Does anyone know where to watch Sanzoku no Musume Ronja, the Ghibli anime? Can't seem to find it anywhere.
Any western distributor picking it up?
It's actually made by Polygon Pictures; Ghibli merely helped with pre-production. And no, it hasn't been licensed by any Western company.
This sentence honestly sums up my feelings on this show so far. There's so little truly auteur-driven work in TV anime that I can forgive a lot of faults if it feels like something unique that's the vision of one particular weird dude, even if it's a very flawed vision. Also why I like Yuasa so much.
I respect that opinion, certainly it's interesting to watch people with unique artistic visions, but at the same time I'll respect a artist more if it feels like he's actually making things for others to enjoy rather than making something solely for himself. Art is something that should be shared, something that should ideally enrich the lives of its audience in some way. Yuasa is actually a good example of someone who has refined his craft over the years and developed from the latter kind of artist into the former - from Mind Game to Tatami and Ping Pong you can see his works gradually becoming more coherent and more successful at conveying their messages. That's why Yuasa is among the few top anime directors I greatly respect.