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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Okay... where is English-language Milky Holmes TD? I watched it in Japanese, but I'm tired of waiting for a version I can understand better! It's the one show this season I definitely want to watch, and... no translation yet? Bah... :( Did none of the sites (Crunchyroll and such) pick it up, really? :(
Absolute Duo - 01

30s in and gone. I'll no longer watch an entire episode or 3 even 'just because'. If a show seems godawful I'm just gonna drop it right there and then and if it happens to be a disguised masterpiece after all, I can just give it another go.

Seriously, it opens with some Matsuoka, Yoshitsugu (Kirito VA), a loli and an awful combat sequence with equally awful CGI. Can't be good.


Absolute Duo - 01

Hmm.. well it started interesting with the ultimatum. Oh god MC is named Thor (Tooru?), how dare you smut my ancestors god, ja ja. And stare-chan is Scandinavian ja ja.
Worst part is that (most likely) best girl left halfway through the episode. A quote from the.. young principal reflects my current beginning of season watching;
"It is a struggle for survival based on one simple rule, defeat others to stay alive." Which means I probably won't be watching this for long.
Stare-chan and hyper maid-bunny-professor 'Bunbun' in action.

This looks really generic but Im loving that teacher. Several shows had over-sexed insane teachers like that and I love them every time.

Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei Nine Schools Competition 1 - 8

Praise Onii-sama he's so cool! Everything he touches turns to gold. I notice the discrimination that he does not help any of the boys though. But now he has been forced to join the competition.

I don't know guys, he's Superman Jesus but frankly I don't see any way he could beat the Crimson Prince and...George...

Impossible, I'm looking forward to this loss as a big turning point in Onii-sama's character development. I continue on.

LOL. Sorry Cat.
The only thing developing here is the girls' lust for the MC.

Is Tokyo Ravens good?

Onii-sama is life. You done good cat.

Well it has Kon in it and thats a very good thing.

Yuki kuma Arashi - 01

I have no idea what i've just watched.

But it had lilies ...and yuri ..

It was delicious but ...


That is basically what everyone is thinking at the moment. Not much can really be determined as of yet.

Daily Life of Highschool Boys - Fin

All good things must come to an end. :( So many good sketches. Literary Girl is best girl and Hidenori is best guy.

You have chosen correctly.
Yuri Kuma Arashi 01

This was crazy. The symbolism, the scenery, the plotlines. It seems silly so far, with the bears portrayed as cute and cartoony, but thenI see them eat another student, and it kinda takes me aback as to the direction of the show, which makes me want to know more. Not to mention the explicit yuri scenes. I want more.


Pretty sure that is your settings that are interfering with google search.

Because :

Nope , everything is fine on my end

Same here. Im not sure what he is talking about. Thats not to say the show doesnt have sexual imagery because it is basically all sexual imagery.

Yuji Yuna is a Hero 1

Fulfilling watchbet obligations.

Mami ready for action

This is just standard fare ordinary high school girls get super powers fight aliens planning on destroying the world or something. One would wonder why would a girl in a wheelchair be suited for humanity saving action, but no need to question the logic of magical girls anime.

Its...not exactly standard fare. Keep watching you'll see what I mean.

<3 <3

Food poisoning gives you plenty of free time

Oh shit. sorry man :(
Hope you feel better!

Tsuritama 1

I'm watching this because of a watchbet, but it doesn't feel like an obligation because it's pretty legit so far. The introduced characters have potential, the art's great, and it's a pretty easy show to watch. I'm expecting great things from this anime.

I would say you came out on the good end of this bet. Tsuritama is a great series! One of my favorites in recent years. I recommend it often.

Yuri Bear Storm 1

I'm not sure how I feel about this. Ikuhara clearly still has some very interesting ideas but the execution of them may be questionable. This episode felt very In Media Res in that we were repeatedly introduced to characters, situations, and terms without any adequate context for them. The lack of characterization as well as the amount of abstract symbolism made it very difficult to actually identify with any of the characters. Contrast this with Penguindrum's first episode, which had a very strong character focus that the symbolic imagery complemented. The dialogue is also very unnatural, deliberately so, but it's another choice I'm not sure was helpful in this case. Silver Link being a not especially competent studio is also already a drag on the show.

