powers. Also love the humor (though I could see how it could rub someone the wrong way).

Armored Trooper VOTOMS 1

In the grim darkness of the 24th century, there is only war. Two empires have fought over hundreds of worlds for hundreds of years. Soon, the centuries of fighting will come to an end for the worlds of the human empire. But for one man, the fighting is just beginning.

Chirico, a veteran soldier caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, is betrayed by a rogue special forces unit he recently transferred to. Kidnapped by the government, and tortured for information he doesn't possess, escape is his only hope for survival. Chirico breaks out, a man without a war, without a government, without a home.

This is a great pilot episode: efficient, action-packed, and meaningful. One might mistake Chirico's shock at what his comrades are doing for naivete, but that's countered both by his monologue at the start, and by his willingness to kill shortly afterwards. He's already a hero that I want to root for.

This feels like the kind of anime that everyone thinks happened all the time in the 80s and 90s, except not in a cheap, puerile way.

I've been watching that show myself recently. The pilot really is amazing and I feel the episodes after that only emphasize the darkness that the universe has.

Shuffle Episodes 1-24

I just marathoned this harem series so my thoughts on it are pretty fresh. I had heard about a real shift in tone in the series and how the MC actually someone for once. Still, the first episode didn't really impress me all that much and I didn't expect anything of interest would actually happen.

I was proven wrong. The character arcs in this show are dramatic and entertaining. I felt myself connecting with nearly every character at some point and empathizing the situations they were in. What's more, I really liked how the romance developed between the main character and the person he picked in the end. Rather than fast and suddenly happening it was a slow, bumpy ride, that I actually wanted to see unfold from the beginning. Guessing who he would decide on being with in the end and the lengths to which he would keep that relationship led to some real surprises at times.

Overall, this was a well done romance anime that had satisfying character arcs and great ending to send it off.
Yowamushi Pedal: Grande Road 13

Maybe it's because this is the first episode that I haven't marathoned, but I enjoyed this one more than most of Grande Road, which has suffered from some problems with pacing and lack of focus. Even though it will probably take another 10 episodes to finish, the storytelling finally seems to have regained some momentum.

I suppose they are setting things up so that
everyone on Souhoku but the first years drop out before the finish.

PK Gaming

Yuki Yuna Is A Hero (series review)

Yuki Yuna was quite the experience. It billed itself as your standard slice of life anime, but it was pretty obvious that there was more beneath that fluffy exterior. But before I elaborate, i'd like to talk about the slice of life aspect of the anime first.

It was good. Really good. Cute girl's doing fluffy club stuff is nothing new, but it was done really well here. The atmosphere is warm and friendly, everyone is rather close, and you really get the sense that they're all very passionate about what they do. That love and passion makes it easier to get attached to these characters, and that especially comes into play in the later episodes. Suffice it to say, this could have been a very good SoL anime.

The characters themselves are fairly competent and likable. Chief among them is Mimori Togo, a character that stands out in a big way. She's paraplegic, but the anime never frames her disability as the worst thing ever. She always manages to keep up and have fun with the rest of the gang, and it honestly didn't really like a cheap gimmick to garner sympathy. It genuinely feels like they made an attempt to show that paraplegic individuals can live rich and fulfilling lives. I'm not saying she's the perfect pinnacle representation of a disabled person, but her character never truly depressed me... or at least, when it came to slice of life stuff.

The fight sequences. My god. If you were expecting some cheap mahou shoujo shit then prepare to disappointed in the best way possible; the fight sequences are straight up one of the best parts of the anime. Action packed and memorable, every single fight was an absolute treat to watch unfold. The incredible OST definitely lends itself well to them (created by the wonderful people who worked on Nier!), and as the story escalates and the stakes rises, the fights take on a surprising amount of intensity. I was honestly on the the edge of my seat for the latter half of the show. For those who watched episode
, you know exactly what i'm talking about.

As for the story... it does some interesting things, but it also falters along the way. On the one hand, it does a pretty great job of examining nearly every facet of being a hero.
It goes over the responsibility that comes with being a hero, the joy of saving the day, the grief that one might experience over time, the massive risk associated with sticking your neck on the line, and what it really takes to be a hero (hint: It isn't friendship). There are also some pretty great narrative beats that happen along the way. Unfortunately, 12 episodes was just too little of a time for the anime to fully accomplish what it set out to do. By the time the anime shifts into high gear, it's basically almost over. The ending is widely considered divisive by many (and for good reason), and while I enjoyed on a basic level, I couldn't help but feel disappointed by it. Overall, I just wish that there was a 13th episode.

Fortunately, the ending doesn't mar what was otherwise a great experience. Yuki Yuna Is A Hero is definitely worth checking if you're even remotely interested in the a Magical Girl genre. If you're looking for a heartwarming slice of anime with some drama interspersed with some excellent fight sequences, then you should definitely give Yuki Yuna a go.



