Denki-Gai, from last season, is the closest I can think of right now. Might be a bit lewd for someone relatively new to anime, though.
Denki Gai is pretty adorable and sorta manga related I suppose but really nowhere near like Nozaki kun. It is, however, pretty fun to watch.
Whoever you made a watch-bet with is a good person. Tsuritama is still in my top ten of the last few years.
Agreed. A temporary stay of mercy it seems. Consider yourself fortunate!
Kancolle - 01
Yes! I loved this shit. When I heard they posses souls of warships I expected them to look like this in battle;
So I'm kinda disappointed that they just surf on the water with some gear on. But the concept of firing warplanes from your bow and surfing moe girls firing weapons and submarine missiles at bad guys is something I can get behind.
Surprised to see them launches. Some spotty cg stuff kinda threw me off a bit though. I don't know much of whats going on but I will definitely keep watching this.
It wasnt working for me earlier but seems to be fine now. Gonna watch it in a second.
[Yuri Kuma Arashi] - 1
I think it's fair to say that, over time, Ikhuara's works have transitioned from relatively normal stories with a few very stylized elements to extremely stylized works with very few elements of normal storytelling. It's pretty funny that at this point Revolutionary Girl Utena feels 'quaint' and 'restrained' to something like Penguin Drum which itself pales before Yuri Kuma Arashi. I know that I'm simplifying things quite a bit here, but you get my idea. This first episode does not feel very 'consume friendly'.
It's not wise to draw any conclusions right away and things might change in a few episodes, but for now it feels like traditional ideas of characterisation and even pacing have been pushed aside to allow the show to dive right into Ikuhara's very unusual vision. I don't think that you should be sacrificing characterisation in an attempt to bathe in melodrama and symbolism, but Ikuhara clearly made that choice here as this episodes rushes along at 100 miles an hour. We're swept from event to unusual event in a whirlwind and given no time to breathe.
Theories abound as to why this might be. Penguin Drum certainly felt like a three-cour series told in two-cours, so could this be a two-cour show shoved into a single cour? Considering how long Ikuhara has taken between projects it's conceivable that he just never got the funding to make the shows the length he wanted and instead just squeezes his material down to fit whatever runtime he can work with. If this was true it would certainly explain a lot about his recent works, but it doesn't excuse the problems with Penguin Drum and this first episode.
Perhaps we're all jumping the gun here and the next few episodes will pull things back somewhat to actually develop the characters to the point where we are actually invested in them. I certainly hope so but even if it doesn't happen this will still be something I look forward to watching every week because nothing else is like it.
There really isnt anything like an Ikuhara work. They stick out like sore thumbs but in a good way. If nothing else, the shows are fascinating and told in a very unique way.
This one in particular does seem to be paced extremely quickly but I have been able to make sense of it thus far. Cant really complain.
Added to the list.