As far as the meaning of the show itself, I can't help but feel it's related to the idea above that "bears just eat people." This shouldn't just be accepted on its face- bears do not naturally eat people, bear attacks nearly always happen because the bear feels threatened. Knowing the series is influenced by the Sankebetsu brown bear incident, I think it's important to know the common theory is that deforestation disturbed the hibernating bear and provoked its attacks. Applying that to Yurikuma, the bear attacks are provoked by an unnatural state that humans create, and the bears in turn shatter the illusion of peace humans have created. This, along with the repeated "is your love real" themes, leads me to think that the show is something of a critique of the Japanese idea of Class S relationships and their typical depiction in Japanese media. Basically Ikuhara is telling anime that all of their fake lesbians are lame and weaksauce.

I think...you might be right. Certainly a great analysis Brandy.
Yuki Yuna 10

Alright, this is a twist I can get behind.

Beyond Madoka levels of despair? Certainly not in presentation, but maybe in scale. At the very least, it's darkly fascinating.

And Togo is still best character.


Cute High Earth Defence Club - a magical dude show with a pink wombat. Also made me think of Captain Planet for some reason. Think I enjoyed Absolute Duo more. But then I generally like magic school shows and don't have any interest in magical girl shows.


Yuki Yuna 10

Alright, this is a twist I can get behind.

Beyond Madoka levels of despair? Certainly not in presentation, but maybe in scale. At the very least, it's darkly fascinating.

And Togo is still best character.

Yeah I think Madoka emphasized the despair more effectively but in terms of situation those girls in Yuuki Yuuna are really screwed.
Kamisama Kiss S2 01

Ahh the romantic comedy series that was a surprise hit for me from a couple of years ago return.
Nanami is as cute as ever. Story jumps right back into Nanami and her feelings for Tomoe. Gotta say it was a rather strong first episode at that. I wasn't all that surprised that after Nanami got her shikigami that she wanted to be a protector, and that was reflected upon with the shikigami's powers, instead of always being the one who is helpless and being protected by Tomoe. Looking this meeting of the gods and finding out about this blood past of Tomoe.

~wan wan


But Namie attaching the head to a stalker her brother just killed so he could frolic around with it saying love this and love that, while she's content with just keeping tabs on him as her form of love?

That crazy train left a loooooong time ago.

And its never coming back.

All is fair in the game of incest.

Kemonozume 08-11


This show effortlessly jumps between drama,comedy and romance but gee when it goes into the grim territory ... Suffice it to say that ep 11 was one of the more depressing and and disgusting things I've seen. I don't even want to type out what happenned there.
you sick, absolutely deranged psycho. Given that he mentioned
and Yuki seemed to genuinely care for Toshihiko,
maybe she did not killed his father after all.


Why hasn't Japan banned child-porn comics?


Japan's comics and cartoons - known as manga and anime - are a huge cultural industry and famous around the world. But some are shocking, featuring children in sexually explicit scenarios. Why has Japan decided against banning this material?

It's a Sunday afternoon in Tokyo and Sunshine Creation is in full swing. Thousands of manga fans, mostly men, crowd into an exhibition centre, poring over manga comic magazines laid out for sale on trestle tables snaking around the rooms.

Posters of elfin-faced, doe-eyed cartoon heroines, many of them scantily clad and impossibly proportioned, turn the cavernous space into a riot of colour.

"This area is mainly dealing with sexual creations," explains Hide, one of the event organisers.

We stop at one table where the covers on display feature two topless girls. To my eyes they look to be in their early or pre-teens, and the stories show them engaged in explicit sexual acts.

Several other stands are selling similar material. It would certainly be considered controversial, and possibly illegal, in the UK, Australia or Canada, but here it's no big deal.

"I like young-girl sexual creations, Lolicon is just one hobby of my many hobbies," he says.

I ask what his wife, standing nearby, thinks of his "hobby".