So how much did Dunkin Donuts put into the series?
One thing I've liked about the direction so far is how certain elements are visualized. What I'm mainly referring to is the thought process of characters like Aoi, being visually represented on screen. Instead of just the use of dialogue, her thoughts and feelings are displayed on screen through the use of symbols. That's one major element of the show that has spruced up what could have been very dull matter. Hearing a character ponder through a monologue about how they question the direction of their life can be very dull if the person isn't someone with a heavy amount of humor. This is an area that can really separate anime from light novels however many directors, by and large, don't capitalize on this area. Visuals when used properly can have a much stronger impact than those of words and help convey emotion in a much more quicker and effective manner.

Pretty sure those two roads lead to the same destination.
The visualization of thought also helps give a surreal feeling to the work so it feels less like a documentary and more of a show. This again prevents the material from being stale as the episodes might be about mundane things, the direction gives it a flair that isn't found in real life in order to keep the audience's attention.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Yuri Kuma Arashi (aka LESBIAN BEAR STORM) - 01




Stellar first episode! Did an excellent job on building the story while keeping it incredibly entertaining.Who would've thought that a conflict between humans and bears would be this awesome? The characters and their voices, the backgrounds, colors, and most of all the music were so on point. This show is everything that I've always wanted. It's like I'm being slapped in the face with a bouquet of lilies. I LOVE IT!

I don't
feel bad for Sumika getting eaten (or going missing), as she wasn't as interesting as the 3 other main leads. Gimme that Ginko x Kureha x Lulu goodness baby!

lily coming out of Kureha's chest gave me some serious Star Jewel vibes
. And for those who know are familiar with that OVA and saw my review on it, this is a good thing. :D

I confidently nominate this as my #1 vote for AOTY 2015. Nothing else will even dare come close. Who would've thought that purity would save anime? I DID. Praise be the Garden, sanctuary of our purity!


Yuri Kuma Arashi - 01

"Yuri Kuma Arashi could be a turning point for the genre--much like Gundam spearheaded the "real robot" genre."

Ikuhara, Lord and Savior of mankind, has come back to redeem humans/bears, purify our souls, and instill us with eternal knowledge that will enlighten our minds and bodies to a higher plane of existence. Yuri Kuma Arashi does just that.

It's everything I wanted. It's everything we need.


Bears are the greatest animals in existence.

Praise be to Ikuhara.

gao gao~


Cratchit: Why, Miyazaki-san, Merry Christmas.
Cratchit: Won't you come in?
Miyazaki: Merry Christmas? Humph! I have another bundle for you.
Cratchit: But sir, it's Christmas Day.
Miyazaki: Christmas Day, indeed! Just another excuse for being lazy. And another thing, I've had enough of this 'half-day off' stuff! You leave me no alternative...
Miyazaki: ...but to give you...
Tiny Tim: [sees the contents of the now open bag] Keyframes!
Miyazaki: Time to put your son to good use too.
So, does anyone know what part of the novel series the anime 'Legend of the Legendary Heroes' covers?

As far as I'm aware, the entirety of Legend of the Legendary Heroes novels were adapted, although a few volumes were rushed to fit into the anime. The story continues in the sequel novels, Great Legend of the Legendary Heroes.


As far as I'm aware, the entirety of Legend of the Legendary Heroes novels were adapted, although a few volumes were rushed to fit into the anime. The story continues in the sequel novels, Great Legend of the Legendary Heroes.

Oh, that makes sense. I was confused by the continuation tease at the end so figured there was a lot more to go.


Yuri Kuma Arashi (aka LESBIAN BEAR STORM) - 01

Stellar first episode! Did an excellent job on building the story while keeping it incredibly entertaining.Who would've thought that a conflict between humans and bears would be this awesome? The characters and their voices, the backgrounds, colors, and most of all the music were so on point. This show is everything that I've always wanted. It's like I'm being slapped in the face with a bouquet of lilies. I LOVE IT!

I don't
feel bad for Sumika getting eaten (or going missing), as she wasn't as interesting as the 3 other main leads. Gimme that Ginko x Kureha x Lulu goodness baby!

lily coming out of Kureha's chest gave me some serious Star Jewel vibes
. And for those who know are familiar with that OVA and saw my review on it, this is a good thing. :D

I confidently nominate this as my #1 vote for AOTY 2015. Nothing else will even dare come close. Who would've thought that purity would save anime? I DID. Praise be the Garden, sanctuary of our purity!

This is going to be glorious isnt it?


I'm going to get flamed for this but something was off for me about the horse running sequence in Shirobako 12. Parts of it looked like CGI and it kept throwing me off, despite me knowing that it was hand-drawn. I think it was the coloring and details/texturing actually on the horses.


I'm going to get flamed for this but something was off for me about the horse running sequence in Shirobako 12. Parts of it looked like CGI and it kept throwing me off, despite me knowing that it was hand-drawn. I think it was the coloring and details/texturing actually on the horses.

That was a scene I re-watched that scene a few times because I thought it seemed a little off, despite the big fuss they made about it, heh.
Nine episodes into A Certain Scientific Railgun, and this is becoming legitimately awesome. Great action, and I love how they really explore the possibilities of the powers. Also love the humor (though I could see how it could rub someone the wrong way).
Raildex is miles better than Index and the more people that know this the better. You agree that Kuroko is the best correct?