"She probably thinks no problem," he replies. "Because she loves young boys sexually interacting with each other."

LOL That's not what I expected.


Maturity, bitches.
Eventually that article moves on to the real issue, those junior idol videos with young kids posing in swimsuits. I've heard sexuality is seen differently in Japan or something like that (us baka gaijins coming along with our perverted goggles and making innocent things sick), but those videos are messed up.


Gundam Build Fighters Try Episode 13:

The shipping can officially go jump down the deepest well to the lowest bowels of hell as we get some truly awful "comedy" spots. I hate it when a situation is so stupid and nonsensical that even the characters feel the need to comment on it. Indeed Fumina Hoshino, just why have you decided to act like Gyanko this episode? Oh right because you for some reason harbor feelings of romance but can't spit it out until the end of the show because reasons. Aside from that, you could call this episode a mad dash to build a supporting cast since there wasn't much of one beforehand and are otherwise jobbed out to oblivion already. It is also clear that the Gunpla battles during this training arc are going to be little more then previews for the main tournament, which is fine since now that we have worthwhile players the matches are getting better.
Eventually that article moves on to the real issue, those junior idol videos with young kids posing in swimsuits. I've heard sexuality is seen differently in Japan or something like that (us baka gaijins coming along with our perverted goggles and making innocent things sick), but those videos are messed up.

They're having events where fans can interact with junior idols too:
http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2014/09/28/js-loli-idol-group-bans-fan-for-touching/ <- NSFW link

Pretty messed up.
Gundam Build Fighters Try 13

Fumina gettin' jelly again, I can see the NTR doujins already. Sekai getting ANOTHER power-up. Dat onii-san. Not surprise that Fumina figured out what her issue was as I had already guessed it but this episode confirmed it. Hopefully from now on she'll be a more active part of the battles rather than being something Yuu and Sekai stick themselves inside of.



Gundam Build Fighters Try 13
After the break I almost forgot how bad the attempts at romantic drama were in this show, but then it hit me like a brick to my face in the first five minutes. While Kijima certainly doesn't hold a candle to the great Meijin Kawaguchi III, the man he wishes to succeed, his thirst for all out combat and ferocious skill in battle will make him an exciting rival for Sekai. Speaking of Sekai, his final attack was some of the hypest shit I have ever seen, nearing G Gundam levels of ridiculously awesome spectacle. If that explosive energy continues through the next tournament, it might even surpass the original season when it comes to exciting battles.
Why hasn't Japan banned child-porn comics?



I once went to the comic expo in London with a friend ( primarily to play GT5) and they had the audacity to have this shit displayed for everyone to see. There were a lot of kids there around the centre as well and so many stands had posters of young anime girls in questionable poses with the porn stand having a massive poster of some young girl in soaked underwear. Meanwhile, 18+ games were boxed in by high walls with two guards at the entrance. It was pretty disgusting that you could just see that material so casually.



There hasn't been a single one of these late 80's/early 90's heavily musical OVA's I haven't enjoyed and I'd go so far as to say this is one of the best ones yet. An incredibly stylish and nuanced take on romantic heartbreak and the follies of youth, a far more hopeful Bobby's in Deep if you will without the descent into crime, suicide, and the mindblowing Takashi Nakamura bike scene at the end. It's a shame I'll most definitely never get to read the seinen manga it's based on but thems the breaks with these things.

Watch it.


I once went to the comic expo in London with a friend ( primarily to play GT5) and they had the audacity to have this shit displayed for everyone to see. There were a lot of kids there around the centre as well and so many stands had posters of young anime girls in questionable poses with the porn stand having a massive poster of some young girl in soaked underwear. Meanwhile, 18+ games were boxed in by high walls with two guards at the entrance. It was pretty disgusting that you could just see that material so casually.

Why hasn't London banned child-porn comics?


I can't decide.
Right is the right choice.

Yuri Makoto of course.
This mofu knows.

CLEARLY heads and shoulders above the rest. (Those knee garterbelt thingamajigs are pretty dumb though)
She even goes pantsless, good for the Strike Witches fans too!
The teacher is good too.
Source. Also this is your weekly reminder to watch Strike Witches.

Pretty sure that is your settings that are interfering with google search.

Because :
Nope , everything is fine on my end
Clearly it's a targetted search because javac is a closer perv like the real javac is.

Yuri Bear Storm 1
It must be hard for Ikuhara to pace this kind of series when he developed his style from building under much higher episode counts. Many of the techniques he implements lend more to longer formats so he needs to figure out when he needs to let go, it is too early to tell though. Deliberate jumping can also work in this format to give him the wiggle room he needs and a dense 2-3 episode finalle could fit there.


I once went to the comic expo in London with a friend ( primarily to play GT5) and they had the audacity to have this shit displayed for everyone to see. There were a lot of kids there around the centre as well and so many stands had posters of young anime girls in questionable poses with the porn stand having a massive poster of some young girl in soaked underwear. Meanwhile, 18+ games were boxed in by high walls with two guards at the entrance. It was pretty disgusting that you could just see that material so casually.

It is kinda creepsy standing around surrounded by casual porno in the stores in DenDen. But that's my fault for going to those floors, too! I mean there's no way you could mistake it for anything else.

That said it's kind of funny cos even the staircase up to that floor, the moment you step beyond the line it's just giant anime boobs in your face on every wall


Maturity, bitches.
It is kinda creepsy standing around surrounded by casual porno in the stores in DenDen. But that's my fault for going to those floors, too! I mean there's no way you could mistake it for anything else.

That said it's kind of funny cos even the staircase up to that floor, the moment you step beyond the line it's just giant anime boobs in your face on every wall

So many stores in Japan where I had to do a 360 and walk away when I realised I'd walked down the wrong aisle because I wasn't looking at the floor to notice the magic warning line.
Just finished watching Hyouka. Not sure why I let it sit in my backlog for so long but I guess it was because the art looked too much like K-On which I had marathoned through back then. Anyway I really liked it, good school slice of life with a nice set of characters (chitanda's "im curious" and Fukube's defeatist attitude were annoying sometimes and Irisu senpai should've played a bigger role). Didn't know it was more of a detective show, there were some good mysteries tho not all were as fine towards the end. (but don't watch the show for serious mystery solving, they're trivial)

Also Hyouka is one of the best looking animes I've seen, it's so gorgeous at times with lots of background detail. Quality of animation was near movie quality, must've cost a ton per episode.

Why hasn't Japan banned child-porn comics?



I think you mean

WTF Japan.

Japan and images of child sexual abuse

Japan outlawed the production and distribution of images of sexual abuse of children in 1999 - 21 years after the UK
In 2013, the US State Department described Japan as an "international hub for the production and trafficking of child pornography"
Japan's police agency reported 1,644 offences in 2013 - more than in any year since the 1999 law came into force
In June 2014, Japan banned possession of real images of child sexual abuse - people were given one year to comply

Until June 2014 it wasn't banned???


They did, 4 years ago. Amusingly the BBFC were happy to give the first season of Strike Witches a 15 rating the very next year. I don't think anyone pays attention to the law.
And what is it you are suggesting about Strike Witches hmmm?


I think you mean

WTF Japan.

Until June 2014 it wasn't banned???

The more you investigate Japanese law and politics, the more fucked up every aspect of government seems

I don't even know if this specifically is a cultural problem or just an offshoot of how utterly fucked up Japan's political system is


Eventually that article moves on to the real issue, those junior idol videos with young kids posing in swimsuits. I've heard sexuality is seen differently in Japan or something like that (us baka gaijins coming along with our perverted goggles and making innocent things sick), but those videos are messed up.

See that just makes me think of the whole US little girl beauty pageant scene.


The more you investigate Japanese law and politics, the more fucked up every aspect of government seems

I don't even know if this specifically is a cultural problem or just an offshoot of how utterly fucked up Japan's political system is

Cant say I feel that comfortable pointing fingers at other peoples countries politics. Seems like a lot of pots and kettles.
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