~wan wan


Seeing as how we're getting a new Lupin III series this spring I figured that I'd sit down and start watching The Woman Called Fujiko Mine, mind you this is my introduction into the Lupin III franchise but I'm really enjoying it. It has spunk and style not to mention it being well directed. I've read that the director, Sayo Yamamoto, was Watanabe's protege and that makes watching this series all the more interesting.

Yuki Yuna Is A Hero (series review)
Fortunately, the ending doesn't mar what was otherwise a great experience. Yuki Yuna Is A Hero is definitely worth checking if you're even remotely interested in the a Magical Girl genre. If you're looking for a heartwarming slice of anime with some drama interspersed with some excellent fight sequences, then you should definitely give Yuki Yuna a go.

Why yes, I am looking for that. Thanks for the review and heads up, the original promo art never tipped me off to the nature of the show, I just thought it was a fluffy slice of life.


Lesbian Bear Storm 01

"Entrust your body to the bears and your love shall be approved"


Will wait till this is acclaimed as the next Utena before delving further.


A thought struck me earlier...What ever happened to Gothicmade? I remember it releasing in theaters and then nothing.
Still in theaters, doing rounds continuing with the limited release Mr. Nagano & Co. still support. Not much has changed since this Summer on that front (http://neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=121585714&postcount=12056), so the already mentioned and planned digital disc release will have to wait a bit more... judging by the carefulness with which they prepare everything, including the upcoming FSS volumes.


You'll be waiting forever.

That's what I'm hoping for !


You know after the first few times it bit her in the arse, Rin really should have started taking Archer along with her. Worse than Shirou in that regard.

You know I thought Masters in F/Z already didn't care much for the rules of the Holy Grail Wars but the characters here make them look like law abiding sheep. We have multiple attacks on civilians. a Servant, with her own Command Seals and two personal servants, roaming around with no oversight from her master and trying to get the Grail already and there's also Shinji getting a new servant out of nowhere.

It's hard to imagine Kiritsugu with Taiga. Still wondering who set up the summoning circle for Shirou and who is Lancer's Master. F/Z based speculation
I imagine the answer to at least one of those will be -> Sakura
The second cour of F/Z was stronger than the first so I hope the same will apply here. And maybe if Caster will stop hogging the spotlight, we will get more longer, close quarter combat set pieces.


That was a scene I re-watched that scene a few times because I thought it seemed a little off, despite the big fuss they made about it, heh.
I feel this is an inevitable problem this kind of show faces. More often than not the plot requires 'Oh look at this amazing thing that we managed to make' but the viewer looking at the show will be predisposed that it will always look weird unless they could make it look as amazing as they hype it to be which is actually quite hard.

The obvious solution is just not show us, but personally it pisses me off when they don't. School based SOL shows can avoid this a bit because the stakes are lower.


I'm going to get flamed for this but something was off for me about the horse running sequence in Shirobako 12. Parts of it looked like CGI and it kept throwing me off, despite me knowing that it was hand-drawn. I think it was the coloring and details/texturing actually on the horses.

Had the same issue.


I feel this is an inevitable problem this kind of show faces. More often than not the plot requires 'Oh look at this amazing thing that we managed to make' but the viewer looking at the show will be predisposed that it will always look weird unless they could make it look as amazing as they hype it to be which is actually quite hard.

The obvious solution is just not show us, but personally it pisses me off when they don't. School based SOL shows can avoid this a bit because the stakes are lower.

It didnt really bother me that much to be honest. Maybe Im just used to cg looking anime now. I have lower expectations for animation.


I feel this is an inevitable problem this kind of show faces. More often than not the plot requires 'Oh look at this amazing thing that we managed to make' but the viewer looking at the show will be predisposed that it will always look weird unless they could make it look as amazing as they hype it to be which is actually quite hard.

The obvious solution is just not show us, but personally it pisses me off when they don't. School based SOL shows can avoid this a bit because the stakes are lower.
I almost wonder if that's a point they were trying to illustrate as well, or if it was just an off scene lol. I could almost see an argument for that other way just because of the way those sscenes were handled.

At least the buildup was great though.


But its does well animated, the angle made it super difficult. At least its does technically impressive, they not half-assing it.
Yamato 2199 - 04

Another exciting episode. The abandon mine on Enceladus and the snowy/icy climate was a treat because everyone knows snow levels are the best. I was almost expecting some Dead Space stuff.
The choices between the distress call and sticking to the time schedule was interesting. Only when the ship needed repair materials (which were conveniently found near the distress signal) did they decide to also help out.
The revelation of the ship was saddening, with him finding the gun and shooting off the ice to confirm.


I almost wonder if that's a point they were trying to illustrate as well, or if it was just an off scene lol. I could almost see an argument for that other way just because of the way those sscenes were handled.

At least the buildup was great though.

But its does well animated, the angle made it super difficult. At least its does technically impressive, they not half-assing it.
It's less about difficulty but it looking weird
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